Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Chapter 148: Dragonblood Knight

After drinking the dragon’s blood, Viserys felt his health improve noticeably, his complexion gaining a healthier glow. Since poor health leaves one vulnerable to illness, the infusion of dragon’s blood provided the perfect excuse to abandon his previous state of "sub-health." This not only bolstered his physical well-being but also reinforced the perception of his "true dragon’s blood" in the minds of Doran and the Red Viper, further solidifying his claim to legitimacy.

“This is what it means to be a Targaryen!” Viserys declared, embracing the moment. He planned to use the remaining half-jar of dragon’s blood to see if it could enhance the fertility of the dragon eggs. Additionally, the Dragonbone items that the Red Viper had found for him proved invaluable, granting Viserys nearly 300 assignable attribute points. Overall, this trip to Dorne was a resounding success.

He planned to depart in two days, with the Red Viper secretly accompanying him to Pentos. In the meantime, Doran hosted a small dinner at the Water Gardens for Viserys and his companions. This gathering also gave the Feles and his sister an opportunity to meet the elusive Prince of Dorne.

When Arianne saw Shinelli, she greeted her warmly. “This must be Princess Daenerys, isn’t it?”

“Princess, this is Shinelli, Lord Feles’ younger sister,” someone clarified.

Princess,” Shinelli said, her tone respectful.

In the presence of Arianne, the siblings were clearly aware of their lower status. To avoid any awkwardness, Shinelli sensibly took the initiative to greet Arianne. Meanwhile, Doran’s youngest son, Trystane, seemed particularly taken with Shinelli, who had striking silver-blonde hair.

Doran, observing the gathering, quickly grasped the dynamics at play. He recognized the subordinate relationship between Viserys and Feles and noted the ambition in Feles’ eyes—he had likely brought his sister along with thoughts of arranging a marriage to Viserys. Doran also saw a parallel between Viserys and Feles: both came from declining houses and both had younger sisters. However, Doran saw little in Feles that warranted investment.

As the dinner progressed and people ate and drank, Doran suddenly spoke up. “Prince Viserys, you haven’t been knighted yet, have you?”

The question silenced the room, drawing everyone’s attention to Doran and Viserys. The relationship between a knight and his sponsor is akin to that of master and apprentice, creating a strong social bond. Doran’s offer was a clear attempt to deepen his ties with Viserys.

Previously, Viserys had declined a marriage alliance on the grounds that his forces were weaker than those of Sunspear. However, to refuse this generous offer of knighthood would be an outright insult.

“No, Prince, I have not been knighted,” Viserys replied, meeting Doran’s gaze with a mutual understanding.

The others at the table quickly caught on, with the Red Viper eyeing Viserys with interest, eager to see how he would respond.

Feles had heard about Viserys' refusal of the marriage proposal and was surprised. He hadn't expected Viserys to turn down such a significant alliance under these circumstances.

Doran glanced around at the others and said, "I was a squire in House Gorgonall and was knighted at the age of seventeen. You, however, are even better than I was at that time."

"Prince, you are too kind. If given the opportunity, I hope to have a noble sponsor like you," Viserys replied with a formal nod.

"I'm not noble, but I'm happy to be your sponsor," Doran responded.

"Really? Thank you so much, Prince, but I haven't prepared anything," Viserys said, feigning surprise. Though he tried to appear "frank," he knew exactly what to say.

At this point, the Red Viper spoke up, "Viserys, a true knight becomes one the moment he proves his worth. No preparations are needed."

Viserys looked at him, then turned back to Doran. "Really? I hope I'm not disrespecting my sponsor."

"No, I'm already very pleased to knight you," Doran assured him. There was no need for further politeness.

The ceremony of knighthood was usually quite elaborate. One had to spend a night in vigil before the seven statues of the gods in the temple, wear a pure white woolen cloak to symbolize purity, and be anointed with various holy oils. But Viserys clearly didn't have time for all that, and this knighting was more of an impromptu decision. Nonetheless, Doran had made some preparations.

The singers at the feast suddenly struck up a song about knights, and Arianne stepped forward with a white woolen cloak in hand. Barely 1.6 meters tall, she only reached Viserys' chest. In the candlelight, she appeared nervous, but her attire and makeup were exquisite.

Viserys removed his black and gold robe, handing it to Sarella, then leaned forward slightly to allow Arianne to drape the woolen cloak over him. He removed his shoes, went barefoot, and held his sword in both hands as he approached Doran. Kneeling on one knee, he offered the sword.

Doran smiled, taking the Valyrian steel sword from Viserys. "Viserys III of House Targaryen," he intoned, placing the sword on Viserys' right shoulder. "In the name of the Warrior, I command you to be brave." The tip of the sword moved to the left shoulder. "In the name of the Father, I command you to be just."

In the light of the moon and candles, Viserys, now clad in the white woolen cloak, looked almost 'holy.'

Red Viper, Arianne, Sarella, Regis, Conwyra (Unsullied captain), Shinelli, Feles... Everyone watched the scene unfold. Viserys' knighting ceremony felt like a brief interlude, but given his Targaryen heritage, it was also quite striking.

After the ceremony, Viserys pressed his forehead against Doran's hand.

"To the Dragonblood Knights!" the Red Viper shouted, raising his cup. It seemed he had already thought of the title. Despite it sounding somewhat cheesy, Viserys still liked it.

"To the Dragonblood Knight!" the crowd cheered in response.

"Whether or not Pentos joins our alliance, in two months at the latest, Sunspear will send troops to Tyrosh," Doran promised Viserys and Feles, sealing the alliance with his stamp.

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