Future Martial Arts Training Network

Chapter 405 - Beast tide


A red signal flare exploded in the sky, and then a roar came from afar, more than a dozen peaks of the King Wu’s breath came crazy towards this side, wrestling and other three people roared and rushed over, wanting to get stuck Ling Xiao et al.


However, Ling Xiao burst out with a punch, and the majestic force swept the other three people in at the same time. Although the three tried hard to resist, they were still spitting blood and backed away for several miles.


At this time, the three emperors of Donghuang Wuji had already beheaded two other alien strongmen, and then rolled up five alien storage equipment. After Ling Xiao cut off, the four of them flickered and disappeared among the mountains in front.

“Catch up.”

Seeing that the four Ling Xiao fled, wrestling gritted their teeth, wiped the blood from the corners of their mouths, and roared quickly with Mo Lihai and Wolf Fei, and there were some pinnacle warriors constantly catching up and chasing with them.


However, at this moment, Ling Xiao asked the three to leave first, and the sound of the wind and thunder beneath his feet, showing the wind and thunder step appearing in the team behind a group of peak martial alien strongmen, waving their fists directly to the surrounding alien strongmen.


Suddenly, the screams of the alien clan screamed again. More than ten alien strongmen couldn’t resist under Ling Xiao’s fist, screaming and burst into a blood mist.


In front of some of the pinnacle martial kings and alien strong men have turned around, there are some alien pinnacle martial kings around to siege, but Ling Xiao sneered, the wind thunder took a step, the figure disappeared in front of all the alien strong men.

“Damn human race, I must kill you.” This time Ling Xiao was attacked and killed by a horn clan team and a Yan clan team. Although only a few breaths, there are fifteen or six clan. The killing of the strong makes the leaders of the two clan roar wildly.


However, the figure of Ling Xiao appeared in another alien team in the distance with the sound of wind and thunder, and launched an attack towards the surrounding alien strongmen, making many alien peak martial arts strongmen roared and threw over.

After so many times, Ling Xiao killed forty or fifty alien strongmen, and then flew towards the front. After a few steps, he disappeared in the induction of the strongmen, and also made all the peak martial kings chased forward return. Too.

“What should I do? This human race is too strong, and too fast, we can’t catch up with him.”

“Damn, we were too scattered before, so that the strong people of the clan can take advantage of it, and we have lost so many strong people in vain.”

“I am afraid that the strength of this human race strongman belongs to the strongman even in the peak Wuwang, is he a super strongman from the high-level world?”

“In any case, this person dared to kill our men in front of so many of our pinnacle martial kings, so we didn’t take us seriously, and we must not let him go.”

“Kill kill, if you don’t kill these strong human races, what other faces do we have to fight in the Wanjie Tower in the future?”

“Yes, even if we belong to the strong in the second, third, and fourth tier world, but now we are planted in the hands of the human race strong in the first tier world, and we must not stop here.”

After Ling Xiao left, a large group of alien peak martial arts kings gathered together, cursing while discussing, and no alien strong were willing to give up chasing and killing the clan strong.

In fact, as the top Wuwang strongmen, they belong to the strongman in the first four layers of the World Realm Tower, because even if the emperor-level strongman of the fifth tier world comes down, their strength will be suppressed at the level of the peak Wuwang. It’s not much better.

But now, in front of a large group of their top martial arts strong kings, Ling Xiao, a human-class strongman of the same class, ignored them and killed a few people in and out, making them feel as though they had lost their faces, and at the same time they felt threatened and eager. Quickly after that.


The wrestling and Yan Jie roared, and after reintegrating the team, the various alien strongmen chased forward again, but they contracted the team, concentrated the peak Wuwang strongmen, and narrowed the scope of the search.


Suddenly, more than one hundred and fifty alien strongmen were divided into five groups, each group of more than thirty people, including four or five of the top martial arts strongmen, quickly heading forward, looking for clues while chasing.

On the way forward, Ling Xiao and his party didn’t hide any traces at all. They left traces of fighting with various spirit beasts along the way, but their speed was very fast, and the people did not catch up after chasing them for two days.

