Future Martial Arts Training Network

Chapter 432 - Crazy army

Minghan Realm is one level higher than Donghua Realm. It has sixty-four imperial cities and twenty-four emperor gates. Almost every imperial city and emperor gate have their peaks. The emperor Wuqiang is strong, and the power is similar to that of the east. The three imperial cities in China.

Not only that, the five imperial cities headed by the sixty-four imperial cities, and the three imperial gates headed by the twenty-four imperial gates, all have deep backgrounds. There are more than one peak emperor, and there are also half emperor ancestors. exist.

This time, the eight imperial cities nearest to the Huaxia tribe came to conquer the Huaxia tribe, led by the Tianjian imperial city, one of the five main imperial cities. It is said that its ancestor was the Tianjian half emperor.

Compared with the three imperial cities in Donghua Realm, the imperial cities in Minghan Realm are more powerful. Almost every imperial city has a huge warship, exuding the meaning of blood, coming from the sky, and it is extremely oppressive.

However, in this battle for the Huaxia tribe, the Tianjian Imperial City dispatched only one peak Wuhuang strongman, the other seven cities also each dispatched a peak Wuhuang, a total of eight peak Wuhuang sits, and other Wuhuang strongmen more than 20.

Among the heavens and the world, the human races occupy a large number of worlds, and there are many strong people. Except for some strong people who are famous for the heavens and the world, most of the strong people are only known in a small range, so the peak of Minghan Realm Wuhuangqiang There are many people, and there are many people who have heard about Ling Xiao’s deeds, but few people really know him.

The major forces came from allied forces and flocked to the Huaxia tribe from three directions. They did not march fast. They wanted to cause huge psychological pressure to the Huaxia tribe.


When there was tens of thousands of miles away from the Huaxia tribe, a figure suddenly appeared in the void in front of a large army, standing quietly there, but completely blocked the momentum of the entire fleet.

“Who is coming?” Suddenly, the warship headed by the emperor martial arts shouted, and at the same time the mighty coercion went toward the other party’s oppression, trying to try the identity strength of the coming person.

“You have come to conquer my Huaxia tribe, do you still need to ask? I just want to persuade you, where to go back and forth, otherwise it will be unforgiving.” Ling Xiao’s voice came from far away, so that the entire fleet heard.


Suddenly, more than a dozen figures appeared in front of the fleet, all of them are martial arts strongmen, and three of them had the highest martial emperor. They all looked forward to the void and found a young man standing lazily there, his eyes full of oppression.

“Are you the strong martial arts emperor of the Huaxia tribe? I never imagined that you are so young and have such achievements. I suppose it is the effect of the anti- Heavenly Relic?

Now that our human race and the alien race are fiercely fighting, we need to cultivate more powerful people with the anti-celestial sacred objects. Why should you take it all by yourself, or hand it over to everyone for sharing. “The three pinnacles of the Emperor Wu, headed by, said a bald old man on the left with his eyes narrowed.

“I want to tell you that you don’t want to withdraw your troops, so you have to fight first and then talk about it. But if you lose, you have to follow my rules.”

Ling Xiao didn’t want to talk much with them, because the other party was still marching, so he had to fight quickly to resolve the three forces and it was also time to show his muscles.


Ling Xiao had just finished speaking, his body had flashed to the emperors, and even a single heads-up against a group of martial emperors made the entire fleet shocked, but his power made a group of martial emperors dare not entrust them.

Although Ling Xiao’s cultivation practice has not yet reached the level of the senior martial emperor, he has already reached the peak of the intermediate martial emperor, and he can break through at any time, but his physical body and mind are close to the peak of the martial emperor.

Therefore, Ling Xiao’s ordinary combat power has reached the level of half emperor. Using the power of the middle of the palm can reach the level of primary Wudi, and the power of Feng Leijian can reach the peak level of primary Wudi.


At this time, Ling Xiao launched his full strength as soon as he shot, and the powerful attack power of the half emperor level made the surrounding group of Wuhuang strongmen simply not have much resistance. Even if the three top Wuhuang strongmen only resisted a few moves, one by one Like a meteor, it was blasted out.



From Ling Xiao’s offensive to the end of the battle, no more than twenty breaths before and after, this is still some of the emperor’s positions are far apart, so Ling Xiao wasted some time, and finally more than ten martial arts strongmen can’t afford to be seriously injured and lost Combat strength, some hit the battleship, some were bombarded into the underground pit.

