Game of Thrones: Battle Royale Game

Chapter 50 Plan Change

[Successfully kill a player, gain 4 points, capture 1 point, and gain 2 additional agility points]

The updated data card is:

[Ian: Strength 26, Agility 24, Mental Strength 2

Skills: Basic etiquette, basic reading and writing of common language, advanced swordsmanship, advanced equestrian skills, intermediate lance skills

Attribute points: 0

Skill points: 0

Points: 17]

Ian walked out of the cellar with the bloody sword, breathing in the fresh air outside.

Although Ian's movements were much more proficient than when he first killed someone, the moment he cut open the strange player's neck, he still had the urge to gag.

He didn't like this feeling.

He felt that he was trapped in a strange contradiction. On the one hand, he had a sense of accomplishment in being able to kill and kill others at will, and on the other hand, he was repulsed by such behavior in his heart.

This is probably what is called acting and standing at the same time. I am really hypocritical. Ian laughed at himself in his heart.

"If you feel uncomfortable with killing people, I can actually do it for you." Rohr seemed to see what was on Ian's mind.

"No," Ian shook his head, "No, I have to do it myself." There will be many more things like this in the future.

Inexplicably, he remembered Eddard Stark's words - we believe that the person who sentences the death penalty must do it himself. If you want to take a person's life, you should at least look into his eyes and listen to his last words. If you If he cannot do this, then perhaps he will not die. Rulers who hide behind the scenes and pay executioners will soon forget what death is.

The next moment, Ian laughed.

He didn't do it personally to remember what 'death' was, he just wanted to get the complete kill reward.

After taking a deep breath, Ian prepared to put the sword back into its scabbard.

Unexpectedly, Luo Er handed over a piece of linen cloth at this time, "Wipe off the blood on the sword first, otherwise the blood will solidify in the scabbard, which will not only make the sword rusty, but also may not be able to be pulled out." He reminded.

Yeah? I saw that the action of sheathing the sword after killing someone in the movie was very cool. Ian laughed sarcastically and took note of this common sense. Then he took the linen cloth handed over by Luo Er, and after carefully wiping the blood on the sword, he reinserted it into the scabbard.

"Sir Lucien, did you kill him?" Denzel, who had been waiting on the ground, finally had a chance to speak, "Isn't he the prisoner you want?"

"He is, man, but these bastards don't need to be escorted back to King's Landing for trial. I have already sentenced them to death." Ian patted Denzel on the shoulder, "You guys did a great job, come to my room later, I I will reward you with an additional bounty of 10 gold dragons."

"This is almost two-thirds of our commission. Sir, I don't know how to describe your generosity, but I assure you that you have our love."

It is money that gets your love.

"You don't know, the guy you just executed tried to instigate us, but we beat him up on the spot, and then he became honest. Are you kidding, aren't you? Want us to betray you? Even if the Seven Gods come in person Even if you come in front of us, you won’t be able to escape this beating!”

Hearing this, Ian narrowed his eyes instantly, "Call Sir Grantham and Naughty Duanzi to my room. I want to change the plan." He ordered Denzel.

Ian discovered that Grantson's senses were not very good for Dorian, so he only left Grantson's mercenaries with Dorian to help him reorganize the mercenary group, and brought Erwuzi himself. return.

After giving orders to Denzel, Ian returned to his new room, which was a luxurious single room at the end of the corridor.

According to Ian's instructions before leaving yesterday, Denzel and the others built a wall from the original door of this deluxe single room, and then opened a door on the wall shared with the next room.

Ian's arrangement is that he lives in a single room inside, while Rolle and Keith live in a single room outside. In this way, anyone who wants to enter his room must first pass through the two knights.

The advantage of this arrangement is that while ensuring your own absolute safety, you don't have to endure the terrible snoring of those two people.

Due to the short time, the renovation of the room was very rough, but Ian was already very satisfied.

A few minutes later, Denzel and the three entered Ian's room.

"Sir, I thought you would rest as soon as possible." The first person to speak was Sir Grantham. Ian thought he would be dissatisfied with leaving his men to Dorian, but unexpectedly he still Respectfully as before.

It can only be said that this ability of forbearance is indeed the talent of being a second-rate boy, and it is not in vain that I gave him such a nice nickname.

"You seemed to have said before that you wanted to change your plan? Did something happen with the Black Falcon Mercenary Group?" Denzel still didn't know what happened at the Black Falcon Mercenary Castle. He just asked Sir Grantham, Lanson was also tight-lipped.

"It has nothing to do with that." Ian shook his head. He decided to change his plan because of what Denzel had just said in his report - that the player had tried to instigate his mercenaries.

This is a very scary thing.

The player just now obviously had poor eloquence, so he failed to instigate rebellion.

But what if a glib player appears? Although Ian is 99% sure that the mercenaries will not be incited to rebel when his price is always three times that of the other party, Murphy's Law must be guarded against.

Even if he gives up part of his profits, he still wants to nip this potential risk in the bud.

"I'm referring to the plan to capture the criminals I mentioned before," Ian looked at the Dornishman Denzel, "You have seen it before. I do not intend to bring these people back to King's Landing for trial. I only Just take their heads back.

And anyway, even those people who are wrongly arrested will eventually be silenced by you. Since a person is dead as long as he is caught by you, then why do we need this extra procedure for me to identify him? "

"What do you mean? From now on, we don't need to arrest people. We will kill suspicious targets directly?" Denzel was a little surprised. He found that Sir Lucien's attitude at this moment was really different from before.

Ian said nothing and nodded in agreement with Denzel's guess.

"Yes, Sir." What happened in Black Falcon Castle yesterday? Denzel became more and more curious, but he knew enough not to ask.

"Since I temporarily left the cavalry in the Black Falcon mercenary's castle, this time we will not control the King's Road for the time being. We will only be responsible for the inn and its surroundings." Ian glanced at the three people in front of him one by one. deputy,

"Remember, it is better to kill by mistake than to let go. As long as there are suspicious characters that meet the characteristics I mentioned, deal with them all." This time there will be no memorial arch. I am a special villain.

"Is this action too big?" A trace of hesitation flashed in Granton's eyes.

"Anyway, all bad things are done by the ghosts of White Wall City, right? How long have they been running rampant here?" Ian threw the blame away casually.

"Oh, I see what you mean."

"Go and do things." Ian yawned again, "I already, ha... can't bear it anymore."

PS: Three chapters today, 7500 words

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