Game of Thrones: Paladin of Old Gods

Chapter 100: ' Hope or Threat ' Part I

Hi everyone here's another chapter.

A small announcement, I will be breaking up the length of the chapters a bit from now on. I will be lowering the average from 3500 to about 2500 words per chapter. But from now on (barring complications) I should be able to post a chapter every two days (instead of every 5).

Thank you all for your support.

Have a great weekend and Happy Reading!!!


POV: Bloody Snow;

Main Corridor, Sea Tower, Pyke's Fortress.

Seconds before a Kraken froze...

The body was on the edge, legs and arms screaming for mercy.

The boy had crossed a line for too long that his master forbade him to cross except in situations of extreme danger...

However, victory was at hand. Bloody Snow chose to continue trespassing the forbidden boundaries of technique... he was aware that he would have to pay the price for this choice, but the biggest prey of all was only a few dozen feet away.

The predator had sensed the word 'King' from that distance... Balon himself was within reach of his jaws.

He lowered his killing intent so as not to startle the slimy sea squid. He had to entice it to come to him...

"Shooters! The King will be with us soon, let him come." He admonished Bloody Snow in a fierce authoritative tone.

"Y-yes, m-my lord," replied the vice-captain of the crossbow unit Edmund, stammering and finally managing to get a moment's respite from that gloomy pressure.

He had instructed the marksmen not to target the possible King. He couldn't risk Balon getting away with a mere flesh wound and running away with his tail between his legs.

Seconds later...

The 'big fish' had taken the bait.

He had even held back against those four foolish levels [4] and [5] who had thought they could scratch him...

That slimy, arrogant individual was just a few steps away from him now.

Bloody Snow unleashed all of his murderous will once again, releasing the dormant beast within him with a presence more intimidating and murderous than ever.

The man and his guard dog were petrified on the spot.

Balon shot it bigger than he thought, he was genuinely disappointed by what he saw in front of him. A forty-year-old semi-scruffy Level [6 class: Knight]... Hearing the rumours of Balon's past 'great deeds', he expected at least a Level [7]...

Bloody Snow analyzed in the blink of an eye after the second opponent, the one with a peculiar armour... It seemed to be adorned with shark teeth.

'A level [8 class: king]... This is going to be fun!' he thought elatedly... but something was wrong. He felt too much anger and elation building up inside of him and an overwhelming desire to tear the two individuals apart. To make them suffer, to make them feel as much pain as possible.

'No! I should not kill Balon... I must... I should force him to surrender...' A moment of clarity stopped the sword hand, giving precious seconds for the enemy to recover.

A huge amount of conflicting thoughts and voices invaded his thoughts.

Time was running slower than normal...

He had promised his not-yet-declared King Eddard that he would show mercy to Balon should he surrender, and that he would have the opportunity to join the Night's Watch. An undeserved privilege in his opinion... Had he killed Balon here and now, the battle would be won no more deaths.

The usurping King's head on a pike and game over!

The boy was no longer under the influence of the benefits of [Bless], he had just exhausted a life preserver that would help him suppress a dangerous presence within him. A presence that came to life just a year ago under Zick's supervision...

[Yess... Yes, Balon must die! He's a prey!] sang a bestial and provocative voice inside the boy. A voice that advised him in his deepest subconscious as he unleashed without inhibitors Zick's technique mixed with complete killing intent.

'No... I shouldn't... ' thought a faint spark still present within him.

[Yes you should! He wanted you dead! Kill or be KILLED, boy! Such a simple choice, so sweet... Kill him!] The entity became more persuasive and authoritative.

'Zick... Zick had told me... I should' The voice left no room for that thought.

[Forget that old man! He's weak... We can't be weak... Can you feel the power flowing? Let it flow, Duncan. Embrace it! Go beyond the limits! We can get much stronger than this...]

'I... feel it, yes I feel it flowing...' The spark was smothered more and more.

[It is that force that allowed you to protect your comrades on that island... The Power! Power is the means to protect what you care about!

Let it flow... "Set me free." Kill that beast that wanted to hurt Dacey]!

'That's right... they would have killed Dacey and all the residents of the Island... There are too many ironborn among the Night's Watch... Balon might become a problem in the future.' The spark went out.

[That's right! That's right, Duncan! Now let's kill them! Let's kill them all!!!].

End POV.


POV: The Watcher;

On the 'Imperator' Flagship, about sixty miles from New Ibbish, Sea of Shivers.

A few hours before a boy pandered to the will of an untamable entity...

Another warm breeze caressed the man's face on that near zenith day, one of the most serene and warm days in those seas whose cold was renowned.

