Game of Thrones: Paladin of Old Gods

Chapter 87: 'Promises are Debts.'

Hello everyone, here is a new chapter.

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[Patrick Rodriguez]!!




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-2 !!! ( Job is Coming)

Happy reading!


POV: Robert Baratheon;

Royal Flagship 'Fury', less than two miles from the spot where a longship sank.

About half an hour after a boy thanked a Captain...

The King of the Seven Kingdoms was waiting for those valuable men in the service of House Stark and House Baratheon to board his ship, 'Fury'.

A vanguard of over sixty ships, led by Lord Paxter Redwine, had already come into conflict with about ten Greyjoy ships that were unable to escape.

The most impressive ship in the Royal Fleet.

A three-decker war galley of three hundred oars. Above her oars is a deck completely covered in scorpions. The upper part has catapults mounted fore and aft. A formidable and fast galley. Her sails are gilded with the crowned stag of House Baratheon painted on them.

The Iron Victory, the war dromon currently flanking the King's ship, was also mighty, but could not hold a candle to the Fury.

The ship, captained by his brother Stannis, was at least fifty feet longer, and seven feet taller. It could easily carry a crew of over four hundred men.

A small procession of knights and lords were waiting to welcome the brave heroes who had accomplished such a feat.

There was no need for verbal accounts. One simply had to look to the horizon and hear the shouts of jubilation and acclamation coming from a dozen ships.

Ships Tallhart, Glover, Mormont, Redwine and Baratheon, were loudly cheering the verses rhythmically:


Almost the entire Fleet and army of this expedition had learned of this mission by now.

They had all been breathing down their necks for over three hours.

The outcome of that mission would determine the amount of blood tribute to be paid for the conquest of Pyke and the end of the Greyjoy Rebellion...

A mighty light signal from a great fire could be seen from over there. at a point over fifteen miles away from the port of Pyke.

His brother Stannis and his best friend Ned were waiting beside him.

A short time later, a bridge was safely connected between the two boats. A score of men climbed aboard...

A boy just over five feet tall, wearing fine leather and steel chain mail armour, his skin and hair still stained with traces of black paint and blood, stepped forward at a slow but steady pace. He carefully carried a piece of cloth that appeared to be black and gold.

When he reached a distance of about five feet from Robert, the boy knelt with his gaze down, holding out a tapestry as a gift.

"The Iron Victory is yours, your majesty. The mission you entrusted to us has been accomplished. Half of the Iron Fleet is trapped in Pyke Harbour, my King." Said the eleven-year-old in a humble tone.

Robert accepted the tapestry and quickly placed it in the hands of Ser Preston Greenfield, the kings guard currently closest to him.

Then, with a serious look and tone, he said:

"On your feet, Duncan Tallhart." The boy promptly obeyed the command and turned his green eyes with silver streaks in the direction of Robert's gaze.

Ned, too, maintained a firm, imposing presence similar to Robert's, but unlike him, the Lord of Winterfell could not hold back a slight smile that expressed pride and serenity.

"You have rendered great service to my Kingdom, hero of the North...

Victory in the conquest of Pyke will belong to you.

Ask what you want in return for your services, and if I can grant it, it will be given to you..." Robert said in an authoritative and audible tone. More than three hundred men stood still and silent. They all wanted to witness this scene by hearing every single one.

Robert did not really know how to reward the boy...

He had already wanted to give him a knighthood just for his victory on Bear Island, but Ned had advised against it.

It would have put both him and the boy in a difficult position. The Old Gods were revered in the North. To renounce them and be baptized in the light of the Seven.

Also, for the first time since he had ascended the throne, Ned began to ask for favours. Some were barely mentioned and others asked with great precision...

One of them was the matter of knighthood in the North... but they had postponed the matter for the celebratory wedding to be held in Barrowton less than three moons from now.

Robert had not expected this. He knew better than anyone else about Ned. He was not the sort to call in 'favours' for personal interests.

He still didn't quite understand why Lord Eddard Stark wanted a royal pardon for that 'Mance Raider', or why he wanted to take on the burden of welcoming all the 'non-slaves' into the lands of the Ironborn that no one else wanted. But he would have done this and more for the man he loved most in this cruel, sad, inclement land called Westeros.

He would help his best friend and brother of his beloved Lyanna in any way he could. He would even fight by his side in a deadly clash with no hope of victory if necessary...

