Galaxy Hunter Online

Traits information

'It didn't take long for me to at least take out the triggers from all my traps. I was especially careful with the shotgun trap. It was a junk shotgun, and I took out the ammo making sure that the trap was completely disarmed. It was something that I was worried a little if they entered just past the workshop that it would explode and do more damage than I intended. It was the damage to the ship that I most cared about, though, and so as I finished things up, I started to pack it all back in the workshop.

Ura seemed happy to move easily around the ship again, and she looked at me. "We have at least two days in the slipstream—great speed for us. We will need to pick up a package for a more shady area though. If we are going to pick up an engineer that is a slave, we will need to head to a black space station. The slave markets that are more reputable are unaffordable," Ura explained, "I will count on your protection than too."

I nodded as I finished organizing the dismantled booby traps. "NO worries, I want a say in who we get through. Maybe we should find something so we can create our own slaves too. Never know what will happen while bounty hunting," I said as I looked through my things.

"Slave chips are pretty common. Frowned to be caught holding them, but with the cargo bay, we can keep a few." Ura said, looking at me, "Still, It isn't that bad of an idea. Criminal help is still good to help when they are chipped."

A conversation like this told me that if we went with the good to the evil scale of rating, Ura was firmly in the neutral evil category. She didn't give a fuck as long as it benefitted her. She had almost just been enslaved herself, which almost didn't seem to phase her. I looked up from my gear and turned to her. "What is the next planet that we are heading to?" I asked.

"An industrial planet but much different than Pervona. It is called Telop, and a number of weapon manufacturers like the planet because of the number of raw materials there. You just need to ship the rarer goods onto the planet to keep up production. Like we are bringing," Ura said and leaned against the bulkhead, "Probably had a shipment taken by pirates and needed an emergency order to tie them over till a cargo ship brings a larger shipment."

I didn't get how pirates worked in this game yet and how they took the ships. That would be something for me to learn over time, maybe even join in eventually. I couldn't wait to see how PVP ended up in this game. In the tutorial, it seemed I wouldn't have to worry about it. I didn't know why Gabin Corporation did this, but I enjoyed the freebie they gave everyone.

"That makes sense," I replied, and I turned to Ura fully, "You have nothing to do right now, don't you?" I asked.

Ura's face turned purple, and I grinned as she turned her head. "So?" She asked.

"Although I would like to spend some time with you, Ura," I began looking her up and down, knowing she caught my head deliberately moving up and down in the corner of her eye, "I need to practice and lock myself in here a little. I want to practice some welding and other things. I would like some time, and I will play with you," I paused, licking my lips, and her already purple face turned a shade darker, "Play with you hard, Later."

I could see a pout, but she nodded in understanding, and I grinned. "I will let you know when I want to eat some lunch or dinner or whatever. We didn't eat down on the planet, so I think we should eat soon," I told her, and Ura nodded.

"Okay, I am going to jump on the net and think about a slave post that we can pick up a good engineer without going out of our way," Ura said, her blushing face turning, and she showed her tight ass to me. She deliberately swayed it for me, and I let my face fall to a frown as she tried to entice me.

I loved that ass, but Ura was a little needy now. She was an NPC, and I wasn't sure if my saving her at Pervona caused issues or not mentally for her. Did Gabin Corporation include that much information? I knew that the processing power they were consuming for this game was unreal. I wondered what the numbers were in total for the game. I still had those notifications too in the corner of my eye. I contemplated only for a second, instead choosing to log off. Although not much time passed, I needed to look at welder videos.

I laid my head on the table and chose to log out. Moments later, my eyes shut.

My eyes opened and the pod lid lifted, and I felt a little drained. I decided I would also start the vote for what I would wear to bed on the vote, and I got up. I stretched and loudly moaned, hearing it slightly echo in my quiet house. I picked up my phone, was showing a notification, and noticed it was a call from my mother.

Instantly I decided against that phone call. I didn't want to deal with her shit and ask for more money. I simply didn't have it after buying the pod and rent. I was close to making my next rent payment, but that did not mean it wasn't in a little bit of a pinch financially. The monthly payment soon to Gabin Corporation wasn't small either. The subscription would hopefully be how I pay the rent in the future.

There were rumors that Gabin Corporation would eventually open a cash system where you could convert credits in the game to real-life money for a processing fee and some to the corporation. Many didn't believe that, though, as it would be bad overall for the health of the game. Gabin Corporation didn't have a history of it either.

I shook my head, turned on the water for more noodles, and headed back to my computer, booting everything up. Quickly it booted up, and I started to think about what was in my other bedroom. Mentally picking out outfits, I started to put them in the vote once everything was up. I gave the perverts a ton of time to vote and put in that it would be a shorter stream as I was still in the tutorial for Galaxy online once I noticed the complaints that I woke up early. And that they didn't get to see me with morning wood or anything like that. Many complained about it, so I put up a message saying that I never put up a timer for these things unless necessary. But with me playing Galaxy online, I would note that I was waking up early these days and would have an alarm.

