Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Chapter 118: Red Dragon Egg

Benerro had anticipated that uncovering how Viserys had managed to kill the pirates would take some time, but he was caught off guard when Viserys offered to make a trade.

"I don't know what the Prince wants in return," Benerro said, sensing that Viserys had already set his sights on something specific.

"I want to learn fire magic."

"May I ask why?" Benerro was genuinely surprised. He knew Viserys had spent years trying to reclaim his lost kingdom, hoping to rally support for retaking the Iron Throne. He had expected Viserys to ask for gold or weapons, not for the knowledge of fire magic.

Given the current decline of both magic and alchemy, Viserys' request seemed imprudent. Yet, Benerro wasn't about to pass up such an opportunity.

"Revenge," Viserys replied, his eyes serious. "If I can't reclaim the Iron Throne, I want vengeance for my loved ones."

Benerro could see the sincerity in Viserys' gaze. After the fall of the Targaryens, many had suffered. Aerys had been killed by his own Kingsguard, Jaime; Rhaegar had fallen to Robert's hammer; and Rhaegar's wife and children had been brutally murdered by the Mountain. Such deep-seated hatred was hard to forget.

"Yes, but I must inform you," Benerro cautioned, "before you can learn fire magic, you need to know High Valyrian, which takes considerable time to master. Moreover, most of the powerful fire magic—like conjuring ladders of flames or enchanting weapons with fire—has been lost. What remains are only minor spells, such as controlling the flame of a candle."

"Why?" Viserys asked, though he already knew the answer. He wanted to see if Benerro had more insight.

"I don't know," Benerro admitted. "But I must ask, are you certain you still wish to proceed with this exchange?"

"Yes! I won't pass up any opportunity to grow stronger!"

With that, they reached an agreement. Two days later, Benerro would provide Viserys with a set of manuscripts on fire magic and personally teach him High Valyrian over three days. Viserys was thrilled—fire magic was finally within his grasp!

Viserys couldn't help but fantasize about the ancient magics of Valyria: fire magic and blood magic, the spirit magic of the First Men, the water magic of the Rhoynar, and the shadowbinding arts. He recalled one of the most striking scenes from the Game of Thrones—the shadow magic of the Red Witch. This magic was a deadly weapon for ordinary people, capable of killing almost anyone. But it came at a steep price: the blood of a king.

'Who would birth the shadow? It can't be me, can it?' Viserys wondered, shaking his head.

He wasn't interested in using shadow magic, and at most, he was merely considering how to defend himself. To him, assassination was rarely a true solution. Often, the leader of a faction was merely a representative of a larger group's interests. Killing one would only see another rise in their place. True victory came only by utterly defeating one's enemies.

Moreover, Viserys believed that to survive the long night, one needed to accumulate power. Only by suppressing the ambitions of others could one endure. And only by acquiring as much magical knowledge as possible before the arrival of the Red Comet could one gain a decisive advantage in the future.

After the banquet, Viserys announced to the nobles that he would hold an auction featuring the spoils of war taken from the pirates. Nyessos, having benefited from Viserys' recent generosity, eagerly offered his assistance. He was especially pleased to learn that Viserys wasn’t interested in exchanging the loot for money but rather for weapons and armor. With the Tiger Party's influence in decline, the armaments of Volantis had grown neglected, leaving many weapons and pieces of armor unused. Though some were old, they could easily be refurbished. Clearing out this inventory would be a win for both Nyessos and Viserys.

As for Alios, he watched with growing irritation as Viserys and Nyessos continued to forge a close alliance. Meanwhile, the "campaign theme song" Viserys had promised was nowhere to be found. Frustrated, Alios invited Viserys to his home the following day.

"Lord Alios, I wonder if you might have any dragon eggs?" Viserys inquired, assuming that the elite of the Free Cities, being closest to Valyria, might possess such treasures. In the century since Valyria's fall, the Free Cities had enjoyed a significant advantage over others, so it was likely that some nobles had dragon eggs in their possession.

"The Prince is asking this because...?" Alios probed.

"I was wondering if you'd be willing to part with one, should you have it," Viserys replied.

Alios, of course, politely declined. Viserys wasn’t surprised—had he acquired a dragon egg, he would have used it to boost his attributes. Though he believed attribute points would become less useful once they reached 100, the potential development of blood magic might change that, making these points valuable for things like saving lives. Trading a few points for a loyal subordinate with max loyalty would be a worthwhile exchange.

Realizing he wouldn't obtain the egg, Viserys settled for a compromise. He asked if he could at least see the dragon egg. Alios agreed, offering the excuse that observing the egg might inspire him to compose better music.

A servant soon brought out a delicate box adorned with a dragon relief, clearly designed for holding such a treasure. When the black box was opened, it revealed a red dragon egg, resembling a massive piece of red agate.

Viserys touched the egg and opened his panel, seeing that his Assignable Points had increased by nearly 25, indicating the egg's high quality. This was the fourth dragon egg Viserys had encountered. In case something happened to Illyrio, he now knew where to find dragon eggs.

Seeing the look of pure joy on Viserys' face as he handled the egg, Alios grew suspicious of the prince's motives, though he couldn’t voice his doubts. Shortly after, Alios got the result he desired.

"I've got it! Fetch the harp!" Viserys exclaimed, having composed a song that greatly pleased Alios. However, Viserys, not content with his progress, made another request.

"May I keep this dragon egg for a while? Say, five years? I promise to return it after that."

"Prince Viserys, I'm truly sorry. This dragon egg belongs to my house, not just to me. However, I can offer you additional gifts to express my apology," Alios replied.

Realizing there was no way around this, Viserys reluctantly let the matter drop.

With the manuscript on fire magic now in his possession, Viserys lost all interest in socializing and eagerly began his studies.

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