Future Martial Arts Training Network

Chapter 440 - No constant exit

After World War I, Ling Xiao ordered the Chinese Horde Army to return to Silver City for a temporary rest. Instead of going out for battle in a short period of time, he quickly digested all the resources he had previously obtained to improve the strength of the army and build more defensive equipment.

“In this battle, the Demon Clan has killed eight and a half emperor strongmen, and they will have a big move next, so the army should not be dispatched at this time. Our gains in the past six months have not been small. Now we have to rest for half a year to digest it. Then start the battle.”

At the same time, the news of this battle was also passed back to the Minghan Realm Clan Meeting Hall. The sixteen Clan Semi-Emperor Powerhouses were shocked. But the demonic Semi-Emperor Powerhouses of the same level were unexpected Ling Xiao beheaded eight.

At this time, they did not know that Ling Xiao had been to the central area of ​​the demon world, and there were more than half of the emperors beheaded, or they would be more shocked.

“I can’t think that Ling Xiao was really so powerful. He killed eight demons and half emperors in one battle. I am afraid that the demons’ seniors would be mad?”

“That Ling Xiao may be in danger. I heard that the Demon Race Wuliang Devil Emperor is ready to awaken Wuheng Prince and let him go out to deal with Ling Xiao.”

“Are we informing Ling Xiao and letting him withdraw to Minghan Realm, so that even if Prince Wuheng goes out of the customs, he would not dare to kill Minghan Realm easily?”

“And this time the army of the Huaxia tribe has also achieved brilliant results. They have broken through the seven or eight magic imperial cities and captured dozens of imperial spirit veins. I heard that the Huaxia tribe has placed more than twenty, and the Silver City has three. More than a dozen.”

“The demon will never stop doing this. Next, everyone should pay more attention to the movement of the devil. Everyone sitting in the devil world must be cautious to prevent revenge from the devil.

“That Ling Xiao side, do you want to send a few people to help? Now the center of gravity of the battle between the two realms is already on the side of the Silver City, and the Demon Prince Wuheng will definitely not come alone, there must be many half emperors. Strong, we should also give Ling Xiao some support.”

After deliberation, the Minghan Realm Tribal Hall finally decided to abandon several of the competing world channels, leaving only the five world channels with complete bases to stick to, and except for sitting in Minghan World, Tianjian, Zidian, and Binghuo were arranged. And Lan Han went to Silver City to support Ling Xiao.

Tian Jian Needless to say, his relationship with Ling Xiao is very good, Zidian has always appreciated Ling Xiao, and Bing Huo and Lan Han had some prejudices against Ling Xiao before, but heard that Ling Xiao killed eight and a half emperors in a battle , They offered to go to Silver City, also want to ease the relationship with Ling Xiao.

After this battle, Ling Xiao also had huge gains. Not to mention the personal wealth of those semi-empirical strongmen, not to mention their corpses. The biggest gain was that he was recognized by the will of the Minghan world.

Of course, this recognition has not reached the level of becoming a Minghan Realm, but it is no worse than that of Minghan Realm’s Half Emperor, because the will of Minghan Realm has come to the Silver City of the Inanimate Demon Realm. Also recognized the identity of all warriors of the Huaxia tribe.

Recognized by the will of Minghan Realm, the people of the Huaxia tribe will have the green card of Minghan Realm, and they will practice faster in the future, and have the same qualifications as everyone in Minghan Realm.

In the Silver City, due to the coming of the Minghan Realm, the hearts of the Terran Army have become more stable, and the world will have to retreat from the Lifeless Demon Realm, so that within a thousand miles around the Silver City, it gradually becomes suitable for human cultivation and living. surroundings.

“Did you see that, the Huaxia tribe has been recognized by the will of the Minghan Realm, and a thousand miles around the Silver City has become part of the Minghan Realm, which is much larger than the other places.”

After the four people arrived in the Silver City, Ling Xiao was temporarily closed and looked around. Tian Jian stood on the tall silver city wall and pointed to the sky outside.

The other five world passages occupied by Minghan Realm, the world will also come to the Lifeless Demon Realm, but the area of ​​the five bases is only a hundred miles away, and the castle built is less than one third of the silver city, so it can be compared to the world will. Ling Xiao’s level of support and recognition.

“Yes, Ling Xiao killed so many demons and half emperors in the first battle, and the Huaxia tribe broke through the seven or eight demons. This achievement may take at least a few years in the past millennium battle, but they But within half a year, no wonder the will of the world would recognize them like this?” Lan Han said with a sigh.

