Future Martial Arts Training Network

Chapter 374 - Power surge


After listening to the war tiger, he did not answer, but looked up to the distant sky, but found that the king-level spirit bird that had been hovering in mid-air disappeared, and other people also reacted, looking at the sky in the distance, No figure of Thunder was found.

“Ling Xiao’s flying spirit pet is no longer in the sky, is it really out of control? So we really have a chance to kill Ling Xiao?” Zhan Hu murmured, and then his eyes were firm.

“If everyone is willing, let’s try it. First sneak back to observe, if things can be done quickly and quickly, if things can not advance and retreat for everyone together, you can avoid being destroyed by each human race.”

After hearing the words of the war tiger, everyone nodded their heads. Those who could become the strong kings of the martial arts were all geniuses of all ethnic groups. They all hoped to have one invincible strong man who threatened themselves.

Nearly ten minutes later, all the strong tribes came back lurking, but they found that the strong tribes had retreated for several miles. They gathered together in twos and threes, looking back anxiously and frequently, and seemed to be worried about Ling Xiao’s situation.

The war tigers and others were not at ease, immediately let the dark elf strong lurking around to investigate, and no Ling Xiao’s spiritual pets were found nearby, and at this time, Ling Xiao’s position was gradually increasing. Confusion is calm.

“Senior Tiger, Ling Xiao’s heaven and earth aura is changing. If we hesitate anymore, I am afraid he will suppress it.” Hai Liang, the strong man of the sea clan, said in a deep voice.

“Sir, until now, we can only give it a go. In any case, as long as we can kill Ling Xiao, even if some price is paid, it’s okay.” A strong tiger clan Chuanyin told the war tiger.

“Okay, everyone listen, this time our goal is Ling Xiao in the distance, we don’t have to care about the strong human race. So everyone gathers and rushes in. If the strong human race gets up, we only need to leave two thirds It’s enough to hold the clan strong.

Zhanhu gritted his teeth, then stood up, glanced at the eleven martial kings of the three tribes, and then took the lead to run forward, while the three tribes of the three gathered together and rushed straight from different directions.

“No, the strong interracials are back again.” Perhaps the strong humans were too worried about the safety of Ling Xiao, so they didn’t find out until the strong interracials approached them. The East Emperor shouted loudly and alarmed everyone. .

However, some strong human races are far away from this direction. When they rushed to intercept, they only intercepted eight strong alien races. There are still three strong alien races rushed to Ling Xiao under the leadership of War Tiger Breakthrough.

“You don’t have to control me, kill those aliens with all your strength.” But at this moment, Ling Xiao’s voice suddenly came from the ear of the strong human race. Although Ling Xiao’s voice was a little weak, they made their hearts settled.

When the War Tigers and others returned and rushed over, Ling Xiao had just eased over. The pain of splitting Shen Nian was too unbearable. He didn’t know if there were follow-up exercises, and he would not be able to withstand the turn when he broke through the Emperor Wu Realm Times the pain.

However, Ling Xiao’s divine thought split successfully, and then he took a lot of golden life spirits, his physical state began to recover, and the divine thought also quickly recovered and grew until all the sixteen divine thoughts reached the intensity of the original divine thought per share. stop.

Today, Ling Xiao’s total mindfulness is sixteen times that of other ordinary martial arts kings, and each of his spiritual thoughts is comparable to that of ordinary martial arts kings, and when added up, he reaches the mid-level martial arts peak’s mindfulness. level.

Not only that, at the same time as Ling Xiao’s cultivation breakthrough, his flesh also absorbed and merged a large amount of heaven and earth aura, from the flesh of the first entry into the Wuwang level to the flesh of the primary Wuwang peak level.

In addition, Ling Xiao’s Dantian Linghai is equivalent to the size of the ordinary intermediate martial king. Therefore, Ling Xiao’s comprehensive combat power has steadily reached the peak level of the intermediate martial king.

At the same time, under the state of substantial improvement of Xiu Wei, Shen Nian, and flesh, Ling Xiao found that he could borrow more power from the middle of his left palm. At this time, his left fist gave a full blow, which was enough to reach the power of the senior Wuwang level. , But he is probably able to make three punches.

“Hahaha, the mid-level martial king peak level combat power, plus the attack power of three senior martial kings, can finally sweep the invincible strong of all races.” Ling Xiao laughed in his heart, at this time he was only competing for Yujie Mountain Full of confidence.

