Game of Thrones: Paladin of Old Gods

Chapter 48: ' The Shield Maiden '

POV: Syggha;

White Harbor.

Two weeks after a pupil said goodbye to a master...

Syggha didn't know where she was born, the only thing she remembered was a wagon pulled by her father on which they traveled constantly between towns and cities. Her father was a healer who specialized in healing teeth.

Although the little girl had always been fascinated by stories of legendary knights and warriors, every time she tried to ask her father:

"Father, can I one day become one of those heroes?"

Her father, hearing this question, took her out of the wagon and showed her the starry sky.

He gave her a short lesson on how to orient herself at night, pointing out a few key stars that always pointed north or south.

Finally, the father said:

"Syggha, do you know why I am showing you the stars?

Because they always remain there... You cannot change the course of the stars...

Before a woman can become a legendary warrior-hero, she will have to change the course of the stars...

So desist my child, before it is too late to change course.

A path full of missed expectations, disappointment, and pain."

She was only six years old when a group of Volantis slavers attacked the caravan. Her father and a couple of apprentices died in that assault, only Syggha was escorted alive into the ship bound for Volantis.

As fate would have it, those two slave galleys decided to attack a swan ship from the Isle of Summer, a ship that contained a group of travelers with extraordinary abilities.

The captain of the ship, Josua's father from Jhala, freed all the prisoners and offered them safe passage to Pentos.

When Syggha first saw Zick training a group of young men, she stood on the ship's dock watching and watching...she sat in a corner and was enchanted by the art.

On the third day, Zick came up to her with a smile and asked her why she stood all day watching the boys fight.

She replied:

"Because one day I too would like to learn to fight like that."

Zick asked her again:

"And why do you wish to learn to fight? "

Syggha's answer was:

"Because I want to change the course of the stars."

Twenty years later, Syggha was in White Harbor with Zick and his retinue.

After spending more than four years in the North, the longest period ever spent in one place, Zick's group decided to leave the Tallhart lands and depart for Pentos.

Zick had the desire to visit a very old acquaintance of his.

Syggha and many others asked Zick why they were leaving the Tallhart lands if his pupil's training was not yet complete.

Zick simply replied:

"Because I don't want to spoil the surprise...

The surprise that boy will one day show me."

Two weeks after all the greetings and thanks were given, Syggha was standing there a few steps away from the dock of the transport ship offered by House Tallhart.

Three weeks earlier, Syggha and Josua had received an offer from Bloody Snow.

He had asked the two of them to stay, he wanted to put them in charge of a unit that would be formed soon.

[The Shield Maidens]

A unit made up of only willing and eager women.

Josua agreed.

Syggha, on the other hand, couldn't bring herself to leave Zick...she couldn't leave her savior's side.

The first person in this world who said to a child full of dreams:

"Yes, it is possible. You can do it too Syggha."

But now, each step towards the dock seemed to weigh tons on her...

When she reached the last step, Zick stood in front of her and smiled.

Then he said:

"This is where our paths diverge Syggha.

You don't have to worry about these old bones anymore.

Take care of yourself, my child.

Now go and change the course of your stars."

End POV.


POV: An emissary paid handsomely;

Pyke Island.

About three days after five ships passed through the Salt Lance Strait...

Captain Berand, was a valiant fighter who fought in the Gold Company for more than a decade.

He left the most respected and feared mercenary company in Essos when he received a job offer at the Iron Bank. He was currently the captain of the first garrison in the perennial service of the bank.

He was given an important assignment, one of the highest priorities.

Berand left with the three best ships of Braavos together with an escort of 200 mercenaries.

He was to go and deal in person with the Lord of the Iron Islands, Lord Balon Greyjoy.

The mission was of the utmost secrecy, no one but him knew of this assignment.

Officially, they were just markets that transported valuable goods to the coast of Dorne, and from there, purchased spices and flax to be delivered to the Isle of Pyke.

The Greyjoys ' do not sow ', but are very open and permissive about fishing and naval trade.

Pike sent a symbol every month to the various merchants they were in business with. This way, the merchant ships would be able to travel safely, without risking being attacked by an iron marauder. All that was needed was to raise the flag with the safe-conduct symbol on it.

The voyage took almost two months, but they finally reached the island of Pyke.

They had kept a gap of about five or six days' sailing from their goal.

The Iron Bank had managed to get Berand a safe passage through the strait protected by the Iron Fleet.

Balon Greyjoy would grant him an audience.

That day, in the fortress of Pyke.

"Lord Balon, the Iron Bank thanks you for granting us hospitality and audience," Berand said to the man around his forty-five years of age who was looking at him with a wary, contemptuous look.

"Speak quickly, sword in the pay of the coin-counters. What does the Iron Bank want from me?" Balon asked ungraciously.

"The Iron Bank knows you've been very busy lately, Lord Balon...