“I am ashamed of my previous words. With Ling Xiao participating in the battle between the two realms, our chances of winning are at least 30% greater. Although it will cause some rebound in the demon world, I believe that the final victory must be our human race in Minghan.” Bing Huo also nodded.

“Since we have come to Silver City, let’s do our part. Ling Xiao is closed now. We will move around to clear some spies from the Devil World, and at the same time inquire about the news from all parties.” Zidian actively said to the three .

Later, the four disappeared into the Silver City, and it was not difficult to do some inquiries about the news with the strength of the semi-empirical strong. Although this is in the Devil Realm, they quickly inquired about many news.

“Thank you for coming to help.” A month later, Ling Xiao went out of the customs, the breath was more calm, and then the four people had returned from the outing, and set up a banquet to entertain the four.

“Brother Ling and we don’t have to be polite to you. Now the will of Minghan Realm has recognized you and the Huaxia Tribe. In the future, you will be part of Minghan Realm, so everyone is really their own.” Tian Jian said with a smile.

“Ling Xiao, the four of us have been out for more than half a month, and we have heard some news. I don’t know if you knew it before? For example, Wudi Modi has ordered Prince Wuheng to come out to challenge you, and Prince Wuheng will Going out in the future, it is estimated that it will only take a few days to reach Silver City.” Zidian told Ling Xiao some news.

“Prince Wuheng? How is this person? How many of you know?” Ling Xiao didn’t know Prince Wuheng. Heard that he was going to challenge himself, and he must have been a super monster, so he asked him for his news.

“I actually heard some news about Prince Wuheng. He is said to be the grandson of the lifeless old devil, the nephew of the infinite devil, the most wicked genius in the lifeless demon world for hundreds of years, and the most genius in thousands of years. May break through to the arrogance of emperor realm.

Prince Wuheng had the pinnacle of Wu Emperor Xiu Wei 100 years ago, but he possessed the power of a super half emperor. He once killed dozens of other tribes and half emperors in the Ten Thousand Pagoda Tower, among which there are several of our human tribes.

Prince Wuheng was proud and arrogant. He began to retreat a hundred years ago and wanted to break through the emperor’s realm at one fell swoop. However, he did not succeed, but everyone speculated that he should have become a half emperor now.

With the evil spirit of Prince Wuheng, once he really reaches the realm of semi-emperor, he must have the strength to fight across the border, so this time the infinite magic emperor will let him go out to challenge Brother Ling. “Bing Huo said quickly.

“Brother Ling, you are a rare genius in my human race. Now Wuheng Prince is about to go out. If you can fight, you can fight, if you have no chance of winning, you should avoid him. After all, your practice time is still short, and your practice has not yet been practiced. Reached the realm of half emperor.

I believe Brother Ling, it is not wrong for you to retreat for a while. When you break through to the Realm of Semi-Emperor in the future, you will definitely have the cross-border power, and then you will fight with the Prince Wuheng. “Lan Han persuaded.

“Because it’s the devil’s arrogance, how can our human race avoid war? No matter whether there is a chance of winning, I will wait for his prince Wuheng to come to war. Everyone is assured that even if they are not enemies, I want to retreat that prince Wuheng can’t stop me. “. Ling Xiao nodded to several people.

“Since Brother Ling is sure to withdraw from the whole body, then we will no longer persuade you. The warriors should fight, especially the strong, and maybe a breakthrough opportunity. Let’s stay and cheer for you.”

Tian Jian said to Ling Xiao that other people did not know, but he suspected that Ling Xiao now has the cross-border power. After all, Ling Xiao had already had the power to kill the half emperor just after the robbery.

Three days later, around a mountain in Infinite Sky, twenty or thirty Mozu half emperor strongmen gathered, either suspended in the air, or standing still in the mountain, or two or three, or a single person, all looking at the center. Mountain peak.

“You said that if Prince Wuheng goes out, will he be able to kill the arrogant human race child?”

“That is, of course, Prince Wuheng had a super semi-emperor strength a hundred years ago. Now, in the past 100 years, he must have achieved the status of a semi-emperor. How easy is it to kill a child of a human race.”

“Yeah, Prince Wuheng, but the wicked genius of our lifeless demon world that has been rare for thousands of years, is destined to become a powerful demon emperor, and killing a human race is just a matter of hand.”

“Yes, only Prince Wuheng took action, and the human child would dare to die if he dared to fight. Perhaps, the human child would have been frightened to run back to Minghan Realm when he got the news.”

“What about that, with the majesty of Prince Wuheng, even if the human race children fled back, they would surely kill the past. At that time, not only the human race children, but also many human race half emperors.”

