Galaxy Era: I signed in on Mars

Chapter 23 The Woman Calling for Help

Xiao Ze frowned, how could there be people in this place where the birds don't shit?

"Did I hear it wrong?" He thought he had an auditory hallucination, so he closed his eyes and listened carefully, hey, it seems to be true.

" there me..."

This time Xiao Ze was sure he heard correctly, he gently pushed An Jier, the latter fell into a drowsy sleep, opened his eyes and asked in a daze, "Huh? Was there an earthquake?"

Xiao Ze lowered his voice and said, "Almost, don't sleep yet, I heard a woman calling for help."

"Ah? Where is it?" Angel woke up with a start, struggling to sit up.

"Wait a minute, don't get excited!"

Xiao Ze motioned her to be calm, and said in a low voice, "I'm not sure what's going on with this woman. Don't you think it's weird to appear in this place where the birds don't shit in the middle of the night?"

"That's right, what should I do?"

Xiao Ze rubbed his forehead and said helplessly: "Whether it's good or bad, you have to go and see, there's nothing you can do about it."

When I met Logan in the church, Xiao Ze and Angel were in the shadows, but I heard a woman crying for help in the underground sewer, no matter where she came from, I had to check it out, this was exactly the same as the choice I faced in front of the church before.

It's okay to be a female survivor, if you step on the mine, there is nothing you can do.

The two packed up their equipment, covered each other one after the other, and tiptoed to find the past along with the cries for help.

In the intricate underground drainage system, Xiao Ze finally confirmed where the sound came from, and it was getting closer and closer. He leaned against the wall, motioned Angel to keep quiet, and then poked his head out to look into the drainage channel.

I saw a woman in ragged clothes and disheveled hair walking slowly in the drain with a wooden stick. Her right leg seemed to be injured, so she walked very slowly. Every few steps she would shout: "Help, someone!" ……"

The voice was bleak and helpless.

Xiao Ze frowned, he wanted to save that woman from the bottom of his heart, but he couldn't believe it, his heart was extremely contradictory.

"Brother Ze?" Angel pushed him lightly.

Xiao Ze turned his head and glanced at her. In fact, the two wanted to save her very much, and it was because of the instinct in a soldier's heart.

"I'll go and see, you wait here."

"Be careful Brother Ze, run immediately if you see something wrong, I'll cover you." Angel nodded.

Xiao Ze held the gun in his right hand, and the tactical flashlight in his left hand. It was a very standard Harris grip. He took a deep breath and rushed out. Angel leaned forward and set up a gun for cover.

"Is there anyone...please help leg hurts..."

A light source appeared in the darkness, and the woman immediately discovered Xiao Ze. She called for help to the light source with some uncertainty, her voice mixed with a hint of excitement.

Xiao Ze pointed at the woman with a pistol, and shouted loudly: "Stay where you are, don't move!"

The magazine was full of sixteen bullets, and there was one in the gun chamber. If he found that something was wrong with this woman, he would choose to shoot without hesitation. In this case, the Holy Mother is looking for death!

"help me……"

The woman ignored the black muzzle of the gun, and struggled towards Xiao Ze. Because her right leg was injured and her center of gravity was unstable, she fell to the ground with a coquettish cry, breathing heavily in pain.

It may be that the woman showed such a weak and pitiful appearance, the last trace of vigilance in Xiao Ze's heart disappeared, he put away the pistol, rushed forward to help her up, and asked anxiously: "Girl, what's wrong with your leg?"

"My leg... leg hurts..."

The woman plunged into Xiao Ze's arms, her arms naturally wrapped around his waist.

"Girl, let me go first, let me see your legs..."

Xiao Ze was a little embarrassed being hugged, his wife was watching from behind, and sure enough, An Jier couldn't sit still, and appeared in front of the two from the darkness.

"It's okay girl, let him go first, I'll take a look at your wound." Angel glared at Xiao Ze, and softly signaled the woman to calm down and not get excited.

Nima, the gun was lying so wronged, Xiao Ze pushed the woman out of his arms calmly, with a dignified expression on his face, "Ji'er, check her wound quickly."

"Thank you..." The woman sat on the ground and thanked softly.

"You're welcome." Angel squatted down and was about to tear off her blood-stained pants, and asked casually, "What's your name, why are you here?"