However, at that particular moment, Robert was in trouble.

He knew 'The Quiet Wolf', but he still didn't know who 'Bloody Snow' was really with.

That was why Robert had to ask 'Bloody Snow' himself what he wanted in return for his heroic actions that had saved thousands of lives and tens of thousands of gold resource coins.

The boy, after remaining silent for a few seconds, replied:

"Your Highness.

I would have many requests that only you can grant... but not for me, my King, but the 'True Heroes' of this war." Bloody Snow.

Robert was surprised and intrigued by this statement.

"Continue, Lord Duncan. Reveal whatever you wish." King Robert.

"I would like you to grant pardon and forgiveness for Lord Rodrick Harlaw...

the House of Harlaw has never wanted to rebel against the crown.

The great victory at Bear Island was also due to Lord Rodrick. It was he who warned us in time of the impending attack that could have brought about the end of House Mormont, my own, and that of my men. Many innocent lives were spared because of House Harlaw." Duncan Tallhart said aloud so that everyone could know the truth.

Robert, Stannis, and all the other members of the war council had already been informed of Lord Rodrick's contribution to this war.

Even his father-in-law, Lord Tywin, had struck a blow for House Harlaw. Lannisport and Ten Towers had engaged in numerous fruitful and peaceful trade exchanges over the past few years.

Lord Rodrick himself had visited Casterly Rock a couple of years ago to negotiate with the Lord Protector of the West and forge trade alliances.

House Lannister even received a raven warning of an impending attack on Lannisport. Unfortunately, the raven did not arrive in time to warn Lannisport, but it still gave House Lannister an hour's head start to prepare aid and reinforcements.

Varys' spies confirmed that King Balon Greyjoy revealed the attack plans only to the Fleet admirals who would command the expeditions.

Even Lord Jason Mallister of Seaguard had been warned three hours before the Iron Fleet could be sighted.

House Harlaw's contribution to this war was indisputable.

The King had received a relay from his Eunuch Spider, affirming House Harlaw's support during the invasion.

The seven hundred men defending Pyke beach would try to persuade and convince as many militias as possible to surrender during the landing of the Royal army.

Now that the real defensive threat had just been halved, the capture of the Pyke fortress would be the real military challenge.

The harbour and the beach had already practically fallen. Resistance would be minimal compared to previous estimates.

King Balon Greyjoy's end had already been carved in stone.

Although Robert didn't let on, he wasn't as stupid and unarmed in politics as he let on.

He simply had no interest in the bureaucratic affairs of the Kingdom. He was a man of action and always had been. He was certain that he would have a brighter career than 'Bittersteel', the legendary founder of the Golden Company if he had pursued his dream of starting his own sellswords company across the Narrow Sea.

After sitting on that uncomfortable piece of ironwork called the ' Iron Throne ', he felt lost and empty. He no longer had a purpose in life.

Only Lyanna could fill that huge void.

Whores, jousting tournaments, and alcohol were only palliatives to dull the pain of that suffering.

If he had truly succeeded in putting an end to the House Targaryen, so that he could once and for all claim his revenge against the man who had dared to take his love away from him, he would have gladly abdicated in favour of someone else and left that cesspit of a city never to return.

Now, something else interesting had just appeared before his eyes. Robert had a strong feeling inside.

That those 'Unexpected and Bizarre' requests from Ned had been whispered into his ears by someone else.

Varys had warned him and Jon Arryn some time ago that the heir to Torrhen's Square was more than just a boy gifted in swordsmanship.

The Master of Whispers had great difficulty obtaining information from the lands of Tallhart and House Dustin. And for a little over a year now, he was beginning to have more and more difficulty obtaining it in much of the North. Although he had no concrete proof of his assumptions, Varys had wisely pointed out that all these 'Strangenesses' and novelties in the North, began to appear right around the time of that individual's maturity. Before the birth of the 'Bloody Snow' legend, the spider had always managed to obtain information in the lands of the Tallhart.

During that three-year winter, the crown had no idea what had happened in the domain of that new northern power.

They were completely blind, and the last news they received about 'Bloody Snow' was only that of his visit to Sunspear for trade negotiations with House Martell.

'Skilled at fighting and also good at moving in political games...'

Robert thought with a hint of respect.

