Game of Thrones: Battle Royale Game

Chapter 79 The Traitor on the Laughing Lion

As for whether these people will ask Salado to verify this matter, Ian is not worried, not to mention whether the grassroots cadres may go to verify the top leaders for this trivial matter. Even if they want to, Salado Sanen will not Not in King's Landing.

Different ships have their own trade routes. Although they are all ships under Salladhor, if Salladhor does not summon them (for example, in order to form a "royal fleet" for Stannis in the War of Five Kings, Salladhor rallied (all his ships), it was possible that they would not see each other for several years.

While everyone was drinking, the tavern maid finally served the good wine and food that Ian requested, including wine from Qingting Island, tender roasted pigeon, a roasted whole lamb and a large basin of beef soup, accompanied by fresh The platter of white bread, butter and vegetables made the mercenaries around them drool.

“Let’s put the table together and eat together,” Ian said with a smile, and then waved the maid over, “Add some more dishes, and make sure that our table has enough wine at all times, only the golden wine of Qingting Island. "

"Yes, sir." The maid nodded and asked Ian if he needed anything else.

"No," Ian refused directly and pushed away the woman whose breasts were almost pressing on his face, "but you can ask my brothers after the meal. If they have any needs, all the expenses will be deducted from my account." on the account.”

"You are such a generous gentleman!" Burris immediately praised, "Sir Lucien is more generous than any other gentleman I have ever seen."

"Here's to Sir Lucien's health!" said Burris, raising his glass high and drinking it down in one gulp.

"To Sir Lucien's health!" the sailors responded.

After the toasts of the sailors were over, Ian tore off a piece of mutton leg and stuffed it into his mouth, while casually asking: "By the way, how long will your ship be docked in King's Landing this time?"

This issue is important. If these people are in a hurry to leave, then Ian will have to pay a greater price to keep them.

"We just went out to sea once in half a month, so our rest this time is a little longer." Burris replied, "However, we have been here for a week."

"Do you need our help with anything?" A sharp-eyed sailor seemed to have seen Ian's thoughts, "You are a friend of the prince, and you are so generous to us. If you have anything, just ask!"

"Yes! Just ask, if you need any help from brothers, don't be polite!" the sailors assured, patting their chests while putting food and wine into their mouths.

"I do need your help," Ian nodded, "but I need to talk to your captain."

"Now? Captain, he has not entered the city. Do you want us to go back to the ship to find him now?"

"Tomorrow," Ian shook his head. It was too arrogant to call people from the ship into the city this night, and then raised his glass to the sailors again, "You guys should enjoy tonight."

After dinner, most of the sailors and Ian's mercenaries stayed at the inn and chose special services. Only Bronn and Sir Grantham followed Ian back to the house they rented. Of course, Bronn was I came back with Ian only after receiving his order.

"You seem to have a lot of questions, my friends." Ian came to the main room of the house and asked Rohr to close the door.

"I have questions about everything, but I'm not interested in knowing the truth. All I'm interested in is who to kill and how much money I can get, that's all." Bronn sneered, "If I could, I'd be more interested. I want to go back to the inn where I was just now, so I asked the boss to leave his daughter to me. Temporarily, if I don’t go back for a long time.”

"Okay buddy, since you only care about how much you can get, then I guarantee you that the golden dragon will fill your pockets after this operation is over." Ian resisted the urge to roll his eyes, "Go ahead and enjoy yourself of."

Bronn grinned and quickly left the house.

"What about you? Are you not interested in the truth?" Ian turned to look at Sir Grantham.

"At least I have to know what the purpose of our trip to King's Landing is. Of course, it's just so that we can better serve you, if it's convenient for you." Grantham smiled awkwardly, of course he wanted to know The truth, but if he had to choose between the truth and the golden dragon, he would choose the latter.

"First of all, I must admit to you that I lied to you before," Ian knocked on Rolle's breastplate, "I told you a story when we first met."

"You said that Mr. Dog was once the kidnapper who kidnapped you." Sir Grantham nodded.

"This is true, but the story does not happen in the Western Region, because I followed my father to the sea seven years ago. The story of me being kidnapped by them actually happened in New Gis. Of course, this story is not important."


"What's important is that the people I asked you to hunt at the crossroads are not wanted criminals in King's Landing. In fact, they are traitors on my father's ship, a group of mercenaries who have been operating in the Eastern Continent for a long time."

Sir Grantham nodded. In fact, he had already speculated in this regard. After all, if the target is a bandit operating in King's Landing, the employer should not repeatedly emphasize that "no one knows the target". If the target is a servant from the Eastern Continent, As for soldiers, it would be more reasonable if no one knew them.

"I have been on my father's ship over the years. We have entered the Sea of ​​Smoke four times to explore the ruins of ancient Valyria. The first three times we basically gained nothing.

But a few months ago, we mistakenly entered a Dragon King's mansion, where we found a Valyrian steel sword. I don't know if you know that my father's purpose in going to sea was to find the lost clan of the family. Sword 'Guang Xiao'. "

(ps: Let me explain one of the differences between the TV series and the original work. In the TV series, the "stone people" infected with gray lin disease live in the ruins of Valyria. That is actually a change in the original work. The real stone people live. The place is the upper reaches of the Rhoyne River north of Volantis, the hometown of the Rhoynar people, the Heartbroken Land, Chayorn. The ruins of Valyria are even more terrifying.)

"I have heard."

"So, our mission was completed when we found the corrugated steel sword, even though it was not 'Light Howl'. Then we chose to return, but on the way back to Lannister Port we were attacked by Euron the Crow's Eye Serenity attacked and we fought them off after a fierce battle, but my father was also seriously injured.

We suffered too much losses and were unable to sail normally. We had to temporarily recruit a group of sailors on the Stepstone Islands. We gave up the idea of ​​returning to the West and prepared to go directly to King's Landing.

But what we didn't expect was that after our ship passed through the Throat (the passage from Blackwater Bay to the Narrow Sea), the sailors on the ship launched a rebellion. We fought fiercely all night, and finally the Laughing Lion ran aground and sank near Crow's Rest.

Some of the rebels fled westward with the wealth we found in our adventure, and I, Lao Gou, Mute and a few others chased them all the way until they reached the vicinity of Harrenhal, where we caught two lone traitors. "

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