Game of Thrones: Battle Royale Game

Chapter 23 Chase (Part 2)

Fortunately, the other party only wanted to escape and did not intend to kill Ian. After knocking away Ian's sword, the mercenary glanced at Rohr who was already close at hand, quickly clipped his spurs, and tried to continue running north.

It was a pity that he was slowed down when fighting with Ian, and his escape speed could not return to its peak for a while. He was caught up by Rohr in just a few seconds, and was pierced through the back of the heart with a sword.

Seeing this scene, Ian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but at the same time he was still frightened by what had just happened.

He couldn't believe that he, who had always thought of himself as steady, would rush towards the enemy like that. When his horse ran at full speed, all his rationality was gone, as if the hormones in his body had turned into adrenal glands. white.

This reminded him of a description of the cavalry's state during an attack - a runaway horse carrying a drunk man.

Shaking his head, and after making up his mind to never make such risky attempts again, Ian began to reflect on this real first battle after entering the world of ice and fire.

Regarding his performance, Ian cannot be said to be remarkable, but can only be said to be disgraced.

During the battle, his mind was almost blank. Although he got the memory of the riding and swordsmanship skills that a hired knight should have from the system, these memories were completely out of coordination with his body, and there was no muscle memory at all. As for him, he has no idea what to do next.

Even though this is related to his lack of actual combat experience, it also illustrates a problem - layout data is quite unreliable.

He was even thinking about letting Rohr train himself systematically again in his free time.

Looking behind him again, Rohr had already led the escapee's empty horse back to the bodies of the other mercenaries, sorting out the loot with Case.

But Ian's attention was not on the trophies, but on observing the equipment of the two knights.

This time, Ian rarely wanted to greet the planner because the reward was so awesome.

Obviously, the S-level NPCs rewarded by the system are all equipped with top-notch equipment. Needless to say, armor. When Ian saw Kammer's spear hitting Keith, his heart dropped. What he didn't expect was He actually failed to penetrate Case's defense.

Although this was related to Case's successful dodge, causing the opponent's spear tip to hit his left shoulder armor, which had the thickest defense, but it could successfully defend against that speed of sprint, and Case's plate armor was undoubtedly the best among the best.

Then there are the war horses. You must know that both Rolle and Case are fully armed. In this case, they only delayed themselves for a few seconds before catching up with themselves who had actually been defeated by the enemy. This shows that their horses Even better than my own thoroughbred horse!

Such a configuration is definitely a rare discovery of conscience for the style of this game's Nagou planning.

Soon, Rohr and Case completed the collection of trophies - two horses, an exquisite long sword, a dozen golden dragons, a large bag of other coins, and a pair of plate and chain armor.

Of course, when it comes to plate chain mail, this armor is just a metal plate added to the chest of the chain mail, a bit like the one worn by Stannis Baratheon in the Game of Thrones TV series.

Ian doesn't understand this.

Stannis is still a king even though he is poor. Will he die if the director gives him armor with stronger defense? Even if he must be given plate and chain armor, at least it must be the kind worn by Zhao Yun in the movie "Red Cliff", right? (By the way, why did Zhao Yun wear plate and chain armor more than ten centuries in advance?)

In short, under the influence of the embarrassing performance just now, Ian was somewhat worried about how he looked in fancy clothes, so he took off his coat and pulled out the blood-stained knife from the dead Kamer. The armor was put on himself without hesitation.

Then with the help of Rohr, he put on this chain armor. Ian and Kammer were similar in stature. After putting this suit of armor on, Ian found it unexpectedly suitable.

After completing all this quickly, Ian ordered to turn back and run towards the salt mine in the small town of Holloway.

When they returned to the salt mine, the battle here was not over yet. The surviving mercenaries were divided into two groups and were confronting each other. There were three people on one side and four people on the other. They all seemed exhausted.

Obviously, after Kammer left, the situation got out of control again. These mercenaries probably formed a small group based on their usual close relationship to compete for the gold bars.

There were three people inside who were seriously injured. It is estimated that even if their various small teams won the final battle, the money would not be divided among them.

The appearance of the three Ians broke the short-term balance between them.

The mercenaries looked at the bloody swords of Rohr and Case, and seemed to realize something. At that moment, there may be countless thoughts in their minds.

Is it a desperate resistance? Just run away? Or kneel down and beg for mercy?

There are all of them, but they are not important anymore, because before that, Ian has already given the order to attack.

It's too late.

The battle ended in just one minute. The two knights cut down several mercenaries who were still resisting like wheat, and then dismounted to finish off the few who were lying next to them who had already been seriously injured and fell to the ground.

After confirming that there were no survivors, they began to look for the loot.

Throughout this entire process, Ian's eyes were looking in the other direction.

The night there swallowed up the last rays of the setting sun, and on the dark curtain, a bright star map was slowly lighting up.

Perhaps, there is a distant blue planet in that star map, where there are no merciless executioners, no mercenaries kneeling down to beg for mercy, and no cries and wailings from the hunted.

There is a harmonious society, a stable legal system and a dead game planner named Xia Ze.

Soon Ian and his team completed counting the second wave of loot.

This time, most of the items were abandoned by Ian's order. All he left behind was Carmel's clan sword - a high-quality half-hand sword, two exquisite daggers, three adult river horses and Carmel's plate and chain mail.

Of course, besides that there is the most important thing - money.

Kammer and the mercenaries' own money was almost negligible. The most important things that Ian and the others took back were the two commissions paid by Ian himself and the remaining 80 golden dragons from Harui.

Ian put all the gold bars into the auxiliary system's backpack, and the remaining 500 gold dragons were put into Rohr's bag.

Then they left the mine and came to the Green Fork River not far away, and began to clean the blood on their bodies.

"Can you tell me why you were so confident that you could instigate Carmel's personal guards just now?" While Ian was washing his clothes, Rohr suddenly asked Ian.

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