Galaxy Hunter Online

Chapter 28: Traits

I spent the next hour going over intelligence that the Bounty Hunter office gave for free on this quest. Well, I didn't know if the information was free or if it came with the bounty set by the pirate that did it. It seemed that he had thrown a huge fit when purchasing a slave and it landed him in serious trouble with the people that owned the Space station. It seemed that this guy must have some arrogance to him to forget that he lived because the rulers of the Space station protected him.


I couldn't help but wonder why the Federation let Pirates exist like this. It was an interesting thought experiment but one that I didn't dive too deep into. I looked at the information more I couldn't help but think that this guy would be easy to track down. It was only recently he reappeared on the Bounty hunter organization sights again, and it was because of another Pirate. Maybe he knew he was being hunted or still thought he had protection from an organization. 


Looking over the information, he was still on the two-bit space station with the Pirates even as his bounty opened up. He was a drow with blue, almost purple skin but long ears that Ura didn't have. There wasn’t much more on him, and I would have to learn more about the bounty on the station.


Finally, I looked up, and Ura was gone, and I got up, walked over to the sink, and started to clean. Ura bought some spicy clothing for me and her to wear, but I didn't see it around when I woke up. I wondered where she put it but decided against searching for it. We were coming up to the Two-bit station, and she needed to concentrate. I decided to walk over to the bridge while contemplating what I needed to do while on the space station. 


First, I needed to target practice. That was a necessity. I was dangerously under-practiced with my shooting right now. My handgun skills were still up to snuff, and shooting a shotgun was general direction shooting for knife range. My sniper was a precision weapon that I was dangerously under-practiced on. I wasn't even sure if the sights were correctly set if I hadn't shot some Hextars back on that desert planet during my first bounty mission.


No, I would take some time to find myself at the shooting range and spend some federation credits on munitions to burn through and practice. My assault rifle would be useless if I didn't get used to the recoil and ensure everything was properly done. 


Suddenly I felt us exit slipstream, and I coughed a little in surprise before moving to the bridge while Ura was furiously typing away at the panel. She pushed at an earpiece and talked to the traffic control, probably of the Two-bit space station, as I watched.


“Confirmation complete, I will be docking in bay Two-oh-oh fiver; I will be on station till I find another delivery or a maximum of a week if no delivery is found. Copy,” Ura said seriously, and she nodded. “Copied; thank you, Dockmaster.” Ura finished and turned to me even as her fingers moved across the panel. 


“We have a week to do things. In that time, I should be able to get a new package with no issues. Probably something extremely illegal that they have to pay me a lot for with something legal. My money launderer will be happy with me.” Ura grinned. 


“I am happy too. I will be doing some firing practice while on the station. I would like to spend some time in the shooting range for a day or two, blowing holes in targets before I even start bounty-hunting this guy. I need to ensure everything is working and maybe do some tweaks.” I told Ura, who was now smiling as I told her that. 


“That sounds like fun. I will probably book some time to practice some handguns. Never a bad thing to learn a little while we are at Two-Bit station. Still, I will have to focus more on finding a good contract with someone. I haven't been burned yet since working with you but working with Pirates always increases that chance,” Ura told me as her fingers typed. She turned and started to look down at her console for a couple of moments and frowned. “Damn, we are a bit further from the main areas than I originally thought. Means we will have to use the trams to move to the central area, and the unloading of goods might be delayed,” Ura told me and turned to me. “We will be docking in less than an hour. Better get ready, and you will feel it when we land.”


“Thanks!” I told her happily and moved into the workshop, and started to prepare. I could have logged off to stretch a little, and it would be fifteen minutes instead of an hour. Instead, I took this time to work out. I started to do push-ups and crunches to ensure my body was fit and ready without taking out my character's body. 


While I worked out, I thought about what role I wanted to play as Sleepy Wonder. This is a Role Playing world. There was only one server, and Role Playing seemed to be integral in the universe of Galaxy Online. There was so much to do and see in this universe I couldn't help but wonder about the role I wanted to play in it. 


I thought about the circumstances that Sleepy Wonder was in when I first came to this tutorial, and I quickly realized that Sleepy Wonder was a poor Rishan Locktor. She was stranded on a desert planet with nothing but a cot and tools. She had signed a Bounty hunter contract with the small bounty hunter agency to help round up criminals for the Manufacturing companies on this small planet in order to be able to survive. Every credit must have gone to buying tools and parts for weapons, as there was nothing but the holsters and leather clothing I took with me. There were also some manuals that were left behind for the weapons.

Sleepy Wonder was a Gun Manufacturer that was a Bounty Hunter. She was an Artisan that wanted only the best, but she was an amateur at this point. She only wanted to create the best and would take the time in order to achieve that. Like most Rishan Locktor she was obsessed with guns, but she had no access to the tools of the job till she picked up a contract at that bounty office. 


Thinking about this made me realize that there was more to it, and I remembered the Biography of this race and realized the major reason why she was on that planet, to begin with. She was a refugee and probably was a stowaway on some ship that she hid on and got off at a planet whenever she ran out of food. Then in order to scrape by, she picked up that contract with the bounty office that told her that they would feed her. She took care of herself, kept herself strong, and worked out to continue keeping food on the table. She probably would be obsessive about keeping her body in shape, and then I remembered the traits of this game.


