Game of Thrones: Battle Royale Game

Chapter 42 The Ghost of White Walled City (Part 2)

But history did not favor the Darry family again.

Not far from the south of this inn, on the bank of the Green Fork River, the 'Battle of the Trident', which determined the outcome of the Usurper's War, broke out.

At that time, Robert Baratheon led an army south, where he encountered a royalist army led by Prince Rhaegar Targaryen (Dragon Mother's brother), and a war broke out between the two sides.

During the battle, Robert smashed his hammer into Rhaegar's chest, shattering the three-headed Targaryen dragon made of ruby ​​on Rhaegar's breastplate and killing him. It was also in this battle that three brothers of Raymond Darry, the current lord of Darry City, were killed.

Then the Targaryen dynasty fell, and the Darry family lost most of their fiefdoms, wealth, and power, and even their title of earl.

At this point, all the great nobles on both sides of the northeastern shores of the Divine Eye Lake have either been exterminated or are half-dead, and will soon be destroyed in the War of the Five Kings.

(Considering that there is no big noble on the southwestern shores of the Lake of the Divine Eye, is there a possibility that it is not Harrenhal that is cursed but the Lake of the Divine Eye?)

"Well, there is indeed no big lord here," Ian straightened his hair awkwardly, "So who is this land sealed to now?"

"After the decline of Darry City and Harrenhal, the entire northeastern shores of God's Eye Lake were divided between nearly 40 families of wealthy knights. Among them, the largest ones owned small castles and manors, like Sir Wilder Grey, Victoria Sir Lee Ward and our deputy captain, Sir Harrison Garth, etc., and the smallest one has a mill."

That's really the same problem as Littlefinger.

"Since Raymond Darry, Earl of Darry City, became Sir Raymond, he has completely lost interest in managing this land. Therefore, the largest forces in this area have become our Black Falcon Mercenary Group and the group headed by Sir Wilder. League of Knights.

The emergence of this well-equipped and well-trained bandit group, mainly cavalry, undoubtedly broke the balance of power in this land. "

"It's impossible for you to face such a difficult enemy alone, so you chose to ask for help?"

"Oh, you really know everything." Dorian was already mentally prepared for Ian's ability as a prophet, so he didn't seem too surprised. "Yes, we immediately went to Harrenhal and Dai. Ravens were sent to Ruicheng and Sir Wilder's castle to inform them of this incident.

However, none of them responded to us, so it was naturally impossible for us to face such a powerful enemy alone. Although the known strength of the White Wall City Thieves Group is only those 20 people, and our entire mercenary group adds up to more than 200 people, we are mercenaries, and we cannot go to a group of cavalry for no reason.

In this way, we waited until the second month. Robbery on the King's Road became more and more frequent, and our brothers who were on duty as escorts also suffered considerable losses.

When we got here, we could no longer let nature take its course, so our adoptive father called the mercenary captains together for a meeting.

In the end, we decided to shrink our sphere of influence and only defend the existing strongholds. The core force will no longer accept mercenary tasks for the time being... We can only preserve the strength of trusted mercenaries. It is impossible for other vassal teams to manage like this. After all, we will not give They pay wages.

And shortly after we made this decision, Sir Wilder, who had not responded before, actually took the initiative to come to the door. "

Dorian said so many words in one go, his mouth felt dry for a while, so he filled his glass with another glass of wine and drank it down.

"And this time, he brought a very explosive news. The new bandit group that appeared in White Wall City is actually related to Black Fire."

Ian straightened his sitting posture, knowing that the highlight was coming.

"Sir Wilder told us about his experience. At that time, he had just finished a tournament in King's Landing and was returning to the fiefdom. When he passed by Doman Village, because it was getting late, he planned to stay there for one night. The next day Then continue on your way.

Unexpectedly, that night, Doman Village was attacked by a group of horse bandits. When Sir Wilder woke up, half of the village was already in flames. He immediately picked up his weapon and rushed out of the room without thinking.

Well, he talked a lot at that time, but I can't remember all the details. In short, in the end, he chased a robber into an earthen house, and had a battle with him inside. During the battle, he struck out with a sword. He cut open the opponent's robe and saw the black three-headed dragon emblem of the Blackfire family on the opponent's breastplate.

After discovering that the opponent's upper body was wearing plate armor, he immediately changed his fighting style and focused his attacks on the joints on his arms. After a while, he successfully used his superb skills to chop off the opponent's right forearm, making him lose his combat effectiveness. .

However, just when he was about to take advantage of the victory and finish off his opponent, he heard a rush of footsteps outside the house. He knew that the opponent's reinforcements had arrived, so he gave up the idea of ​​killing the opponent and fled there in a hurry. "

"Didn't you say you don't remember the details? How do you make it sound like you were watching at the scene?" Ian asked with a smile.

"This is the only section that deeply impressed me. At that time, Sir Wilder mentioned a move used to attack full-armor enemies, called the 'half-sword attack'. Because I have no experience against full-armor opponents, I remember this section in particular. profound."

"Okay, go ahead."

"The news brought by Sir Wilder was so horrifying that even my adoptive father and others did not believe what he saw." Dorian continued.

"After all, Maris Blackfyre, the last blood descendant of the Blackfyre family, was killed by the 'fearless' Ser Barristan in the Battle of the Nine Copper Kings. Now it is suddenly said that another Blackfyre remnant has emerged. No one believes it. It's normal." Ian nodded, don't talk about them, I don't believe it at all.

"Yes! That's what we said at the time, but Sir Wilder swore on his honor that he really saw the three black dragons. Sir Wilder's firm attitude and the bandit group's presence near the White Wall City really made him This seems to be quite a bit more convincing.

In the end, everyone agreed to a joint attack. After all, if we can find evidence related to the Blackfire, we can go to King's Landing to claim credit from the Iron Throne, which is a great achievement. "

"It's enough for many people in the mercenary group to be knighted." Ian agreed.

"This joint operation was launched in the name of Sir Wilder and my adoptive father. We summoned all the scattered mercenary teams we could find around here. And we once again sent an invitation to Harrenhal and Darry City, And wrote in the letter that the enemy may be related to Black Fire.

Lady Hean of Harrenhal did not respond as usual, while Darui City symbolically sent an oath knight, four spearmen and four crossbowmen. Quan should have fulfilled her obligation to this area. Land obligations. "

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