Future Martial Arts Training Network

Chapter 453 - World debris

This waited for half a month, and the emperors of all races continued to come to the periphery, and the remaining empty platforms became fewer and fewer, and even caused many battles for this. The weaker emperors were all rushed to the periphery.

Among them, there is even a middle-class emperor of the Vajra family who wants to **** Ling Xiao’s platform, but Ling Xiao was injured by three consecutive swords to his Vajra body, making him retreat, and also scared many people, and no one has since. Dare to find his trouble.


Half a month later, there was a buzz in the colorful light group in front, and then there were colorful vortices, about two hundred, exactly the number of platforms here.

“Choose a vortex yourself, and remember that your safety is the most important thing.” At this time, Fengyun Emperor nodded to Ling Xiao, and then flew to a colorful vortex. The figure quickly disappeared with the colorful vortex.


Ling Xiao also protected himself, and then plunged into a dazzling colorful vortex, and suddenly the light in front of him made him have to close his eyes, but his thoughts kept scanning around and found himself entering a space channel.

This space passage is strange and ridiculous, but it is full of ancient vicissitudes, as if it was left behind when the world was opened, and the place where he took him is certainly not an ordinary place.

Before long, Ling Xiao felt a sense of weightlessness, and found that his body fell out of the space channel, appeared in mid-air, and was falling towards the bottom, and in front of him was a huge lake.

“The gravity here is a hundred times that of the outside world. I am afraid that even the flying speed of the great emperors and strongmen here will be greatly affected.” Ling Xiao felt the change of gravity in the secret realm.

At this time, the colorful vortex that sent Ling Xiao into it turned into a ray of light imprinted on the back of Ling Xiao’s hand. He sensed it a little and found that he could be sent out of the secret realm only if he inspired the brand, and he was in the secret realm You can only stay for ten years at most.

“Ten years should be enough to explore, just don’t know how many debris there is?”

Ling Xiao slowly stabilized his body, and Feng Leiyi popped up automatically, supporting his body, allowing him to slowly levitate above the lake, glancing in all directions.

The lake covers an area of ​​about 1,000 acres. The lake is clear and blue, and you can vaguely see the fish swimming in the lake. All of them are some large fish, and from time to time, they show a large back.


While Ling Xiao was looking around, the water below suddenly burst open, and a golden figure flew at him like electricity, and a breath of terror came to him, facing him with a gust of wind.


Ling Xiao’s body reached a few miles away with a flash of his body. He looked coldly at his target and found it to be a strange fish. Its body was small and flat, but it had wings on both sides. The whole body was fiery red, about 100 feet long.

“White jade, it’s up to you to contribute here.” Ling Xiao didn’t plan to shoot, a strange fish in the junior Wudi realm, so he summoned white jade.


Suddenly, in a loud dragon chant, Bai Yu appeared in mid-air instantly. The body that was originally hundreds of feet long was suppressed by only a hundred feet in the secret realm.


The strange fish made a thunderous roar and threw it fiercely at Baiyu. Because it was bigger and had a stronger breath, the strange fish automatically ignored Ling Xiao.


Suddenly, white jade and strange fish fight together. A horrible storm suddenly broke out on the lake, while Ling Xiao ignored them, and summoned thunder and other spirits to let them explore the past in all directions.

Although everything is suppressed after entering the mysterious realm, Ling Xiao’s mental intensity can still have a clear connection with his spiritual pet within a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

“This lake is left to you to deal with. I will go to see it in the distance.” Soon, Ling Xiao sensed that the spirit pets in all directions had encountered fierce beasts and began a fierce battle.

He sent a message to Bai Yu, and then left the lake and appeared on a mountain in the distance, sweeping the tens of thousands of miles around, and found no other strong figures entering the secret realm, but he felt a lot of powerful breath.

These breaths are all the emperor-level beasts hidden around them. These emperor-level beasts are derived from the regular force of the heaven and earth fragments in the mysterious realm. They are full of violent breath, very brutal, low intelligence, and encounter other living bodies Attacked frantically.


