Game of Thrones: Battle Royale Game

Chapter 74 King’s Landing

Before closing the points mall, Ian suddenly remembered that the last time he tried to enter the second-level mall, he failed because the total points did not exceed 10 points, so he clicked on the second-level mall again.

This time he successfully entered the preview:

[Second-level mall:

Medium gold coin bag (contains 100 gold dragons): 5 points

Large gold coin bag (containing 500 gold dragons): 10 points]

"What the hell? Can't you only buy 20 gold dragons with 5 points in the first-level mall?" Ian was shocked. Although 100 gold dragons was not much for him now, the price difference still made him a little confused.

"The more advanced the system mall, the higher the currency discount." Annie explained in Ian's mind.

"That's good news." Ian nodded. Although the price of 10 points and 500 gold dragons in the second-level mall is still too expensive for him, what about the subsequent third-level or even fourth-level malls?

If in the end 10 points can buy 5,000 or more gold dragons, maybe he will actually buy some gold coins in the mall.

Thinking about it, Ian continued to look down.

[One self-selected A-level NPC (in the area): 10 points

Double-arc golden heart wood longbow plus quiver: 5 points (exceeds the backpack capacity and is currently unavailable for purchase)

The blessing of the Supreme Shepherd (an external magic potion created by the high priest of the Supreme Shepherd Temple through secret methods. It has powerful life force and can quickly heal the injury of a dying person. Each person can only use it once): 20 points]

"Supreme Shepherd? Isn't he a scammer?" Ian couldn't help but cover his face.

He was afraid that if he was fine, he would be killed as soon as he was put on this stuff.

In the original novel, after the 'Usurper' heard that Daenerys was pregnant, he sent a wine dealer to Vaes Dothrak to assassinate her.

Although the assassin's operation failed because it was discovered by Jorah Mormont, it also angered Khal Drogo.

Khal Drogo was therefore determined to conquer Westeros. In order to raise money to build a fleet, he led his Kara S into the Raza region to plunder.

When Khal Drogo was injured while they were fighting Kara S, another Khal outside a Lazarim city, Daenerys asked the High Faun Priestess Mirri Maz whom she had just rescued. Duer healed him.

Then Drogo was killed by her

However, strictly speaking, Mirri Maz Duur's original purpose was to kill Drogo to avenge her city, so it seemed inappropriate to blame this quack on the Supreme Shepherd, Ian immediately thought.

So is this a trap planned for players?

If the description of this thing is not false advertising, it is simply a mythical item, and can even be said to be the player's second life.

But if this is some sort of 'Easter Egg' planned out of some evil interest, it's not an ordinary trap.

Ian did not choose to buy anything for the time being, but continued to click on the third-level mall.

Then two prompt boxes pop up.

[Third-level mall: open the preview after you have 100 points and unlock the second-level mall]

[Conditions for unlocking the second-level mall: Spend 10 points or more in the first-level mall or directly spend ten points to unlock]

"Okay, I almost forgot about the setting that 'it's almost impossible for most players to obtain resources from the system'." Ian covered his face.

The second-level mall requires spending 10 points in the first-level mall to open it. So does the third level require 100 points in the second-level mall?

Considering the low price-performance ratio of the first- and second-level points malls, there is basically no difference between spending points there and wasting points.

After exiting the system interface, Ian found a spot by the tree and prepared to fall asleep. Only then did he truly experience the feeling of a 'hedge knight' for the first time.

Fortunately, summer is not over yet, and Ian can't imagine what it would be like to sleep outdoors in the winter.

After changing his plans, Ian returned to the Crossroads Hotel.

He canceled the mission to continue hunting at the inn, and brought two groups of mercenaries from 'Ser Errand Five' Grantham and 'Dornishite' Denzel on their way to King's Landing.

Halfway through, Ian asked Denzel, who had become his new squire, to go to Duskendale to replace Rohr, making him Ser Daeron Grafson's new caretaker, and recalled Rohr to his side.

Ian and others walked slowly and hurriedly for six days from the crossroads to King's Landing. On the evening of the seventh day, they entered the capital of the Seven Kingdoms on the banks of the Blackwater River from the Gate of the Gods.

Once upon a time, this was just a mountain forest with only a few fishermen living here.

It wasn't until 300 years ago that 'Conqueror' Aegon I Targaryen landed at the mouth of the Blackwater River, changing the fate of this place.

Aegon used earth and wood to build his first wooden castle, Aegon Keep, on the top of the highest hill here. After he conquered the entire Seven Kingdoms, he ordered his capital to be built here and took the It's called Junlin.

In the years that followed, the Targaryen kings expanded the city step by step, turning it into what Ian sees today.

After entering the Gate of the Gods, Ian and the others passed through a bustling city, with mansions, pavilions, barns, brick warehouses, wooden hotels and market stalls, taverns, cemeteries and brothels, one after another.

Passing through wide boulevards and commercial blocks, the group soon passed Cobbler's Square.

Not long after, Ian saw the marble wall of St. Belle's Cathedral on the top of the Visenya Hills, with seven crystal towers standing in it. On the other side of the Rhaenys Hills, there is a huge collapsed dome ruins. Ian knows that there are the remains of the dragon's lair.

If you go east from this intersection, you can reach Flea Bottom through Silent Sister Street, but Ian doesn't plan to go directly to Flea Bottom. He wants to prepare an outfit for himself and others first.

After all, Flea Bottom is a slum, and it is understandable that there are mercenaries wandering around there. If you, a noble young man, wandering around in there with a knight whose armor is polished, it is a bit insulting to the intelligence of other players.

Therefore, after Ian asked Sir Erwuzi to take two-thirds of his troops to Linhe Street to find a tavern, he took Case, Rolle and a few others westward into Steel Street. Most of the people in the city Most of the blacksmiths are here.

The man Ian is looking for lives on the top of the hill. His name is Tob Mott. He is the best blacksmith in King's Landing and even in the whole of Westeros. At least that's what he said.

The main reason Ian came to him was to order a batch of plate armor disguised as ordinary mercenaries from him.

The coat of plates is a torso armor composed of iron sheets riveted to fabric. The reason why it is called coat of plates is actually just a matter of translation. Its essence is actually more similar to that of the Great Celestial Dynasty. Cloth armor rather than plate armor as its name implies.

Ian chose plate armor for two main reasons.

First, unlike the bucket structure of plate armor, the structure of plate armor can be customized into a wasp-waisted style. When he chooses to rivet the iron pieces inside the cloth, your opponent will not be able to judge the quality of your armor. Quality, they would probably put it on the spot as inferior armor that ordinary mercenaries could own.

Second, high-quality plate armor will not lose its defensive power to plate armor when facing less powerful enemies, and the player's early strength can be considered "not that strong."

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