Galaxy Hunter Online

Chapter 82: Dedicated Learning

Waking up, I stretched and purred as I thought about last night and blushed. I could not believe how I acted and felt like an idiot. But instead of dwelling on it, I just blushed and knew I would be too busy in the coming days. 


Amber said something important to me last night, and I was already partially doing it, but I could go further. There was much I could learn on the internet, and I wondered if I could find out how to track on the internet. I looked over to chat and gave everyone a good morning as many usernames fled. They always fled once I was awake and just wanted to see me sleeping. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the chat screen. I got a couple of questions about why I started streaming late.


“Oh, I was on a date with a hot woman last night,” I admitted and grinned. In fact, that was where I was the other night, too, having fun with the same woman as last night. But I am going to have a very busy schedule for the game coming up, so I should be on time in the coming weeks.”


Chat was being blasted by over a couple of hundred chats asking for more information, and some condemned a woman-on-woman relationship, which I thought was rich. I wonder if I could argue them into apoplexy if I debated them as an Intersex. Which gender was it natural for me to date?


I chuckled, thinking about the past arguments I had with some of those people. They were never happy by the end of it. I was one of those unquestionable exceptions to their logic, and no matter how much they argued, my natural existence was a thumb in their eye, and I could talk circles around them with ease.


Instead of paying attention to chat, I moved and turned the camera to the computer steaming set up and smiled. “Hey everyone, as I know you ladies like to watch over me too,” although that was a small part of my audience. “I am sorry for my lateness over the last couple of days. I will inform you all that I will be going into hardcore gaming training mode. What does that mean for the Stream?” I asked myself, continuing to ignore the chat, “That means that I am going to be on time! I am going to put up three votes in the coming day. It will be for each day in the next week or so, as I will be hardcore game!”


I smiled, looking into the camera,  “You can vote on the type of outfit I will wear; it will be Loose, Tight, Baggy, Sensual, and Casual. These are the categories of what I will wear; I have a tonne of lingerie that will be within TOS of the site, so you can pick out of these categories.” I smiled, knowing the first selection would be sensual, “Each day will have these votes refreshed with the normal rules as I will be too into the zone to engage much with everyone beyond the morning greeting. Then, there will be a color vote. Dark, neutral, flamboyant, Bright, and Dim. Then, as the final one, I will finally do as a request that many have asked for in the past,” I sighed deeply; I needed something to keep people coming back as I did not engage or even enticed more, “I Will for the duration of my hardcore gaming put on a last vote for what I will wear on my legs. The vote will be between Latex, Nylon, Classic, bare, and matching. You can figure out what those will mean by voting for them and putting me in it. Now I am going and done with you all for the next couple of weeks. I will see you all at the other end.”


I ended my stream and put up the vote and saw that people were going crazy, so I increased the price of the socks vote with a sneer. Foot fetish people were going to go crazy onto my stream, and I knew it. They would duke it out, and I did not want to interact with them. The price to put in a vote was ten dollars now, and by the time I finished putting in the settings for the votes, I already had fifteen votes, making me gawk.


Did I have more Sleepstream fans than I knew? I shook my head and smiled as I turned off the cameras and stretched. I left my computer on but took off my clothes and headed into the shower to clean up the sex and sweat on my body. I probably performed badly last night, but that was because my mood was such a bad one for me sexually. I only performed well in a dominant mood or a Submissive mood. I hated to show that side of myself early.


I slapped myself and shook my head, getting rid of the distracting thoughts. Amber told me something, and I needed to follow through. I was going to look up tracking tutorials, and I was about to start learning. I would also look into putting on scope modifications onto my guns to see if I did it right. My plan was for the next four in-game days; I would practice, I would try to get some basic foresting skills, and try to see if it worked.


I took a deep breath and almost coughed. I inhaled a bit of water stupidly and forgot I was in the shower. I shook my head and got my head in the game. I quickly finished washing, got into my morning routine, and ate before putting on a wife beater and some yoga pants. I sat at my computer, hunting down the videos and tutorials I wanted to learn. Even looked into the comments to see if people were calling it bullshit.