The majestic six-hundred-oar dromon, the flagship of the wizards' association navy that had hosted Zick and his group, already possessed runes and enchantments that kept the temperature comfortable for the entire crew.

Zick didn't even need to wear that oppressive seal fur to warm his old, brittle bones. The boat of his friend Chai (The King in The Yellow) was a little too flashy for his taste, but he had to admit it was comfortable. Each of his travelling companions was served and revered as if they were kings.

It had been almost eight months since he had last met his mentee.

Nostalgia and distance caused a slight itch in the man's shrivelled heart. He couldn't wait to return to the North. That way he would also see the no longer fearful and insecure teenagers Josua and Syggha again.

The Watcher's bizarre group was lacking a feminine touch, even if those two weren't 'quite so feminine'.

Zick smiled, thinking of a little joke created on the spot.

'Maybe this one... No, it's not that good... Josua would drain my pockets. Ahahah!' Josua of Jhala, to extricate herself from her master's insistent attempts to make her smile, had imposed a monetary tax for each of her failed attempts. In this way, the penniless Zick would be forced to sort through all the nonsense that crossed his mind.

He and his protégé Duncan (another still-acerbic aspiring laugh artist who still had so much to learn) had a bet on who would be the first to tell a joke that managed to make the impassive and greedy Josua laugh.

'Well, at least I still have time to come up with better ones! Ahahah!'

The Watcher scanned the endless expanse of water with all the capacity of his superhuman gaze... it was still too far away, just water and a few small whales and fishing boats on the horizon, no-wake of land.

The little flotilla would not reach White Harbor for another two long months, perhaps a week less if the wind was favourable.

"Master... would you rather I revisit at another time?" Ramas asked politely when he received no reply to his first call with the interested party.

"Oh, no, my boy! Forgive me. I was only distracted for a moment thinking of trifles. Please speak freely." Immediately replied The Watcher throwing a warm welcoming smile at his friend.

"Updates on Pyke's military campaign, Master. I have here a detailed report recently received from Zoldhak, based on Blade's reports [3]." Ramas showed a letter with a broken seal.

"Ah, good old Zoldhak! How's our friend at Norvos HQ doing? And please, Ramas, let's stop with these Blade Three, Two, One or whatever number it is. Those guys have their names, let's use them! We're not barbarian slavers from Astapor... emm... By the way, that girl's name, Blade [3], what was it like... it started with an 'S'... Sha... She... it's on the tip of my tongue... Shh..."

"... Jansa."

"Coff, coff! Right! 'Jansa'! There, did you see that? All their poor faces are associated with cruel numbers!.... Please, no more code names from now on, Ramas." Said Zick with a slight tone of embarrassment after the little gaff.

"Yes, Master... I will see to it that a list is compiled with each real name associated with the number as soon as possible." Zick nodded slightly detaching his gaze with celerity not wanting to admit that he would really need that list.

"We were saying... Zoldhak! What news from our good friend?" Zoldhak No Dau, Baragh's older brother, was the Viceroy in charge of The Watcher's massive organizational network. Zoldhak was one of Zick's earliest followers and co-founders of the organization.

"House Greyjoy's hours are numbered. Balon Greyjoy has suffered a devastating defeat on all fronts. Duncan, William, and Bl... Jansa led a strategic attack with a handful of men at Pyke Harbor, thus neutralizing half the Iron Fleet."

"Half the fleet? More than a hundred ships, if I'm not mistaken. And how did they accomplish that?" Zick asked in cheerful amazement.

"With a well thought out but... 'very risky' plan, I'm afraid. By the skin of their teeth, those idiots didn't end up captured or worse. Ten sailors who were supposed to be covering their escape mutinied at the crucial moment of the plan. dumb luck, five volunteer men in the service of House Baratheon came to their rescue just in time." Ramas reported.

"Oh, Is that so?

Do we know the names of these five brave new friends who helped rescue our boys, by any chance? I'd love to thank them in person if I ever get the chance." I ask the teacher with sincere interest.

"Of course, Master. The former captain of the Storm Solca, Ser Alan Fury, a recently born house, and four members of his crew, one Ruben from Weeping Town, Phil from King's Landing, Edward from the village of Rain of the Brume, and a young man named Wex from Bronze Gate."

"I will recall these names, but tell me more, how did that feat unfolded in detail?"

About three minutes of details and reports later...

"So it's Victarion Greyjoy who's the other 'gifted' one... Well, yeah, those guys really threw themselves into a pretty tricky situation. Come on, cheer up Ramas! William juggled it well too.

