Galaxy Hunter Online

Chapter 21: Early Arrival

I looked down in satisfaction as I held up the shotgun I had created for traps earlier. No longer was it a junk item but a basic shotgun that wasn't as likely to hurt the user as it was to hurt the enemy. 


Small two-barrel pipe shotgun. (Basic)

A basic two-barrel pipe shotgun that will spray forward. Not made to reload normally.


I smiled that I at least fixed up the gun to the point where it wouldn't blow up in my own hand. It wasn't much, but it was my first freestyle, non-junk weapon. I couldn't help but smile looking it over, but it wasn't ever going to be a piece that I would show off to my friends at the end of the day. I put it down to the side and started to work on making a pistol. I wanted to attempt making one with the tools I had at hand, and I got to work.


Progress was slow when I heard a knock, and I looked at the door as it opened. Ura was leaning on the door frame, silhouetting the door with her sexy body. “We will be dropping out of Slipstream soon, Sleepy Wonder. I have found a package for a dark pickup. The package is small but highly illegal. I already have a matching shipment to the same world overall, and it will put me ahead for this month's ship payment. We will even have enough credits for a slave, probably.” Ura was looking at me with an expression that said that she expected a response. 


I got up from my chair and stretched, “I think we might want to get some new clothing,” I replied and looked down at my leg, “I also need to check my wounds.” I finished, and Ura smiled.


“Don't like me in just my Jumpsuit?” Ura asked, looking down at herself.


I closed the distance and used a greasy finger on her chin to make her look at me. “You look amazing,” I told her just before I took her lips. A minute later, I continued after breaking the kiss, “But we both have been wearing the same clothing, and I think you want to dress up in some sexy clothing for me. And I want to make you scream in something sexy. So we will pick some clothes up somewhere soon. Understood?” I said but didn't wait and stepped past her.


I heard a sigh or something behind me, and I knew that would get to her. I would bet that her pussy was moist for me, and I was about to go have a shower, and I couldn't help but wonder if she would join me. A moment later, I was stripping into the shower, and Ura was there and on her knees in moments, sucking me off before I began to rail her incredible pussy.


Pulling her hair as I shoved her face against the metal wall as my hips thrust into her. Ura was screaming in pleasure as I took her hard and fast. Both uncaring about the grease from my work earlier as it streaked her blue skin while I pulled back out and thrust into her again and again. Her cries fueled my need, and I released into her with a large load before we started to clean each other up.


Ura’s sex drive for me was amazing, but we were nearing our destination and didn't have time for another round or even a long round. We cleaned up and threw our clothing into the washer. I didn't stick around for another round as I pulled out the Datapad and tried to understand it.


Somehow the Datapad I got from Pervona looked different this time. Looking at the information, it wasn't like it was slipping out as soon as I began to read it. Instead, I could read it clearly as a quest item, but the language was a little technical. I frowned and felt like I needed a textbook to understand it fully. I slowed down my reading and tried to get what it was talking about slowly.


As I read, I found that a lot of the early work this was talking about had something to do with the bullet's velocity. It seemed that the project I was currently reading about was an experimental ammo type; I guessed but wasn't sure. I continued to read when suddenly Ura tossed my clothes at me.


“Time to dress; we have to go pick up our dark cargo within an hour. Shouldn’t be too large of cargo, but we will need to escort it back,” Ura said with a slight pout.


“Annoyed I didn't have more fun with you while not wearing clothing, Ura?” I asked, calling her out.


Ura pouted even more and turned away, showing me that juicy ass. “Yes,” She confessed quickly and walked away, and I couldn't help but chuckle.


“I am not a sex fiend Ura. I need to learn more things for us!” I yelled towards her, and she turned and gave me the finger before walking away in dignified silence. I loved when women showed me a little attitude, and her clinging wasn't that great. I couldn't help but wonder what her programming had her as. Her personality was starting to show after almost becoming a slave.


I got up and dressed and checked my bandages while I was at it. It seemed that my wounds were slowly scabbing over, and I was glad that I didn't have to feel pain the entire time. I wondered if that would end in the main game world or if it was just my character. The pain when I was shot was something that I had gotten used to in some previous VRMMOs in the past, but the game developers quickly learned that too much pain would have no players. It seemed Gabin wanted the realisticness of pain but only for that battle. I still had a bandage around my arm from Pervona, and it no longer hurt. The bandage was no longer even showing blood which was good. 


With everything checked, I picked up my guns and ammo and started to prepare for battle if needed. It didn't take long, and I walked to the bridge while playing with my tail deliberately. I watched Ura bring us out of Slipstream as I toyed with my tail. I unbuckled an ammo strap and grabbed hold of it with my tail. It was difficult, and I had to look down in order to facilitate my movement and reloading.  


My tail twirled, and I dropped a magazine from my tail. The sound of the ammo hitting the floor made Ura look back at me, “Is everything alright?” She asked quickly before turning back to her console, and she brought us closer to the planet. 