“What a terrible attack, how powerful is this person?”

“How is this possible? It is said that the Huaxia tribe is not even a super tribe. How can there be such a terrible strong?”

“Go and see what happened to the emperors, and save them soon.”

Ling Xiao did not stay in the defeat of the empresses, just swept away their storage equipment, and then stepped towards another army, preparing to solve the martial arts strongman over there.

“How are you doing? Has anyone fallen?” At this time, the emperors reacted from the shock. Some people began to question others, and then everyone clamoured.

“Fortunately, the predecessor did not kill, just hit us hard, and none of them killed.” Finally, when it was found that everyone was only seriously injured, everyone was relieved, as the storage equipment was robbed, then It’s nothing.

“What is the strength of this predecessor? He doesn’t seem to be very old, but when he attacked just now, I couldn’t resist it at all?”

“I’m afraid it is the extremely powerful pinnacle of Emperor Wu, but it seems to be more powerful than our city master.”

“You are all wrong. The predecessor had definitely exerted the strength of the semi-emperor level before. I have felt by my ancestors, there will be no mistake.”

“Do you want to notify the other two teams? I’m afraid the senior will not let them go.”

“At the time of notification, the senior just warned them, and wouldn’t really kill people. Let them suffer too much, lest we get a joke when we get it.”

Originally, Ling Xiao was also worried that the people on this side would notify the other two sides, but did not expect that they did not notice at all, so after half an hour, he also severely wounded the other two teams of the Emperor Wu Huang and robbed them of their storage. The equipment stopped all three fleets.

“Ling Huang has orders, the Huaxia tribe only dispatches a large army at the intermediate warlord level, and requires that your three armies can only dispatch a corresponding army at the corresponding level, and must fight separately to fight against the Huaxia tribe army.”

Soon after, the three armies received a message from the Ling Xiao faction, requesting that each team’s senior martial arts or higher are not allowed to fight, only martial arts warriors from the Wu Zun to the intermediate martial level, and they were required to separate the three teams. Conduct, after all, their number is twice that of China.

“Emperor Chen Jianhuang, you are too uninteresting. Why didn’t you notify us to hide after being attacked by Ling Huang?”

“Cough, wasn’t the injury serious at the time? I only looked at the healing for a while, but I didn’t expect this.”

“Huh, I think you want everyone to be equally injured and attacked, so as not to be laughed at in the end.”

“Okay, now I want to contact you. I don’t want to talk to everyone, but I want to discuss with you. What does this Ling Huang mean?”

“Yeah, we are inexplicable. He seriously injured us but didn’t kill. He only robbed our storage equipment, and then let us send only the army below the intermediate martial king. What the **** are you trying to do?”

“That’s right, I didn’t expect the Huaxia tribe to have a semi-empirical strongman. If we knew it earlier, where would we dare to come? Now Senior Ling Ling will not let us evacuate, but also let those weak warriors go to war. I really don’t know he is here. What are you thinking about?”

“How do we know about other people’s predecessors, since the predecessors have orders, then we will obey, let the army under the command of the army and the Huaxia tribe be known for the last time.”

The eight pinnacle emperors sent people to send information back to each imperial city while discussing countermeasures, and finally decided to send a large army three days later to fight against the powerful of the Huaxia tribe.

Originally, they thought that this battle would be like that of Ling Ling’s predecessors, and they would only grab a little of their stuff at most. It was only when the war happened that they found out that they were wrong.



With the beginning of the war, the warrior army of the Huaxia tribe, led by a large group of martial kings and strongmen, roared and killed like a beast, especially the 20,000 masked strongmen who rushed to the front, one by one. Like the **** of killing, he exudes monstrous blood, and at first glance, he is killed from the sea of ​​corpses.


There are about 70,000 troops on the side of the imperial city, and the Huaxia tribe has only more than 70,000 people involved in this battle. A large group of martial kings and strong men are at the forefront, and they quickly faced up with the martial arts kings of the imperial city.

In the Imperial City Army, there are about twenty strong middle-level martial kings, most of whom are blocked by the middle-ranking martial kings of the Huaxia tribe, and the others are also entangled in battle formations by the middle-ranking martial kings of the Huaxia tribe.