The boy's open request concealed another indirect one...

One that only a few on this ship could reveal.

About six days ago, Robert was forced to participate in another boring discussion full of political deals.

The most pressing question was [What to do with the Iron Islands after the end of the rebellion?].

If House Greyjoy had surrendered and bowed the knee to the King, perhaps Robert might have even granted a pardon.

But Ned suggested a different scenario...

The Lord of Winterfell laid out facts and opinions of undeniable truth and foresight.

It was not House Greyjoy that was the real enemy, but the Ironborn mentality and culture. That was the real enemy to be broken.

Even if House Greyjoy laid down their arms and bent the knee, it would not stop them from pursuing 'The Old Way' in the future...

There was nothing to stop the Ironmen from continuing to raid and plunder the seas and coastlines of the seven kingdoms in the future.

They were not to defeat a king and his armies, but 'One Culture'.

Soldiers might have fallen, but ideas would not. They would still be immune to the furious blows of Robert's hammer.

If they wanted to change the way of life of the Ironborns, they could no longer be led by a House whose motto was 'We Do Not Sow'.

The Ironborns would have to be led by a man from their world who would guide them to a different path.

No name was suggested then...

But now, the name of the Lord had been announced and praised in front of many witnesses, thus gaining general approval.

A worthy candidate for the title of 'New Protector of the Iron Islands' had just been skilfully 'recommended' to him.

And no one among Robert's advisors would oppose him.

'Eheh... The guy has a mind and a tongue as sharp as his sword.' Robert thought with amusement as he eyed Red Rain's well-responsive hilt at the side of the swordsman who had felled Denys Drumm in singular combat.

Robert remembered well the night after the Small Council meeting, when his wife, Queen Cercei, had given herself to him with great passion and love.

Cercei, after caring for her king and performing her conjugal duties well, gently whispered advice and requests to him.

The greedy lioness snake wanted the ancestral sword of House Drumm to be given to her uncle Gerion... 'The True Hero of Bear Island' in her opinion... Or perhaps, to her brother Jaime, so that he could better protect the lives of the King and the royal family.

Robert replied to her with fat thunderous laughter that the 'Smiling Lion', or 'The Kingslayer' could easily get the sword, but that they would only do so when they collected it themselves after beating the boy in a fair duel...


'The Heroic deeds of Lord Rodrick Harlaw will not be forgotten...

What other requests do you have, Lord Duncan?"

End POV.


POV: Ser Davos Seaworth.

Royal Flagship 'Fury'.

About two seconds after a boy thanked the King for the first royal concession...

"My King...

My second request is addressed to both you and Prince Stannis.

The mission, which allowed your fleet to gain an easy victory, would never have been accomplished without the help of the skilled Captain." The boy turned, turning his gaze to the Onion Knight.

"Ser Davos Seaworth, one step please." The boy asked, stepping to the side to give the King an unobstructed view of him.

Hundreds of eyes were turned towards Davos, who remained motionless due to the unexpected situation.

A hand he could not identify pushed him forward slightly giving him the impulse he needed to awaken from his trauma.

"My King, thanks to this man's skills and knowledge, we were able to get within three hundred feet of the lookout ship guarding Pyke Harbor. It was thanks to him that my comrades-in-arms and I were able to storm the ship and take it without the enemy noticing.

And not only that... After we made our escape, we were quickly pursued by the 'IRON VICTORY'. The ship was captained by Victarion Greyjoy.

The fastest and fiercest dromon in the Iron Fleet.

And yet... with only twenty-five sailors under his command, Ser Davos managed to hold his own against that ship, even snatching it from the clutches of the enemy with incredible ingenuity and wit...

That is why I wish that ship, which rightfully belongs to you, to be given to that man.

Ser Davos took it in your name, my king...

And I ask you, Lord Stannis, for a chance to offer Ser Davos a place at my table. I would like to negotiate an honest offer with you, my lord, for Ser Davos Seaworth's services and loyalty." Said the boy in a tone of conviction, well audible, humble and respectful.

WHAT? THE IRON VICTORY??! TO ME? That ship is worth at least fifteen if not twenty thousand gold dragons! The boy doesn't have the slightest concept or understanding of the word 'SPUDORED'...' Davos thought as he instinctively turned to take a single look at the war dromon, still in mint condition, behind him.

