Future Martial Arts Training Network

Chapter 474 - Sea of ​​war


In the world of the earth, when Ling Xiao broke through and became a god, and the message of chasing and killing the pinnacle of the sea clan, Zhang Ba, in chaotic space, the warriors of the whole world reveled.

Nowadays, the warriors of the earth have experienced the integration process of the heavens and the worlds, especially after the war of the transformation of the earth, they have been accommodated regardless of nationality. Of course, they are mainly dominated by the Huaxia Wumeng, because the Huaxia Wumeng has the most powerful people. And Ling Xiao has therefore become the **** in the eyes of the earth.

A few years ago, high-level people on the earth knew that Ling Xiao had entered chaotic space to seek a breakthrough, and encountered the chasing and killing of the Haizu pinnacle, Zhangba, which made the strong people of the whole earth hold a breath.

Therefore, over the years, all the martial artists of the earth have been retreating and practicing. They have been self-pressurized and they want to do something, but they can’t do anything except training, and they also have to face the Zhang Yangba of the Hai people.

Although in the past few years, five great emperors have been born in the world of the earth, which shocked the Zhutian human race and entered the high ranks of the Zhutian human race, but still did not eliminate the concerns of everyone.

Today, when Nangong Hongyan and Ling Invincible Mother and Child return, they bring Ling Xiao to successfully break through, and their strength has greatly increased. In turn, when they are chasing and killing the Haizu pinnacle, Zhangba, the whole earth is boiling.

“Everyone, my line of humanity on earth finally has its own god. And Ling Xiao is still a great **** of chaos, and his strength is not weaker than the peak god. This is the backing of our earth.

Now, the gods of the Celestial Clan are powerfully oppressing the Hai Clan, and the Hai Clan is under tremendous pressure. Therefore, it also gives us the opportunity for revenge. It can bring the hatred that the Hai Clan brought us a few years ago.

Immediately, the human races of all the heavens waged a full-scale battle against the sea clan, and my earth should be brave in taking the lead, let the worlds of the heavens shake for us, and let the blood of the sea clan flow all the worlds.

Therefore, our goal is the five worlds of the Hai nationality. Our five emperors will all take action to attack the great powers of the Hai nationality, and the battle within the world will depend on you.

Now I order that all the semi-empirical and emperor-level strongmen of the earth be sent out, leading the army of martial arts and the army of spirit pets to kill the world of the sea tribe, and take these five worlds as the ultimate goal. “

After the transformation of the earth world, China has now grown to the level of the peak emperor, so the world can also accommodate the emperor and the strong, so the Nangong Hongyan and other great people of the earth can enter the world of the earth.

After returning, Nangong Hongyan summoned all the strong men above half emperor for the first time to announce the decision of the human race and the mission of the earth. Among the five emperors present, the other three were martial lunatics and three must. Shi Tai and Zhao Fenglei.

Compared with another time and space, the fate of the Chinese martial arts warriors in this time and space has been changed by Ling Xiao. Nowadays, among the top batch of semi-empirical strongmen, there are more than ten super-half emperors. These people will not be surprised. Within ten years, it will surely be able to break through to the real emperor and become a great emperor.


This is a war of revenge from the human race to the sea clan, and it is also a war of revenge from the martial warriors of the earth to the sea clan. The military army of more than ten thousand martial saints, more than one million martial kings, and tens of thousands of martial emperors, Among them, there are more than 3,000 people at the peak of the emperor, and more than one hundred and fifty emperors.

The Earth human race is divided into five armies, and they launch fierce attacks on the five worlds of the Hai nationality. At the same time, the five great emperors also have fierce battles with the Hai emperor outside the Hai national world.

Despite the fact that the sea clan occupies the geographical advantage, the human clan of the earth has studied countless resources for auxiliary wars over the years, including formation, elixir, puppet, magic weapon, war armor, etc. The terrifying power has caused the Hai nationality to retreat.

“Don’t rush to occupy the Hai nationality world, first destroy the Hai nationality’s living power and top powers, and plunder the world’s resources.” Nangong Hongyan knew that the war between the human race and the Hai nationality could not be ended in a year or two, so to the earth human race The strong man gave instructions.


Therefore, after the outbreak of war, every time the strong human race will go to a fierce battle, kill the top power of the sea clan, plunder various resources around, and then let go of those weak and then move forward.