Quickly, I found myself diving down a bunch of tutorials, some less reputable than others, till I ended up on this guy's channel. He was called the GunNuttingSpecialist, and the viewer count was low. But I looked at the reviews of his work and saw some big names that endorsed these gun videos, and they were all very long videos. I started to watch them and quickly found out why he was not very watched.




But he was very informative and started going over things slowly, as the comments said he would. This was for an assault rifle and putting on a scope, and he was very detailed with everything, including why you were supposed to do what he was doing. So I watched and learned as best as I could as a visual learner, and I wished that in Canada, I could buy an assault rifle so I could work with him as he showed me everything.


For an hour, I lost myself in his video and subscribed, giving him a like and commenting that I liked his work. Then I hopped into the pod, logging in and grabbing my things. After watching the video, I realized I got a couple of things wrong, so I got to work on it. I took my time and made sure I was doing things right. It took me over an hour, but I thought I might have it right, so I logged back out and watched another video for snipers, and I got to work.


My day turned into me hopping into the pod and out working on replicating what I saw in the videos before I could test range it. I would have to ensure that everything was lined up before I took it for a spin and that I was willing to leave the cave. A day passed in the cave before I started to look out the crack and tried to spot anything with thermal vision. I ensured it was the night before I started to check my gun range. I allocated a clip, and my ears were flat as I took shot after shot with my assault rifle till I believed I had it ranged with a makeshift target. Then I took some time and finally went outside and set one up where I could take some shots from the other cave where the criminals were doing.


My sniper was much louder, but I did not want to give my main base away, so I got to work. Ranging my sniper took two clips and a bit longer than I cared to admit because of an error in my craft. But I learned, and I fixed things up. This was all about learning, and I made sure to check around with my thermal scope before heading back into my cavern. 


With my guns all upgraded and ranged to shoot accurately, it was time to learn how to find my opposition. I logged out and started to look into how to track videos. These were much harder to find, and many were calling the others bullshit and various things. It took me a few hours till I found a creator who was making tracking videos that seemed really legitimate. The camera work was shit, but she always made sure to point out what she was talking about. The comments praised her a lot, and I found my hunter's site that recommended her, unlike many other creators. So, I decided she was probably the one I should work off of. Her content tag was TheTrackingHuntress, which I also liked, if I was being honest.


So I got to work and watched her videos, which she said were for amateurs looking to learn how to track animals. No one was looking into how to track humans because it would be easier to learn how to track animals, which I thought made sense. If you can track a deer, what stops you from tracking a human?


I got into it and watched more than I probably should have before I finally logged back into the game with a full head and looked out the crack as I munched on some food. It was morning in the forest, and I looked everywhere for some sign of activity. With nothing again, I loaded up with more supplies just in case and extra magazines. Now, it was time to learn to track, and it could only be done in hostile territory. I loaded up with all my guns and a couple of grenades. 


I headed into the forest, where I remembered the criminals coming in. I found tracks and various things the content creator pointed out and what they meant. Then I found some tracks of an animal that seemed more recent as if what the huntress had said was true. With a large smile, I got into things even more and started to find more and more things that could mean one thing or another. 


After hours, I came up empty and returned to the cavern, believing I had learned a lot, and logged out. It had only been two days, but I was exhausted, and it was night in real life because of all the video watching. I cleaned up one in the real world, ate dinner, and found out what my stream voted on. I smiled brightly as the vote came up to record numbers. Honestly, I made rent with just this vote, which was amazing. It seemed I had made more profit this month than I had in the previous three. I hoped it was because I was more popular and not a one-and-done thing. 


Tonight was loose and dark with Nylon for the foot fetish community. I got into my closet and was having a little trouble matching everything, but I got it. It took out a black babydoll for the top and a garter belt to hold up the tight nylon stockings for my legs. It was loose lingerie, and everything came up nice. The nylon stockings even matched the baby doll colors, and everything was lovingly just out of sight with panties meant to assist me with that so I would not get TOSed. 


