Game of Thrones: Battle Royale Game

Chapter 55 The Shadow of the Ghost

"So are the traces of the camp new? Was that camp just abandoned or has it been abandoned for a long time?" Ian asked.

"It was abandoned not long ago. When our horse team first arrived, the bonfire inside was still smoking."

"It shouldn't be right? According to you, after the patrol team in Taman Village reported to you, you immediately sent out a light horse team to check, but only found an empty camp. Even if the other party has a spy among you, It’s impossible to evacuate in such an orderly manner so quickly, right?”

"Sorry," Sir Wilder smiled awkwardly, "The 'immediately' I said before was just an overview. In fact, after we received the news, it took us a while to send the cavalry out."

"How much time is one hour? I want accurate information."

"An hour. That's about right, one hour." Looking at the serious 'Sir Lucien', Wilder had an inexplicable feeling that he was his subordinate.

"This time is still too short," Ian shook his head. "The mole needs to report the news after receiving it, and then the other party must pack up everything and evacuate, and disappear from your sight when your cavalry arrives."

"It was a raven," Sir Wilder explained. "At that time we held a war meeting to discuss the matter. Sir Simon believed that the other party used a raven to report the message."

"Raven?" Ian understood what Wilder meant. If raven was used to communicate between the mole and the ghost in White Wall City, such a time difference could indeed be created.

And if the ghosts of White Wall City are really looking for the Black Fire Treasure, it is not surprising that they can find someone who can raise crows and be literate.

"You haven't found their temporary camp since then?" Ian continued to ask.

"No." Sir Wilder said, "We conducted a thorough search of that area, but we never found any other camps of the ghosts of White Wall City."

"Wait. A thorough search? How dare you, a mere five hundred people, say that you have conducted a thorough search of such a large area?" That's an area of ​​thousands of square kilometers!

"Well, of course it's not just us. Patrol teams and hunters from more than 20 nearby villages provided help to us at that time. Many of them are fiefdoms of our alliance members, such as my Felan Village, Wolf Village and Ngar Village, Tamang Village and Joka Village of House Darry."

"The Darry family still has a fiefdom there?" Ian was a little surprised.

"There are only a few left. At its peak, the Darry family owned nearly 60 villages from the east bank of God's Eye Lake to the south bank of the Trident River. Now there are only four left."

It's already pretty good without being completely deprived. I'm afraid only Robert has this level of tolerance, Ian complained.

"At that time, with the help of local patrols and hunters, we searched the area where people were most likely to be hiding, but ultimately found nothing." Sir Wilder continued.

Ian fell silent. He always felt that there was a big problem here, but he couldn't tell where the problem was.

"Well, let's stop this topic for now," Ian sighed softly, "Let's continue talking about the ghost camp stronghold you discovered."

"Their stronghold is in an abandoned fishing village on the south bank of the mouth of the Trident River, 6 leagues (about 29 kilometers) north of here."

"Abandoned fishing village? Why was it abandoned?"

"It was originally a small fishing village built on a small natural harbor, but during Robert's Rebellion (i.e., the Usurper's War), it was" Wilder paused, "and was looted by an unknown army. Almost no one survived.

After the war, the lords of this generation, the Riverside family, the Darry family, and the Mouton family of Maidenpool all lost their power because they sided with Targaryen. Therefore, the entire crossroads area fell into depression, let alone the That fishing village, at least more than 40 villages in this area were abandoned after the war. "

"Sad story," Ian commented, but there was no sadness on his face. "Go on, tell me what you have discovered?"

"We suspect that the ghosts in White Wall City have found the Blackfire Treasure and are moving the treasure there." Sir Wilder said in a surprising way.

Even though Ian had guessed that Wilder and the others had found key clues about the Blackfire Treasure, he was still stunned when he heard the news.

That elusive bandit group called the 'Ghost', which has barely left you even a temporary camp, has not only been traced this time, but is it on the way to transfer treasure?

"Can you tell me the basis for your conclusion?" Ian expressed reservations about Wilder's conclusion.

"The actual beginning is" Sir Wilder thought for a while, "we found that the ghosts of White Wall City have basically stopped all their looting activities in the past two weeks."

"They just ransacked the salt mine in Earl Harroway's town three days ago!" Sir Willy, who had been silent, interrupted Wilder this time.

Ian couldn't hold it back for a moment and laughed out loud, yes! It was the ghosts of White Walled City who did it! The bad things are all their fault!

"What are you laughing at?" Wilder looked at Ian doubtfully.

I thought of happy things, "It's nothing, it's just that he refuted your words just after you finished speaking. I thought it was quite interesting."

So you are still a young man after all, right? Wilder was inexplicably relieved: "The salt mine in Earl Harroway's town was indeed attacked three days ago. I heard that many people died there.

But according to the foreman's description, he temporarily left the salt mine with the salt workers and lent the mine to a traveling merchant. This matter should be a personal conflict between the traveling merchant and others, and the White Wall City. Ghosts shouldn't have anything to do with it, it's just that the ghosts of White Wall City have been doing evil in this generation for a long time, and everyone likes to blame them. "

"Okay, then let's assume that the ghosts in White Wall City have nothing to do with the attack on the salt mines in Lord Harroway's town three days ago." Of course there is no way it is related. That thing was done by the ghosts of Lannister. En added in his mind, "What then?"

"The ghosts in White Wall City seem to have suddenly disappeared, so we are very worried. They have found the Blackfire Treasure and are preparing to evacuate."

"So why couldn't they just give up after realizing they couldn't find the treasure?" Ian asked.

"Of course, this possibility also exists, but in any case, their sudden disappearance is not a good thing for us." Wilder explained.

Isn't it a good thing that the gangster group that can't be dealt with disappears? You are such a good and competent lord, Ian complained in his heart.

"So we dispersed the people and tried to find their whereabouts."

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