Game of Thrones: Battle Royale Game

Chapter 81 Exploration of Dragon Cave (1)

At noon, while eating lunch, Ian further thought about the clues of the treasure hunt mission.

He had already sent Bronn and Rohr to inquire about the news near Flea Street, but they had not reported back in the past two days.

In other words, he still only has four clues: [Flea Bottom], [Underground], [Death] and [Ruins].

To be honest, if you can put aside the damn limitation of [Flea Bottom], the target is almost clearly pointing to Dragon's Lair.

The Dragon's Den is a building used by the Targaryen family to keep dragons in captivity. It is located on the top of Rhaenys Hills in King's Landing. It is said that the gate of the Dragon's Den could have allowed thirty knights to enter side by side on horseback.

However, during the Targaryen civil war known as the "Dance of the Dragons", after Queen Rhaenyra of the Black Party occupied King's Landing, a riot known as the "Storm on the Dragon's Lair" occurred in King's Landing. Tens of thousands of Incited by the mad prophet, the hungry victims stormed the dragon's lair and killed five Black Dragons, including the queen's mount Syrax, Thrikos, Mogul, Terexiu and Dreamfire.

After that riot, the dragon's lair was burned into ruins, which perfectly fits the clue of [ruins].

Then came [death], not to mention the death of five dragons and thousands of civilians caused by the riot in the dragon's lair.

In the year 209 of the Aegon calendar, a disaster known as the 'Spring Plague' broke out in Westeros. King's Landing bore the brunt of it, and four-tenths of the population died in a short period of time.

Even the "Wise King" Daeron II and his two heirs, the Archbishop of the Church of the Seven Gods, one-third of the Archbishops and almost all the Silent Sisters of King's Landing all died from this plague.

At that time, the entire city of King's Landing was full of corpses. In desperation, Hand of the King Brynden Rivers could only suggest to the new king Aerys I that the corpses should be transported to the dragon's lair and then handed over to the pyromancer to burn them all. , that night, the entire citizens of King's Landing could see the dark green firelight shining through the windows of the dragon's lair.

Therefore, if there is any place in King's Landing that best fits the clue of [death], the dragon's lair must be one of them.

Finally, there is [Underground]. This clue does not point to the Dragon Cave so clearly, but since a large part of the Dragon Cave is indeed underground, it is completely explainable if the box is placed in the basement of the Dragon Cave. .

At this point, the only problem remains - Dragon's Den is not in Flea Bottom.

So which place in Flea Bottom fits these clues? No, at least in Ian's mind, neither the original novel nor the related prequels and postquels mentioned the existence of such a place.

But there are a lot of things that were not mentioned in the original work. It is impossible that there is a stone slab left by some ancient ruins in the basement of a poor house in Flea Bottom, but they used it to bury dead people for something as insignificant as this. Write down the little things, right?

After all, the original work just tells a story, but here, it is a complete world.

Wait, speaking of wildfire, before the fall of King's Landing, Aerys II seemed to have given the pyromancer the order to burn the entire city, and then was killed by Jaime Lannister, and Jaime was also responsible for the 'killing' The infamy of the king.

The story of the wildfire must have been true, as many later stories prove it, such as the story of some prostitutes who entertained guests in the dragon's lair during the War of the Five Kings when Stannis Baratheon's armies threatened the city of King's Landing. He and his client fell into the cellar after stepping on the rotten floor, thus discovering the wildfire stored in the dragon's lair by the pyromancer Count Rossart during the Usurper War.

In the TV series version of the plot, Cersei also ignited the wildfire under St. Bale's Cathedral to clear out her opposition forces with one click. Although this plot seems very stupid in design, the Cathedral of St. Bale's There should be no mistaking the fact that there is a wildfire at the bottom.

Therefore, since the entire underground of King's Landing is dotted with underground passages for storing wildfires, then these three clues point to the fact that the box is hidden in a certain underground passage that extends from the Dragon's Den to Flea Bottom?

Thinking of this, Ian became a little excited.

If this guess of mine is true, then half of the box is already in hand.

After all, to associate with the dragon's lair, you need to buy at least clue three, and buying clue three requires 7 points.

When the main mission is almost impossible to complete, a player must personally kill at least two players to obtain enough points to purchase three clues.

Of course there are such players, and there is a high probability that they are either in King's Landing or in Pentos, but it's hard to say whether he is willing to put in the points stud.

As for those players who didn't guess the dragon's lair, whether they were looking for treasure chests or waiting for the Yin Man, all their attention should be on Flea Bottom.

At this time, even if Ian leads people into the dragon's lair in a big way, other players will not notice it, right?

At dusk, after changing into the pre-ordered plate armor in Tob Mott's blacksmith shop, Ian took Rohr, Case and Bronn to put on the robes they had already bought and walked northeast along the Steel Street. Heading towards Rhaenys Hills.

‘Black Falcon’ Dorian and his deputies led two groups of people, one far and one close, behind Ian and the others, and their destination was the ruins of the dragon’s lair on the top of the hill.

After a day of inquiring, Rohr and Bronn came back with two conclusions for Ian.

One is that death occurs every day in every part of Flea Bottom.

Second, they did not find anything that could be called a ruin in Flea Bottom.

Therefore, Ian finally chose to set the first target of exploration in the dragon's lair.

Before dusk fell, Ian and his party arrived at their destination.

Standing in front of the giant bronze door that had been closed for more than a century, Ian finally saw this legendary building.

Looking at the burned-to-black ruins where the dome had completely collapsed, Ian felt as if he was reading a page of thick history.

But he didn't leave time for himself to sigh. After just observing the gate, he ordered his men to start looking for a way to enter the dragon's lair.

There were almost no people here, and Ian felt that his group was a bit conspicuous.

In fact, on the way up to Rhaenys Hills, he discovered that the closer to the top, the sparser the crowds. After arriving at the dragon's lair, there were almost no other people in sight.

Uh. Well, Ian suddenly heard some discordant sounds coming from the other side of the stone wall, and he added in his mind:

There are still some self-employed prostitutes who are unwilling to let the store take a commission and will hide in the ruins to pick up customers.

After all, ever since Lord Petyr Baelish of 'Littlefinger' used his position as Chancellor of the Exchequer to monopolize almost the entire seafood business in King's Landing, the commission ratio has become increasingly outrageous, so much so that almost all of these related workers have To become his slave to make money.

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