Soon, Ling Xiao’s spiritual pet had just explored within thousands of miles, and even encountered powerful emperor-level beasts, fought fierce battles, and even Lightning encountered a powerful beast comparable to the intermediate emperor. At this time, it is leading to Ling Xiao by its speed.


Ling Xiao was also afraid of lightning flashing. Before waiting for it to lead the powerful beast, he flashed forward and greeted him. Feng Leijian made a long whine, and then struck the powerful beast with lightning.


This powerful fierce beast looks a little weird. It looks like a cow, but it has only one foot, but its belly is agitated, but it can breathe a thunderbolt, which is more than the thunderbolt rules controlled by Thunder. Tough.


Ling Xiao struck a one-legged beast with a sword, and cut a long wound on its back. However, it just roared wildly, but there was no blood on his back. Instead, some energy like regular power was dissipating.

“Well, its body exudes regular power. Isn’t all the beasts here are real beasts, all formed by the regular power?” Ling Xiao was puzzled.


However, this did not prevent him from continuing to shoot, another sword cut, also cut to the wound on the back of the one-legged beast, and the fierce sword gas also spread towards its body, and finally burst open.


After the body of the one-legged beast exploded, there was no flesh and blood, and then a wave of regular power dispersed, leaving a ray of thunder and lightning in place, but it was pure regular power.

Ling Xiao stretched out his hand, and the group of thunder energy flew into his hand, and he felt it carefully. It actually contained the lightning rules, which can not only be refined directly, but also used to understand the lightning rules.

It’s just that there are too few lightning rules in it, and they are not complete. For Ling Xiao at this time, there is no use, but it can give Thunder. It has just broken through, and can use this group of lightning rules to improve its own cultivation strength. .

“It turns out that these fierce beast systems all contain regular energy, so you can’t be polite with them.” Ling Xiao then shot himself, helping his spiritual pets to kill their opponents one by one, and obtained a variety of different regular energy groups. .

Ling Xiao just observed all kinds of regular energy, and then gave all his spiritual pets what they needed to be refined and absorbed, and those that were not needed were put away, which can be taken back to help others understand the power of the rules.

Ling Xiao felt that these regular energy groups were much more precious than Emperor-level Yuanjing, so he decided to sweep the surroundings, sweep the eight emperor pets around, and kill all the beasts he found.

The strongest beast he encountered was a fierce bird with a strength close to that of the senior emperor. Ling Xiao fought dozens of rounds with him in mid-air before finally beheading him.

And this fierce bird comprehends the rule of light, which is a very rare rule force. Although Ling Xiao condenses the seeds of the rule of light, it is still very weak, and this group of rule energy can allow him to enhance the rule of light. Comprehend.


What happened to Ling Xiao happened unexpectedly. After the beast was killed, the surrounding space vibrated, and then the emptiness within a tens of thousands of squares was instantly condensed, and finally turned into a slap-sized chip.

“Heaven and Earth Fragment.”

Ling Xiao’s body also appeared in another world in an instant. At the same time, there was an exclaimer beside him, and then a terrifying attack came towards him, hitting his body with a cry.


However, when Ling Xiao changed in the surrounding void, there was a warning sign in his heart, and instantly the gossip figure turned into a robe covering him, and at the same time, Feng Leiyi appeared behind him, blocking the sudden attack.


After being attacked, Ling Xiao’s body only shook a few times, but his gaze stayed on the chip suspended in front of him, and then reached out to grab the chip, and then turned to look at the strong man who attacked him.

“Hand over the debris of the world, you can spare you.” Just dozens of miles behind Ling Xiao, a blood-red orc emperor shouted angrily, watching a debris of the world appear in front of him, but Ling Xiao preempted it. Arrived.

“Did you see this piece of heaven and earth that I discovered? Who attacked your seat with your courage?” Ling Xiao found that the orc emperor was only the peak of the junior emperor, frowning and shouting.

“Nonsense, this is what the Emperor saw. It is the Emperor. Can’t you hand it in?” The Orc Great Emperor even had red eyes. No matter who he encountered, he roared angrily, at the same time A violent breath erupted, a framed shot.