“They are still more than a thousand miles away from this place, and there are more than two hundred spirit beasts within a five hundred mile radius. Among them, there are more than ten spirit beasts at the peak of the martial king level. We can take action. .”

Two days later, the four Ling Xiao were on a peak of more than a thousand feet in front, and the surrounding peaks stood side by side. There were forests and forests, and all kinds of spirits were mixed. There was a roar of spirits fighting.

“You ambush, I will provoke the beast tide.” Ling Xiao let the three lurks deep into the ground at the foot of the mountain, then he took out a bottle of gold life spirit and began to haunt the surroundings, giving the breath of gold life spirit Scattered around.


Immediately, there was a loud trembling roar from the east, a huge giant lion woke up from a deep sleep, his nose moved quickly, then he rushed out of the cave and rushed in the direction of Ling Xiao.


In the other direction, a mottled double-corner jelly rose from the depths of a water pool, making a long roar, and then quickly flew towards the direction of Ling Xiao.


In the distance, an earthy yellow ape more than ten meters high jumped on the top of a mountain, with bright lights shining in his eyes. He roared while looking in the direction of Ling Xiao, and then jumped forward.

There is also a fiery red wolf, a black beast with three horns, a colorful giant butterfly seven to eight meters in size, and a row of spiked earth dragon beasts on the back. , Rushed in the direction of Ling Xiao.

In addition to the spirit beasts of the peak martial arts level, there are a large number of spirit beasts of the intermediate martial arts level. They also smelled the breath of golden life spirit from hundreds of miles.

“What is this angry? Is there a treasure born in front of you?”

Not only all kinds of spirit beasts within a few hundred miles, but also strong people of various races approaching in the distance also smelled a strong fragrance, and they all looked at Ling Xiao’s location.

“Everyone, there should be some treasures in front of you. At this time, a lot of spirit beasts have been attracted, but the treasures are ours, and we must not let the spirit beasts get.”

Although he was chasing and killing the strong people of different races, the strong people of different races still paid great attention to this treasure of life spirit. After feeling the breath, wrestling and Yanjie unified their opinions and immediately told many strong people.

“Then kill the past, kill all the spirit beasts, and seize the treasure.”

Other strong people of other races naturally want to get the treasure, so they clamored, and then many aliens quickly rushed forward, and more spirit beasts also swarmed in, forming a large-scale beast tide.

Ling Xiao stayed for a while on the top of the mountain where the three were ambushing, and then put away the golden life spirit fluid. The breath that made the spirit beast suddenly dissipated, but all the spirit beasts did not stop, but rushed more frantically. come.

“Now, if you want to find a way to lead the beast tide into the alien team, otherwise you can’t disturb the alien team, and then take advantage of the chaos to kill the alien strong.” Ling Xiao thought secretly.

Soon, many spirit beasts were close to Qunfeng, and many strong aliens were getting closer and closer, but Ling Xiao was walking around the surrounding peaks, and the life spirits were sometimes taken out, and the looming breath Attract both parties to this area.


When the alien team scattered around and looking around, Ling Xiao suddenly appeared in a team, while attacking the alien strong while releasing the breath of life spirits, the surrounding spirit beast suddenly became sensational.

Many strong aliens began to besiege Ling Xiao, but Ling Xiao’s movement speed was too fast, they could not surround Ling Xiao at all, instead, Ling Xiao was killed by some strange aliens.

But for those spirit beasts, the breath of life spirits is in the middle of these alien teams, so they came from all directions and attacked all the alien strongmen they encountered, and a fierce battle suddenly broke out.


More than a dozen spirit beasts of the peak martial king level came rushing, except for some who were blocked by the alien peak martial king, other moments rushed to kill a lot of alien strong men, and the alien strong men had to join forces to resist those spirit beast attacks.

At this time, Ling Xiao’s figure disappeared, and the breath of life spirit liquid also disappeared, but the battle between the spirit beast and the alien race had erupted and could not stop at all.


