Galaxy Hunter Online

Chapter 61: Mayhem


Bounty: Emma Volenski

Race: Three Quarters Human, One quarter Twimmer

Crimes: Multiple accounts of Assault and Attempted Murder

Federation Bounty: 9000 Federation Credits

Wanted Dead or Alive

Note: Known to be with a pack of men and women attacking and murdering Bounty Hunters. Proceed with Caution.


Emma Volenski? And one-quarter Twimmer? What is that? 


“Good girl smiling for the Camera, Emma,” I said with a smile, and I turned the unconscious man with his cock out with semen and pussy juices all over it and took a picture of him.


Bounty: Tamerial Mystiron

Race: Silirus

Crimes: Multiple assaults with deadly weapons. Grand theft, Grand theft with the intent to kill

Federation Bounty: 13000 Federation Credits

Wanted Dead or Alive

Note: Known to be with a pack of men and women attacking and murdering Bounty Hunters. Proceed with Caution.


“Tamerial and Emma,” I said, looking down at the both of them. Emma was still looking up at me, shocked into disbelief at what was happening, her mouth opening and closing dumbly. I looked at Tamerial, and I wondered what he stole and if I could get my hands on it. Was it worth keeping him alive?


I thought about my gear and the fact that I had Emma caught with a collar. She was my little slave now, but she wasn't going to be obedient, I think. She was stunned in shock, and I could see her wits coming back about her. Her eyes were narrowing, and I looked around the room and noticed a rope. It was tied to a rock, and I realized what it was for. It was to toss down in case something happened at the base of the cave, and they could not escape. This was perfect for me, and I decided to see if Tamerial was holding something I could bring back with me later.


The man had a small bleeding wound on his head, but I didn't care if he died. He was wanted dead or alive, just like the rest of these criminals, and I was making cash here and now. I moved over, grabbed him by the legs, and pulled him toward the rope as Emma watched. “No talking, no moving until I tell you otherwise, Emma,” I warned her as I noticed her try to move, “That means no making noise either,” I warned her again, and I finished bringing Tamerial over to the rope.


I took only a couple of minutes before I hog-tied the man and bound his fingers together. It was a pretty insidious rope job, and I had enough rope left over to give him a bra. It was fun, and I enjoyed doing him up, and I turned to Emma, “Stay here, quiet and not moving. No noise of any kind,” I told her, ensuring my orders, and I picked up their weapons and walked away.


It was walking back down to the bottom of the cave; I decided to check out the shotgun and wanted to whistle. It was a pump action meant for busting in close quarters. It would have made the perfect thing for me if it were auto. IT was just too large this time. But with an assault rifle, it might be better for me to use just this time. I could swap it out and use the eight cartages that were inside it. 


My fingers glided along the gun, and I winced as I realized the quality of the gun was subpar, or it was just old. Over time, some micro fissures worked their way into the shotgun's steel, which wasn't good. I disliked the feeling of this subpar shotgun in my hands, but I knew it would work if I needed it tonight. So, as I reached the entrance of this cave, I put down my rifle just in the grass beside the cave and strapped the shotgun to my back instead. I didn't have anything to break up the shape unless I undid what was attached to my rifle. It was fine for now, and I started to move and think about what I was going to do with the main attack.


One of my biggest worries was that these were bounty hunters. But now I knew it was all part of the same group, and it was good that I killed the previous group when I did. Still, I was outnumbered in this, and I didn't want to get killed. No, I would set up some traps for the next group and work from there.


I felt good at the moment as I never realized how stealthy I actually was. As I neared the cave the next group was in, I got to the ground and started to crawl against the ground. I grabbed my shovel, and I started a bit away from the light. This was the more insidious trap I had in mind, and it would take some time.


“You know,” I heard from the cave, “I want to go over and see Emma,” The guy that was talking last time said, and I heard a frustrated grunt from the other guy.


“Honestly, Shut the fuck up, You just want to get your rocks off. The slut right now is with Tamerial. I am sure that tomorrow night you will be posted with her. She will ask you to mount her then. Okay? Please, For the love of the stars, SHUT THE FUCK UP!” He cried out, and I could hear the frustration from the guy I couldn't see. I was in the middle of hooking up a string to a pin, and I winced. I really hoped that he didn't let the dipshit out of his hold. I was in the middle of crawling over and sticking a tiny metal hook into the ground that almost looked like a tent peg. Someone tripping over this string would pull the pin on this grenade, which would cause a nice little ruckus on this night.


I crawled back and wished I had some claymores from Call of Duty right now. It would allow me to set up a sweep if I had enough, and I could shoot them down and pin them inside. Then I could lob grenades into the cave, and there would be nothing they could do.


“Fuck, her tight hole is always so juicy,” That voice complained again, and I moved toward the center. I stopped and made a hold quickly with a string attached to that same tent peg as the string was coming to an end. I attached another grenade and heard, “You know what, I think I am going to go to the bathroom for a bit.” That voice said, and I winced and started to move.


“Okay, Tyler, I am only going to say this one last time,” The second guy said with clear restraint, “I, Am, Not, Going, To,Cover, For, You!” The voice said, “I am serious here; if Alexus wakes up, sees you are gone, and asks me where you are. I know where you will be, and I will tell her that you went to Emma to get your dick wet despite it being Tamerials turn. We all know it is his turn because Alexus put him with her. So, Tell me, Where are you going?”