In addition, nearly one hundred junior martial arts strongmen of the Imperial City, including dozens of demon king strongmen, were all blocked by the corresponding strong men of the Huaxia tribe, and the Huaxia tribe had extra junior martial kings and demon kings besieging each other. Strong.


On the ground and in the low sky, the army of Wu Sheng strong and Wu Zun strong also collided like a steel torrent, igniting a storm like a huge wave, and some strong people on both sides were overturned to the ground at the first time.


However, the strong men of the Huaxia tribe are not afraid of death at all. They are desperate tricks when they rush up. All kinds of supernatural powers fly around and only focus on attacking the enemy. When the other party comes over, they just avoid their own key points and they are fighting hard. It is also necessary to hit the other party so that the other party loses its combat power.


Shortly after the battle began, tens of thousands of the two armies were mixed together to fight, and the army of the Huaxia tribe showed a strong advantage. No one would make a murmur no matter whether it was life or death. On the contrary, the royal city screamed The sound was endless, which scared others.

“Are the people of the Huaxia tribe crazy? Why are they all like lunatics, and they are completely defeated.”

“Such a force is so terrible that it is not afraid of death at all, and some people may be disabled in this battle.”

“Yeah, the emperor has never seen such a horrible and brutal force, even so cruel to himself, let alone to the enemy.”

“I don’t know what role Senior Ling Ling has in training such an army? Does he want to use the Imperial Army to train the army of the Huaxia tribe?”

“In this fierce and terrible fight, the emperor will only be so crazy when he battles with the Demon forces in the lifeless Demon Abyss hundreds of years ago.”

“Speaking of the recent movements of Wusheng Demon Abyss, the ancestors of Tianjian speculate that the thousand-year war with the Wusheng Devil Realm is about to erupt.”

Seeing the performance of the Huaxia tribe army on the battlefield, and seeing that the Imperial City Army was losing ground, leaving a large number of seriously wounded warriors along the way, the emperor’s face on the Imperial Army side all changed.

“Fortunately, they have done the most to kill them. Most people are only seriously injured. There are not many warriors who died in accidents.”

“But so many wounded people are facing a dying state. Where do we have so many remedies to cure them? Moreover, most of them are physically disabled, and it is too costly to help them regenerate their limbs. “

“Alas, it’s a pity that if so many great and powerful people are disabled in fighting against aliens, they will not lose their lives, but now it’s a pity that the dead and injured are fighting inside the human race.”

“What do you sigh, we organized a large army to attack others, and now we can only let Senior Ling Ling breathe out, otherwise we don’t know how to clean it up? Is it really for the ancestors to break out the battle of the Half Emperor?”

With the passage of time, more and more disabled warriors on both sides, but only about 1% of the real war dead, are all unlucky ghosts who were suddenly injured in a critical position and unable to survive.

“Why? Do you want to hold on, if you won’t win and don’t withdraw your troops?” Although the Imperial City was losing ground and the disability had reached one third, the emperors didn’t know Ling Xiao’s intentions, so they didn’t The idea of ​​withdrawing troops until Ling Xiaochuan reminded them.

“Ah, you can also withdraw your troops, why didn’t you say it earlier, Ling Ling?” Chen Jianhuang, headed, called out, and then immediately ordered to retreat~www.mtlnovel.com~ The rest of the Imperial City Army was relieved, Turned around and ran away.

“According to the old rules, take care of the severely disabled people and expand the slave army.” After the fleet of the Imperial Army was away, Ling Xiao directed to the Nangong infinite, and the latter happily arranged.

In this battle, more than 300 people were killed by the Huaxia tribe, and more than 3,000 were seriously injured. Among them, most of them were slave soldiers, because some of them rushed too fast and rushed to the opponent’s abdomen. dead.

However, the Imperial Army left more than a thousand corpses and nearly 20,000 seriously injured, including one intermediate martial king, five junior martial kings, and three junior demon kings.

Seeing the battleships of the Imperial City ran away, these seriously wounded people were filled with despair, thinking that there was only one way to die after being abandoned, but then the Huaxia tribe put forward the conditions for their treatment, and everyone agreed to come down.

“We are here to see Ling Huang, hoping to collect the corpses for those who died in the war.”

After a few days, the Imperial Army sent more than a dozen people to visit them and made their request. When they wanted to come to the Huaxia tribe, it would be impossible to spend so much money to treat these seriously injured people. Most of them are now dead.

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