They were simple notes, and I put up the vote again and signed out with a sigh. Although I didn't care about the complaints, they did pay to vote. What most wanted to see was me waking up, hoping that I would start jerking off with my cock and, or my pussy. They were how I paid rent, so I had to make a show as I cared.

Instead, I started searching for the trades I was looking for. Welding was a must, and so I started from there when I heard my water click. I got up and grabbed more noodles and felt my stomach slightly revolt at the thought of noodles for the third time in a row. I had better food than I would make tonight, but I didn't have much time.

I was locked in the workshop, leaving Ura by herself, and I wanted to study this seriously. I prepared my noodles as I watched the first tutorial and realized many reasons why things came out badly. I frowned and watched and began to eat and study. I took out a notepad and watched while jotting down things I might find important later.

I never realized before how hard this could be as I jumped to the next and realized how many variations there would be, and this wasn't a one-time thing. I sighed after finishing my fourth video of a different type and decided to look at the forums.

I was astonished to see the top trending title.


Instantly I clicked it and began to read and got a serious expression. It seems that the tutorial, although hard was easy compared to the main game. Someone spent some time in it, and everyone had something in common in the tutorial. The Contract with some type of company or military depends on Race and class. It seems the Lore of this game was serious business, and you had to pay attention to it. The Author of this post also noted how important RP was but wasn't sure how important it was.

The post went on to say that the traits were important for some reasons, like attributes and that once you leave the tutorial, finding ways to make Credits was much much harder. In the next point, he continued by saying that PvP and PvE were not dissimilar as some people attacked him, and he wasn't sure if it was an NPC or humans. The difficulty of both was insane compared to most games.

I read on, but it was mostly complaints, and I didn't see anything more about taking NPCs with you or something along those lines. It would suck if I lost the ship and Ura. It was kind of nice having someone to release pent-up tension on, and Ura was cute with her purple blushes.

Smiling, I decided that it was a good choice to keep on the contract and pay out the bounty office on Pervona. I would test my traps, work on my sniper rifle skills, and make guns. I was a gun specialist, and I would tie them all together. Ultimately I wanted to be the ultimate base defender glass cannon. My job wasn't to be in the line of fire. It would be to be in the background while teammates move towards objectives while I protect our own. If there was Capture the flag or hold the position in tournaments in the future, no team wouldn't want to sign with me, and I would make a fat check at that time. Adding on the fact I was an attractive female Cat girl. I was bound to be popular.

I grinned and got up, stretching, and moved to the pod. I got in and closed my eyes, and laid back, logging back in.

When they closed, my eyes opened right back up, and I was on a spaceship hurling through slipstream again. I picked up my tools and heard a buzz before Ura spoke. "I'm making dinner now; It will be ready soon, Sleepy Wonder."

Quickly I got down to work welding things together and frowned as they didn't come out the same as the video. I continued to practice instead of being let down until I heard the intercom summon me again for dinner. "I'll be there in a minute," I said in reply and finished what was my best weld so far.

This was going to be a pain in the ass, but I was motivated. I would do this and learn to do this so I could make more cash and make money with endorsements in the pro league. I was looking forward to it. A moment later, I was frowning as I messed up at the end. I sighed and got up before unlocking the workshop and joining Ura at the small table.

Ura smiled as I sat down, and I still had a frown. "Everything okay?" Ura asked.

"Will be," I told her, "Just need to work on my welding more till I get things down. After all, I want to make more powerful and precise weapons. I cannot stop with just this." I continued slowly after taking a bite of the delicious food she had prepared. No idea what it was, though, "I think I need to rework my basics till I get used to it. I didn't notice how bad I was back at Pervona till I looked at some specs of better weapons. Then I want to start understanding the experimental blueprints I picked up." I finished, and Ura nodded.

"I see; that will take some time," Ura said, "And Credits. Still, Long term investment. I heard of Researcher traits in people. Extremely rare."

I looked at her at that comment. "What do you mean by researcher traits?" I asked.

"Oh, Something that is hypothesized in our Galaxy many years ago, and the Military somewhat uses it in recruitment. Traits are things everyone has. Laziness is a trait for those that don't want to do much, and no company wants to hire them. Efficient, on the other hand, I hear some companies will pay a lot for it. Although some call efficient people lazy in the past, some companies have started to take note, and you can even include it on resumes. Someone has to vouch for it, though." Ura shrugged, "Still, All theoretical and not all companies go by the theory."

I looked at her and realized what a treasure mine of information that was. Ura was Ex-Military and must have made some credits overall to afford a ship like this. Even if she was in debt, they trusted her to be a secure investment. I looked at her as I ate her food and realized there may be more to Ura than I knew yet.

"Interesting, Can you earn these traits?" I asked her.

"All of it is earned to be recognized. Like I would say, you are Devious. Or a trapper with those booby traps you made. There are various others I noticed and appreciated," Ura said, "I am not exactly the most upright person myself, you see."

I chuckled and leaned back, "Well, I hope I can get this researcher trait you speak of," I told her with a smile, and Ura smiled back.

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