Galaxy Hunter Online

Chapter 80: Unexpected Text

It took time to get back to the valley, and the sun started to come back up by the time I reached the edge of the valley. I would have a night in the cavern to organize things and get set up before logging out. I brought my tools with me to add things to my guns, and I would have to take a couple of practice shots after swapping out scopes. I planned to be mainly active at night in the coming days, with some night vision and the lack of it among my enemies. 

Actually, I had to assume that my enemies would not be so stupid as to send something without more technology next time. It was a question of why there wasn't more tech like that in the forest. I had spent thousands on it, but that was something that they should have done. 

Then it hit me: maybe this place was more isolated than I thought. Maybe, and it was only conjecture that this place was cut off from more than just the network. I had to be at the border of the forest to hook up to the bounty network. Maybe only the Bounty network worked at the edge, and the Bounty hunters specifically used the service I used. It would explain some lack of technology in the forest in a space-age area. 

The tech that they did have was when they first came in and what they took from the bounty hunters who came in here. The fact that this is the lowest-rated bounty-hunting area means they would have less tech as well. That was the best explanation that I could think of, and it was quite plausible in my mind.

My mind was full of speculation, and I realized that I should have questioned them more. Information gathering was only now on my mind after sending them away. It was stupid of me, but now I wanted to capture someone to get more information, which is particularly stupid BECAUSE I JUST HAD THREE OF THEM!

I looked around and continued on my way as I cursed at myself. I reached the edge of the valley, and I stepped over a trap I marked. The place seemed just as emptied as I left it, and I started to head toward my cave. It was remarkably uneventful, and I entered the cavern and began to get to work, turning this Cavren into a proper base to work with. I set up some new lights, and I set up one of the few pieces of equipment that I purchased from the bounty office, along with the grenades. It was a prison door that used minimal power, and it was a force field. 

There was a variety of prison systems available to bounty hunters, and the cut into the cavern wall was especially useful. The cheap thing was a door that would not be easy to crack. It could even act as an arm shield in an emergency with a shield function and door function. One of the things I found after looking into these force field doors was that there was an entire section of instruments of swords, Vibro swords, Crystal swords, and Forcefield swords in an incredible range of weapons. There was a shield section and a diverse utility group of shields that I picked this up from. As long as no one was shooting at this shield, it could take the beating of twenty people three months to punch through it. 

It's truly a perfect thing for what I need. But the shield would not be good for taking bullets. I would have to ensure that they had nothing to disrupt the forcefield or shoot it with any kind of damage, as it was a backup shield at best, meant for only tanking a couple of bullets at the most. I also purchased one mobile sniper post, but it could only take a couple of rounds. It would help if I got into a firefight. 

Survival was becoming a huge need.

In my previous games, I was more used to playing fast shooters, and I used my agility for that. I hoped that I would be able to make this character-build work in the future. I was not the best aimer, but I hoped things would work out.

I sighed as I continued to set up the cavern, lights, latrines, and a cooking spot. I could not just keep munching on jerky. I looted some perishable food, which would make some good eating for the coming days.

My guns and ammo were quickly sorted and put into the side cave with the crack in the wall. I wished I could have another force field door for this room, but life did not always give you what you wanted. I laid down and looked out the crack to see if anything changed. The sun was starting to get up there, and I continued working at it.

This cave was very hidden, and no one knew I was there. I should not count on that completely, but it was something I relied on. I finished a couple more things, and I decided to log out. I believe it would be a bit early, but I could use another break before I go hard the next week. Maybe another trip to Smoke and Roses?

I laid down on my sleeping mat and logged out of the game.

The pod lid opened, and I stretched, almost purring as I got out. Damn, you feel a bit stiff after being in the pod but oddly not stiff too. It was a peculiar feeling nonetheless, and I got to my phone, and my eyebrows rose as I saw the text.

Amber: So, I am a straight-forward woman. I find myself thinking about you after last night, and I was hoping to engage with you more sometime if you are interested. I know you said you are a Switch, and I most definitely am not. But I am completely open to a relationship with you and bringing in others, as it seems we are both Bisexual. I know it was only last night that we played together, but I have an itch for you. 

Amber: Also, because you recommended it, I purchased a Galaxy Online pod, which will be shipped to my place in a couple of days. I was hoping maybe a couple of recommendations if you are interested in meeting up with me.

I blushed and smiled, knowing how hard it was to be dominant and make the first move. It was also incredibly sexy, and I found myself licking my lips. I would have no problem seeing her again tonight, but I was not that into being a bottom, which meant we would need someone else. Then again, I was also in a mixed mood; maybe I could invite her over, and we could see if I was in the mood to be dominated.