“No problem,” I replied, a little embarrassed. “Just trying to teach my tail a new trick,” I told her, and Ura shook her head.


“Do it somewhere else then, as we are coming up to the landing point, and I would rather not have sudden sounds for no reason,” Ura said, and I nodded. I stepped out and headed to the workshop and carried the sniper magazine in my tail. It was difficult gripping with my tail, although it definitely had the strength. It was more an issue that I needed to deliberately think about gripping it than I didn't have to do with my hands. It was a programmed muscle memory that I lacked at this point, and bringing the magazine up to my hand was hard to do.


Normally my tail existed behind me and followed more or less what I wanted to be doing. Like when I went prone, it would lie flat down like a third leg so as to not make itself known. I wondered if it was something that was programmed as a helper for people like me. I don't know, but I needed more control over my thick black tail.


I felt the ship move into orbit and come down as I continued my attempts, and I held onto the worktable as I continued my attempts. I tried to bring the magazine back into the ammo holster without much success. 


I felt us slowing down almost in the ship before we landed, and I gave up trying to use my tail to put back the ammo. I felt frustrated at the lack of ability I was showing with my tail and reached down as we landed to put the ammo back into the holster. I sighed and stretched as the ship stopped moving and moved back out into the hallway with my arsenal all ready on my back.


The next weapon I wanted to add to my arsenal would be an assault rifle. I wanted something for the mid-range combat that I didn't really have at this time. I had a handgun, but that was mid to close-range combat as pistols were hard to aim at mid-range or far-range distances. 


My mind was thinking more about the types of combat that I could encounter, and the thought of grenades came into my head when I entered the bridge. “Done playing?” Ura suddenly asked, turning to me.


“Thinking about what we might encounter when we go to pick up things. I am also thinking about grenades and how much fun having a grenade launcher and a couple of hand grenades might be in a fight,” I told her with a smile.


Ura looked away with a little purple blush that I didn't understand this time. Probably something that she was thinking of, and I was caught by how much processor power this game must take to showcase this level of personality. I liked Ura and her little blushes and everything. It was something that I was having a very hard time not noticing and trying to remain a step back from. “Well, we need to go to the meeting soon. We cannot talk about the pick-up for too long till we drop off our main shipment. I already called them and told them about their shipment on my ship. After they come to pick it up, we will head off. Also, this planet has an inspection team. They should arrive before our-” A sudden ping for the ramp sounded, and Ura got up from her console. 


I walked behind her, not drawing my weapon, and soon we had an inspection team checking out our ship. It was moments like these that I realized how much that dark cargo area she spent so much on was worth. Every world seemed to inspect ships coming in. I wondered how much longer it took for cargo ships and things like that.


My mind started to realize that guilds in this game would have to shape themselves as actual corporations. You would need to make money on shipping or have an economy based on more than one thing. I started to thank my stars that I was a bounty hunter and not some logistics start or something. 


I was a crafter mixed in as well, so I could play two aspects of the game. Then I realized there was probably a class to make Starships in this game. Guilds or Corporations would need to have starship designers and make flagships, capital ships along with cargo ships all to play this world at the highest level.


I shook my head, thinking that there was no way for that to happen. It would be too massive of a scale. Instead, I watched as the inspection crew was interrupted as an Air lorry came into the spaceport dock; we were all ready to pick up our cargo. They waited for the inspection crew to finish before they came over to talk.


Over two hours later, watching everything, we got the green light, the cargo was moved onto the air lorry, and we had a large transfer of credits completing the contract. Ura smiled, looking at me, “We have finished up here,” She said and walked over, put her hands on my waist, and took the initiative as the ramp came up to kiss me. Our lips locked for several moments, and I pulled her closer and deepened it.


I loved when girls took the initiative, and I pulled her breasts against my own, and my tongue dove into her mouth. My lips synced with hers, and we full out were in a make-out session. I lost track of time for a bit before I came up for a breath, and Ura was blushing. We both looked at each other with a look in our eyes that told the other that we wanted action.




We both turned towards the bridge where the sound came from, and Ura looked annoyed. “Damnit,” She said, looking towards it, and I let go of Ura so she could go up to the console and press a button.


“Ura! You said we were going to meet!” A man snapped on the other side as soon as the call connected. 


“Uppo, We will be heading there in a minute. Inspection and the crew clearing my last shipment took longer than we estimated. I will be there soon,” Ura snapped back and pressed another button. “Fucking asshole with no patience,” Ura snapped at the console, and I knew she had ended the call. 


“Time to go,” I told her, and I double-checked my handgun and made sure it was fully loaded before doing the same with my shotgun. I lifted my sniper as Ura went to the ramp and pressed the button to lower it again before looking at me as I checked my sniper rifle. 


“Time to go,” Ura confirmed.


A moment later, we walked down the ramp heading out of the spaceport while the ramp lifted up behind us.

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