Galaxy Hunter Online

Updated Traits


Unique Quest Completed: Location Waterfalls Temporary Camp


You have discovered potential information on why people are staying in this area. You believe they may be Criminals ambushing Bounty Hunters as they come into the forest seeking Criminals. They take them and bring them to this area as a gathering location before sending them somewhere else.


You have Massacred the Group looking to resecure the Waterfalls for the unknown Bandit Group.

Turn in their identities and the battle recording for additional rewards.




New Trait Euthanasia: 


Kill those who are suffering quickly.


I shuddered as I noticed the new trait, and I shuddered as I saw a third notification.


New Trait: Bait (intermediate)

A Skilled Trapper baiting those Traps



I smiled, and I decided that it was time to look at my Traits once I was back in cover. I looked around again, and I didn't see anything that might change things when a new Notification showed up again,



Unique Quest Obtained: The Crew behind it all


You took out a group of bandits you suspect of enslaving and attacking Bounty Hunters when they first entered the Saint's forest. After Eliminating a large group, you cannot help but wonder if you can take out the entire unknown group.


Another thought is that you might investigate how this Bandit group knows when Bounty Hunters are entering the Forest. 


Rewards for clearing the quest: Increased previous rewards from “Location Waterfalls Temporary Camp” And a Voucher

Consequences for not doing the quest or not accepting: Nothing


Failure Conditions: You Die.


Another new quest, basically looking to discover how they knew about me and the other group currently in my camp, got discovered before we entered. It was an interesting question that I would not mind getting answered. I had very limited interactions with anyone other than the shop or the AI Taxis.


Honestly, while I was in the forest, I did not really have much else to do other than try the quest out. The quest never said that anyone was going to be showing up here. The bigger questions now were going to be if I should stay here or not. Should I bring back my current loot and captures from this forest?


Maybe I could even return to do the quest after freeing my hands of these people.


All of these were considerations in my head as I moved to grab my tablet. I quickly started to take pictures of those that had enough facial features to be clear enough for the Bounty list. There was more than I was expecting, and the attack was harsh. Going around and snapping the pictures was a little cathartic, too. It showed me one more thing as well.


It was proof that I was getting better at this game.


My sniper was now easier to control, and within a certain range, I could reap the lives of my enemies without much-aiming issues. Once you started to gain some distance, it was really difficult. Then again, I knew I could lead shots and know the drop in the old games. It took getting used to it, though, and I was far from that with this sniper rifle. She was deadly accurate, though, and that was enough.


I should also check the ammo I had left for my Sniper after that last battle. I knew I had gone through at least three or four magazines, but I was half sure it was five. I missed more often than I cared to admit to myself, too. I was limited in my ammunition out here in the forest and had to pay attention to that.


There were the lighter rifles that I looted from the bandits, but-


My thoughts were interrupted when a bounty came up different from all the others instead of listing them roaming with other men and women. This person was one of the ones to enter the camp. The blast ripped off a leg and an arm while ripping open their back. It was a pretty quick death, but looking over this NPCs details, it was too good of a death for him.


Bounty: Patrick Olson

Race: Human

Crimes: Multiple proven accounts of Rape, Multiple accounts of Sexual assault, Multiple accounts of Child abuse, Multiple accounts of child endangerment

Affiliation: Reportedly in a Gang in Saints Forest Named NGU

Federation Bounty: 25000 Federation Credits

Wanted Dead or Alive

Note: Believed to be in a growing group called the NGU. They are believed to be armed but without Heavy Weapons. Proceed with discretion.


I wanted to spit on the dead body of this thing. This was no person in my eyes if the bounty was correct—a disgusting person or NPC or whatever.


Sighing, I moved on as there was a growing number of Federation Credits to my name if I made it through here. Honestly, Bounty hunting paid for itself, even if I do have to give a bunch back to that office back on the first world I started on. I would be making some serious bank, regardless. It was a high-risk, high-reward job. Maybe I could even buy some good light armor after this.


I needed to learn more about the economy of this game after this escapade in the forest. Maybe even hire an engineer to assist me in crafting and teaching me. I would love to make some of my explosive traps a reality. There was nothing like a big boom for someone who thought they were sneaking up on you.


Finishing with the pictures, including those in the forest, I counted twenty-eight combatants in the end. Nine had fallen in the end to my camp trap. It took out a third of them in one go and put them into disarray before I started shooting. There was also a couple that fell to some of my petty traps in the field, but most died to my sniper rifle.


