Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 490: resignation

Chapter 490 Farewell

The setting sun dyed the sky of King's Landing golden yellow.

Sansa Stark rested her hands on the ornately carved railing, staring at the gradually dissipating light.

"What is the Son of the Seven Gods?" Arya's voice sounded.

She rarely wore a light green satin dress today. Although it was not as luxurious as her sister, it was a little more lively and cute.

"He must be the son of the Seven Gods." Sansa said.

"Isn't Sam the son of Lord Randyll Tarly? And how could a **** give birth to a mortal?"

Sansa turned her head and glared at her sister:

"First of all, you are not allowed to call His Majesty by his first name! Also, do you think His Majesty is really a mortal?"

Speaking of this, Sansa couldn't help but think of the scene when she saw the golden-haired and golden-eyed king riding a white dragon swooping past King's Landing.

Everyone who saw this scene would have an urge to worship from the bottom of their hearts, just like seeing a true God.

What's more, the Archbishop personally admitted that His Majesty Caesar is the son of the Seven Gods in front of the Baylor Cathedral, under the eyes of everyone.

is a hero arranged by the gods to come to the world and lead mortals to resist the coming winter and evil.

So, the fanaticism towards His Majesty Caesar in King's Landing now seems quite normal.

Even the northerners who don’t believe in the seven gods like the Stark family, but believe in the old gods, are full of reverence and love for the king.

Well, except maybe Arya.

"I still prefer the old Sam." Arya said, "The current king, what other son of the seven gods is too difficult to get close to. You have to wait in a long line to see each other..."

Seeing a white knight approaching, Arya knew to keep her mouth shut.

"Miss, you can see Your Majesty now."

"Okay, thank you very much, Sir Loras." Sansa thanked politely.

Loras showed a polite smile, and then led the way.

Sansa took her younger sister to follow, and at the same time, her gaze stayed on the white knight in front of her for a long time.

The "Knight of Hundred Flowers" back then seems to be a completely different person now.

The armor that was once painted with roses is now as white as snow, and the handsome face is covered with wind and frost.

And his eyes...

Sansa still remembers the enthusiasm and praise in her eyes when the "Knight of Hundred Flowers" gave her a rose at the King's Landing Tournament four years ago, but now, there is only indifference in these brown eyes.

Time has changed many things.

She is the same.

I remember that when she first came to King’s Landing, she herself was so naive, intoxicated by the magnificent and gorgeous palace and endless silk and satin, contests, harvest banquets, masquerade balls... and the dream of becoming a queen.

Now that she woke up from the dream, she realized how naive she was back then.

Life is not a ballad, and one day you will be disappointed.

Sansa still remembers what Lord Petyr said to herself, and now it seems that it is true.

After going through so many things, she suddenly missed Winterfell, a place she once regarded as gloomy, gray and boring.

King's Landing is indeed gorgeous, but it has no temperature.

No matter how icy and snowy Winterfell is, it is her home.

While their thoughts were flying, they had followed Sir Loras into the throne room.

The king did not sit on the Iron Throne, but stood in front of the open glass window, staring at the gorgeous sunset in the west.

"Your Majesty, Miss Sansa and Miss Arya of the Stark family brought here."

"Okay." Samwell turned his head and nodded to Loras, indicating that the other party can back down.

Seeing that the king had returned to his brown-haired and black-eyed appearance, Sansa secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly greeted him.

Arya didn't call the king by his name directly, but bowed obediently.

"Don't be so restrained." Samwell smiled gently, "We are old friends too."

Arya heard the words and immediately reverted to her old ways:

"Your Majesty, are you really the son of the Seven Gods?"

"Arya!" Sansa glared at her younger sister, and quickly apologized to the king, "I'm sorry Your Majesty, my younger sister is not sensible..."

"It's okay." Samwell waved his hand, seemingly indifferent, "That's right. Arya, in fact, we are all the children of the gods, even the humblest mortals have divinity hidden in their bodies, but they don't know how Just go digging."

Arya nodded half-understood and said:

"Old Nan at Winterfell once said that we northerners will become a part of the weirwood when we die, and become the eyes of the gods to see the world."

Samwell showed a thoughtful expression when he heard the words, but soon, he calmed down and asked:

"You guys came to see me, what's the matter?"

"It's like this, Your Majesty, we are preparing to return to Winterfell, so we came here to say goodbye to you. It is also to express our gratitude to you. If it weren't for you, my sister and I, and even the Stark family, might not be able to be saved."

"Yes, Your Majesty, thank you for everything you have done." Arya said, "Of course, it would be even better if you could bring our father and brother back from the Great Wall!"

Samwell smiled and shook his head:

"As king, I can give your father and brother freedom, but I'm afraid I can't give them glory. If they break their oath and leave the Wall, the people in the north will not love them as much as before. So, you might as well ask Do they want to come back or not?"

The two sisters fell silent for a moment.

As northerners, they naturally understand the solemnity of the night watchman oath better than the southern nobles, and they also know that with their father's personality, they will never be willing to break the oath and return.

I heard that even the notorious "Kingslayer" of House Lannister would not break his oath.

"Okay, don't be too sad." Samwell smiled and comforted, "The cold wind in the north is about to blow, not only your father and brother, but even I will take the nobles and warriors of the Seven Kingdoms to the desperate situation Great Wall."

"Besides the Great Wall, there will be monsters like the ones that attacked King's Landing before?" Arya asked.

"Yes." Samwell nodded, his face became serious, "But it's more terrifying than what appeared in King's Landing."

His eyes looked to the north, as if he could see the north of the Great Wall through the thick city wall and the long distance.

"They will be the most terrifying challenges facing mankind, and we must go all out." Samwell looked at the two little girls and said, "Also, when you go back this time, you must also prepare Winterfell, maybe One day the war will be unfavorable, and I am afraid that you will need to lead the people from the north to move south."

Sansa opened her mouth wide when she heard the words:

"Will those monsters break through the Great Wall?"

"It's not impossible." A golden light flashed in Samwell's eyes, "Also, even if the monsters don't break through the Great Wall, when winter comes, famine will inevitably break out in the northern border. Instead of letting these people starve to death and freeze to death , it is better to organize them to go south. I can properly arrange them."

"Okay, Your Majesty." Sansa nodded heavily, "I will discuss with my mother about organizing some people to move south."

"That's good." Sam Will said, "When are you going to leave?"

"Leave tomorrow." Sansa said, "The people who came to pick us up from Winterfell have already arrived in King's Landing, pack up tonight, and we can leave tomorrow."

"What a coincidence." Samwell said, "I'm going north tomorrow too, to meet an old friend beyond the Great Wall."

Arya's eyes lit up when she heard the words: "Your Majesty, will you ride a dragon to the north?"

"Yes." Samwell nodded.

"Will that take us?" Arya asked expectantly, "I've never ridden a dragon before."

Sansa's eyes sparkled when she heard the words, obviously she also wanted to ride the white dragon, but she still said politely:

"Arya, don't be so rude. Your Majesty is here on important matters..."

"It's okay to bring you along." Samwell said with a smile, "Remember to wear more clothes tomorrow, it's very cold in the sky."

"We Starks are never afraid of the cold!" Arya cheered excitedly.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Sansa thanked politely, but she couldn't hide the joy in her eyes.

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