This Emma slut was getting on my nerves because of how much of a slut she was for her group. Holy shit, the other guy couldn't keep it in his pants for her. I was surprised by how well-known it was in the group. The way I heard it, though, Emma didn't think she was being that obvious about it. Or maybe it was some game they played; either way, I wanted to sigh.


I moved barely to the center when I heard the Tyler guy sigh, “Nope, I gotta go to the bathroom,” He said, and I froze. I paused all movement, was still in the dark, and heard movement. 


“Better be going to the bathroom and coming straight back; our watch is over soon,” The second voice said, his voice full of exasperation. I watched with wide eyes as someone came out from the darkness, and it was another yellow-looking guy with an assault rifle slung on his back. He walked out and made a nice silhouette of himself out toward me with the fire, and I paused. 


I kept chanting in my head that I hoped he would go away from the sniper posting. I hoped to go, but he did, as there were two grenades he could trip at once, which would be a waste. I watched as he stretched, and I saw him reach down into his tool belt; I reached down and grabbed my handgun. I clicked off the safety, and he turned on the flashlight.


It didn't seem to work the first time, and I watched him grumble; he hit it twice, and I saw him flash himself as the flashlight turned on and he looked down at his feet. Then I saw the large bulge in his pants and knew he was going to the sniper post. There was no way about it, and I contemplated for a second as I saw him turn in that direction.


Fucker wanted to let his rocks loose, and I made my decision. My handgun came up to the position, and I watched him take a step toward my grenade traps, and my finger pressed on the trigger.




To my happiness, despite the distance, it hit him in the center, and his head had a fresh hole in it. I didn't have time to admire the hole I just put in his head as I heard a curse, “Did you just discharge your rifle?” I heard from the second guy, and he brought himself out of the cave as I heard half a dozen others start to grumble. I turned to watch the second guy as he stepped into the light.




My finger stroked the trigger, and the guy got hit twice, “ATTACKER!” He coughed and tried to flee.




This time, the two bullets ended his life. I wanted to curse as I heard movement and people heading my way. I grabbed at my assault rifle and, brought it forward, and quickly got it in place, and I heard voices. “Don't go out,” I heard a woman’s voice, “Onto comms!” She cried out, and I realized what was happening. This was not good, and that woman was bringing clearance to the group of people on the other side. I killed four people, but that left another seven. Seven on one, and they didn't know where I was yet. 


Suddenly, I could only hear murmurs, not their conversations, which meant they were on comms. This was the worst world for me to be in. I reached for a grenade while watching and holding the rifle, ready to shoot. I brought the grenade up to where I could easily throw it and waited.


Then I saw someone peek out the corner. I turned and released a three-round burst as someone stepped out lightly and threw water onto the fire, dousing the light we were all using. The world suddenly went dark, and I heard a yelp, “Fuck, I was hit,” A man's voice said, although I wasn't sure if that was true. My night vision was gone from staring into the light, and I pulled the grenade as I closed my eyes. I started to hear some movement and tossed the grenades in their general direction. 


Spots were still in my eyes, but I could see and hear movement, and the flashlight from the previous guy was still on. The flashlight fell in a good way, highlighting people coming out of the cave. And I saw someone coming out, and they were moving together. They were moving as a unit and didn't know where I was yet. I didn't see any flashlights, but I closed my eyes, knowing the inevitable.




A second later, just before I was about to open my eyes.


BOOOM! BOOOM! The grenade I put down not long ago blew up, and I heard screams. I turned, and someone turned on their flashlight; I was shocked, and I saw two or three people with missing limbs crying out. I turned to the source of the light. I aimed and ripped a burst of rounds into them before standing up. I backed off from my rifle as I heard people turn and start to shoot at the ground where I was. I pulled at the shotgun and moved toward the explosion and the flashlight. 


It was Mayhem, and I knew not what was happening. I knew at least seven, maybe eight, were down, and I saw another flashlight turn on. I could hear my heart in my ears as it thumped harder than ever as I was freaking out and almost panicking. I turned in the direction of the flashlight, and it was looking where I just was, and I aimed my shotgun in the general direction. I pulled the trigger and quickly pumped the shotgun as soon as I could as I heard a scream and released another round. 


“Bitch! WHO THE FUCK IS THAT!” I heard that woman cry out in anger, and I turned to the voice as I was pumping the shotgun. She was close by, and I released a round, and suddenly, I saw something dark moving toward me.


“FUCK MY LEG!” I heard someone scream but was too busy watching the dark thing move at me. I didn't know what it was, but I ducked and tried to dodge something darker, and it slammed into my shoulder.


I coughed and let go of my shotgun, and someone turned on their flashlight again. I saw the woman in command with the butt of her rifle at me and smiling, and I was still reeling from the hit to my left shoulder. I couldn't pump the shotgun in this range, and I looked to where the light was as I tried to stumble back more and realized the person with the light was behind the woman attacking me.


I watched as the butt swing missed, and I let go of my shotgun as the woman moved to bring the rifle back into her hand, and I pulled out my sawed-off shotgun.




Something hot and hard hit my arm, and the woman looked at me with her eyes wide as my sawed-off blew a hole in her chest. The person behind her looked ready to shoot, and I brought my aim over a little and hoped this shot worked and pulled the second trigger despite the pain I was feeling. 


I lost my balance a moment later, feeling myself topple toward the ground as cries and screams filled the night. As I fell, I didn't know if I succeeded or not, but if I didn't, I was fucked, and a moment later I hit the ground hard.

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