Galaxy Hunter Online

Chapter 48: Patch Notes

It was a fun day; we spent tens of thousands of Ura’s Federation credits. I had no idea how much she had, but she seemed fine spending them. Her body shivered in delight, and much to my horror and delight, I found each time we finished our business together in the changing room, they simply charged Ura for using the clothing without even worrying about the cleaning fee. They merely cleaned the changing room without a word or a fee while we were out looking at new clothing and designs and cleaned it.


This was something that could not happen in real life but was something that I felt so surreal. The world around us felt so odd and alien, but it was something that I could see the economic use of it. Imagine going shopping with your lover, ' enjoying’ her changing, and simply being charged for the clothing because cleaning was so cheap that they did not care. It was simply amazing and worrying because they somehow detected that my semen was all over Ura, and she shook her head.


“When we are done, they put simple sensors that second-tier planets and above have the infrastructure to make for so cheap it is negligible,” Ura said when I asked. “Then cleaning bots work in a preprogrammed way that leaves the changing room perfectly clean unless you physically destroy the changing room. It allows us to enjoy ourselves with privacy and without being recorded. They get increased profits, and we enjoy ourselves. Both parties enjoy it,” Ura said as she picked up the dirty suits that we chose. “I heard it received a lot of criticism back in the day when it first came out. Many third-tier planets and under do not have the luxury, though. Probably why you didn't know about it,” Ura said as we entered the elevator to head out of the shopping center.


I thought about it and quickly realized that this universe was the same as the real world. There were privileges the higher tier or more developed worlds had those ones without simply did not have. That included little luxuries like this in the game but in the real world; it might be something like being able to flush toilet paper in a toilet instead of disposing of it.


“Well, I enjoyed our date,” I said to Ura after a moment, looking her over as we stepped out of the elevator with Ura.


Ura smiled and looked me up and down, “I loved it. I like you a lot and your frank way of speaking. I cannot wait for many more dates on different worlds with you. I will miss you while you are in the forest,” Ura said as we moved toward the exit of the Shopping center.


“I will miss you too,” I told her honestly, and I didn't know how I should feel about that. “I also am looking forward to being out in the forest,” I finished with a shrug.


“I understand. You look forward to the adventure but will miss the people you have to leave behind to do so,” Ura said, her voice turned wistful, “I was the same with the military; I was top of my year for boot camp in piloting everything. I was put on a capital ship, the Federation Superdreadnought Aranaught; I was under an amazing Pilot and looked forward to such a high-tier mission. I left everything behind and all my loved ones.” Ura smiled before shaking her head, “I know how you feel, and I hope you come back safely so we can continue whatever this is,” Ura said as she got an AI taxi.


I smiled as I grabbed her, kissed her lips, and opened the door for her, “Come on, We are not far from the ship, but I am tired. Your free to do what you want to me while I sleep,” I told her, and Ura’s face turned purple as I got in the Taxi before her. 


She brought that leather-bound ass down into the seat and hit my arm with some strength. I smiled and pretended to be hurt. I laughed with Ura as the Taxi took off, and we stopped to grab food for everyone before getting back to the ship.


As I laid my head down to log out, there was a sudden message as soon as the sequence took me out of the game.


“From Gabin Corporation,


Hello, Galaxy Online Players,


We have received numerous complaints about the Tutorial and main world difficulty. We looked into it and decided on a couple of things. 


First, Tonight we will be updating the Tutorial Missions to fix some mistakes that were made that some have exploited while others messed up on. The Tutorial world is the Contracts that the Character you have created was assigned to. Breaking them by force or exploiting them is leaving the tutorial, and if you lose your character playing outside your level zone is done at your own risk. Breaking them will force you out of the tutorial, and completing them comes with rewards like bringing what you have earned during the tutorial while also giving your character background and traits to make your character useable in the Main Galaxy Online Universe. Breaking the Tutorial is playing the game with Impossible difficulty.


