Future Martial Arts Training Network

Chapter 442 - Emperor\\\'s Power


Prince Wuheng was so violent that he drove Wuheng Demon Cave in front of Ling Xiao and rushed directly towards Ling Xiao. He wanted to kill Ling Xiao with a strong force. At this time, he was jealous of Ling Xiao’s small world prototype. If he can grab the hand, I am afraid that his strength will be able to increase a bit, and in the future, after breaking through the emperor’s realm, I am afraid that he will be stronger than his uncle, the infinite devil.


Ling Xiao was not afraid, but also hit it, and the closer to the palm middle realm, the bigger it became. At the end of the collision, the size of the permanent demon hole was doubled, and it was like a real planet hitting a meteorite.


Prince Wuheng’s face changed drastically, and he did not expect that the prototype of the small world controlled by Ling Xiao could become so large. Therefore, Wuheng Mo Cave was violently shaken during the collision. After feedback to his body, he couldn’t resist a spit of blood. The breath suddenly weakened by one point.

The terrible collision caused huge holes in the surrounding void, and a burst of violent energy of the void rushed to the inanimate demon like a tide. The surrounding strong humans of both races suddenly fled to the distance, and very few escaped slowly. The powerful emperors of Wu Emperor were all engulfed by Void Energy.

However, Ling Xiao and Prince Wuheng were all right, driving the prototype of the small world and the magic hole out of the void energy, but the magic hole of Prince Wuheng even had some cracks, making his face change again.


At this moment, Ling Xiao drove the prototype of the small world and bumped into it again, taking advantage of the instability of Prince Wuheng to hit the Wuheng Demon Cave again.

Because Ling Xiao discovered that if the Wuheng Demon Cave is damaged, it will seriously affect the fighting power of Prince Wuheng, and if it collides, the vibration in the Palm Realm will not be large, and it can burn the imperial spirit veins to supplement the energy.

Ling Xiao placed more than 160 imperial spirit veins in the palm realm, and burned up to two imperial spirit veins per collision, but he believed that the magic hole of Prince Wuheng could not withstand dozens of collisions. Will collapse.


Another earth-shattering collision rumbling, the void exploded again, the huge void energy rolled over, drowned the two figures, and then rushed to the inanimate demon world, began to corrode and annihilate everything around.

However, Ling Xiao and Prince Wuheng quickly rushed out of the void energy, but Ling Xiao was all okay, but Prince Wuheng was a little embarrassed, and there were some cracks in the magic hole behind him.

“Not good. Prince Wuheng seems to be downwind.” And the collision between the two has also been paid attention to, and the face of the Devil’s half emperor strong changed instantly.

“Very good, Ling Xiao even hit Prince Wuheng without strength to fight back, it seems that he will win. But if Prince Wuheng loses defeat, he will definitely run away. If he can beheaded, I am afraid that it will shake the heavens and the world. .” And the strong human race is excited.

Sure enough, Prince Wuheng seemed to know that it was not good for himself at this time. He couldn’t help regretting why he had to hit Ling Xiao, otherwise he wouldn’t cause him to hit himself constantly.

“Good personal race demon, today we have no difference between victory and defeat, how about a truce?” Prince Wuheng retreated quickly while loudly saying to Ling Xiao that he had sprung back.

“Hahaha, do you want to go to war, do you want to go to war?” Yes, you can give up everything in the Twenty Devil Imperial City, or you will go on fighting.” Ling Xiao’s loud voice echoed through the world, making Prince Wuheng and the demons who were half emperors were very angry.

“Ling Xiao, this is in the lifeless demon world, not in your human race world, do you think we can’t kill you?” Prince Wuheng yelled angrily, and dozens and a half of the emperor strongmen roared like thunder, Ling Xiao The words are too insulting to them.

“Then fight to the end, maybe I can kill you today.” Ling Xiao said coldly, and then bumped into it again.

“In this case, today the king will fight so badly that he will kill you.” Prince Wuheng angered and yelled, and then a long knife with black magic gas emerged from his body. The moment of murderous murder Swept to Ling Xiao.

“The unborn magic sword, this is the supreme magic weapon of the unborn magic ancestor, but it was unexpectedly passed on to the prince Wuheng.”

“That’s all right, the human race children angered Prince Wuheng, and forced him to use the imperial weapon of the unborn magic knife. It’s really no wonder that he is dead.”

Seeing that Wuheng Prince summoned the Wusheng Magic Sword, many of the Devil’s semi-empirical strongmen screamed, and all of them became excited by the previous worry, and they were full of confidence in Wuheng Prince.

