Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Chapter 19: Plot After Plot

The burden of using Dragon Dreams to perform active divination was not small, and it took until the afternoon for Viserys to recover his energy. As he opened the door, he found Rabbi waiting outside. The enthusiasm in his demeanor was a stark contrast to their first meeting.

“Lord Viserys.”

“Goodman Rabbi, what brings you here? Come on in!” Viserys ushered him into the house, already guessing the reason for his visit but asking nonetheless.

“I have come to thank you.”

“Thank me?” Viserys remembered Rabbi’s initial lukewarm attitude but chose to play along. “You are too kind. It was my duty.”

“No, no, no. Your martial arts skills are extraordinary, yet you remain so humble. You are my role model. The Titan of Braavos may be a guardian, but last night, you were the Titan of our workshop.”

Viserys found Rabbi’s flattery amusing but kept a straight face. Rabbi continued, explaining that he and his father had prepared a simple feast and hoped Viserys would join them in the evening.

“Here is a small token of our appreciation. Please do come!” Rabbi handed him a box with a sapphire-inlaid clasp, hinting at valuable contents inside.

“No problem, but what about the guards at the workshop?” Viserys inquired.

Rabbi quickly responded, “You might not be aware during your rest, but the mayor is taking this incident very seriously. He has sent a team of guards here, ensuring no one will dare to target the workshop for the next few days.”

Viserys nodded, reassured by the involvement of the authorities. He doubted Rabbi and his father would suffer financially due to the presence of the guards.

“In that case, allow me to freshen up a bit.”

“It’s already been prepared for you,” Rabbi said.

To Viserys's surprise, several servants carrying hot water entered the room. Two burly men carried large kegs, followed by two maids with attractive features.

Viserys composed himself and took a bath with the maids' assistance. Thanks to the system's enhancements, his body was well-proportioned with smooth muscle lines, almost sixty but looking far younger. The maids seemed to enjoy their task, their gazes appreciative as they carefully wiped every inch of his skin with towels.

Perhaps due to the original Viserys's frequent indulgence in such services, he felt no discomfort being naked, even under the maids’ attentive care.

He changed into clean clothes with the help of the maids, and outside, a carriage and horses had been waiting for quite some time. The sky had darkened, and the sun's rays were fading on the distant mountains. He wondered if Banergar had finished his work yet.

Accompanied by Rabbi, Viserys walked through the flat streets of the wealthy district and arrived at a grand courtyard. From a distance, he could already sense the excitement emanating from within. Bright white light poured out of the mansion, giving the initial impression of a fire. But as they entered, the true source of the light became clear, and it was breathtaking.

Hundreds of candles lit up the courtyard, making it as bright as day. For a moment, Viserys was so captivated by the sight that he felt as if he had returned to his previous world. Three long tables were set up, laden with an abundance of food. Not far away, a group of musicians played lively tunes, and a dozen servants bustled about, attending to the guests.

Rabbi and his father had invited all the team members, who were making a ruckus and stuffing their faces with food. Regis stood out, larger than the others, wearing a lilac jacket. He danced around, animatedly recounting the battle, making it seem as if he had single-handedly repelled the attackers.

Helbo, who had been watching the door, was the first to notice Viserys's arrival. He stood up and tapped his glass with a fork, producing a clear sound that silenced the noisy feast.

“Hey, look! It's our hero, Lord Viserys! Let's drink a toast to him!”

The crowd quieted down, and those who had been flirting with the maids quickly stopped. They all turned towards Viserys, raising their glasses in his honor. Helbo handed Viserys a glass of wine. Just as he was about to take a sip, several men came up behind him and lifted him into the air.

“Viserys! Viserys! Viserys!”
“Viserys! Viserys! Viserys!”

The name echoed throughout the courtyard as they carried him around, celebrating his bravery. They finally set him down after the third lap, to the sound of hearty cheers.

“To the bravery of Lord Viserys!” Morel proposed another toast.

“Bravery!” the team members echoed, raising their glasses once more.

Viserys knew he had to say something meaningful on such an occasion. Though not particularly skilled in public speaking, he tried to recall the demeanor of his old instructor. He raised his glass and began:

"Everyone, your hard work over the past few days has been commendable. It is because of our unity and determination that the workshop has remained safe and sound. Together, we are like a blazing fire, strong and unstoppable. Apart, we are like stars, shining brightly in our own right. Let us continue to grow, become stronger, and create new glories!"

The speech was a bit awkward even for Viserys himself, but Morel and Helbo were impressed. His noble background gave his words a certain authority, and the atmosphere grew even more spirited. As the festivities continued, Viserys and the other leaders gathered in a more private setting to discuss matters further.

“Do you know who Andersen is? I heard that name from those people,” Viserys asked, now surrounded only by Helbo and the Morel.

“Andersen?” Rabbi looked puzzled, but Morel and Helbo exchanged glances, a silent understanding passing between them.

“Andersen? Could it be him?” Morel frowned, the lines on his forehead deepening.

“Is there a problem with him?” Helbo asked, setting his wine glass down.

“No,” Morel shook his head. “He’s in the land business. We don’t interact much.”

Viserys observed them carefully, feeling a bit like an outsider. The previous night’s battle had been intense, and the heavy losses meant it would be difficult for Morel's enemies to organize another similar attack. With most of his mission accomplished, Viserys felt that the fate of the workshop was no longer his concern as long as he received his payment.

The next day, Helbo approached Viserys with an apologetic expression, making him realize that the situation he was involved in was more complicated than it had initially seemed.

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