Galaxy Hunter Online

Chapter 10: Dead Men Tell No Tales

Finishing inside Ura, I sighed in pleasure as she came all over me. I felt a little weird about her cumming being a light pink instead of clear, but I chalked it up to her being an alien.

I stepped out after using a powder to wash ourselves off, and Ura went and got dressed. I went back to the kitchen while she found clothes, and I got my arsenal together. I smirked as Ura came out in a black jumpsuit with a T over her right breast. The jumpsuit showed off her cleavage; she perfectly left it a little unzipped for me to see. I could see a little darker hue of blue on her cheeks as she looked at me.

"That was great sex," Ura said as she crawled out of the bedroom. "This is all that left clean by those assholes. I will need to clean, and I can show you where the cleaning stuff is." She said as she stepped down into the kitchen area. I quickly followed her down the ladder, then she turned around, pushed up the ladder, and opened a door where a washer and dryer were. "I know this is like everything is on top of you, and there was a lot of space in space. I can tell you, though, that this was the largest I could make it without diminishing returns." Ura told me, "I wish I could have more headroom in the bedroom; it makes it easier to clean and to have some private time. I bought the most expensive engine I could, and we needed to keep our speed. I had a diminishing return somewhere, and everything else is critical."

"Makes sense," I replied, thinking about when I lived in an apartment with four others. This wasn't the first time, and I chuckled, "I am not perfect at cleaning, though. You take care of that for me, and I will reward you with plenty of mindblowing sex," I replied.

Ura froze, and her cheeks turned a dark blue, and she nodded, "Okay," She said, and I followed her to the exit ramp, "That is a deal to me." She finished, and I followed her out of the spaceship.

Ura walked down and stretched her body, her breasts threatening to break out of the black jumpsuit as she did so. "Desert planet and not too far from Hextar territory. It must be Penvora, Rich in resources but a planet that I wouldn't have much to do with unless it was a weapons manufacturer with an emergency order to send out. Don't have many contacts here personally," Ura said.

I looked at her and shrugged, "Well, for now," I said, pointing towards the skimmer, "We have a couple of crates of stuff I looted from the dumbass inside the spaceship. We can bring it onboard then I will shoot him with my sniper in a way that makes it look long distance. I want to make it look like he already contacted the pirates when I arrived." I finished and looked into the sky, seeing the sun setting.

"Well," Ura said, moving along towards the skimmer, "I have space for the Skimmer so why not take it back aboard the ship and dock in the nearby town? Saves us a lot of trouble, then we can directly resupply and leave," Ura then looked in the sky, "Sun's setting though, so we should be quick," she finished.

I nodded, and we walked together. Ura walked in front of me. Her ass looked amazing as she walked through the desert. It wasn't a long walk before we made it to the skimmer. I showed her into the cave and showed her to the base camp. After a couple of minutes, she was scrounging through the supplies, "Oh, some nice parts for the workshop but not too much. We can also save some credits on food, Sleepy Wonder." Ura commented as I looked for something to help move the crates. I found nothing, so I picked up the crate full of parts.

I grunted, picked it up, and slowly moved down the cave again. "You're just going to pick it up?" Ura said, "Why not just go pick up a cargo lift back in the spaceship?" Looking at me, she said, "We can just do everything at once. Pick up your prisoner and kill him and pick up the cargo. Do it all at once in one trip," Ura finished, and I turned and glared at her.

"Why didn't you say that at first?" I asked.

Ura looked away and started to chuckle, "Sorry, I thought you saw them in the cargo bay. I have one for delivering cargo. It should be enough for picking this up." Ura said, motioning to what we had, "Kind of pitiful for supplies, and we should pick up some, but," Ura shrugged, "The Hextars homeworld isn't too far from here, and with the Elven Tree Sap, we can make some credits there, and the prices of basic goods will be lower."

"Sound argument," I said, looked down at the crate, and shrugged.  I lifted it onto my shoulder and motioned for her, "May as well get a slight workout."

My comment made Ura mutter something under her breath as she looked me up and down, and I could tell she was checking me out. Ever since I pounded her twice in the shower without stopping, her expression toward me had been different. Now I could feel her eyes on me as I walked with the crate on the shoulder opposite my sniper.

It didn't take long for us to go back, and I took the supplies I brought into the workshop since that was where they were to go. I headed then with Ura to the cargo bay, where it opened up to the desert, and she looked around. "The sand will be a pain in the ass to clean later," She commented before grabbing the lift. I headed back inside to grab the dumbass from the medical room, and I brought him out on my shoulder and had Ura looking at me as I did so.

"Come on," Ura motioned, "We don't have long before nightfall; we need to wrap this up quickly!" She shouted.

I walked beside her and dumped the guy on a dune, where he groaned and looked at me for sympathy. "Hey, I can help you," He said. "I can be a crew member of your ship," He pleaded, "I don't need money; just let me live, please," he said.