Note: To those exploiting the Contract to leave where you should be, you will not be affected by these changes as they did not break our previous rules. Unless your character dies in your Current Tutorial playthrough and you must restart, these patch notes will not affect your current situation. The difficulty of the Tutorial will be unknown and will change only by your actions. Enjoy!


We apologize for not spelling this out in the first place. Those who need to restart due to stupidly breaking contracts because of our lack of explanation be given ONE extra chance with higher-tier characters.


Second, We have received numerous complaints about time dilation and how it works even while offline. We had overlooked this, and a designer named Thomas Thorson Did an amazing job and received a three million dollar bonus for coming up with a system we have not found glitches with for adjusting time dilation between one-to-one time up to One to Four times speed. Meaning before you log out, you can default it to one-to-one speed, and when online, adjust it to one to four again or leave it. 


This is a huge achievement, and we thank Thomas Thorson! His reward was something small, and we plan to look into how to promote him in the future. Again, Please Thank Thomas Thorson for this code achievement. He has a very bright future ahead of him!


This concludes the Patch notes, although we will be fixing some minor Graphics glitches.


As a Final note, To all those parents who purchased this game and the console for their children. THEY WILL NOT BE GETTING THEIR ACCOUNTS BACK TILL THEY CAN PROVE THEY ARE OVER THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN! THIS IS AN ADULTS-ONLY GAME!


Thank you for your understanding,


Gabin Corporation.”


The text flashed on the screen, and I could not be happier. Suddenly a Settings thing showed up. 

“Would you like to set a one-to-one timeline when you're offline to a default?


Note: this will only apply inside the Tutorial.”


I quickly put in yes, and I could not help but smile. This was amazing, and Thomas Thorson was my favorite programmer now. I could not be happier with this ability. I no longer felt in a time crunch and had no time to be offline. It returned my real life to me!


I logged out, and the pod lifted, and I stepped out of the pod, looking around, and I couldn't help but smile. “I can actually do things in real life again!” I smiled as I announced with a smile. I could finally sleep a full night without a full day passing in the game. It would be a night, and I could not help but smile. It was a private universe inside the Tutorial, so I could use this to take my time in the forest. I was worried that I would have to sleep in two-hour increments. Now, Now, I could take breaks and live life again!


I stepped out and stretched with a massive smile, and I picked up my phone and found the contact for the Sissy. I decided to enjoy that married couple with my new free time. I would delay the sleep stream and get on my computer to start to have some fun. I could not help but feel a thrill down my spine as I planned some things and told my sleep viewers that something important had come up and I would be an hour or two later. But I would turn off the alarm in exchange, so who knew when I would wake up.


It was a mixed result, and I looked at the costume that they had voted up for me, and I winced.  It was something I was not expecting to pass. A little kitty pink tank top for those perverts that enjoyed a younger theme. It was something I wasn't even sure why I had but for those perverts. The tank top was a little looser, but when sleeping, that can mean, for the perverts, happy accidents. It came with the completion of pink little kitty hot pants that were a little loose too. As long as things went well, things would be okay. But, I preferred to be tightly wrapped up instead of loose clothing. I sighed, got up, and turned my filming on but off my stream. It would take a couple of seconds to turn it back, but I smiled as I turned it to the second avenue.


It would add some spice to things tonight, and I grabbed my phone and sent a text. 


“Your wife is invited along with yourself, Sissy Bitch. Make sure you both bring offerings of food and toys inside. I look forward to it. You have a maximum of an hour to respond. Each minute you fail to respond with a positive reply, I will become further annoyed.” 


It was quick and to the point, and I got up from my chair with my phone in hand, heading to my closet bedroom when I got a reply.


“Mistress, My wife and I have been expecting your message! We will be there in fifteen if that is acceptable. My wife is very excited to meet you!” 


I smiled before I quickly replied.


“Only acceptable. I will see you soon.” I replied, headed into my bedroom, and started planning my outfit and toys. It would be a fun night with the wife of the Sissy. I am sure he will enjoy it as well. I grinned as I looked through my options.

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