“Well, that’s right, as long as Prince Wuheng goes out, my Devil will surely win this thousand-year battle. Maybe he can occupy most of the land of the Ming Han Realm and transform it into the Devil Realm?”


At the time when many demons and half emperors were discussing, suddenly the central peak exploded, everything on the peak turned into a cloud of dust, and then a burly and majestic figure came out of the cloud of dust.


In the eyes of all the emperors, the figure walked out of the dust mist and waved it. All the dust and mist quickly condensed and re-formed into a mountain and fell to the ground. It was exactly the same as the original mountain.

“See Prince Wuheng.”

All the half emperors around were able to see clearly, and that figure was the Wuheng prince they were waiting for here, and at this time the breath emitted from Wuheng prince really had reached the realm of half emperor.

“Is the battle of the millennium again? It seems that this time the human race has born a powerful demon genius, otherwise the uncle will not disturb my cleaning.” Prince Wuheng is about two meters tall, with a majestic posture, a strong face, and long hair Scattered behind him, he seemed wild and unruly, full of wildness.

“Returning to the prince, the human race gave birth to a wicked genius named Ling Xiao. This number of people spent thirteen days of the Heavenly Tribulation when they broke through the Emperor Realm in the Wanjie Tower and killed nine and a half years after the disaster. Emperor strong.

In the following years, there was no news about this person. I didn’t expect this to appear in the Millennium War. Three months ago, there was chaos in the center of the Devil’s World. Hundred imperial spirit veins.

Two months ago, in the world channel occupied by the human race, more than 10,000 miles away, Ling Xiao killed eight and a half emperor strongmen of our family and destroyed seven or eight magic imperial cities, which caused us heavy losses. Therefore, immense talents of the emperor invited the prince Go out and kill this child. “A half-strong emperor next to him immediately stepped forward to report.”

“Interestingly, Thirteen Daoist Emperor’s Heavenly Tribulation, should break the record of hundreds of thousands of years of the Wanjie Tower. I would like to see such characters.” Prince Wuheng smiled slightly, but his heart was awkward, but he was not I spent ten days, and knew the horror of the tenth day.

Now that the human race has gone through the thirteen evils of the Heavenly Tribulation, that is destined to become an emperor and a god, so the evil will not allow him to grow up, so it is also meaningful for him to go out of control.

“I’m willing to follow the prince together to witness the prince’s majesty.” Suddenly, all the half emperors around them said with one hand.

“Okay, let’s go together.” Prince Wuheng didn’t care. He killed Ling Xiao when he was alone. Others wanted to see the excitement.

Then, Prince Wuheng took the lead, and a large group of half emperor strongmen followed him and moved towards the position of Silver City. In an instant, this news sensationed the lifeless Demon Realm, and a large number of Devil Emperor strongmen rushed from all over to Silver City To watch the battle, because this is a battle of monsters that is hard to come by for thousands of years or even thousands of years.

“There is news from Demon Realm that Prince Wuheng has been out of the customs and is taking dozens of emperors and powerful men to the Silver City to challenge Ling Xiao, closing other channels in an emergency, everyone will follow me to the Silver City to watch the battle.” Ming Hanjie In the middle, when Cangwu got the news, he sent a message to all the ethnic half emperor strongmen and the pinnacle martial strongman.

Suddenly~www.mtlnovel.com~The top powers of both the man and the demon gathered around the Silver City, while Ling Xiao ordered people to raise a human banner on a mountain peak in the southern land beyond the Silver City. Facing the Wuheng Prince, mobilizing all parties to rush to the challenge.

Prince Wuheng and his entourage have not yet arrived. A large number of strong people of the human race and the demons have gathered around the challenge land. The semi-empirical strongmen are only a few, and more are the pinnacles of the two races. The war may be able to touch them. Let them break through.

“Silver City is fully on guard to prevent the Devil forces from sneaking in, and at the same time arrange the fleet to wait for my command. Once I behead the Wuheng Prince, the Terran Fleet will attack the surrounding three Devil Emperor cities. The Devil Emperor is also very few.”

In the Silver City, Ling Xiao has already made all preparations. In this battle, he will cut the Prince of Infinity, so he secretly instructed Nangong Wuyin to prepare the fleet, so that he will leave in time after the war, and the trend will break several magical imperial cities.

“Okay, I’ll arrange it. You must be careful. You can’t remember to remember them.” Nangong Wuyin, although seeing Ling Xiao said firmly, persuaded him gently, and then went to secretly arrange related matters, But he still believed Ling Xiao in his heart.

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