Before I thought more about it, I was already hitting the call button. I heard it ring three times before I heard Amber pick up. "Hello, Honey," Amber said slowly, "I assume you read my messages."

"I did," I replied with a smile, "I think we should talk in person instead of over the phone."

"That means that you are not exactly averse to the idea then."

"I would not be adverse is correct; your idea is intriguing, and I enjoyed your company last night, however brief it was. I like your direct attitude, and although your texts were cute, I know how hard that can be," I replied forthcoming.

"That is nice to hear. I am not good at putting my foot forward in these types of situations, but I also remember that you said that you are incredibly busy. That means that I will have to step forward and ask you out. Now, where would you like to talk?" Amber asked.

"My place?" I asked, "I do not know what mood I am in at the moment, but I know a couple nearby that I can call up to whip if I am in a more top mood if we get into a sexual mood. You bring some food along while I get ready?"

Silence on the other side of the phone for a couple of seconds, and I heard a sigh, "I am a bit paranoid. Do you mind if I bring a gun?" Amber asked, "I-"

"I remember the scars; whatever makes you feel safe," I replied with a smile, "Trauma is a thing, and I am not going to judge you for it. Come on over, and it is one of the reasons I offered for you to bring the food. That way, you know I won't take advantage of you." 

"Thank you," Amber said, her voice filled with emotion, "You are one of the few people who have truly engaged with my blunt attitude and not been thrown off."

"Let's talk when you are here; I will ensure that I have some liquor," I said and froze, "Oh shit, I don't have alcohol here, I am sorry. Do you mind picking some up along the way? I can't really drink too much as I am on the grind with the game. After this, I plan to go hardcore for a couple of weeks, so this is kind of the last time I will be free for a couple of days, if not weeks."

"I will pick up a bottle of wine. Text me your address, and I will text you an ETA for everything. I will order something now so I can pick it up along the way. Do you have any allergies?"

"None that I can remember killing me. Come with what you like," I replied.

"I will surprise you then. I look forward to seeing you," Amber finished, and I felt a thrill in my heart.

Amber was one of the most unique Dominatrixes I have ever been with. I have not been with that many, and I usually top. But I felt a thrill at the fact that she wanted to come over right away. Her blunt demeanor meant I did not have to wait to find out what she was thinking. That was a refreshing change; she engaged with me at my level.

I felt a bit giddy, and I would not mind being in a relationship with such a hot dominatrix. It would be a lot of fun playing with another dominatrix as we both took a twink or something. It was not unheard of for a relationship between two dominant people. It was rare, and the relationships were almost universally open relationships, where they dominated others together. With me being a switch, I could both dominate and be dominated by her. I had never really had a working open relationship before because my partner would get too jealous, and I found myself smiling more thinking about being with Amber.

Suddenly, I realized I had been standing in a spot in my causal clothes, just thinking about Amber and how nice it would be to be in a relationship with her. I blushed, and my mind pictured Ura, too, and I shook my head; Ura was an NPC in a video game world, and although she was objectively a great sub, it would never be a real-life relationship. 

Not that I would not play with Ura, even in a relationship with Amber. I liked Ura as an NPC, and she felt amazing. I grinned and stripped, walked over to the bathroom, and texted Amber my house address. I also wondered what gun she was going to bring with her. It was surprising because, in Canada, Handguns and personal firearms were heavily regulated despite the growing number of gang-related gun violence. Because the Americans have so few regulations, anyone who shares a border with them inevitably will be swarmed with illegal firearms coming through.

At least we were not in Mexico with the cartel, and our cops were better trained.

Suppose she had a concealed firearms license, which meant that she was probably a cop at some point. Then I remembered that she said she was part of the CSIS or the RCMP dealing with foreign affairs or something. Honestly, I did not know much about it, and it was not something that many people I knew talked about, like the Americans with the CIA. So I just did not know that much, and it sounded like Amber was not going to talk about it either.

Honestly, that was perfectly fine with me. I felt genuinely excited for her to be coming, and I headed over to the shower with a bright smile on my face. As I stripped, I got a text telling me she would be here in forty-five minutes to an hour and a half as the place she was getting food might take longer. Plus, she wanted to pick out an outfit to wear tonight.

I felt a thrill through me, and I remembered her thinking about bringing a Man into the relationship last night. I would not mind a new man that was not such a cuck. A twink might be nice with a nice cock to ride. Edging was so much fun, and I remembered that Amber was into edging too. I felt more of a thrill from a new relationship, and I wondered if she was thinking the way that I was despite that text. I haven't had a semi-permanent or long-term lover in a while. 

I needed to focus and get ready for my date thought. I got into the running water and started. 


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