Game of Thrones: Battle Royale Game

Chapter 66 Main Mission 2

After a fierce quarrel and failing to obtain even a symbolic concession from Ian, Sir Berry and the knight from the Bulwer family finally couldn't stand Ian's almost humiliating arrogance and chose to accept the offer. Ian paid the reward in cash and took the people away.

So far, among the mercenaries Wilder had found, only two knights from the Fossoway family and their attendants remained.

Sir Wilder was not satisfied with the result, but considering the arrogance of 'Sir Lucien' who came from Lannister, he could still understand 'Ser Lucion''s refusal to compromise with the blackmailers. .

Moreover, since they had already figured out the details of the opponent, the lack of these 10 or so cavalry did not affect their overwhelming advantage over the White Wall City caravan, so Wilder did not accuse Ian in the end.

The trap in the abandoned fishing village was deployed by Wilder himself, but Ian, under the guise of learning from experience, made a thorough investigation of the deployment of all troops near the fishing village.

As night fell, just when Ian was about to end today's activities and start sleeping, he found that the system task had been updated.

Only then did he remember that a full week had passed since he completed the first main task.

[Main Mission 2: Legion

Mission description: To prepare for the coming war, you should accumulate your strength in advance.

Mission goal: Have more than 1,000 soldiers

Mission reward: 20 points, 3 attribute points, 3 skill points, 2 A-level NPCs of your choice (in the area)]


"1,000 soldiers? Is it such a big step?" Ian blinked, "Annie, are there any restrictions on the 1,000 soldiers in this mission target?"

"These 1,000 people must be soldiers who are directly loyal to the player. If they are mercenaries, the player needs to sign an employment agreement with them for more than ten years." Anne replied.

Ian was silent. Hiring 1,000 mercenaries for ten years was basically something only a madman would do. And when he didn't have a fiefdom, he had neither a way nor a place to station 1,000 soldiers.

Without thinking much, Ian clicked [Change]

[Main mission two: Lord

Task description: Knights and nobles are everywhere in Westeros. You may want to jump out of this class.

Mission goal: Obtain the title of lord

Mission reward: 20 points, 5,000 gold dragons]

"Oh, is this coming to my face?" Ian couldn't help but smile. This mission coincided with his new plan.

Originally, the task of [Lord] was even more difficult than that of [Legion], because Westeros has a unique noble system.

There is a common misunderstanding that the noble titles in Westeros are arranged in the order of duke, marquis, uncle, son, male, knight, and knight, but this is actually caused by not having read the original English version.

In fact, in the world of A Song of Ice and Fire, the nobility titles of Westeros (note that they are titles, not actual status) are only divided into three levels, king, lord and ser, that is, king, lord and knight.

As for titles such as ‘Duke Stark, Marquis Frey, Earl Hightower, Viscount Bisbury, Baron Cowat’ etc. that Chinese people saw when watching the original books or TV series.

It's just that the Chinese translator of the original work distinguished the lords with the title of 'lord' according to their strength. The purpose is to let readers see at a glance what level of strength and status this noble is.

In this aristocratic system, the two titles below the king, 'ser' and 'lord', represent the two classes of knights and lords.

In most cases, it is impossible to jump between two classes.

For example, the Patenton family of Nine Star City is a knight noble directly loyal to the Aylin family, the lord of the valley. Their strength is no less than that of many 'counts' in the valley. Their patriarch has the name of 'Knight of Nine Star City' and can easily They have gathered thousands of legions, but their titles are still the same as the most common hedge knights, which is 'Sir'.

Another example is Davos Seaworth, the Onion Knight. He helped Stannis Baratheon through the most difficult years by delivering food to Storm's End, which was besieged until it ran out of ammunition and food. He was just made a knight, and he was nicknamed the 'Onion Knight' by other nobles.

It was not until the War of the Five Kings broke out that Stannis gave him the title of Earl of the Rainforest in order to make him his Hand of the King, allowing him to complete the class jump.

It is worth mentioning that the 'Rainforest' is not a true 'Earl' fiefdom. Davos's title of Earl actually comes from the position of 'Hand of the King'. Stannis gave this fief and this title to Davos. In fact, the Rainforest was touched by Davos and was upgraded to an earldom because of him.

Of course, the incident in which the golden-robed Commander-in-Chief helped Emperor Joe assassinate Eddard Stark in the back and was conferred the title of Earl of Harrenhal had to be considered separately. After all, that was the ‘merit of following the dragon’.

Of course, Ian now has no way to achieve the same feats as Davos or the Golden Robe Commander, but now he has a ready-made 'Earl' title to pick up, and that is the title belonging to the Darry family.

Just last night when Yaris Rivers admitted that their plan was to go to Pentos to defect to Viserys, Ian had a very bold idea - to pretend to be an illegitimate son of the Darry family and defect to the Dragon Mother.

The complete story is: As an illegitimate son of the Darry family, he, his two brothers and the second son of Earl Grafson formed a bandit group to plunder in the Riverlands. He wanted to raise a sum of money to form an army to defect to Viserys, but failed because he was discovered by the enemy for unknown reasons. Afterwards, the Darry family was destroyed due to treason, and he took a small number of surviving men to Pantos to join the true king.

There are many obvious benefits to choosing such a story and identity.

First, after the Darry family was destroyed due to treason, the last illegitimate son of the Darry family who came to join the True King could naturally obtain the surname Darry and the title that originally belonged to the Darry family.

Although the current title of the Darry family is 'Sir', their earl title was deprived of it by the 'usurper'. From a legal point of view, when Ian becomes a vassal of the Targaryen family again, his former title should naturally be restored. title.

The second benefit of this story is that when his 'illegitimate son''s plan to raise an army for Viserys failed, Illyrio did not have to worry about losing control of Viserys because Viserys gained his own power. It would also be easier to accept Ian's loyalty to Viserys.

In fact, Ian suspected that Ser Daeron Grafson and Ser Aerys Rivers did not appear with Viserys in the original plot because they brought too many people - there were 50 people. The cavalry, after selling the wealth they plundered in the Riverlands, can raise an army. This is almost equivalent to forming a praetorian guard for Viserys. Such a result will support Aegon 'Bron' This is absolutely unacceptable to Governor Illyrio.

The third is that this story is almost true. For a knight who claims to be the 'illegitimate son of the Darry family', Illyrio will certainly not believe his words. Illyrio will definitely write a letter and entrust the 'Eight-clawed Spider' Varys to investigate this matter. thing.

The result of Varys' investigation can only be that there was indeed such a raiding team formed with the participation of the Darry family in the Riverlands. Later, these people were executed for treason. Does Ian Rivers, the illegitimate son of the Darry family, exist? It has become a matter of no proof.

As long as Ian can manage to get Sir Darren Grafson to testify for him at this time, then his identity as the 'illegitimate son of the Darry family' will be completely confirmed.

The last benefit is that this can make those players who have been staring at Dragon Mother feel confused. After all, it stands to reason that if an 'illegitimate child' that is not in the original work appears in front of Dragon Mother, this person will most likely be a player, but if this guy is The one who appeared with the second son of Earl Grafson? They will only suspect that there is a deviation between this world and the timeline of the original work.

Of course, even if a player is targeting him, Ian is not very afraid. With the power he has now, the opponent can hardly find any way to threaten him except poisoning. Therefore, as long as he arranges for himself a poison tester, he can basically guarantee that he will not be plotted by other players.

ps: Yesterday I suddenly became sunburned. I had a high fever as soon as I got home at night. I slept until noon today and I am still dizzy. Brothers, you must protect yourself!

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