Game of Thrones: Battle Royale Game

Chapter 3 Background Overview

After determining his lineage career and growth route, Xia Ze set his sights on the last option - the starting location.

[Finally you arrived? 】

【Westeros, Essos, Sothoros】

Looking at this option, Xia Ze couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. He could understand Westeros and Essos, but what the hell is putting Sothothros in?

It was an uninhabited and poisonous place where even the greatest explorers could not survive.

If the player starts there, wouldn't it really be a box?

After thinking about it, Xia Ze clicked on Westeros, mainly because the original book described this area in more detail. Xia Ze believed that he could develop better in the early stage with this knowledge reserve.

Later, more details were displayed.

[Kingdom, Riverlands, Stormlands, Reach, Vale, Dorne, Westerlands, Northland, Iron Islands, North of the Great Wall]

This time Xia Ze chose the Riverland, mainly because it is connected in all directions, and no matter where there is a competitive competition, he can get there as soon as possible.

However, just when Xia Ze was about to continue selecting a specific city, the system did not display the next option.

This surprised him because it meant that the player's specific starting point was random.

In this way, players who have agreed to form an alliance cannot start in a city. They can only rush to their previously agreed meeting point after landing randomly.

Of course, this would not bring any advantage to Xia Ze, because the rendezvous would not take them a few days.

After confirming for the last time that the selected information was correct, Xia Ze clicked the OK button.

【Please enter your name】

"Name?" Xia Ze repeated, and then casually entered [Ian].

【Please formulate your image】

"Eh? Can you still make your own face?" Seeing the preview of a mercenary knight wearing armor, holding half a sword, and riding a tame horse on the screen, Xia Ze was stunned for a moment, and then began to try to modify the knight's face. .

After a while, Xia Ze discovered that he really had no talent for pinching faces, and the faces he made were so ugly that they looked like those from a horse-drawn swordsman.

So he put his hope in random generation. After three minutes of hard work, he finally clicked on the image of a typical blond Andal youth with good looks.

[Character generation completed]

Soon, a complete background story was sent to him.

[Background overview:

You have the blood of both the First Men and the Andals. (Strength +2, gain skill ‘Common Language Speaking’)

Your father is a farmer in the valley, and your mother is a maid in the manor of a local wealthy knight.

In 281 AC (Note 1), you were born into this world as the eldest son in your family, and your father named you Ian. This is an unusually warm late winter, as if spring has arrived early because of your birth. However, at the end of the year, the coldness of winter suddenly returned to Westeros, and heavy snow fell everywhere. This year, it was called the wrong spring. (Starting capital + 200 silver deer)

When you were one year old, Jon Arryn, Duke of the Eyrie, Lord of the Vale, raised a banner of rebellion and declared war on the Targaryen royal family. Your father was recruited by the local lords, took up arms and went to the south, but never appeared again. return.

After the war, in order to repay the debt your father incurred in purchasing equipment before the war, your mother had to sell the mill at home, and then took you to the knight's manor to take care of you. Your astuteness was loved by the knight's wife. She arranged for you to be a tutor for her son who is the same age as you. (Spirit +1, acquire the skills ‘Basics of Etiquette’ and ‘Basics of Common Language Reading and Writing’)

At the age of 11, you and your little master were sent to the count's castle and began to learn swordsmanship, equestrianism and lance from the instructor. Your performance was very good. (Strength +4, Agility +4, acquire the skills 'Basics of Swordsmanship', 'Basics of Equestrianism', 'Basics of Cavalry')

Two years later, you defeated your young master in a joust and won the qualification to serve as a squire to a knight from the earl family. (Strength +5, Agility +5, acquire the skills 'Swordsmanship Beginner', 'Lance Beginner', and Equestrian Skills Beginner')

When you were 16 years old, you shined brightly in an operation against the mountain clans in the valley. Your master named you a knight after the war. That night, you completed the vigil in the sanctuary after anointing yourself with the Seven Holy Oils. (Strength +10, Agility +10, acquired skills: 'Intermediate swordsmanship', 'Intermediate lance', 'Intermediate horsemanship')

Not long after, you got married to the daughter of the housekeeper of a wealthy knight's manor. She was not beautiful, but you were extremely fascinated by her.

But on your wedding night, your former young master drunkenly broke into your new house with four guards. With the anger that he had been defeated by you, he declared to you that your bride was his leader. People, he wants to exercise his sacred power as a lord - the right of first night.

However, the right of first night, a tradition that originated from the ancestors, had been abolished as early as the fourth monarch of the Targaryen Dynasty, King Jaehaerys I, on the advice of his Queen Alysanne.

Therefore, you regarded the other party's order as a provocation and humiliation. You loudly called for your attendants and friends to come to support, and a fierce battle broke out between the two sides.

After a fight, you killed your original little master and his guards, but your wife and companions also died in the melee.

The battle caused a fire, and the manor where you spent your entire childhood was quickly submerged in the sea of ​​​​fire. You had no time to care, and hurriedly packed up your belongings (a half-hand sword without heraldry, a complete set of After buying the old chain mail with heraldry, a tame horse, and 200 silver deer), he fled the valley overnight, fled to the river, and began his career as a mercenary knight]

The background story is followed by detailed layout information:

[Ian: Strength 21, Agility 19, Mental Strength 1

Skills: Basic etiquette, basic reading and writing of common language, intermediate swordsmanship, intermediate equestrianism, intermediate lance]

(ps: Reading and writing skills in the same language will directly cover speaking skills. Speaking skills will only be demonstrated if you can only speak but cannot read)

"Reminder, the bodies used by the players are all bionic humans released by the organizer into this world. They appear out of thin air. The aborigines of this world will not have any memory of the player characters." After confirming that Xia Ze had read the information, AI Annie spoke. road,

"But the system generates a reasonable background story for the player based on the player's custom choices. Players can obtain knowledge and memories related to the background to better integrate into the world of Song of Ice and Fire with a new identity. "

"Isn't this quite humane?" Xia Ze couldn't help but nodded. This thing is indeed very helpful to the players. After all, even the players who know the original work and history best, for the real life details of a certain profession in this era, There must still be many omissions.

But this obviously also brings about a problem, that is, it is more difficult for players to discover each other. If the disguise is good enough, two players may not be discovered even if they are sitting together in a tavern and talking and laughing. The other party is a player.

This obviously contradicts the receptionist's statement that players will fall into fierce competition and even kill each other as soon as they start.

From a planning perspective, if he wanted players to kill each other at the start of the game, he shouldn't have designed this kind of mechanism to help players hide their identities.

This was unreasonable. Xia Ze silently recorded this problem in the small notebook in his heart.

"Now that you have completed all the processes in the creation phase, you only need to click the OK button to officially travel." Annie reminded, "Although you cannot act in advance before all players have completed traveling, you can take this time to understand Full functionality of game mechanics and auxiliary systems.”

Xia Ze thinks what Annie said makes sense. After all, the organizer has regulations that require you to understand the detailed game mechanics after entering the game.

If he uses the preparation time to analyze the mechanism, he will not waste a second after the official start.

Thinking of this, Xia Ze no longer hesitated and clicked the OK button directly.

The moment he clicked on it, he suddenly felt as if he was being melted. His vision, hearing, and touch disappeared one after another, and the whole world turned into a vast whiteness.

Notes: 1.AC (Years after Aegon's Conquest) means 'Years after Aegon's Conquest'. It is the first year when 'Conqueror' Aegon I Targaryen was crowned king of the Seven Kingdoms, which is Westeros. The universal calendar, also known as the Aegon Calendar.

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