This is a combing strategy. Although it is said that after the Terran Army left, the occupied area will return to the Hai tribe, but after losing the top strong, the Terran will not come back if they want to come back.

At the beginning, the Hai people did not realize the purpose of the human race, thinking that the human race just wanted to plunder resources, so they ordered the first place to concentrate the best resources in the center of the world.

However, as the human race revolved around the world of Hai nationality again and again, none of the top strong men sent by high-level Hai nationalities fled back, and they realized that the situation was wrong.

It’s just that two decades have passed. The top powerhouses of the various sea tribes have lost one-third of their power, and their power has been greatly damaged. Even if they were able to contend with the human clan, they are now greatly reduced.

Moreover, just five years ago, Ling Xiaoji, another son of Ling Xiao, also broke through to the realm of the emperor, consolidated the realm three years later, and directly joined forces with the brothers of Ling invincible to kill a sea emperor.

Subsequently, the two aided the other battlefields, and soon beheaded a sea emperor, causing the remaining three sea emperors to flee and take away their strong heirs.

The death of the Hai emperor died, and the rest gave up the world. The five sea worlds attacked by the human race of the earth completely lost the ability to confront. In the next few years, a large number of top strong men were killed, and the weaker ones surrendered. .

The Terran people began to receive five worlds of the sea family, using the people of the sea family to mine various resources, collecting all the most valuable resources in each world, and obtaining massive resources.

The full-scale war between the Zhutian human race and the Zhutian Hai nationality, which lasted for 50 years, ended. Because of the victory of the Earth human race and the later support for other battlefields, the human race finally occupied the 35 world of the Hai nationality, making the world of the Hai nationality. The total has decreased by about 1%.

After the Zhutian tribes occupied the 35 sea tribes world, ten of them were rich in various renewable resources and suitable for transformation. They were left to transform into a world where the tribe tribes live and thrive.

As for those other resources that have been wiped out and have little use value, they have been resold by the human race to some races that have good relations with the human race, and some races are suitable for living in harsh conditions, so they are useless to the human race. It is also useful for other races, and the human race once again obtains huge amounts of resources.

The resources obtained by the all-human race in the all-out war with the Hai clan have cultivated twelve great emperors and powerful men in the fifty years of the war, including three of the earth human races.

In addition to Ling Wuji, in the last thirty years of war, Xia Yinxue broke through to the realm of the emperor, Nangong Wuyin also broke through to the realm of the emperor, and the number of human emperors reached eight, and the power was also in all the worlds of the human races. Belong to the top.

Not only that, but the relationship between Ling Xiao and the East China Realm was strong. The East Emperor finally broke through to the level of the Emperor, which improved the rank of the East China Realm, and the Emperor Wu and the War Emperor also had the opportunity to sprint the Emperor Realm.

In addition, the Sky Sword of Minghan World has received many instructions from Ling Xiao, and now it is also breaking through the shackles in the baptism of war, becoming a great emperor, and becoming a high-level strong in the human race.

The war between the two tribes was over, and Ling Xiao had already left the chaotic space and returned to the chaotic battlefield at this time. He chased Zhang Ba for a total of ten years, and finally struck Zhang Ba hard, causing his soul to be damaged and not cultivated. I am afraid it cannot be recovered for thousands of years.

It was Ling Xiao who reinvented Zhangba, which made the tribal battle between the tribe and the Hai tribe a huge victory. In the end, he also killed a high-level strong **** of the Hai tribe. Therefore, the Hai tribe gave up seven or eight worlds at the last moment. , And the human races in the heavens have so much gain.

Otherwise, with the huge number of the Hai clan and the support of various strong clan, it is impossible for the Celestial Clan to achieve such a big victory. This is mostly unclear to the Celestial Clan, only the deity above the deity Only the strong know.

After Ling Xiao returned to the chaotic battlefield, he did not return to the world of the earth. Now he can no longer enter the world of the earth, so he only sent a ray of psychic incarnation to maintain the level of the peak emperor to return to the earth and reunite with his family.

Ling Xiao himself often enters the chaotic source space but practiced. After becoming the chaos god, the energy of the chaotic space has little effect on him. Only the energy of the chaotic source space can help him practice, and the outside world Heaven and Earth Aura is more practiced and slower.

