Game of thrones Infinite loops

Loop 2




"A pleasure to meet you, Lord Stark"

Lord Eddard Stark went completely rigid, eyes round in his pale face.

Ned's eyes flitted toward the towering weirwood. Still confused,

"Here," the tree said, looking at him with it's bloodred eyes.

"Nice to meet you I am the three eyed Raven"


few years later


The Neck was wet muddy and a hazard to travel to make matters worse...It was dark, narrow, and felt like the sun never shines there.

His ho-so- beloved wife Cersei had often complained that they should have just sailed to White Harbor, but King Robert wanted to ride.

He had a come here with three hundred strong men, a pride of bannermen and knights, of sworn swords and freeriders. Over their heads a dozen golden banners whipped back and forth in the northern wind, emblazoned with the crowned stag of Baratheon.

Robert knew many of the riders. There came Ser Jaime Lannister with hair as bright as beaten gold, and there was his boy crown prince Joffrey beside him Sandor Clegane with his terrible burned face the sworn sword of the Prince , and Tyrion Lannister the Imp on that strange saddle of his

Far behind him double-decked carriage of oiled oak and gilded metal pulled by forty heavy draft horses was his wife Queen Cersei Lannister and his younger children

The king himself road at the head of the column, flanked by two knights in the snow-white cloaks of the Kingsguard far away from his wife's nagging

It had taken them twelve days crossing the Neck before it felt like they were finally reaching the end. He could see the sun start to shine through the trees up ahead, and the causeway started to widen only for it all to be swallowed up as the shadow of Moat Cailin towered over them all.

They had rebuilt the Moat. From what he knew, the fortress was supposed to only have three broken towers remaining, but he could easily count ten in the distance. Its walls were as tall, perhaps even taller, than those in King's Landing

There was a rumor that Eddard and Benjen Stark had rebuilt Moat Cailin, but now that he saw it with his own eyes he could confirm it.

"Riders," the crannogmen had called out, making the King's party aware that someone was coming at them.

"Benjen!" King Robert call out before his voice turned wary and said, "what in the seven hells is that?"

Robert had met Benjen Stark a few times before, he looked almost the same as his brother Ned sharp features, with a long face. His eyes were different though, they were blue that held a hint of laughter at the Kings outburst but the animal he was riding was much more interesting

It appeared to be an enormous goat with long shaggy fur and one big fucking horn, stuck to its forehead, was long sharp, and pointy. It looked as if it could gut a man.

"This is a Unicorn, Your Grace," Benjen responded with pride. "When we brokered peace between Skagos and the mainland, they offered us herds of unicorns. "

"Gods I want one," Robert said, and Benjen laughed.

" Ned has already kept one of the finest one for you your grace when you get to Winterfell,"

"I would have thought you would meet us at the gates," King Robert said, "Ned told me you would rebuild Moat Cailin, but I didn't think him to be serious."

Benjen laughed again, "When have you ever known our Ned not to be serious?" he asked. Robert laughed as well.

"How did he even build it so fast anyways?"

Benjamin whistled then, and the ground began to shake. It sounded like the gods were beating the earth like drums until Robert saw one in the distance. Then one turned to two, which turned into five, which turned into ten. He couldn't believe his eyes. Giants among men.




Sometimes, Bran wished that he couldn't see, talk or have anything to do with the dead. He usually liked talking with them—especially Lord Cregan Stark but they could also be… hard.

He should have known better than to keep the Resurrection Stone or embed it in the crypt

Eddard Stark stood before the tomb of his sister, his 'bastard' son and his second youngest trueborn son by his side. After a few moments of waiting, the air shifted

To be honest she was neither ghost nor truly flesh, he could see that. Less substantial than living bodies, but much more than ghosts, she smiled happily at them

"Hello, Mother. Do you like the flowers?" Jon smiled refering to the crown of forget-me-nots that adorned her statue

"Hello, Lyanna" Ned said, staring at his sister "I need to ask a favor of you. Could you gather up the ghosts of Winterfell and bring them here?"

"She says yes," Bran translated.

In a few seconds air was filling again, a thick heavy sense of hundreds upon hundreds of unseen eyes all watching them. Bran looked from ghost to ghost making sure all the relevant ghosts were gathered. Finally he announced, "Aunt Lyanna is back, Father."

When Ned spoke, it was in accented but acceptable Old Tongue, a language that all Lords of Winterfell were expected to know even if they didn't use it very often. "Robert Baratheon, the King of Westeros, is coming to Winterfell. He will arrive in two days. If this visit goes well, Robert will be much more amenable to defending the realms of men during the next Long Night. That being said, he… is quite sensitive to ghost and many of you will be tempted to meet him and his court. I ask that you refrain from doing so until the time is right"

Bran winced. Ned looked askance at him.