Or perhaps, I should address you by a different title?" Berand.

Balon did not respond to that provocation and a few seconds later, his eyes full of murderous intent, he said:

"So you have come all this way to threaten me.

Does the Iron Bank think I am afraid?

Ironmen do not fear men with velvety hands who have never held a weapon in their hands.

I will find your spies and my brother Aeron will baptize them in salt and water.

Then you can return to Braavos bearing gifts of sealed barrels filled with the drowned." Balon replied with pride and confidence in his voice.

Berand had expected such an answer. The file that contained every piece of information about Balon Greyjoy underlined the fact that he was a prejudiced man, a fanatic of the 'Old Way' and with an inordinate amount of arrogance and confidence.

"King Balon, the Iron Bank did not come here to threaten you...only to support you.

We know of your plans for Lannisport and Seagard.

We only want to ask you to... 'augment' those plans.

In return, we will pay the fair 'Iron Price'...but only if it is won." Berand said in a respectful tone.

Balon began to pay attention to those words.

He slowly got up from his chair and walked towards the fireplace.

"I suppose if I were to refuse, 'someone' in Westeros might be informed. Am I right counting coins?" Balon asked as he continued to stare at the flames in the fireplace.

"Surely the Iron Bank would ensure, strict control and verification that this information never reaches ears ready to listen....

However it would be an 'expensive' task...but surely that cost would be overlooked if you decided to cooperate with us..." Berand.

Balon remained silent for almost a minute, then said:

"What would that goal be?"

"A goal for which the Iron Men are best suited to achieve. After all, you know Bear Island well....

We will offer a good 'Iron Price' for the death of a certain individual...

An individual who must be killed during an armed confrontation, and not by mere assassination...

He is currently on his way there, and our spies in Sunspear have informed us that he will be on that island for at least two weeks.

You should have time to gather the men necessary to launch a surprise attack, King Balon." As he said this, Berand reached out to the protector of the Iron Islands and handed him a piece of paper with a number written on it.

Balon took the piece of paper in one hand and scrutinized it for a moment.

''One-third immediately...

The remaining two-thirds of the 'loot' when the job is done and yes King Balon, we're talking of gold." Berand.

"Who is the target?" Balon asked simply.

"The son of Ser Helman Tallhart, the legendary 'Bloody Snow'...

Some rumors say that that boy will soon achieve greater fame than Pyke's hero, Dalton Greyjoy...

The Red Kraken'..." Berand.

After hearing those words, Balon carefully looked into the eyes of the representative of the Iron Bank.

Then he turned back to the flames, peering one last time at the near-incinerated remains of the book he had snatched from his daughter Yara's hands earlier that morning.

End POV.


POV: Lord Selwyn Tarth;

Evenfall Hall, Isle of Tarth.

Some one months after a secret meeting...

Lord Selwyn watched from the walls of the training grounds.

His daughter Brienne, his last surviving child and heir, crawled across the muddy ground in a desperate attempt to reach her training sword.

After that tragic event last month, when Lord Selwyn had held a ball for his daughter's ninth birthday, and she was humiliated by almost every scion of Stromland, Selwyn had relented. He had given his daughter permission to train in martial art.

The man would no longer attempt to restrain his daughter's wishes.

Brienne wept for two days and nights after being nicknamed 'Brienne the Beautiful'...

Any father would have seen his daughter with different eyes, eyes full of love, and Selwyn was no different.

He loved his Brienne with all her heart.

On the third day after the ball, Selwyn himself accompanied his daughter to the training ground to Ser Goodwin, the master-at-arms of Evenfall hall.

He said to her:

"If you must do it, then do it properly.

Ser Goodwin, train my daughter to the best of your ability.

Consider Brienne as you would any other page eager to be made a squire."

Ser Goodwin took his lord's instructions literally.

Every morning, from dawn until lunchtime, Brienne was trained hard with no favoritism for her gender.

She was hit and knocked down without mercy, and his daughter did not utter a single moan about it.

She kept getting back up, blow by blow, continued undaunted towards her path.

The Heavenhall ball was the present she had given his daughter for her ninth birthday...

But now Selwyn wanted to make up for it.

He had recently found the perfect alternative gift for her...

Today was the day he would give Brienne that gift.

The day he was to leave with the militia of House Tarth.

His King Robert had requested House Tarth's support for his punitive expedition to the Iron Islands, and Selwyn Tarth would answer the call to arms.

About two hours later...

"Father, take me with you! I know how to fight, I won't stand in your way, I swear." Said a nine-year-old girl who was taller and bigger than normal males of that age.

"No, you are not ready yet Brienne.

Your time will come too.

I will be back I promise.

I leave Evenfall hall and the island in your hands my child.

Do you promise that in my absence you will heed all of Ser Goodwin's advice?" The Lord of Evenfall hall asked, lowering himself to his daughter's height.