I looked down at him, he was shackled, but he could still run. I pursed my lips and smiled. "Look, I might shoot you, or I might not. If you stand here and show that you can follow orders even if it might mean your death instead of running, then I might recruit you. I don't know yet," I told him and walked away with Ura.

Heading into the cave, I walked ahead of Ura as she looked at me. "You going to spare someone like that?" Her expression was hard to decipher.

"Nope," I told her, "Knows too much, and he has betrayed his last employers. Who knows if he will be with us down the road? Again, he knows too much." I told her and walked past the camp as Ura looked at me with fascination, respect, and something else I didn't know. I walked up to the cave mouth and looked down to see the dumbass standing there as I put my rifle down on the ground. I looked down at the man, and I could see tears in his eyes.

"They made these NPCs really realistic. Even in the tutorial, the power and computer support are insane," I commented under my breath as I lined up the shot. The man was standing there shaking, and I could see it all in the scope. Each desperate breath hoping it wasn't going to be his last, and the shaking of the chains as he trembled.

My finger slowly moved to the trigger feeling the perfect metal with my fingers in sensual delight as I finished lining up the shot and held my breath. My fingers pressed against the trigger as my ears pressed against my head, and the rifle fired hitting the man in the chest and heart, killing him instantly as a hole appeared where there should have been a heart.

A notification icon showed, and I opened it.


New Trait unlocked. Ruthless

Dead men tell no tales; your enemies are finite if no one knows who killed them.

I watched through the scope as the shot didn't quite hit where I wanted it to. Betrayers like that fucker deserved what they got, in my opinion, and I watched the blood soak into the desert sands. I got up and slung the sniper back onto my back. I let my ears come back up and saw Ura just finishing the job, and she looked at me.

She saw that I didn't look affected, and I saw even more respect in her gaze toward me, and I added another notch to my respect for the game developers. This almost felt like real life, and I purposefully moved my tail around to get some more feel for it. I almost hit the only lamp when I did and grimaced in distaste. "All is dealt with," I said before helping Ura with the last of the things and putting them on the lift.

We walked down together, and I retrieved the cuffs and the body putting it in the trunk of the skimmer before I drove it over to the spaceship. We spent the last minutes of nightfall packing everything up and double-checking that we had gathered everything. I smiled with happiness as I put it all on the ship, the cargo container lifted back up, and we left the rough landing pad as we didn't need it. We secured the cargo and locked everything down, letting the skimmer land on the floor and secure itself for delivery. I moved out of the way and let Ura deal with it quickly before she closed the ramp, and I followed her. She smiled and shook her booty a bit in my face as the lift closed.

"Cannot tell you how much of a relief it is to be taking off again as the helmsman. I thought I was going to be a slave for the rest of my life," Ura said as she brought me to the bridge. "Did I say thank you for that?" She asked.

"Not sure," I told her honestly, as I found myself leaning back, "Still, Time to go back to that shit town so I can collect a bounty," I told her.

"Yes, Yes," Ura said and started to press buttons. "Looks like the pirates downloaded the local locations, and I can see a town roughly a twenty-minute flight. It even has a small spaceport for me to land in. I am sending credentials, and," Ura paused and grinned, "YES! My baby hasn't been marked pirate yet!" She exclaimed, "That makes this all so much easier! Only three days, and they haven't done something stupid enough to get caught!" Ura continued happily, "Just taking off now. Hold onto something as the thrusters lift us off the planet and the counter grav plates initiate." Ura warned.

I held onto a console with no railing above the console, and the world tilted a little as thruster flared a couple of seconds later, the world righted itself, and the floor no longer shook. "Counter grav initiated," Ura was smiling as suddenly the ship jolted forward, "Boom!" Ura exclaimed, "We are on our way," She continued happily, turning to me, "I didn't think I would get to fly it again. I am kind of riding a high right now."

I nodded and shook myself a little, "Good to see you happy," I told her, watching the screen in front of us as we went over the dunes. We moved much faster than a skimmer, and Ura was flying her attention back to the console.

Deciding against distracting her, I watched as soon the town came into view, and she began to talk to the port. We were given a bay, and soon Ura parked us there from our short flight. Quickly Ura turned to me with a bright white smile with her blue skin. "Damn, I am happy right now," She said, coming over to me.

I patted her on the head, much to her surprise, and I turned. "I need to go see a lizard about some pay," I told her, and I saw her watching me as I turned to the cargo bay, "Also, we cannot keep the Skimmer. It is the bounty offices, I believe," I told her, and I headed to the cargo bay, "Come with me," I said, "Lock up the ship, and we can take some time after to see if there is something here to ship to the Hextar homeworld. I continued, " may as well have something instead of nothing," and Ura chuckled.

"Sure," She replied, following me and, moments later, locking up the ship before jumping into the skimmer and heading to the Bounty office.

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