In order to find life spirit, those spirit beasts all madly attacked all the obstacles around them, and the alien strong men were killed a lot, so other alien strong men attacked the spirit beasts and killed many spirit beasts.


At this time, Ling Xiao and Donghuang Wuji quietly appeared in the corner of the battlefield. With the cover of the mountain, they began to kill the surrounding alien strongmen. After killing some people, they transferred to the battlefield to avoid letting more alien strongmen discover.


Ling Xiao specially chose to kill the alien strong and spirit beasts of the peak martial arts strength. He instantly appeared beside a pair of fighting alien strong and spirit beasts. Feng Leijian found a fierce aura and instantly penetrated the head of the alien strong. , And then cut off the head of the spirit beast.

After the killing, Ling Xiao sucked with his left hand, and instantly sucked the corpses of the alien strongman and the spirit beast into the middle of the palm. At this time, there was no time to check it. It was not too late to clear the loot after the battle.

“No, the strong human race is attacking us in chaos.”

“Everyone beware of the strong human race.”

“Dodge spirit beasts and kill powerful human races.”

After a while, finally a strong interracial man found the traces of the four Ling Xiao, roared, and then began to siege them, no longer ignore those spirit beasts.

At this time, Ling Xiao had taken advantage of the chaos and killed three alien peak martial kings, as well as three pinnacle martial spirit beasts, and the three emperors of the East Emperor Wuji also killed more than twenty alien strong men and some spirit beasts.


However, the alien strong do not want to ignore those spirit beasts, but those spirit beasts have killed their red eyes, and no matter who is around, they have attacked in random, whether it is the four Ling Xiao or the aliens, all of them have been attacked by the spirit beast, even There are some spirit beasts attacking each other.


Therefore, the scene fell into chaos again. The four Ling Xiao didn’t fight with aliens or spirit beasts at all. They encountered a small number of aliens and spirit beasts and directly killed them.

“Everyone should concentrate, don’t be too scattered, so as not to be broken by the strong human race.” Soon, the wrestling and the flames shouted, and the scattered strong races scattered around gathered in the middle.

Sure enough, the spirit beasts are not organized, they are rushing around in random, once the aliens are away from them, only a few will catch up, most will rush to other directions.


It’s just that during the gathering of aliens, there are screams from all around, and the four Ling Xiao took the opportunity to kill some aliens again, and some aliens were killed in the process of retreating. Killed by spirit beast attack.

“Why are there so many fewer people?” After all the aliens gathered, the wrestling and Yan Zhi’s faces were ugly, because there were only more than eighty left, including eight of the top Wuwang strong men.

“These human races are so abominable that they attracted a wave of beasts to attack us.”

“However, we can also be sure that these strong human races have treasures. If we kill them, we can share the treasures.”

“What should we do now? We can no longer disperse opportunities for the human race.”

The faces of the aliens are all a bit ugly, but they also talk about the treasures of the aliens, and after a moment of wrangling and Yan Mei whispering, they seem to have made a decision.

“Everyone, we gather together to form a large formation, first sweep away the surrounding spirit beasts, and then deal with those **** of the human race.”


However, when they made a decision, suddenly the breath of life spirits came from afar, and the spirit beasts around them suddenly roared and rushed towards the distance frantically~www.mtlnovel.com~ Don’t let the strong people run away. “

After feeling the breath of the treasure, the alien strongmen could not calm down. Some of them shouted loudly, and then everyone chased behind the spirit beast, they did not want the treasure to fall into the hands of the spirit beast.

After chasing for hundreds of miles, the looming breath of life spirit liquid disappeared again, and the alien team also chased and dispersed, the top Wuwang strong were in front, and the weaker ones followed closely behind.


At this time, Ling Xiao turned around and took a step, instantly reached behind the many alien strongmen, and fell among the middle-class martial king aliens, the breath of life spirit appeared again, and he did not attack the alien strongmen, but moved among them. .


Suddenly, the spirit beasts chasing in front and other spirit beasts attracted around madly rushed to Ling Xiao’s position again, including the peak martial arts strongman of many aliens.

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