Game Invasion: I chose the weakest class Summoner

Chapter 79 The Plague Parasite

Chapter 79 The Plague Parasite

Han Yu drove the falcon to fly in the air, wanting to see what was going on in the city. Unfortunately, only a layer of fog can be seen.

It seemed that one had to go in to see the scene of the dungeon. Han Yu stepped forward and pushed the city gate open forcefully. Han Yu heard a burst of sobbing and crying.

As soon as I stepped into the city, I received a game prompt: [Additional negative status for the whole team: Physical fitness -20%. A special state that cannot be removed. 】

"Negative state of the scene? Sure enough, it is more advanced than ordinary dungeons."

When Han Yu opened the gate, the first thing he saw was not a monster, but a normal-looking city street. At the end of the street, there was another closed city gate.

On both sides of the street, there are two deep ditches, which are filled with all kinds of filth, almost overflowing from the ditches.

On both sides of the ravine, dozens of ragged women and children were kneeling.

Each of them looked like a skeleton, with only skin and bones left on their bodies, but they still seemed to be whimpering, proving that they were still alive.

"I thought I was back in my hometown..." Finn muttered silently.

The first time he came in, Han Yu thought these women were the monsters in this dungeon, but they didn't seem to have any attack power. They were obviously pure human beings, and they were the kind who were so hungry that they didn't have any attack power.

Han Yu still couldn't do it right away. Judging from the experience of the strategy videos he watched, purely human monsters rarely appear in the dungeons. Even the humanoid monsters in the dungeons are mostly mutated humans, zombies , variants and the like.

But the dozen or so women and children in front of them seemed to be alive except for being a little thinner, and they didn't even seem to have a trace of attack power.

"Story mission? Where should the plot be triggered?"

The plot dungeon is also divided into mandatory plot and trigger plot. To trigger the plot dungeon, you need to find clues by yourself, and only when the trigger condition is met will you officially access the plot.

After successfully connecting, you can get richer rewards than usual plots, or trigger hidden tasks.

But triggering the plot, you can also ignore the task, push all the way, you can still clear the copy.

This copy obviously requires players to find clues by themselves, and then trigger a copy of the hidden plot.

But at the same time, in the rest of the dungeons, the elemental mage has already released a raging fire, burning all the creatures in front of him.

During the attack, countless mice came out of the dirt in the street, and rushed towards the player one by one.

The swordsman pierced his woman with a sword, and a huge rat tainted with filth rushed out of the sewer and began to attack the player, but was easily dealt with by a set of combos.

They also found it when they entered the door. This may be a copy with a hidden mission. After triggering the mission, they can get more rewards.

But this is a competition for freshmen. Everyone wanted to clear the dungeon quickly and get a better score. They didn't have time to waste on triggering the plot, so they all chose to push it across.

"Why didn't Han Yu move?" Zhang Yi, the dean of the miscellaneous courtyard, asked.

"Probably found out that this is a copy of the plot." Zhong Rou explained: "But we have cleaned up nearly a hundred copies of the city of the curse, and still haven't found out how the plot is triggered."

"In the end, I chose to clear all the carriers directly, and clear up these copies as quickly as possible before trying to trigger the plot."

Han Yu took the summoned object and walked towards the next gate, which was closed tightly.

Han Yu gradually approached, but the women and children on both sides of the street still did not make any aggressive movements.

Ellie drew her bow and said to the people around her, "Master, these humans don't seem to have any malicious intentions."

"Prepare, you might turn into a monster in the next second." Han Yu said softly.

He is not a bodhisattva, if he has to kill all the creatures in the dungeon to clear the level, he will not hesitate at all.

But this dungeon obviously has a plot, he just wants to see what will happen next. Since it is a plot that needs to be triggered by the player, a hint will definitely be given.

When he came to the first woman, the woman who was as thin as a skeleton stretched out her hand towards Han Yu.

"My lord, give me something to eat...give me..." He knelt and moved towards Han Yu's side, with both hands raised high, begging for something Han Yu could give.

Han Yu subconsciously took a step back, Ai Li fully drew the bow, but Han Yu pressed it down.

Han Yu didn't drop anything, but the woman started to kowtow: "Thank you, thank you sir!"

Immediately afterwards, a three-inch-long mouse crawled out of the nearby ditch full of filth, and ran into the broken bowl in the woman's hand.

The woman grabbed it and stuffed it into her mouth, but before she had time to chew it, the mouse the size of a cat crawled directly onto her head along the woman's hand.

Appearing behind the woman's head in an instant, the four claws pierced through the scalp, and the sharp claws grabbed the woman's head, making a creaking sound.

The woman's face showed a look of violent struggle, her face was pulled tight by the plague rat from both sides, her already thin face was really stretched like a rat.

"Squeak~woo...My lord~his~woo..."

While roaring like a monster, the woman stretched out her hand tremblingly towards Han Yu.

The expression on his face struggled violently, but he couldn't utter a complete sentence.

But the struggle lasted only for a moment, and the woman's eyes were replaced by red light, completely losing her mind. He rushed towards Han Yu.

Han Yu took a step back, this must be a copy of the plot. But what the plot is, he still has no idea.

But now the battle was about to start, Han Yu took two steps back, Ellie had already fully drawn the bow, and the flame of the staff in Fenghuo's hand had already begun to condense.

"Others, don't attack!" Han Yu suddenly said, "Ai Li is targeting the plague rat, don't attack the woman."

A flash of inspiration flashed in Han Yu's mind. Although he couldn't hear the words of the woman's final whimper just now, the look on her face should be asking for help.

Han Yu didn't have any intention of saving people, but in Han Yu's eyes, this was the task prompt given to him by the dungeon.

"Does the plot want me to save her?" Han Yu murmured to himself, this is the only intersection between him and the dungeon plot.

Not knowing how to continue unraveling the plot, Han Yu could only give it a try.

"It can be regarded as triggering the first step of the plot, but this will only increase the difficulty of the dungeon." Zhong Rou said while looking at the scene in Han Yu's dungeon.

"After these plague rats control humans, they will really start to mutate. It is the best choice to quickly clean up these parasites. Han Yu's first place is really dangerous, and it has already delayed a lot of time."

Thanks to book friends 08a, —— 3390 for their rewards, thank you big brother!

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