"…Uncle Brandon and grandfather are not happy about this"

Ned groaned. Considering that Lyanna had presumably been complaining about Robert to them for years, he really should have expected that.


"Look at him," Aunt Lyanna growled. "Look at him." She gestured wildly at the fat king, who was red in the face from drinking and groping a serving girl's breasts. "And in front of his wife, too!"

"I know," sighed grandfather Rickard Stark sighed in his life he had great ambitions (Southron ambitions) that would not be served by having his heir marry the daughter of one of his own vassals.

To say the least many Starks ( deceased and alive) were not very approving of those ambitious

On the bright side they agree that Catelyn is a good wife and lady (despite one or two old stubborn ancestors being against her gods)

Most agree that Robb is a good lad fit to lead Winterfell when time comes

"Cersei Lannister's an incestal bitch, but this is disgusting." Uncle Brandon growled nearly going to wring the king's neck before great-great-great-great-great grandfather Lord Cregan Stark stopped him

"It's almost enough to make you feel sorry for her," Lord Willam Stark agreed

The king slapped another serving girl's rear. She scurried away as quickly as she could, face red with humiliation.

Jon and Father were beginning to look concerned but Aunt Lyanna had enough she drifted over to where Robert Baratheon wined and dined, adjusting the crown of winter roses that she always wore so that it was especially prominent against her dark locks. Her form shimmered.

Gasps erupted around the entire hall. The king's jaw dropped

"You disgust me, you whoremongering drunk!" Aunt Lyanna shouted, jabbing at Robert's chest. "I'm glad I Rhaegar kidnapped me!"

Her form shimmered again, and she vanished from most mortal eyes. Grinning, she returned to her place by Jon

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that"




The main courtyard was abuzz with activity as they walked into it. The horses had all been saddled, but Jon still checked his out of habit. Looked fine. Robb was doing the same to one side and they shared a look and a nod, along with Theon on the other side.

A booming laugh heralded the arrival of the King, who looked more happier than before

After his mother's appearance the King retired to his room without any whore for once and very heartbroken

It took Father[1] several hours to comfort him and convince mother to say something kind words to him

Apparantly she challenged the King to hunt down a score of boars in a day which the King gladly took

As the King heaved himself onto his saddle, with Ser Barristan Selmy next to him, he looked for Father, before finally spotting him. "Right Ned," he shouted as he took the proffered spear, "Let's get some boar for the supper table!"

The huntsmen roared agreement and then the first of them started to ride through the gates, a small thicket of spears. As he urged his own horse out Jon looked quickly around the courtyard. Lady Stark was on the balcony, with Arya and Bran next to her. In the future that he had come from Bran had fallen off the walls on this day. That was definitely going to happen today.

He could see Joffrey and the Hound ahead of him, both looking unamused. The little shit probably thought that he had better things to do than participate in this hunt, whilst the Hound was probably still hungover and surly after all the ale he had swilled the previous night. And to one side he caught a flash of blonde hair. The Queen.

As he passed through the gates he knew that if all went well he would return to a castle that would be… well, it wouldn't be boring.

The trees were looming ahead and he sighed a little. Explaining all this was going to be… difficult. He and Father would have to talk Robert down from killing the Lannister children (unfortunately that also included Joffrey) the moment that he saw them.

Robert was giving orders already about the hunt – discussing with the huntsman and lymers on the possible locations of the quarry. (Who by the help of tracks, broken branches and droppings he would try to locate the lay of the boar as accurately as possible) where some of the best horsemen would go, where the relays of dogs were positioned and all the things that went to making a hunt successful.

He wanted to look over his shoulder at the treeline behind them as he felt the minutes trickling through his fingers, but he dared not. He detested all this trickery and mummery, but he had no choice in this. The two had to be caught in the act and this was the best chance for this. Thanks to Bran and Ghost he knew that the Kingslayer had already made preparations in the Broken Tower.

"Your Grace?" Father shouted to Robert.

"What's wrong Ned?" Robert looked at the message. "What's happened?"

"My king forgive me but we are needed at Winterfell for an important reason..."Father lowered his voice to a whisper "Treason...uncovered a treasonous plot against you your grace."

Robert frowned "Treason? What treason?"

"Your wife has been discovered… having relations with another man."

Robert just stared at him for a long moment. "Having relations… what…" Then the words fully sank in and his face flushed with blood. "What? With who?"

