Future Martial Arts Training Network

Chapter 400 - Kill

“Hahaha, surely there are some clan strongmen tracking us, but there are only four people who want to deal with our team, it is simply stupid.” When Ling Xiao and his party were six or seven hundred miles away from the horn team in front, the horn family The strong team also found them.

With Ling Xiao’s powerful thoughts, it is enough to cover a radius of 1,500 miles, but the other peak Wuwang strongmen can only explore about 700 miles, so Ling Xiao not only found this group of horn strong, but also found In addition to their reinforcements, the horns did not know about it.

“Go forward and meet up to kill these stupid human powerhouses.” The captain of the horn clan commanded while contacting the reinforcements, allowing the reinforcements to go around in the other direction to cut off Ling Xiao’s back.


Soon, a flying boat carrying horn supporters circled around the back of Ling Xiao and his entourage. It was very fast, and did not want to give Ling Xiao and his party the chance to escape, hoping to be able to kill them.

“Quick battle and quick decision, the two horn strong men of the peak of the king of the martial arts are handed over to me, you just kill the other horns, the other’s reinforcements want to surround us from behind, and they cannot give them a chance to converge.” Ling Xiao also flew with three people To the Horn family, at the same time, he said to the three people.

Although even if the two teams of corner clan powers converge, Ling Xiao can kill them as long as they show the wind and thunder sword, but Ling Xiao does not want to reveal too many cards for the time being, he wants to kill more hostile alien powers.

At the speed of Wuwang Realm, both sides rushed towards the middle position at the same time. The distance of six or seven hundred miles was only a few minutes away. When both sides saw their opponents, the battle broke out instantly.


The horns are tall, but there is a gray pointed angle on the top of the head, which is composed of sections like an iron whip. It not only condenses all the essence of the horn strong, but also emits terrifying death rays, and can easily penetrate the void. .

The two pinnacle martial kings of the horn family are at the forefront. At the same time, they emit two gray rays at a distance, and they are shot towards four people who are hundreds of miles away, and they are all through the void. The momentum is very huge.


Ling Xiao waved the wind and thunder sword, which did not excite the imperial weapon and spirit. It was only used as an ordinary long sword. A magnificent sword gas traversed the void and suddenly intercepted two gray rays.


The violent collision sound resounded into the void, causing the world and earth within a hundred miles to be chaotic. A burst of violent energy storms swept in all directions, but the strong sides of both sides were not affected, and continued to fly toward each other quickly.


As the distance approached, more than a dozen horn powerfuls simultaneously excited the gray angle light, and more than a dozen terror lights simultaneously penetrated many black holes in the void, rumbling and attacking the four Ling Xiao.


However, none of the four Ling Xiao were ordinary powerhouses. The four simultaneously launched a long-range attack, intercepting the death beams of the Horned Powerhouse halfway, and bursting the void into nothingness.



With the disappearance of the void space, the distance between the two sides has reached within ten miles, and then flew to the opposite side at the same time, and more than ten horns began to spread out, wanting to surround the four Ling Xiao, waiting for the reinforcements to annihilate them. Xiao sensed that the flying boat of the horn reinforcements was already three hundred miles away from the side, and it only took about two minutes to get there.


He thundered his thunder sword, and suddenly a more horrible sword light turned on, directly slashing the two peak martial arts strongmen of the horn clan, which shocked them and had to join forces to resist the sword.


Ling Xiao thus entangled the two peak Wuwang strongmen of the horns, while the three emperors of the Eastern Emperor Wuji, Wuhuang Zhantian and Zhanhuang Haoran rushed to the remaining horn strongs, and they also broke out to approach the peak Wuwang Fighting strength.


Moreover, the three often take risks together. The mutual understanding is very deep. They cross in the void and instantly kill the three horn clan strongmen. Then they each attack one horn clan and lead it to the middle.


The two pinnacles of the horn clan were furious, but they did not expect that these four clan strong men were so powerful. They killed three men as soon as they saw them. Get them down and stop them from rescue other horns.


