Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Chapter 105: Sellswords Can Hire Sellswords

Now, the Prince of Tatters was beginning to suspect that Viserys had indeed chosen the Windblown because of a grudge against the Golden Company. This young man was proving to be more relentless than he had anticipated.

Just the other day, Dick had clearly outlined the risks of the so-called "Decapitation Operation." Yet, it seemed Viserys was not ready to abandon the idea.

"Lord Viserys, your current task is to integrate the personnel of the 7th Battalion. If you truly wish to fight, I will arrange it for you once the training is complete," the Tattered Prince said.

But Viserys was unwilling to let this opportunity slip away. The wealth plundered by pirates from across the world was converging in one place—a treasure trove that would be impossible to find elsewhere. Waiting for the old captain's approval could take years, and by then, the War for the Stepstones would have already begun. Delaying action was not an option. If he couldn't amass the power necessary to protect his dragon's growth, the future might hold nothing but tragedy.

So, he pressed on. "Lord Commander, if we can successfully decapitate this group of pirates, Shield Lake will be secure for at least two years. This will accelerate the war's progress, allowing Tyrosh to attack Lys from two fronts, giving us the initiative."

The Tattered Prince's face darkened as Viserys continued his argument. The shadows under his eyes deepened, their color turning almost black. "Lord Viserys, I believe your role is that of a commander, not a general. This is not your concern."

Despite agreeing with Viserys's reasoning and understanding the strategic advantage of securing Shield Lake, the Tattered Prince was unwilling to risk his men on such a dangerous mission.

Seeing that the old captain remained unconvinced, Viserys glanced at Denzo, who stood beside him, composed and silent. Denzo, known as the "warrior poet," was about fifty years old and the second oldest in the Windblown.

"Well, if you won't agree, I'll have to play my trump card," Viserys said, leaning back in his chair. His tone shifted from one of pleading to negotiation. "Captain, let's set the plan aside for now. I want to discuss a business proposition with you."

"A business proposition?" The old captain looked surprised, and Denzo’s eyes widened in shock. The captain hadn’t anticipated this—he had studied the contract thoroughly, but there was a loophole. The contract never stated that sellswords couldn’t hire themselves, largely because most sellswords had no savings. They joined to make money, not to spend it.

Viserys, by hiring himself as an employer, had found a way to bypass the contract's restrictions. Given the Windblown’s dire financial straits, the offer Viserys made was one the old captain couldn’t refuse. Reluctantly, he called a meeting.

"Everyone, we have a new job. It’s risky, but the profit is substantial," the Tattered Prince announced.

"Captain, what’s the job?" asked Darsent, who had recently dyed his hair back to its original color.

"Master Viserys," the Tattered Prince replied, gesturing toward Viserys. The others were puzzled. The old captain never addressed his men as "Master"—that was a title reserved for employers. When had Viserys become the employer of the Windblown?

Viserys slowly rose and turned to face the others. "Gentlemen, I am honored to be your employer for this operation. The target is the pirates."

"What? Employer? Can a sellsword hire another sellsword?"

"Isn’t he one of us? Why is he hiring others?"

"What’s going on? Is he the employer?"


Viserys continued, "I have already negotiated a price with our captain. This operation will be billed per head. The difference is, payment will be based not on equipment, but on strength. Those who can withstand ten moves against me will earn 300 gold dragons, 400 gold dragons for twenty moves, and 500 gold dragons for thirty moves. I only need fifty men."

Viserys's offer was equivalent to half a year's pay for many of them. For some of the ordinary mercenaries, it was more than they might earn in two or three years.

At this point, Darsent realized that Viserys not only possessed formidable strength but also had the means to back it up financially. Cautiously, he asked, "What if someone can last forty moves?"

"Do you think you can take forty moves from me?" Viserys replied with a smirk.

The room erupted in laughter. Everyone knew that even Caggo, one of their best, had struggled to withstand fifty moves against Viserys, and it was clear to all who witnessed that bout that Viserys had been holding back.

"I’m in. I’ve got seven or eight strong fighters in my battalion," Caggo said, seated next to the old battalion commander. "I promised Viserys I’d do something for him. No matter how dangerous this 'decapitation operation' might be, there’s no reason to refuse."

"Excellent. I trust the men you choose. I’ll count 400 gold dragons for each of you," Viserys responded.

"We’ll go too," the two Gerrolds chimed in, signaling their readiness.

"Perfect! Welcome aboard. You’ll get 400 gold dragons each as well!"

"Pfft, I’m not going. It’s a suicide mission," Darsent muttered under his breath.

But before anyone else could volunteer, the old captain spoke up, "That’s enough. Four sergeants at once is sufficient. No more sergeants!"

Despite the enticing offer, the old captain had to weigh the potential fallout of a failed mission. Losing too many sergeants would cripple the Windblown’s command structure, and the loss of Viserys's elite fighters would be incalculable. The mercenary group might be rendered ineffective for years. Initially, the captain hadn’t expected many to take up such a risky mission, but the response had exceeded his expectations.

In truth, if the Windblown weren't facing financial difficulties, the captain might have rejected Viserys's proposition altogether. He still didn’t realize that his financial officer was embezzling funds, but Viserys planned to inform him once they returned from Orange Shore Bay.

In the end, Viserys selected 45 men for the mission. He also needed additional support, so he recruited about a hundred average-strength mercenaries from the Windblown. Since their task was relatively safer, each of them was paid only 100 gold dragons—a sum that amounted to two years' wages for most. Viserys poured nearly 40,000 gold dragons into this operation, with payment secured through IOUs, as most of his funds were tied up in the Iron Bank. He wrote to Hugh, the Windblown's financial officer, instructing him to retrieve the money from Braavos.

A significant portion of Viserys's compensation was a "risk fee," acknowledging the dangerous nature of the mission. After all, sellswords joined for the promise of wealth, not death. Yet, some debt-ridden gamblers among them saw this as a chance to strike it rich and escape their troubles. Even Viserys's 7th Battalion grew uneasy upon learning of the mission, prompting him to expand the recruitment to the entire Windblown.

Once the men were assembled, Viserys began intensive preparations. To approach the pirates unnoticed, they chose to use the longship of the former Iron Hook Pirates and changed their attire to blend in.

Of course, Dany couldn’t remain unaware of Viserys's plans. When she learned of his intentions, she confronted him.

Viserys, determined to keep her out of harm’s way, refused her outright. But Dany wasn’t easily dissuaded. "I know you warged a golden eagle a while ago, but it’s useless at night. My horned owl, however, can see in the dark. I’ll be outside to support you. Let it go with you," she pleaded, clasping her hands together and looking up at him with an expression so earnest that Viserys couldn’t bring himself to refuse.

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