"Calmly, Robert, calmly, there is a lot at stake here. I will tell you we ride, as we need to leave now and ride for Winterfell."

Robert glared at him, his face red with rage, but eventually he nodded choppily and mounted his horse. Ned looked at Jon, who nodded and then gestured at the head huntsmen, who in turn led a large section of the party away North, after the boar. That just left Ned in charge of a smaller group

"Who, Ned? Tell me!" Robert snarled as he urged his horse back towards Winterfell.

He hesitated for a moment, but then said the words he had been dreading saying: "Her own brother. The Kingslayer." Ned winced as he said those words, expecting a bellow of rage – but instead Robert's snarl deepened and he urged his horse on faster.

"I'll kill that bitch myself!" Robert finally roared

The group galloped back to Winterfell in silence but not to the Hunter's Gate. Instead they went to a small postern gate that was at the side of one of the towers on the wall. Faithful Jory was there, with his uncle next to him.

"Your orders have been carried out my Lord," Ser Rodrik muttered. "No-one is to go near the tower. There will be no warning of our arrival."

"Good," Ned muttered and then silence fell as they walked. The men were armed with a collection of weapons, including short swords, daggers and two crossbows. And above all they were not wearing anything that might clink or make a noise easily. He eyed Ser Barristan. The man was in his usual plate steel armour, but he also walked like a cat.

Summer was sitting at the base of the tower and looked at them as they approached – before huffing and then loping away.

Ned turned to the others and held a finger to his lips before walking to the scaffolding and then pulling the cloth carefully to one side. A ladder led to a carefully constructed wooden walkway that curved upwards. Ned led them all upwards, treading carefully. The walkway had been built well and his inspection of it before Robert had arrived had shown that it was possible to use it quietly. That said, he moved as silently as he could.

Up they went, his heart pounding at the slightest noise made by anyone, up to the opening in the side of the tower. They passed through it and onto the stairs. The stairs leading up from the ground floor were not in good repair. These stairs however were. They had been completely repaired. Still, they went down just as carefully to the wooden door that blocked the way. Jory slipped past him and put an eye to the slight gap in it. Then he nodded. "They've closed the door," he said in a ghost of a whisper.

Ned nodded and then opened the door, which had been very well oiled indeed. As they assembled on the landing the crossbows, which had been cocked beforehand, were loaded with quarrels. The others placed a hand on the pommel of their swords and looked at Ned, who had an ear to the door. Inside he could hear moans and groans of passion. They were in luck. And then he leant back slightly and kicked the door open.


One thing he liked about climbing; it was almost like being invisible.

He liked how it felt too, pulling himself up a wall stone by stone, fingers and toes digging hard into the small crevices between. He always took off his boots and went barefoot when he climbed; it made him feel as if he had four hands instead of two. He liked the deep, sweet ache it left in the muscles afterward. He liked the way the air tasted way up high, sweet and cold as a winter peach. He liked the birds: the crows in the broken tower, the tiny little sparrows that nested in cracks between the stones, the ancient owl that slept in the dusty loft above the old armory. Bran knew them all... good thing too since they were his eyes

Legilimency worked wonders with greenseeing and wraging

Highly skilled Legilimens could also communicate with other witches and wizards telepathically, even when the target was at a considerable distance.

They did this by projecting their own thoughts, emotions, and memories into the mind of an intended recipient without directly accessing it, thereby creating visual impressions but in their Bran's case he got his birds to do the same for him by partially wraging into them

This ment that he needs to only wrag for a split second without losing control of his body and falling off

Bran shivered as he remembered that he loved being able to climb again but he was seriously questioning himself if this was worth it

"Caaawww" Bran screeched as a scream and curses flew from the window above him even as he yanked himself up to the ledge to meet

The queen and her brother stared at him horrified

"He saw us," the woman said shrilly.

"So he did," Jamie said moving near him

"What are you doing?" the woman demanded.

"How old are you, boy?"

"Seven," Bran said,

The man looked over at the woman. "The things I do for love," he said with loathing. He gave Bran a shove.

"Bran!" A loud voice shouted

There was no warning for the twins then the door burst open, almost coming off its hinges, and a group of men darted in, drawing swords as they came.

Lord Stark had arrived and just in time see his son fall

Jamie froze in utter horror, shocked beyond belief as he saw Ser Barristan and Ned Stark enter the room, with Robert Baratheon



1.1 Looks like Bran's plan worked really well

1.2 Jon finally meets his Mother, Robert got a much deserved wake up call,Bran is wondering if fusing the deathly hallow with the crypt was a good idea

1.3 Jamie and Cersei fucked up literally

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