As for the little trouble in front of him, Ling Xiao did not care about it. Even if he is the invincible strong of the Tiger human race, let alone he has not broken through the realm of Wuwang, even if it is a breakthrough, I am afraid that it is only the ordinary strength of the intermediate Wuwang. I can’t escape when I meet myself.

And beside Ling Xiao, all the seven spiritual pets were missing, and he was taken back to the Shenzang Palace, because with his cultivation breakthrough, the purple beads in the Shenzang Palace once again released a lot of purple energy, Ling Xiao let all the pets enjoy welfare.

“Ling Xiao, come to life.” At this moment, War Tiger rushed in with three martial kings strong, and found that Ling Xiao fell to the ground, his face pale, and his expression seemed haggard. With a blast, an attack was issued directly.

“Kill Ling Xiao.” Hailiang strong mother Liang also rushed in with the war tiger. He waved a transparent mask to cover a radius of around Ling Xiao, in case Ling Xiao escaped, but also The four of them shrouded in at the same time.

“Ling Xiao, you will die today.” The body of the dark elven strong’s dark cloth turned into a shadow, with a cold atmosphere, entangled in Ling Xiao like a poisonous snake.

“Everyone, if you kill Ling Xiao today, we will all make great achievements and get the great luck rewards of all ethnic groups.” The strong Tigers are transformed into giant tigers, and they roared and rushed towards Ling Xiao. The words were full of excitement. Feelings.

“Ling Xiao, you have killed half of our clan’s ten masters and slaughtered hundreds of our clan strongmen. Have you ever thought that there will be today? After your death, all the outside clan strongmen can’t escape, and I will kill thereafter Every single strong man in the core battlefield.”

There was also a war tiger with excitement. Seeing that Ling Xiao didn’t seem to have the power to fight back, his face was fierce, and a glory flew out of him, turning into a giant axe and slashing towards Ling Xiao’s body.

“What is invincible strong, it is too weak.” However, Ling Xiao just raised his hand and waved, all the attacks were blocked outside, just after the giant axe of the war tiger was cut, he was pointed by Ling Xiao. Bounced back.

The shadow of the dark elven tribe’s dark cloth was just near Ling Xiao, but he screamed and fled in a blink of an eye, because a Shennian bomb exploded directly in his ear, so that his soul was terrified.


Hailiang Muliang had just manipulated the tide to submerge Ling Xiao, but suddenly felt the tide became hot, and then found a red-red spirit pearl appeared in Ling Xiao’s hand, then hit him heavily, and all around him The tide has completely evaporated.


Dark cloth and Mother Liang screamed and screamed back at the same time, and the War Tiger was also smashed by its own axe, but they were not as miserable as the Tiger Strong, because the Tiger Strong was punched by Ling Xiao in the left hand. In the middle, there was no screaming, and the body exploded into a ball of flesh, and it was scattered everywhere.

“This is not possible. Didn’t you break through and fail? How could it be so powerful?” Zhanhu’s face changed and exclaimed.

“Senior Tiger, we were deceived by Ling Xiao. He didn’t break through and failed at all, but deliberately lured us back to die.” Dark cloth yelled in horror, his body kept going back.

“Then why did he scream? And it’s so real, it doesn’t seem to be pretending?” Mu Liang shivered too, but forgot to remove the mask outside.

“Asshole, quickly remove the mask.” The war tiger immediately transmitted a sound to Mu Liang, and shouted at the same time, “Don’t be afraid, he used force to scare us. Now he has no strength to fight back.”

The war tiger roared and sent a fierce attack on Ling Xiao again. The dark cloth of unknown truth also followed up and attacked. Since he could not be transformed into a shadow close to Ling Xiao, he could only attack hard, so his body was surrounded by several black handles. The short blade flew to Ling Xiao.


While Mu Liang quickly removed the mask, she took out a conch and blew, and suddenly a wave of Haitao’s voice rushed to Ling Xiao, as if she were in a raging wave.

“Today I became King Wu, you are the sacrifices brought to your door, why do you struggle?” Ling Xiao stood up slowly, several people’s attacks were inexplicably cancelled when approaching him, and then he worked slowly Say.