“What? This is an inanimate magic knife, an emperor used by inanimate demon emperor before? This is troublesome. I don’t know if Ling Xiao’s small world prototype can block it?”

“Ling Xiao, run away. As long as you escape, Prince Wuheng is afraid to chase you. Don’t do stupid things.”

And the strong men of the human race are panic-stricken. If Ling Xiao is dead, they may not be able to live either. Prince Wuheng will definitely kill them, but Tianjian and others still shouted to Ling Xiao desperately, Remind him not to fight.

“Oh, it turns out that your courage came from an emperor. I’m sorry, emperor, I also have it.”

However, Ling Xiao ignored the surrounding sounds, but stared at Prince Wuheng coldly, and then said quietly that Feng Leijian got out of his Dan Tian and hovered above his head.

It turned out that Ling Xiao had been looking for various rare materials to feed Feng Leijian over the years, and he beheaded so many emperors and the pinnacles of all ethnic groups in the Wanjie Tower, he had collected enough rare materials, and finally in these years The level of Wind Thunder Sword has been upgraded to the level of Emperor-level magic weapon.

“What? Human race children also have emperor weapons?” All the powerful people of Mozu suddenly froze, and Prince Wuheng also froze for a moment, at a loss.

“Hahaha, that’s great, no wonder Ling Xiao hasn’t been unhurried. It turns out that he also has a hole card, this time the Demon Race is dead.” And the human race strong man is like riding a roller coaster, feeling up and down, instantly Became excited again.


After Ling Xiaoji released Fenglei Sword, he no longer hesitated, but screamed, Fenglei Sword turned into a ray of light and shot at Prince Wuheng, fighting with the inanimate magic sword beside him.

Emperor-level magic weapons have spirits, so they can fight automatically without controlling them, but Ling Xiao’s divine thought blends with the wind thunder sword’s spirit, so the wind thunder sword he controls is more powerful, and he can borrow his palm. The energy of the world strengthens the power and reaches the level of intermediate Wudi.


The confrontation of the emperor weapons instantly erupted into a terrifying power, bombarded the surrounding voids, and a larger crack appeared, pouring in more void energy, which made the faces of the two clan powerhouses who watched the battle change greatly, one after another Back off.


Prince Wuheng’s face also changed, because he found that the inanimate magic knife was suppressed by Ling Xiao’s emperor. At the same time, Ling Xiao drove the small world prototype again and rushed into it, making him hide. The outbreak wants to block Ling Xiao’s impact.


Suddenly, in a distant place, those strong people of the two races who watched the battle saw that Ling Xiao crashed into Prince Wuheng again and again. After about ten times, he finally broke the magic hole of Prince Wuheng.


Later, Ling Xiao also withdrew the palm of his realm, deceived him close to Wuheng Prince and killed him, and Wuheng Prince’s magic hole was broken and received a heavy backlash. At this time, he was already unable to deal with Ling Xiao’s attack.

“No, the Prince Wuheng’s magical power was broken and severely repulsed. Now it is in danger.”

“In any case, the Prince Wuheng cannot be let down, otherwise the Infinite Devil Emperor and the Inanimate Demon Ancestor will not let us go.”

“Don’t worry about that much. Kill all in the past to buy time for Prince Wuheng to escape. You must never let Prince Wuheng have something to do.”

In the distance, many demons of the semi-Emperor powerhouses were stunned at this time, and they did not expect the ending to be like this. Wuheng Prince broke out the Emperor-level supernatural powers and the Emperor-level magic weapon, even though they were not the opponents of the human race demon Ling Xiao, they were even suppressed. As he was beaten, it was possible to die, so he shouted and rushed to help.

Fortunately, Ling Xiao’s attack only reached the level of ordinary emperor realm. Although there were still void cracks around from time to time, but it was very small and the danger was not so great, so all the devil half of the emperor dare to kill the past to help.

“Great, Ling Xiao now suppresses Prince Wuheng in an all-round way, maybe he can really kill him. Hurry up and stop those demon half emperors, don’t let them help in the past, fight for Ling Xiao’s time to kill Prince Wuheng .”

At the same time, all the half emperor and strong men of the human race also saw the situation at this time, and Cangwu roared, and then rushed to the surrounding half emperor and strong men, while the other half emperor and strong men of the human race also rushed to the opponent, blocking many Mozu half emperor strong.

“Prince Wuheng, we will fight for your time, you will run away.”

