Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Chapter 13: Master Swordsmanship

In the next two months, Helbo took over most of Banergar's business, rapidly expanding his influence. When it came time to collect debts, all he needed to do was bring Viserys along, and the debtors would quickly comply.

Helbo was considerate enough to avoid involving Viserys in actions that would harass widows and orphans, knowing that they usually had no money to pay.

Despite this limitation, Viserys amassed nearly 500 gold dragons in less than two months. With this fortune, he could comfortably raise Dany to adulthood. Additionally, Viserys integrated the black Dragonbone dagger into his fighting techniques. This dagger, sharp and tough like night claws, was perfect for assassination.

During one of their debt-collecting missions, they acquired half of a fossilized dragon egg from a bankrupt merchant, which increased Viserys's Assignable Points by three that day. Although he wanted to buy an entire dragon egg, the exorbitant price, worth thousands of gold dragons, deterred him. However, this encounter pointed him towards a new path for gaining strength quickly: collecting dragon eggs or Dragonbone products. Both required significant amounts of money.

According to the original plot, a significant event would occur in a few years—the Bleeding Star. A red comet would pass by, heralding the return of magic. This event would allow Dany to hatch dragon eggs. Therefore, whether for the sake of hatching a dragon or for Viserys to become stronger quickly, they needed to amass wealth and collect dragon eggs.

Meanwhile, the siblings' lives improved dramatically. They moved back to a wealthy district and hired two maids. Although it was still far from the house with the red door they once lived in, they now had daily access to sweet water and could take proper baths instead of sharing a washbasin. The timid little girl who had first arrived in Braavos began to change. Under her brother's care, Dany became more cheerful. The maids' attention restored some of her former elegance, and with Viserys teaching her swordsmanship, she became more energetic than ever. The scars on her body had long since healed, proving that 'love can grow new flesh and blood.'

One day, Viserys was practicing swordsmanship with Dany on the lawn of their new house in the wealthy district. The spacious yard provided ample room for training. Dany wore a blue training outfit and white whale-skin boots, mirroring Viserys's every move. Viserys noticed that his system was quite scientific: his proficiency increased more quickly when teaching or sparring with others. He chose the former, and his swordsmanship was now just a step away from reaching Expert level.

"Dany, pay attention to me. When you swing your sword, it's not just the power of your arms but the power of your torso. Your shoulders are the bridge!"

Suddenly, the bright blade of Viserys's sword traced a crescent moon, leaving a deep mark on the target. For a moment, he felt as if he could hear the sound of the sword reverberating in his ears. It was the memory of the original Viserys in the Red Keep, where the sound of the Kingsguard practicing their swordsmanship played like a distant echo.

Among them were his older brother Rhaegar, Arthur Dayne, the Knight of the Dawn, the "Fearless" Barristan, and the "Kingslayer" Jaime Lannister.

These fragments of memory seemed to come to life, replaying in his mind and integrating into his muscles. At this moment, the long sword in his hand truly became an extension of his body.

Swordsmanship: Master (1/10000)

Viserys didn't need to open the panel to confirm that his sword skills had reached a new level. Though only fifteen years old, he had achieved master-level swordsmanship. If someone broke into his house again, he could easily handle them, even someone like Enghis.

Dany saw a scene reminiscent of when Viserys first arrived. He seemed to enter a state of ecstasy, wielding his sword with such grace and precision that it was almost like watching a dance—but better. The rhythm and charm in his movements were mesmerizing.

After about ten minutes, Viserys stopped, looking at Dany with a bit of embarrassment. "Oh, let's continue," he said.

Just as the siblings resumed their practice, Helbo arrived with a gift. Behind him was a young man with a scholarly air, brown curly hair, and a kind smile—said to be an accountant. Helbo would have preferred to bring bald Regis, but knowing Dany was a little scared of him, he chose the accountant instead.

"Lord Viserys," Helbo greeted respectfully. At Viserys's request, he no longer called him "Prince." Considering Viserys's current status as a king without a kingdom, he preferred to avoid such grand titles.

"Helbo," Viserys acknowledged with a nod, while Dany curtsied slightly and responded politely, "Good day, Helbo."

"My lady Dany, you are becoming more and more beautiful," Helbo complimented, genuinely impressed.

With proper nutrition and love, Dany was blossoming into a lovely and cheerful young lady. Every time Helbo visited, he couldn't help but admire her, but under Viserys's watchful eye, he restrained himself.

From the gift box, Helbo produced a dagger with a silver handle adorned with precious stones. This was his gift for Dany. Her violet eyes lit up with delight.

"Thank you," she said, her appreciation clear.

"Haha, I'm glad you like it," Helbo responded warmly, handing the dagger to Dany with care.

"More work?" Viserys asked, sticking his sword into the ground, ready to discuss business.

Helbo placed the other gifts on a side table and nodded. "Yes, this is a big deal, but it's not debt collection."

Viserys turned to the maid. "Jill, please take Dany to play."

"Yes, m'lord," Jill responded, leading Dany away. Dany, understanding that her brother was about to discuss business, obediently followed.

"Go ahead, what is it?" Viserys asked once they were alone, sitting down at the table.

"In the town, there is a workshop that specializes in making whale oil candles. They are recruiting guards," Helbo explained.

Viserys, about to take a drink, paused, puzzled. "You found me a guard job?"

"No, no, no," Helbo hastily clarified. "If it were just a guard, I wouldn't have come to you. There's been trouble at the factory recently. Someone has been causing disturbances at the door. The owner needs guards to ensure normal production for a month and will pay a generous reward afterward."

Viserys considered this, recalling historical instances of capitalists hiring private armies. In this medieval-like setting, it wasn't surprising that a factory owner might need thugs for protection. However, he wanted to ensure the workshop's financial stability to avoid working for nothing.

"You can rest assured," Helbo assured him, "this workshop is backed by the shares of Lady Moonshadow Falia. She will not default on our payment."

"Moonshadow Falia?" Viserys echoed, intrigued.

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