We should rejoice in the good, successful flying experience rather than wallowing in the fear that the chicks might crash to the ground! Come on, give me a little smile! Ahahah!... Never mind...

Speaking of gifted, that brat Khal Drogo? Is that boy getting a grip?" Duncan revealed much of the information he possessed, revealing to Zick his abilities and all the possible changes the world could undergo.

The Watcher's organization helped gather as much information as possible about the activities of the 'gifted'.

"Not exactly, for the moment he is routing small Khalasar and returning to his priestess in Vaes Dothrak after each victory.

Many Khals are uniting to face Drogo's advance, the balance of power is shifting but it will still take time.

Do you wish us to 'act' to help slow it down?" Ramas asked.

"No. Khal Drogo is respecting all the customs of Dothraki culture and still seems to be open to dialogue despite his 'divine endowment'.

Impartiality, understanding, dialogue, and respect always come before all other measures, my boy. Always remember." Responded in a firm tone The Guardian of Love.

"Yes, master, as you wish," Ramas replied without objection.

"Let us return to more cheerful discourse, then, those five young men who helped our disciples, if possible I would like to send thanks proportionate to their help... mmm ... Any suggestions?" Zick asked, lowering the level of seriousness of the conversation.

"It seems that Duncan has already sung their praises to King Robert, spurring him to grant the last four a noble knighthood and make the first one the new future Lord of Pyke," Ramas said with a small nod of astonishment.

"Ahahah! I figured he'd already thought of a way to reward them. But forcing the King of the Seven Kingdoms to make a minor knight Lord of Pyke?! That boy knows one more than the Devil! Ahahah!...

In any case, I'd still like to participate to return the favour to those young men... mmm let's see... do they have families?" The Watcher was still a bit reluctant to let his heir throw himself into that cruel power struggle fray, but the boy's abilities were undeniable...

Duncan had already reached an uncommon level of skill in a very short time. And it was time for some hands-on experience. Zick had been noticeably 'annoyed' by the Braavos Titan's instant and uneducated 'move', but that line had not yet been crossed.

There was another factor that darkened the poor anxious Master's heart...

Duncan's Plans. That boy, although a genius, came up with crazy and reckless ideas that made your blood run cold just listening to them. And the worst part was that who knows how he always managed to convince other 'Crazies' to jump into the dark abyss with him.

"Zoldhak has already considered returning the favour, thinking it might please you.

And yes, master, four of them have families. Many have children, wives, brothers, sisters, and other family members scattered throughout the Stormlands, only one boy, Wex, appears to be an orphan, but he seems to be forging a small love interest with a young laundress in Dragonstone.

Zoldhak has already arranged to send a few of our agents to keep them safe, as well as clear the debts of a few minor moneylenders and merchants who harass a family member or two. And... he asks for your approval to support the new Lord of Pyke.

Lord Alan may have won the title of Lord, but the Island's treasury and resources will likely be drained significantly leaving few coins in the coffers...

The Crown is in urgent need of cash to support all the King's frivolities and maintain the stability of the Kingdom. Under this, it would like to fund and send military aid to House Fury, Master." Reported Ramas in detail.

"Ah, Zoldhak, my always manage to anticipate my wishes. What would I do without you? Sure, go ahead and inform him that I am more than supportive of the idea. If our friends wanted to 'invest' in the promising new House of Pyke, I would have no objection." Replied Zick in an impartial tone but with concealed satisfaction.

"Besides, I suppose these new four knights don't have much practice in the knightly arts, am I wrong?" Zick asked wanting to add a little personal touch.

"Correct assumption, master. They are more sailors and sea fighters, I doubt they have found the time or means for knightly subjects." Reported Ramas.

"Well, ask Master Ser Wondel to send them some of his boys to give them a hand, if possible. I'd like those young men to not be too marred by the cruel and pompous shenanigans of the noble blood." Zick.

"I am sure Ser Wondel will be honoured, master. I will inform him as soon as possible," Ramas replied confidently.

"Mmm... Are you omitting something I should know, my boy? Your anxiety and concern is palpable." Ramas did not deny that statement and replied, "Indeed yes, pushing the boundaries a bit too far in my opinion.

He seems intent on leading another mad attack on Pyke's fortress. The thing is... he has decided to lead an infiltration group into the castle's defences, with a hundred or so volunteers, and no members of the Guardians at his side to protect him.

Some of the swords present in that group might be 'unsavoury', Ser Jaime Lannister being an example," Ramas explained.

"The Queen's twin?"

"The very one." Ramas.

"I see... Explain to me in detail everything we've been able to find out about this yet another Duncan folly," Zick asked more carefully.

End Part I

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