Traits were something to count in my head, and I thought about all the traits I received and wondered if there was a list of them. I started searching and quickly found them in my Character menu.



Name: Sleepy Wonder

Class: Gun Specialist

Race: Rish’an Locktor

Specialization: Artisan

Profession: Gun manufacturer (Automatically chosen with Class)

Gender: Futanari



Exhibitionist: Does not mind appearing before others naked. 

Locked and loaded: Being Armed to the Teeth is normal.

Workout enthusiast: Gain Strength through workout routines.

Complete Arsonal: Fully equipped to a fault.

Concentrated: Concentrate on what you feel is most important, no matter who tries to distract you.

Stubborn: You face the challenge and complete it no matter what.

Straight-faced liar: You can lie without showing any sign of it on your face.

Cock tease: Turn on men more easily, leaving them hard and wanting.

Tracker: You look at the subtle details to find someone.

Trapmaker: You make traps to help you in combat.

Merciless: You make sure an enemy cannot retaliate.

Dominatrix Rope tyer: You clearly know your way around the rope.

Diabolical: Your enemies cry at your plans

Sniper: The first shot wins the chance for the second shot to kill

Tactical: Kill with a plan.

Stealth: Quiet and unseen.

Trap Master: Better at laying traps than the layman.

First aider (Intermediate): Better able to treat wounds.

Ruthless: Dead men tell no tales.

Contract bound: I'm not stuck with you. You are stuck with me.

Stubborn Negotiator: I take it all, and you get nothing.

Reasoned Negotiator: Always within the rules of the Contract.

Home cook: Smells like Mama’s home cooking.

Inventive: Make your own blueprints with the help of other blueprints.

Well Prepared: Prepared for what's ahead.

Planned ahead: Plan, Plan for your plan. Plan in case your plan fails, and if that one fails.

Booby Trap Love: Traps are your thing.

Bait: The hardest part of any trap.

Gambit: Willing to risk it all in a last-ditch effort. 

Beginner Gun Enthusiast: Wants to learn all about weapons Inside and out.

Meticulous: Always fixing small things seeking Perfection



Looking through the list, I remembered some of the descriptions being different from when I got them. Some told me what they were meant for, while others did not. I couldn't help but wonder yet again what was so important about traits.


An urge to log out and check the forums for Galaxy Online hit me again, but I ignored it. The ship would soon be docking, and I had to think of a backstory for Sleepy Wonder even more in this universe.


The base of my story would be that I was a child of Refugee Rish’an Locktor that jumped ship to ship. I grew up with little education and eventually was accidentally separated from them while we smuggled ourselves onto a new passenger ship. I was found and put in a Federation Orphanage on a planet that I still had to learn the name of. It was a forest planet, and I learned a lot in that forest, including hunting and gathering. That would be something I would need to pick up traits in, and I would make sure to talk to Ura about making our way to the next planet. If I wanted to make myself a bounty hunter around traps, I would have to include that somehow.


The ship jolted for a moment, and I felt the world around me get lighter then the world started to get heavier before everything was right again. It was time we landed, and I got my feet under me only to realize the world was slightly heavier than before. It seemed that the Two-bit station rotation was a little faster than needed to increase the gravity this much. Didn’t matter. I loaded up and stepped out towards the bridge where Ura was typing on the console.


“All settled, Dockmaster. Thanks for the greeting,” Ura said with a smile. She pressed her console in a large motion and turned to me with a frown. “The customer is in the queue for the dock lift, and their number isn't till tomorrow. That means we have at least eighteen hours before we have to meet the client. Want to go shoot some targets?” Ura asked.


I felt my smile broaden, and I nodded with a huge grin. “Damn straight I do! Let us get going!” I told her, feeling genuinely happy to go shoot my guns. I had that gunfight in that warehouse, but it wasn't like a good old gun range and thousands of rounds of ammo. 


I was in the United States at a Call of Duty VR tournament when I last shot several thousand rounds for a promotion video. That was a fun advertisement. Ura smiled and looked down at her console. “I booked an appointment while docking when I learned we have time. Let us shoot for a couple of hours before returning to sleep for the meet-up. We need to head out now as it is late. We can pick up food on the way back to the ship.”


Ura seemed confident in the ship's security, and so I nodded. “Let us go then!” I replied enthusiastically.


Ura zipped up her jumpsuit, and we headed out while I carried my new assault rifle. Ura grabbed it, ran to the back of the ship, pulled something out, and handed me a metal box with another smaller box jutting out of it where it came from. Ura was smiling as she handed it to me. “Hold onto this, please.” She told me, and we both headed to the ramp.


Moments later, the ramp lifted back up and locked to Ura’s signature. The White and red bay wasn't the cleanest, but we walked away from our ship into a personnel elevator. “Thousand Grain Gun Range!” Ura yelled when we entered, and a chime sounded.


“Thousand Grain Gun Range. Estimated time of arrival: Ten minutes.” The AI chimed. A second later, with mine and Ura’s knees buckling a little, the Elevator shot off away from the docking bay. I held onto the box she gave me and decided that it was something electronic and put it in my breasts. It cut a little awkwardly into my breasts, but it felt important.

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