With that, I started the stream and went to bed.


Waking up the next day, I instantly turned things off after resetting the vote and got to work.


For days, I worked on tracking, More tracking, and learning how to damn well track in that damn forest. I spent more and more time in the game than outside as I tried to learn, and I finally started to find the animals in this forest. I quickly began to realize why I had seen so few; they were incredibly skittish. They ran before I could get in sight of them most of the time.


It took another entire day before I felt I could reliably track animals down in this damn forest, and I had a smile on my face. I was tempted to kill a predator for sport to change up my diet a bit and practice skinning and butchering. It was something that I thought might come in handy in the future as a bounty hunter, and frankly, I WAS HAVING A LOT OF FUN! 


Being a huntress was actually really fun. I was enjoying the hell out of learning to track and the dopamine rush as I found the animals that I was tracking as massive. Learning the area around my valley was a lot of fun, and I was starting to no longer feel overwhelmed by the forest, which I never even realized I was. I was starting to use my ears more to track animals and be able to sneak up on them and even localize a bit more when I heard noises. My ears in this game were incredibly sensitive, and I barely even understood what that meant until I was in the forest. 


Finally, I found a leopard-looking animal with dark blue fur and purple spots, and I snuck up on the predator. My assault rifle was in my hands, and I took my time lining up the shot, moving slowly. I was downwind from it and heard it breathing steadily with my ears. I was just a couple of meters away and lined the shot up. I grinned as my finger pulled the trigger. A single shot came out and hit the animal in the head, and it instantly went down. The elation I felt after killing it was massive, and I heard multiple notifications as I killed the animal.



New Trait - Huntress


Stalking your prey quietly and without a sound, you listen to them breathe and pull the trigger, killing them before they know you are there.



New Trait - Novice Tracker


The world records every footstep, and you are one of the many who have started to learn how to read these tracks.


I grinned at the two new traits, and I went to grab the animal. I picked it up and started the trek back to the valley with the carcass on my pack. The animal was at least twenty-five kilos, and it weighed with everything, slowing down my progress back. I took my time and decided to be as stealthy as possible on my trek back with the heavy load. I am sure it would be a useful skill in this game, and practice was the only way to do it. I moved, dodging things that would make noise, enjoying it as a little minigame.


It took time, but I was starting to love this ultra-realism. I would never have tried to learn these things if it had not been for this level of realism, and I was happy with it. I also wanted to see if I could apply this to real life. However, I would have to ensure I was more in shape before I did.


I smiled as I started to see the marks of my traps, and I stepped around and over some as I finally would be able to rest. Still, I watched my approach and ensured I made as little noise as possible as I was getting closer to the Valley; I was only a couple of feet from the edge when I heard something loudly snap in front of me to my right. My head snapped up, and I looked at my ears twitching.


“Damnit, Daniels,” I heard a voice say in a voice slightly lower than normal. It was like the guy wanted to be quiet but wanted to yell even more. “I swear, before the government gets you, I will if you don't quit being a dick. I heard that Rogers gang lost a group around here.”


The sudden voices made me freeze, and then I heard a curse and pain coming from the same direction, which was the Valley. I froze and realized that while I had been out, someone might have moved in.


I turned to put the carcass down near a trap. I hoped it would not get snatched by an animal, but I expected that whatever was about to happen, it wouldn't. 


This animal had been a practice and learning animal. Now, it was time for the exam, and I found myself looking forward to trying it out as I got ready to hunt.



Thanks for Reading. If you are interested in Reading Ahead, you can see my Patreon, where I believe I am giving a discount for the next couple of days for 50% off the 3$ and 5$ tiers. Check it out at

(The Reason for the unclearness of this is that it is a new system, and it does not quite tell me if it is working or not..... Fun! PM me if it wasn't and you joined)

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