A real voice suddenly interrupted Davos' chaotic thoughts.

"... I have no problem granting Ser Davos what he has earned through his efforts... but you will rightly have to argue with my brother if you wish to wrest such a valuable man from his hands. Ahahaha!

...Fleet Master?" Robert turned his head, seeking an answer from the man concerned.

Stannis maintained his own hard, rough face that screamed 'Duty' from every pore of his skin. The 25-year-old with balding issues took a step forward and replied:

'We will negotiate regarding Ser Davos' services immediately after the conquest of Pyke, Lord Duncan. You have my word.

Of course, Ser Davos will have to be in favour of this of his own free will. He is in my service, but he is not my property." The Lord of Dragonstone replied impeccably.

Robert, Stannis, and Duncan were waiting for a nod of reply from the Onion Knight still stunned by the course of events.

"Y-Yes, my Lord Stannis. I have no objection to that.

Thank you, your majesty, for your regal gift." Davos replied, kneeling.

Robert's voice immediately followed the Knight's reply.

"Well then... this matter has also been resolved.

Any other requests, Hero of the North?"

End POV.


POV: A brave man of the sea.

Royal Flagship 'Fury'.

A few seconds after Davos took an honourable farewell...

The Captain nodded with a warm smile at his companion and friend, Ser Davos.

He was genuinely pleased for him. Ser Davos deserved every honour he was given.

Davos was a few years younger than him. Yet, although he was certainly more experienced than the man at sea, the man knew that he would never be able to create the same feats as the Onion Knight.

Davos had a maritime intuition and knowledge that was hard to match.

The ex-smuggler had never missed a breeze in the entire stretch of sea covered by the Lighthouse of Hope.

He had even managed to guess the limit of lightness that the ship could withstand when they threw every unnecessary weight on board overboard.

A few tens of pounds less, and the ship might even have broken up at that speed in those choppy, turbulent waters.

Amon was happy.

He had promised himself that this successful venture would be the last of that dangerous expedition.

Fortunately, Lord Duncan had given his word that he, Phil, Ruben, Edward and young Wex would no longer have to contribute to this military expedition.

All of them would return safely to their families.

And that was what Amon wanted most of all. He wanted to see his wife Cassy, his son Jory and his little Lola again.

But first, he would have to buy each of his men a drink.

He had decided that at least one of those ten gold coins earned from the mission, would be invested for fun and celebration with his trusted men.

'The fools who had chosen to follow the fool... If the King does not invest them with the title of Knights, I swear I will do it myself. ' Ser Amon Fury thought, looking briefly at his four brave companions behind him.

Amon thanked the gods for not claiming any of his men in the heavens.

He did not want to show up at the homes of any of their families to bring the news of their demise.

Meanwhile, Davos repositioned himself at his side.

"Congratulations, Ser Davos. You have earned it." Amon whispered.

"You should not be the one to congratulate, Ser Amon," Davos replied quietly, giving a gentle smile.

"... What do you mean?" Amon.

"Shh... Not now, Ser. Pay attention." Davos.

Amon did as suggested and returned his focus to Lord Duncan and the King.

The Boy began to speak in a stronger, more charismatic tone of voice, regaining the full attention of the entire ship.

End POV.


POV: Duncan;

Royal Flagship 'Fury'.

A few seconds before Davos stood up to take his leave...

"Well then... This matter has also been resolved.

Any other requests, Hero of the North?" Robert asked in the same tone as before.

I knew in my heart that the mighty, authoritative man, clad from the tip of his toes up to his neck in splendid, fine plate armour, was beginning to get a little bored of the situation.

I shouldn't have overplayed my hand.

'Fuck... only now did I think that this way, Myra and Helman will find out.

My mother will tear me to pieces...

Fuck it, that's the price of fame... A promise was made.

Promises are Debts.

Debts are paid.

'And I Never Forget' ...' I thought before coming forward.

The Iron Islands business had not yet been closed.

I still owed a debt to Balon Greyjoy and five other seamen.

I double-checked the location of the man who had been pointed out to me quickly by Davos as we reached the king.

Fortune was also in his favour.

It was time to get serious bring out all the charisma I possessed, and step into the role of a great herald of a famous film.

It was time to recall every teaching of Uncle Leobald.

"Yes, my King.

I have some last requests to make..."

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