At this time, the three emperors of the East Emperor Wuji were once again cooperating and staggered again, beheading two high-level martial arts kings, making the remaining few high-corner warriors frightened and retreating, but the three Has seized the opportunity to catch up and rush to the target.


Ling Xiao saw that the three of them had taken control of the scene, and the remaining horn strong were unable to escape, so he screamed and began to attack the two peak Wuwang strong of the horn, while another team of horns The flying boat is about two hundred miles away from the battlefield.

“Where did you come from? The 37th City does not have a human powerhouse like you?” A horn powerhouse roared as he struggled to resist.

“Damn, there are several such powerful people in the Terran. I’m afraid the people in the thirty-seventh city are in danger. They must be killed.” The other Horn tribe resisted frantically and urged the reinforcements to go faster.

“Since you want to understand more about death, it’s okay to tell you. We just came from the 98th city. I heard that you killed a lot of human powerhouses a few years ago. Today is your death.” Ling Xiao snorted coldly, drinking half-truth.


While speaking, Ling Xiao’s attack did not weaken at all, and the two swords slashed at each other in two moments. The power added another three points, causing the two to hurriedly resist and was repelled to vomit blood.


While they were retreating, Ling Xiao had already chased up, and quickly cut off with two swords, causing them to retreat, and the direction of retreat was the direction in which another team of horns came.

“Hurry up, the **** human race, you must kill them.” At this time, the horn flying boat was only more than a hundred miles away from the battlefield. The strong man who controlled the flying boat, led by the peak martial dynasty, roared because there were on the battlefield. His brother is fleeing frantically.


At this time, Donghuang Wuji, Wuhuang Zhantian and Zhanhuang Haoran have killed seven strong horns and are chasing the remaining three, Ling Xiao suddenly flashed to the back of a horn peak Wu King, left hand Fists heavily bombarded his back, bursting his body apart and rolling away his storage gear.


At this moment, the remaining three strong horns were also overtaken by the East Emperor Wuji and the three, and one was killed by the Emperor Wutian in the first time. Roaring frantically, he flew away from the boat and attacked from a hundred miles away, because the one who had just died was his brother.


In the violent roar, Ling Xiao and Donghuang Wuji and Zhanhuang Haoran increased their attack strength one after another, beheading their respective opponents, and the horned Clan Peak Wuwang strongman just rushed to twenty miles away. Suddenly for a moment, he turned and fled, and the flying boat behind him, fifty or sixty miles away, quickly turned around and fled.

It was only then that they discovered that the strength of these four human powerhouses was too powerful, and even the peak martial king would be beheaded by a sword in an instant eruption. I am afraid that they had deliberately kept the previous horn powerhouses to bring them over.


At such a short distance, it was impossible for them to escape. Ling Xiao swept away the storage equipment of another peak martial king. Then the wind and thunder sounded at his feet, and he instantly appeared in front of the flying boat seven or eighty miles away. Xiang Feizhou.


In the earth-shaking sound, the horned flying boat was forced to stop by Ling Xiao, because Ling Xiao’s sword destroyed the flying boat’s protective cover, damaged the flying boat’s power system, and left a huge crack on the side of the flying boat.


The eleven horn strong men in the flying boat immediately rushed out and rounded up towards Ling Xiao. Among them, three senior martial kings, three intermediate martial kings, and five junior martial kings all formed a battle array, and the peak warlord level attack broke out. force.


At the same time, the three people behind the back, Wuji, Zhantian and Haoran, also chased up and surrounded the horned Clan Peak Wuwang. Although their personal combat power was still slightly inferior to the Peak Wuwang, the problem of cooperating to kill a Peak Wuwang Not big.


Seeing that Ling Xiaolian had cut the strong men under his hand, the horned peak martial king could not help but roar, struggling to attack the three, and trying to break through the enclosure of the three and escape, he had to bring this information back.

“There are even half-step martial arts-level strong men in the 37th city. I am afraid that all the people here are in danger. Not only that, but the strong corner horns in the upper level of the Wanjie Tower must be killed. Talents, otherwise the rise of this strong human race, countless strong people of our family will become dry bones.”