Xiao Ze silently retreated to the side, frowning slightly, always feeling that something was wrong, weird...

Angel had already torn off the woman's pants, and she was stunned. The woman's pants were stained with blood, but there was no wound on her leg. She suddenly looked up at the woman's face.

The woman met her gaze, and a faint sneer twitched at the corner of her mouth: "My name is Seraphim, and I was ordered by General Tang to hunt down the Tokeli rebels."


Before Angel could react, the wooden stick in the woman's hand suddenly turned into a vibrating knife with a cold light, and slashed towards Angel's snow-white neck!

At such a close distance, Angel would definitely not be able to avoid the result of being cut. The woman already felt that she was going to succeed, but she underestimated Xiao Ze's reaction speed.

Swish! ! !

The tip of the knife almost brushed against Angel's throat. After Xiao Ze pulled Angel back, the pistol was aimed at the woman's head simultaneously, and he pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Bang bang bang!

The bullet easily pierced through her head, but surprisingly, there was not a trace of blood splashed out. Xiao Ze unwillingly fired all the bullets in the pistol. Under the impact of the bullet, the woman's head and body convulsed and trembled , the face was broken and distorted, revealing the robot's blue pupils and skull bones.

Xiao Ze quickly changed the magazine, and cursed angrily: "What the hell is this?"

"Damn it! It's a super agent robot! Seraph model!" Angel came back to his senses, screamed, pointed his death eyes at the woman's head, and fired a shot.


The impact of the heavy sniper bullet directly penetrated Seraphim's built-in combat skeleton, turning it into a piece of twisted metal. Angel pulled Xiao Ze up and ran decisively, guessing 100% that it was a pit, and believing it again in the future was the reincarnation of the turtle !

Seraphim stood up slowly, with no expression on his face, only the coldness of a robot.

The skin recovered quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the original ragged clothes and disheveled hair disappeared, and the vibrating knife turned into a pool of silver-gray liquid and merged into her body.

Dressed in a tight black leather jacket, tall and slender, with graceful curves, there is no flaw in her graceful body, phoenix eyes, Qiong nose, small cherry mouth, and no makeup is applied on her face, which is extremely delicate, even compared to such peerless figures as Angel and Logan Women are not much inferior.

Seraphim has a built-in Nathan steel combat skeleton, and the surface of the body is covered with the most advanced liquid metal. The nanocomputer can simulate and change into any human appearance that has come into contact with it, and even the clothes can be simulated together. This beautiful and glamorous woman Appearance is only the lowest energy consumption mode of Seraphim.

Seraphim twisted his neck and glanced around expressionlessly. After his blue pupils flickered, he determined the escape route of Xiao Ze and Angel, and chased them out with long legs.


"Ji'er, what kind of god is this Seraphim?"

While running, Xiao Ze glanced behind him from time to time to make sure whether Seraphim had caught up. There were many forks in the underground drainage, so it was actually very easy to hide.

"A very advanced agent robot. It was originally the personal guard of the senior generals of the Star Alliance. It is sometimes sent out to carry out assassination work, but it is the most difficult enemy for us to deal with." Angel smiled wryly.

"Who is better between her and the assassination robot?"

"It's not at the same level at all. Seraphim's body is covered with weapons, and the surface layer is made of liquid metal with super resilience. Ordinary firearms can't hurt it at all."

"Can't she be killed?" Xiao Ze gritted his teeth and asked, the military technology of the Star Alliance Army is too perverted!

"It can kill her. High-energy laser weapons can destroy her reactor core. The turbo laser cannon on the heavy levitation tank is fine, and the super-power laser gun of the mech is also fine. But where can we get tanks and mechs?"

A flash of inspiration flashed in Xiao Ze's mind, and he asked, "Is the Cro Dimension I drew in the lottery okay? Isn't this a high-energy laser cannon?"

"Of course!" Angel said pleasantly: "Crow Time and Space is fully capable of defeating Seraphim!"

At that time, she was distracted by Xiao Ze's drawing of the bunny girl, and she completely forgot about this super weapon.

Cro Spacetime is a portable laser cannon developed by the Star Alliance. It is equipped on the front line of the battlefield and can release all-destroying laser rays in overclocking mode, which is comparable to a low-end version of orbital bombing.

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