However, there are too many half-empire strongmen of the Demon Race, and most of the half-empire strongmen rushed to the battlefield of the two, screaming at Wuheng Prince while rushing to attack.

“It’s up to you and dare to join in and seek death.” Ling Xiao said coldly, and then boxed out from afar, and the three demons and half emperors who rushed to the front were instantly bombarded into three groups of blood mist.


The half emperor strongman in the back was startled and frightened, but after watching Ling Xiao kill the three half emperors, he attacked Wuheng prince frantically, playing Prince Wuheng with no power to parry, blood sputtered in his mouth, and Had to rush up daringly.

However, the devil half emperor is not a fool, they have a large number of people, so they immediately divide their work and cooperate. Some half emperors who are good at long-range attacks launch attacks from within a few miles of Ling Xiao, while others are vigilant around the ground, ready to resist at any time. Ling Xiao’s counterattack.


However, to their imagination, Ling Xiao did not pay any attention to the long-range attack of a group of half-empire strongmen, and even allowed some attacks to fall on himself, but also struggling to attack Prince Wuheng.


Soon, a demi-level defensive weapon on Prince Wuheng’s body was exploded by Ling Xiaosheng, he screamed again, blood spewed out half a mile away, and Ling Xiao hardly received dozens of semi-empire attacks It’s okay.

“No, the human flesh of Ling Xiao is too strong and has reached the level of half emperor. Our attack is too far, and the power that falls on him is limited, and he can’t threaten him at all.” Cried.

“Everyone, it’s time for us to die. Even if we all die in battle, the prince Wuheng can escape, and our death is worth it.”

A Mozu half emperor strongman suddenly roared, and then rushed to Ling Xiao desperately, regardless of Ling Xiao’s attack, but rushed to the near to send a blow to Ling Xiao.


Immediately, his body was exploded by Ling Xiao, but his attack fell on Ling Xiao, and Ling Xiao took a step back. The attack on Wuheng Prince was also slowed down, and suddenly a group of half emperors saw hope.


Immediately, they rushed from all directions, regardless of allowing Ling Xiao to attack, but also let their attacks fall on Ling Xiao, hoping to influence Ling Xiao to attack Prince Wuheng.

“It was just right.” However, a smile suddenly appeared on Ling Xiao’s face. In fact, he had already been sure to kill Prince Wuheng, but this was not the case. It was hoped that this would kill a group of demons and half emperors. The Millennium War has won even greater victories.



Later, Ling Xiao even gave up killing Wuheng Prince, but turned into lightning, rammed in the Demon Semi-Emperor Group, all shots were the attack power of the Emperor Realm, and he could kill a Demon Semi-Emperor with almost one blow.


After more than ten breaths, Ling Xiao’s figure stopped and stopped the Wuheng prince who was about to escape. The latter turned his head to look, and there were more than ten corpses of Demon and Half Emperor floating in the air. Ling Xiao killed with lightning.

“Ling Xiao, you are so unscrupulous in slaughtering our clan half emperor strong, are you not afraid that the ancestor will not spare you?” Prince Wuheng showed a desperate smile on his face, except for those half emperors who were blocked by the human clan emperor. The clan fell to more than twenty and a half emperors.

“Just kill them, and the lifeless old demon will certainly not be angry~www.mtlnovel.com~ But if you kill you first, and then kill the infinite demon emperor, don’t know if the lifeless old demon will jump out?” Ling Xiao said coldly.

“Ling Xiao, although it is said that the war between the two races is constant, we don’t have any grudges between them. Why do we have to kill them all? As long as you can let it go, I can decide to give you a third of the land of the human race. “Prince Wuheng said after a few breaths.

“Who said there is no hatred between us? When I left my hometown of small world, it was only the state of Wu Sheng, but the lifeless old demon actually attacked the transmission channel, causing me to be seriously injured and almost died. I can remember this hatred.”

Ling Xiao shook his head and said that Prince Wuheng only knew that the other party had been attacked by the inanimate old devil, perhaps only unintentionally, but for the other party, this is indeed a big enemy.

“Since that is the case, don’t be afraid that I will bring you to death together.” Prince Wuheng suddenly looked cold, then reached out to summon the Wusheng Magic Sword, and pointed to Ling Xiao across his body.

“Then try it.” Ling Xiao also stretched out his hand to hold Feng Leijian, and then rushed forward, slashing towards the other side. I am afraid that the power would instantly rise to the peak of Junior Wudi, making the surrounding void cracks appear like broken mirrors. come out.

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