“Well, if you want the fragments of the world, you must have this life.” Ling Xiao was also angry, and instantly summoned the eight emperor pets, allowing them to siege the orc emperor at the same time.


In just one round of attack, the orc emperor was injured, and he seemed to be awake, knowing that he had provoke the powerful, and he quickly changed his breath and tried to escape.

“Kill him.” However, Ling Xiao found a glare of resentment flashed in his eyes and snorted coldly and ordered to Ling Chong.



In less than ten breaths, the eight emperor pets only made a few moves, and beheaded the orc emperor, and then Ling Xiao directly dug out his emperor core, which also contained an understanding of the power of the rule. Department rules, it was thrown to Golden Retriever.

“It’s incredible. The previous world was so real. I didn’t expect it to be just a virtual world formed inside the debris of heaven and earth.” Later, Ling Xiao explored the debris of heaven and earth, and found that there are indeed a variety of rule powers that can be refined and absorbed. .

Ling Xiao is different from other people. His mind is divided into sixteen shares, and he can be distracted to do sixteen things at the same time, but there are not so many things to do at ordinary times, and now he is distracted while continuing to explore. Refine the heaven and earth fragments.

The secret world does not know how big, only more than two hundred emperors of various races entered it, and it is really a type of bad luck to directly encounter Ling Xiao like this orc emperor.


Ling Xiao then took the Eight Great Emperor’s pets to embark on the road of expedition once. Thunder was alerting in mid-air, detecting at different locations in Lightning and Golden Retriever, and all the beasts around them encountered their party and did not end well.

“Master, there is an emperor mine found here.” Half a year later, Jin Mao made great efforts and found a mine at the bottom of a mountain, and it is a vein containing emperor-grade materials.

“Thunder and Lightning are on alert, and the rest will follow me to see.” Ling Xiao ordered, and after breaking through to the emperor’s realm, these emperor pets can actually become humanoids, but they are not used to it.

At this time, Ling Xiao made them all humanoid, although some of their physical characteristics will still be manifested, for example, the hair on the face of the pedestrian is very thick, the tail of the wind cannon is also maintained, and the white jade has a pair of horns on the head. Ya’s hair is like a tree, Lightning’s hair is purple, Thunder has a pair of wings behind, the golden hair has a mouse face, and the year-old emperor is facing the nose and fighting eyes.

After going deep into the ground, Ling Xiao discovered that the periphery of the emperor mine was all emperor-level source crystals, and immediately let everyone dig, and the group of people instantly became miners.

In the depths of the ore veins, there are still many emperor-grade refining materials, Ling Xiao dug all the way, and finally found a god-level material at the end, accompanied by several god-level source crystals.

“Golden Retriever, your credit is great. I am afraid that the value of God-level materials and God-level source crystals will not be much smaller than the debris of the world~www.mtlnovel.com~ Ling Xiao was very happy, and gave 10,000 golden hair very generously Emperor-level source crystals also gave other spiritual pets six thousand emperor-level source crystals, and Ling Xiao himself also harvested more than 100,000 emperor-level source crystals.

“Feng Lei Jian has been promoted to the peak of the Emperor-level magic weapon. Now that he has God-level materials, I don’t know if I can continue to improve?” Ling Xiao is full of expectations. After all, Feng Lei Jian accompanied him to practice all the way, hoping to continue to improve.

He specially took the time to smelt this god-level material into the wind thunder sword. Sure enough, the wind thunder sword exuded a kind of divine light, and the power was greatly improved, which made him excited.

“It seems that Fenglei Sword can continue to be improved. If some god-level materials can be found again, it might be possible to upgrade Fenglei Sword to a semi-artifact.” Ling Xiao then asked Jin Mao to look deeply into various advanced materials.

If Feng Lei Jian can be upgraded to a semi-artifact, then Ling Xiao’s current cultivation state can exert the strength of the peak emperor, and his combat power has increased greatly.

What’s more, he also has three gossip maps, moonlight cold and wind and thunder wings. If they are all upgraded to semi-artifacts, as long as the universe is not big, the Ling Xiao will be able to go as long as they don’t meet the gods.

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