It was a harsh wake-up call for me to realize that the same could happen to me with a good enough position and hiding spot. They were able to know which direction I was shooting from, but not exactly where. The crack in the cliff wall wasn't exactly obvious either, and I ripped through their ranks, destroying their morale as I killed them.


Now, instead of deciding what I would do this instant, I needed to start the clean-up and get ready to settle in for the night. I barely even remember what time it is in the real world, but I can definitely feel the need to leave the universe and relax. I needed to have a night to myself. No, I am thinking a full fucking day at this point because I was really stressed.


I still felt fucking gross as I watched that green woman die, contemplating if I should have let her live or not.


The more I thought about it, the more fucked up I felt. I needed a break and to center myself that this was a goddamn game and not reality. Or at least be able to separate the two into two different identities. Because That was fucked up, and I knew it.


I shook my head as I walked through the path and started to take the stairs. I noticed that I was hungry as I climbed up, and I knew I still had to collect everything out there.


Fuck it, break time and feeding time. I would let them eat before they started cleaning up all the dead bodies, and I would take some time to look at my character screen.



Name: Sleepy Wonder

Class: Gun Specialist

Race: Rish’an Locktor

Specialization: Artisan

Profession: Gun manufacturer (Automatically chosen with Class)

Gender: Futanari



Exhibitionist: Does not mind appearing before others naked. 

Locked and loaded: Being Armed to the Teeth is normal.

Workout enthusiast: Gain Strength through workout routines.

Complete Arsonal: Fully equipped to a fault.

Concentrated: Concentrate on what you feel is most important, no matter who tries to distract you.

Stubborn: You face the challenge and complete it no matter what.

Straight-faced liar: You can lie without showing any sign of it on your face.

Cock tease: Turn on men more easily, leaving them hard and wanting.

Tracker: You look at the subtle details to find someone.

Trapmaker: You make traps to help you in combat.

Merciless: You make sure an enemy cannot retaliate.

Dominatrix Rope Tyer: You clearly know your way around the rope.

Diabolical: Your enemies cry at your plans

Sniper: The first shot wins the chance for the second shot to kill

Tactical: Kill with a plan.

Stealth: Quiet and unseen.

Trap Master: Better at laying traps than the layman.

First aider (Intermediate): Better able to treat wounds.

Ruthless: Dead men tell no tales.

Contract bound: I'm not stuck with you. You are stuck with me.

Stubborn Negotiator: I take it all, and you get nothing.

Reasoned Negotiator: Always within the rules of the Contract.

Home cook: Smells like Mama’s home cooking.

Inventive: Make your own blueprints with the help of other blueprints.

Well Prepared: Prepared for what's ahead.

Planned ahead: Plan, Plan for your plan. Plan in case your plan fails, and if that one fails.

Booby Trap Love: Traps are your thing.

Bait (Intermediate): The hardest part of any trap.

Gambit: Willing to risk it all in a last-ditch effort. 

Beginner Gun Enthusiast: Wants to learn all about weapons Inside and out.

Meticulous: Always fixing small things, seeking Perfection.

Euthanasia: Kill those who are suffering quickly.

Personable: You make people more friendly toward you.

Sadism: Masochists will find you more charming.

Slave Trainer: Carrot and Stick are only one of the ways to train a human or a horse.

Wilderness Builder: A home in any forest.



I sighed, looking at all these traits. Some I wished to do without, but who knew what they were worth in the main game? No one had made it that far or were keeping their mouths shut. I really rather they wouldn't, but I knew that someone was going to let the cat out of the bag soon. Someone had to because they wanted their fifteen minutes of fame.


Love those idiots.


Why settle for fifteen minutes of fame when you can take that information and sell it to a significant guild or, I guess, corporations? Or use that information and get ahead of others for the pro league?


With the fact that Gabin Corporation started a real money trade back and forth, that meant that there was going to be an economic incentive to actually turn credits into real cash and real cash into credits. I had no idea how many federation credits were currently worth, but I didn't even know if I wanted to convert it into cash.


Sure, I could pay some bills, but probably not all of them. Turning them into gear and other things to earn even more cash in the game made more sense to me. All of this character’s armor and equipment would become investments into future profits–Not to mention Ura’s starship. If we bring that into the main universe, that was a constant stream of money for me. That, along with transportation to new planets. I had no idea how much a starship cost, and that should be something I rectify when I get back.


Not long after, everyone completed lunch, and I got my two captive bandits to start to head out with me. It was time to pick up loot and clean up the area of my traces.

Well, not the traps, just those who fell for them.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.