"I promise father.

When you return I will be stronger than ever, I swear it." Brienne replied in a determined tone but her eyes were bright.

"Ahahaha, try not to get strong too fast.

You wouldn't want the other Lords of Stormland laughing at me, would you?

'Lord Selwyn Tarth, the one who was defeated by a little girl.' "

Selwyn said in a jovial and joking tone.

"Ahah." He managed to pull a smile from his daughter.

Selwyn then pulled out a leather-bound book wrapped in a sapphire blue ribbon.

"Happy belated birthday, Brienne." Selwyn placed the package in his daughter's hands and she grabbed the book.

"A book?" Brienne asked curiously.

"Yes, a book of a new novel that is very popular in the North...

You'll see, I'm pretty sure you'll like the main character." Selwyn said, stroking the little girl's face one last time before leaving.

Brienne read the title aloud:

"The Shield Maiden."

Fine POV.


POV: Dacey Mormont;

Bear Island.

About four weeks after the five Tallhart ships departed from Sunspear Harbor.

Dacey had recently returned from her time as a cupbearer on Last Hearth. Her mother, Maege Mormont, had forced her to go.

The woman hoped her daughter would bond with Greajon Umber's eldest son, Smalljon.

She and Smalljon did not get along well...

The 13-year-old had never been able to defeat Dacey in an armed struggle...

Dacey, hitting and knocking the heir of Last Heart on his butt without holding back. Although Greatjon was pleased with a party like Dacey, Smalljon had pleaded with his father not to force him...

Negotiations between House Mormont and House Umber did not go well. Fortunately, there were no disagreements between the two ancient Northern Houses.

During the Winterfell, the North was more united than ever.

Now her mother, who was in charge of the Island until the return of Dacey's cousin Lord Jorah, had forced the twelve-year-old warrior to wait and greet their guests in person as they docked at the newly restored port on Bear Island.

Dacey didn't like that 'Bloody Snow' either, she wasn't going to disobey her mother, but it certainly didn't mean she was going to greet her guest with a smile on her face.

The song she had heard that bard sing at Last Hearth made her explode with anger. That night a fight of epic proportions broke out in the castle halls... and the spark that fanned the flames of chaos was Dacey Mormont herself.

Smalljon Umber had to stay in bed for at least three days. He had never taken such a savage beating in his life.

We'll see what you're made of Bloody Snow...' the twelve-year-old thought with determination as she watched three galleys and two merchant ships enter the harbor.

Even though the Tallhart heir wasn't her cup of tea, Dacey had been pleasantly surprised a couple of years ago.

Both she, Smalljon, Rodrick, Daryn, Eddard, and Domeric received a book every year as a gift from Duncan.

For her tenth birthday, Dacey received her new favorite book, [The Shield Maiden].

She mirrored herself a lot with the novel's protagonist Brienne...or also called Ser Brienne Pendragon.

When Dacey read the scene at night when Brienne stood up and picked up her shield, right after Ser Aragon was killed on the orders of the evil dark wizard usurper Palpatine, the little lady nearly woke up the entire Last Hearth. She screamed aloud, expressing both despairs at Ser Aragon's death and excitement for the glorious and epic final battle.

When Lord Umber's wife burst into her room to see what kind of nightmare the protégée of House Mormont was having, she found Dacey standing on the bed with the candlestick in one hand and an open book in the other while she was screaming at the top of her lungs:


About twenty minutes later...

A white-haired boy, covered in woolen clothes, fine leather armor, and a heavy fur cape, a couple of centimeters shorter than five feet tall, stood in front of her with a confused look on his face.

''Why is he staring at me like that? It's almost as if he doesn't know who I am...

Did the bastard even forget about me??!' After a few more offensive thoughts, Dacey took charge of her responsibilities as a representative of House Mormont and said:

"Lord is a pleasure to see you again after all these years, I, Dacey Mormont, cousin of Lord Jorah Mormont, welcome you to Bear Island." Said Dacey in a neutral but respectful tone.

As soon as Bloody Snow heard the girl's name, he stared at Dacey with astonishment and shock on his face...

The boy's face was visibly turning red.

Dacey also noticed his body trembling and heard an unintelligible stammer in the boy's voice...

" La...La##...L#dy Da*ey...*ha...Tha#k.." Dacey hadn't understood a single word...

"Forgive me, ' my lord'...I can't understand you. Could you please speak louder?!" Said Dacey in an annoyed tone.

The girl was beginning to think that the 'minstrel-paying fanatic' was making fun of her.

'So that's why they call you Bloody Snow?! Because your hair is white and your skin turns blood red?! You lying scoundrel! Shame on you! You bring disgrace to the entire North! ' Thought Dacey.

" Foff#....Forg...Ufff...Uff.....FORGIVE ME, MY LADY! THANK YOU!


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