Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Chapter 151: Illyrio, Here I Come (II)

"He's from Dorne, exiled by his house, and now he's joined my mercenary band," Viserys said, his words barely registering with the Red Viper. Indeed, the Dornishman had been exiled for a time after poisoning an opponent in a duel, but the reminder didn't bother him. He simply bowed to Illyrio, while Viserys began outlining his situation and plans.

The Red Viper and Doran had reacted similarly, momentarily at a loss, but the man was shrewd. He quickly grasped the key to the situation and offered his assessment:

"This is nothing more than a pipe dream. Some things may seem possible, but they remain beyond anyone's reach." From Illyrio's perspective, perhaps he saw himself as a lifeline for Lys in desperate times, or maybe he viewed Tyrosh's dominance over the Narrow Sea as a threat to all.

But he also knew the nature of the Pentoshi nobles—they wouldn't raise a fuss unless truly threatened. They'd compromise, just as they had with the Horselords for years.

Illyrio sneered inwardly, thinking, 'Do you really believe I'm helping you out of the goodness of my heart?' But he kept his expression neutral, his strategy with Viserys clear: delay and prevaricate as much as possible.

"So, you want me to make an introduction?"

"Yes, as long as you help with the introduction, whether the alliance succeeds or not, I will be grateful."

Viserys deliberately left out the fact that House Martell had already joined his cause across the Narrow Sea. After all, just Lys might not be convincing enough, but Lys and Sunspear together formed a formidable alliance. Telling the fat man everything could hinder his plans, so Viserys played it down, aiming to get the job done without revealing too much.

Illyrio looked troubled. "My lord, I must confess that my first wife was the sister of the current Prince of Pentos. I fell in love with another woman, and now the Prince has forbidden me from entering his court."

The Red Viper and Feles, standing behind Viserys, exchanged a glance. They both knew the Prince of Pentos was a mere puppet; the real power lay with the nobles. Illyrio was clearly trying to sidestep the issue. They turned to Viserys, awaiting his response.

'Damn it, he's trying to negotiate with me,' Viserys thought, but then smiled and said, "Then perhaps you can spread the word among the powerful that Viserys Targaryen is here and would like to meet with the Prince of Pentos... perhaps for a song."

Illyrio was taken aback, suddenly recalling that Viserys was also an accomplished artist. In Pentos, bards and singers were held in high esteem, and Viserys, as a 'double champion' of Braavos with his three renowned songs, held a significant status. His request would likely compel the Prince of Pentos to invite him to the palace.

"Well, it's not that complicated. I have a friend who might be able to help you get an introduction," Illyrio said smoothly.

The Red Viper and Feles exchanged knowing smiles. They often underestimated Viserys' resourcefulness. Perhaps it was because his brilliance in other areas made even his more modest skills seem like unattainable luxuries to others.

"That's good, but I hope it can be arranged soon," Viserys replied.

"No problem. You should be able to meet the Prince by tomorrow at the latest."

"That's ideal. I'll thank you in advance for that," Viserys said, nodding his appreciation.

As the conversation continued, Illyrio began discussing the political situation in Pentos. The information he shared was similar to what the old captain had mentioned. Although Pentos was nominally governed by the 'forty powerful families,' real power was concentrated in the hands of just five. Among them, House Berent, which controlled trade and diplomacy, was the most influential, with two of the other four families as its supporters. Therefore, the success of any alliance depended primarily on House Berent.

After a bit more conversation, Illyrio shifted the topic to Daenerys.

"Thank you for your concern. She is well and has grown a bit recently. She’s also very healthy," Viserys replied.

'That is truly a blessing from the gods,' Illyrio thought, smiling. Viserys didn't bother to guess what was really on his mind.

"I've heard you’re doing well with the Windblown. If that’s the case, could you consider a marriage alliance?" Illyrio suggested.

The mention of marriage alliances immediately caught the attention of the Red Viper and Feles.

"Do you think Drogo, a barbarian, is worthy of a Targaryen's woman?" Viserys asked, his tone dripping with disdain.

Illyrio's smile froze, taken aback by Viserys' presumption. 'Drogo might be a powerful Khal, but this man speaks as if the Windblown were truly his to command,' he thought. 'If he had the Golden Company, he'd likely march straight to King's Landing!'

"However," Viserys continued, "if one of the Khal's daughters is appealing, I might consider taking her as a concubine—or perhaps as a maid."

Illyrio's expression barely held as his golden beard trembled. The Red Viper burst into laughter, and Feles struggled to contain his amusement.

"Well... I’ll keep an eye out for suitable marriage partners," Illyrio replied, his tone carefully measured, "but they may not be as powerful as Drogo."

As Illyrio watched Viserys' arrogance, he reconsidered his strategy. 'This kind of arrogance usually shortens a man's life,' he mused.

"Oh, by the way," Illyrio added, "you don't have a place to stay yet, do you? I have a house by the sea. It's comfortable, and you can rest there."

"Thank you for your kindness," the Red Viper said, though inwardly, the offer stirred something deeper within him.

Soon, he would see his "nephew." He genuinely hoped that the young Aegon was indeed his sister’s son. This was a desire unclouded by politics or strategy—he simply longed to see a part of his sister again. If Aegon truly was her child and bore her likeness, the Red Viper resolved that he would raise the boy as his own and ensure that his existence wouldn't interfere with the Martell family's plans.

They arrived at a beautifully decorated house with a roof covered in blue tiles and windows of brown glass. Servants were already waiting to greet their masters. The Red Viper leaned out of the window, scanning the crowd eagerly, hoping to catch a glimpse of Aegon.

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