However, after breaking through to become a god, Ling Xiao also found that his training speed has slowed down completely, even if he entered the chaotic source space to train, compared with the previous speed, it is equivalent to the speed of the snail.

“It seems that it takes at least tens of thousands of years to train to the mid-level chaos god.” Ling Xiao said with a sigh, then he thought in his heart, wondering whether there is an end to chaotic origin space, whether there is a center, among them Is there any place for you to practice quickly?

“Since the peak gods of our ancestors or the heavens are not too far into the chaotic source space, no one knows the depth of the chaotic source space and whether there is any other existence.” Liuhong said to Ling Xiao shaking his head.

“What about the half-ancestral strongmen and ancestral strongmen of our tens of thousands of people? Haven’t they penetrated into the origin space of chaos?” Ling Xiao asked puzzledly.

“The strong ancestors of the various ancestors of the heavens do have some exploration in the chaotic origin space, seeking an opportunity to break through to the ancestral realm, so they basically ignore the disputes of the ancestors of the celestial world and the ancestors of the various races. The powerhouse hasn’t appeared in tens of thousands of years, and no one knows where they are now, and they can’t reach them at all.” Liu Hong shook his head, and the answer disappointed Ling Xiao.

“It seems that I have to calm down and practice slowly, but in the future I must go to the depth of the chaotic source space to explore it.” Ling Xiao said with a sigh.

“Ling Xiao, only you can explore the depths of the chaotic source space, but don’t worry, how young you are now, even if you practice slowly for tens of thousands of years, it will be affordable until you cultivate to the realm. Go further and explore, there should be unknown dangers deep in the chaotic source space.” Liu Hong advised Ling Xiao to say.

“Also, I haven’t had much time to spend time with my family in the past two hundred years. I should stop and spend more time with my family.” Ling Xiao nodded, he is still less than 500 years old, and is stronger than the divine state of the human race. The tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of years old, he is as young as a baby.

After Ling Xiao broke through to the realm, his Dantian world has been expanding and expanding at all times, and now has a size of 10 million square kilometers, which is equivalent to the size of the Huaxia Empire before the earth’s transformation.

Moreover, the most important thing is that Ling Xiao’s Dantian world can survive all kinds of life, including human life, so Ling Xiao decided to return to earth once, bring his family into Dantian world, and then take them into the side of the chaotic source space Accompany them while practicing.

“Ling Xiao, in fact, when I chose you to be the son of luck, I have split a ray of divine thought into your body, so I can open a channel between the earth and your Dantian world, which can let the earth world and your body The world is connected, and this channel is completely controlled by you.”

When Ling Xiao returned to the outside of the earth and communicated with China, he was surprised by such a message, because if he took his family away and entered the chaotic source space, it would be troublesome for the family to return to the earth, but now It is undoubtedly the best result to be able to open a channel between the earth world and the Dantian world.

“The Donghua and Minghan worlds have also recognized me as the son of luck, can I also open up a channel connecting these two worlds in these two worlds?” Ling Xiao asked, because there are many in these two worlds His friends also need to communicate frequently.

“Of course ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Our world will choose a life as the child of luck, that is to believe him completely, which is equivalent to giving part of our own destiny to him.” Hua Xia replied affirmatively.

Immediately, Ling Xiao immediately differentiated two avatars to go outside the East China Realm and Minghan Realm, and communicate with the world wills of the two realms. Although the world wills of these two realms are not as high as Huaxia’s IQ, they are willing to allow Ling Xiao to open up a world channel.

In the war between the human race and the sea clan, the East China and Minghan worlds have received strong support from the earth world, and each has occupied a sea clan world, obtained all the resources of the entire sea clan world, and finally sold the sea clan world. Obtaining massive resources, so the world will of both worlds will get many benefits, and more favor for Ling Xiao.

“You can enter the chaotic source space and practice slowly.”

Soon after, Ling Xiao opened a space channel to his own Dantian world between Earth World, East China World, and Minghan, and then took the Huaxia Wumeng, Ling Family, Nangong Family, Emei School and other powerful elders, Including Donghua Realm Thunder Tribe, Dongli Tribe, Three Imperial City, a strong man and family of Minghan Realm entered the Dantian World, built more than ten palace groups in it, and then left quietly, leaving only one avatar in each of the three realms to protect Three Realms, and the development of the Three Realms has entered a new era.

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