The tiger axe was chopped out, and the giant axe flew off his hand, but his body quickly retreated. When Mu Liang removed the mask, he turned and flew away. He didn’t dare to fight anymore, because he knew Ling Xiao has successfully broken through to the realm of King Wu, and now it is their turn to escape.


It was Muliang who acted the same way as War Tiger, he understood everything after receiving the voice from War Tiger, so the conch attack was only to confuse Ling Xiao and the dark cloth. When the mask disappeared, Muliang and War Tiger were at the same time. Ran away.

“No, you two bastards.” At this time, Anbu realized that he had been deceived and abandoned, suddenly shouted and turned to escape.


However, his body had just turned into a shadow, and a buzz came from his ear again. Ling Xiao once again used Shennian Bomb to explode his main body explosives, and then Feng Leijian emerged, splitting it in half with a sword.


Immediately, Ling Xiao took a step forward, and the void was torn open a crack. When he appeared, he directly came to the front of the mother Liang, who was unable to catch up, and slammed into Ling Xiao in panic.


Ling Xiao smiled at him slightly, and then his right palm slowly stretched out, but with a very dignified momentum, he shot on the top of Muliang’s head, and suddenly made a soft sound, Muliang’s head was like a watermelon. Fell off.

“Run quickly, Ling Xiao has successfully broken through, escape.”

The fastest war tiger has already escaped several miles. In front of him is the place where the clan strong men and the clan strong men are fighting. Although the number of the three clan strong men is few, they are struggling to hold down all the clan strong men. At this time, he saw that the war tiger fled like a dog of the bereavement, and at the same time, he roared to the strong tiger people.

Zhanhu didn’t even stay, and bypassed the fighting crowd directly, and didn’t pay attention to the life and death of the strong Tigers. It’s good to be able to notify them by voice. If they can let Ling Xiao stay for a moment, it’s all for themselves. Is very useful.

As for the strong elders of the Dark Elves and the Hais, they didn’t know what happened, but when they saw the Tigers fleeing in disarray, the others disappeared and suddenly knew that the situation was not good.

“Trap them, don’t let one go.” At this time, Ling Xiao ran across the battlefield. He did not stay, but waved to summon all the seven spiritual pets, and said to the strong human race, then broke. The void disappeared.

Ling Xiao did not stop to kill these alien strongmen first, but went directly to chase down the invincible strong man, War Tiger. Although War Tiger has no threat to him now, since he appeared in front of him, Ling Xiao could not let go Over him.

What’s more, if you let the war tiger escape, wait until he breaks through to the Wuwang realm, then I am afraid that more human powers will die in the other hand, so Ling Xiao will not let go of the war tiger anyway.


Ten miles away, Ling Xiao intercepted the War Tiger. The latter did not hesitate and directly transformed into a body. A giant tiger more than ten meters long and seven or eight meters high, with a golden king on top of his head.

Although the War Tiger showed his body and exuded a monstrous breath, a red luck dragon hovered and roared in his upper house, and there were four dragon claws condensed on it, setting him off like a god.

However, UU’s reading www.uukannshu.com Ling Xiao’s head is more powerful and powerful. Now he has condensed seven dragon claws, roaring like thunder towards the Tiger’s air dragon, a eager to try The appearance of fighting in the past.

Ling Xiao was suspended a few tens of meters in front of the War Tiger, his figure seemed so small, but the momentum exuded from his body made War Tiger nervous because he felt a repression.

Although the War Tiger is also an invincible strong, possessing the strength of a junior martial king and the strength of a leapfrog challenge, it also depends on who he is facing. Now he faces Ling Xiao, who is also an invincible strong, and still breaks through to the martial king. Ling Xiao of the realm, the threat of death pressure emerged spontaneously.

“Ling Xiao, since you made the breakthrough, why did you make a screaming scream before? I don’t believe that you deliberately lured us back, and your face is not normal. Is it your breakthrough or was it received by us? Disturbance, even if the breakthrough is successful now, there are still sequelae?” War Tiger seems a little unwilling, the sound rumbling, asking Ling Xiao, a pair of huge tiger eyes full of fanatical hope.

“Oh, you think too much. No matter what happened to me, no matter why I screamed, in short, I have broken through, and you have not broken through, so you are not qualified to challenge me. Today I will kill first You, wait until Yujie Mountain, I will kill the demon tiger and the **** tiger again, let them come to be your companion.” Ling Xiao coldly said.

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