The horned Clan Peak King Wu thought of this and had no intention of fighting anymore. He just wanted to be able to escape and pass the information back. It was just that the three people cooperated in a tacit understanding. He could not escape the siege of the three people anyway.


At this time, the screams in the distance continued to sound. Eleven horn strongs had been almost killed by Ling Xiao with one sword and one sword. There were two senior martial kings and one intermediate martial king left, but they were scared and fled everywhere. Too.


The wind and thunder sword in Ling Xiao’s hand flew out instantly and beheaded the middle-ranking martial king several miles away. At the same time, his figure appeared beside a senior martial king. He punched the horn strong with a punch.

“I fight with you.”

There is still a high-ranking martial arts king of the clans. He sees Ling Xiao appearing beside him, and Feng Leijian also screams. He can not help but roar wildly, then his body expands into a ball and explodes with a bang.


However, when he found that he was about to explode, Ling Xiao’s feet thundered, and he appeared several miles away. At this time, the strong horns exploded. Although there was a terrifying aftermath of energy sweeping around, it couldn’t impact at all. Ling Xiao’s side.

After slashing all the strong horns, Ling Xiao did not spare their storage equipment. Although these ordinary strongmen’s net worth is not as good as the peak martial king, the sum of more than a dozen people can still add some wealth.

Not only that, Ling Xiao also waved away the horned flying boat. Although he cut a crack, he treated it as waste to some shops. They repaired it and sold it.


In the distance, the three men besieged the horned pinnacle of the King Wuwang, and Ling Xiao did not help in the past, but slowly swayed around to prevent other interracial strongmen from interfering.

Because after the outbreak of fighting between the two sides, the powerful people of all races within a thousand miles of the surrounding area can feel that there have been some alien senior martial arts kings and peak martial arts strongmen who came from a distance and looked at them for decades.

For the powerful people of all races in the heavens, no matter what race they are, as long as they are not of the same race, if they have huge benefits, even friendly races can be robbed.

In fact, even the strong people of the same race, or even the strong people close to each other, if there are enough benefits and benefits to be able to swallow without knowing it, some people can also start with the strong people of the same race.

Of course, this kind of thing must not be discovered, otherwise there will be no place for siblings, and there will be chasing down by the whole race and rewarding chasing by other strong races, and ultimately there will be no good results, so Under normal circumstances, there will be no dead hands if there are disputes between the same race.

The three of Donghuang Wuji, Wuhuang Zhantian and Zhanhuang Haoran, the strength of each individual is not much worse than that of the horned peak Wuwang. The three men besieged each other at the same time, although the horned strong struggled and attacked frantically Around, but still can’t change the final destiny.


The horn clan Wuwang roared continuously, and the gray horns above his head emitted a death ray from time to time, and had already overdrawn the essence and blood, but only only slightly injured three people, and his own injuries continued to increase.


Seeing that the breath of the horn strong is getting weaker and weaker, the attack of the three people is getting stronger and stronger, and finally seize the opportunity to strike together to crush the body of the horn strong, and half of the body collapses into a blood mist, and then Was destroyed in the void.

“The horns will not let you go.” The horn strong screamed angrily before he died, but he was still bombarded by three people in the end~www.mtlnovel.com~His storage equipment was also obtained by three people.

“Where did these strong human races come from? How can they be so powerful?” There were hundreds of strong people of various races scattered in all directions around the area, and some people who knew each other began to ask questions.

“I don’t know. I’ve never seen it before. Is it a master of the human race transferred from other cities?” Some people shook their heads and said that the strong people of other races were vigilant.

“I heard that there were several powerful clan teams in the previous few years, but the clan clan was scattered and besieged by the strategy. Maybe it was arranged by the Celestial League to avenge it?” Some powerful people familiar with the grudges of the clan and the horn clan speculate.

“Notify the strong among the clan, try not to provoke these few human races, one pinnacle martial king, three martial king martial artists who are close to the pinnacle, it will be a little trouble to provoke them.” There are also some strong men who secretly let the strong men of the same clan return this information.

“In addition to the Horns, the 37th City also has deep hatred between the Yans and the Humans. Now that the two teams of the Horns are over, I am afraid that the Yans will also be in trouble.” To say.

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