Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Chapter 155: I Want to Learn That!

"Kill him? That would be too easy for him."

Viserys was reading through the manuscripts he had brought back from Sunspear when he heard the news and laughed coldly. The truth was, he had never intended to kill Illyrio with a single, swift blow. That would be far too unsatisfying. No, Illyrio deserved to be stripped of his wealth, left to wander the streets, and die of cold and hunger—or better yet, sold as a slave.

Viserys considered these punishments briefly but decided that for now, he only wanted to give Illyrio a private room at Meris's for the whole year. Perhaps one day, Illyrio would become neighbors with Varys. Or maybe he could hire a foreign tutor from Slaver's Bay to teach him "Bedroom arts." But that would have to wait—he still needed Illyrio to get the dragon eggs for him.

But that didn't mean he had to take a beating.

"So what are you going to do?" the Red Viper asked excitedly, his eyes gleaming with interest. He had been fascinated by such things since childhood, and his curiosity had only grown after witnessing blood magic for the first time.

Viserys smirked and took out an unlit candle, placing it on the windowsill. He then retrieved a lit candle and walked seven or eight steps away. "Watch carefully," he said, holding the candle in his left hand while raising his right hand. Slowly, he drew the flame from the candle until it hovered like a ball of fire the size of a fist in his right hand. With a swift motion, he hurled it toward the unlit candle, igniting it with pinpoint accuracy.

The incredible sight left the Red Viper wide-eyed with astonishment. It was as if he had been transported back to his curious teenage years. Although his curiosity had not waned over the years, he had seen so much that it took something truly extraordinary to impress him. Seeing Viserys perform magic made him feel young again.

"I want to learn this!" he exclaimed.

"I told you, you should start with the Moonsingers' Song," Viserys replied. His demonstration was not only meant to impress but also to reinforce his allies' loyalty. Though Viserys's relationship with Doran had grown strong since he had temporarily cured Doran's gout, it was always worth reinforcing.

After a brief discussion, the two of them devised a plan. The Red Viper would set a fire in the barn to distract the guards, while Viserys would start a fire in Illyrio's room. He would then rescue Illyrio once the flames had done some damage.

"But what if he burns to death? Someone will definitely suspect us," the Red Viper asked, a hint of concern in his voice.

"Don't worry." Viserys extended one hand toward the candle on the windowsill. His fingers stretched out, and the flame suddenly grew to the size of a palm, crackling fiercely. The candle melted away as quickly as an icicle in the sun. Then, with a simple gesture, he closed his fingers, and the flame shrank back to the size of a bean, flickering weakly as if it might go out at any moment.

"I can control the fire."

Viserys's magic was so captivating that the Red Viper couldn't resist asking, "Please teach me!" His eyes, though belonging to a man in his thirties, brimmed with youthful curiosity.

"That depends on whether you have the talent for it," Viserys replied. "Maybe your gift lies in water magic, or perhaps fire. I can't say for sure."

"Don't worry, I’m sure I have the talent for magic!" the Red Viper declared confidently before slipping out the window. Viserys smiled as he watched him leave. He had a certain fondness for people like that. A clear-cut personality was attractive everywhere—no wonder so many women had fallen for him.

Not long after the Red Viper departed, Viserys took advantage of the quiet night and climbed onto the roof above Illyrio's room.


About an hour later, a fire suddenly broke out near the woodpile.

"Fire!" came a cry from the darkness, followed by a rush of activity below.

"Lord, there's a fire near the woodpile," Belwas reported as he appeared at Illyrio's window.

Illyrio, believing the fire to be far enough from his quarters, waved him off dismissively. "Then go put it out and don’t bother me!"

"Yes, my lord!" Belwas responded.

Illyrio, too excited to sleep as he plotted Viserys's murder for the next day, had taken some sedatives to calm himself. Being abruptly awakened left him in a foul mood. Soon after, Viserys heard his loud snoring through the roof, a reminder that overweight men often suffer from sleep issues.

Seizing the moment, Viserys lit a candle and formed a ball of fire in his hand, which he used to ignite the curtains. He intensified the flames, and soon Illyrio’s room was engulfed in heat, transforming it into a furnace. Even through the thick curtains, the fire's glow was unmistakable.

Satisfied that the fire had done its work, Viserys quietly returned to his room. Although this was arson, it wasn’t the same as the brutal killing of the two men Banergar had burned in Braavos. This time, his aim was to burn Illyrio just enough to ensure he would survive—but only just.

"Lord! Lord..."

Viserys silently counted the seconds as he observed Illyrio's room through the eyes of a seagull. He soon heard Belwas's alarmed shout. Thick smoke billowed from Illyrio's bedroom, signaling that something had gone terribly wrong.

More servants hurried to Illyrio's door, but all the available water and sand had already been used up in a desperate attempt to douse the flames. Some brave souls tried to rush inside but were driven back by the intense heat and ferocious flames. Others hesitated, considering their meager wages of three or five gold dragons a month, and what little they could actually do. Most stood anxiously outside the door, while a few hurried to fetch more sand and water.

Nearby, a small voice cried out, "Uncle Illyrio!" Young Aegon, Illyrio's own son, had been awakened by the commotion. His room was close to Illyrio's, and the noise outside had easily roused him. Through the window, Aegon could see the danger his beloved uncle was in. Although his father wasn't around, Illyrio had always shown him great affection, so much so that Aegon never felt the lack of a father's love.

Realizing that Illyrio was in grave danger, Aegon bolted from his room without even putting on his shoes. "Uncle Illyrio!" he shouted, trying to run into the inferno to save him, but others quickly held him back.

"No, Griff!" Sister Lymere, who had taught him manners, cried out as she tried to restrain him. But to her surprise, the seemingly fragile child was surprisingly strong, almost as if he were possessed. He struggled fiercely, desperate to reach his uncle, until Belwas had to step in to help.

Bang! A loud noise erupted as the glass in Illyrio's window shattered from the intense heat. Flames and smoke poured out like a roaring beast. The Red Viper, dressed in his nightshirt , rushed to the scene, muttering under his breath about the shared origins of blood and fire.

Just as everyone feared Illyrio was about to perish in the flames, a shadow, dripping with water and covered in what appeared to be a wet blanket, passed through the crowd and kicked open Illyrio's door.

"That's... Viserys!?" someone gasped. The crowd stared in stunned disbelief.

"Lord Viserys!" Young Aegon was moved by Viserys's bravery. The others were equally impressed. Sister Lymere prayed for him, and the crowd, hands on their chests, anxiously watched the blazing windows.

Ten seconds passed, then thirty, fifty, a minute, two minutes, three minutes—but still, Viserys did not emerge. The tension grew, and the crowd couldn't help but feel a sense of dread.

What they didn't know was that the moment Viserys entered the room, the flames seemed to recoil from him, as if repelled by an invisible force. If he had wanted to, Viserys could have dragged the fat man out of bed in less than twenty seconds. But he hesitated, worried that if Illyrio had hidden the dragon egg in his room, it might be destroyed by the fire, which would be a serious problem.

After all, in the original story, Daenerys had used blood magic to hatch her dragon eggs. The Targaryens had burned several dragon eggs in Summerhall, yet they did not hatch. In other words, if the dragon egg couldn't hatch, it might still be fireproof.

After searching for a while and confirming there was no dragon egg, Viserys finally led Illyrio out of the burning room. He moved quickly, his magic nearly spent. By this time, the fat man's back and thighs were severely burned, and the sickening smell of charred flesh hung in the air. The gauze shirt Illyrio wore had done little to protect him from the extensive burns.

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