Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Chapter 2: Add Points, Subtract Points

Viserys Targaryen

Health: 62.4
Spirit: 94.9
Constitution: 39.6
Magic: 7.1


Skills (Diamond):

Dragon Dreams: Ordinary (256/300) +

Skills (Gold):

Warfare: Ordinary (22/300) +

Skills (Silver):

Reconnaissance: Expert (2896/3000) +
Firearms: Expert (2733/3000) +
Combat: Expert (2995/3000) +
Swordsmanship: Ordinary (109/300) +
Riding: Ordinary (188/300) +

Skills (Bronze):

Valyrian: Proficient (985/1000) +
Court Etiquette: Proficient (911/1000) +
Common Tongue: Proficient (833/1000) +
Music: Proficient (533/1000) +


Assignable Points: 0.1
Assignable General Proficiency Points: 10

Looking at his own panel, Viserys gained a better understanding of his new body.

First, Health. It was clear that the scale was out of 100, and at 62.4, he was sub-healthy. Fortunately, there were no diseases, so with proper care, he could reach 70.

Then there was Spirit. Viserys was a genius student in the original work, and with the fusion of two souls, it was normal for his spirit to be high.

As for Constitution, it related to physical fitness. Despite the effects of heavy drinking, he could improve it through exercise.

The most intriguing skill to him was Dragon Dreams. Viserys realized that part of the memories he had inherited seemed to belong to the "dream world." In the original story, Robert sent many assassins to kill him and his sister, but Viserys had been able to escape with Dany repeatedly, likely due to these prophetic dreams.

Apart from Dragon Dreams, the other skills appeared ordinary at first glance. However, a closer look revealed a "+" and "-" next to each skill, indicating they could be adjusted. The skills also had four quality levels, and points and proficiency could be assigned.

'Let's try it first,' Viserys thought. He decided not to touch the Dragon Dreams skill for now, considering its critical role in their survival. Instead, he chose the skill closest to the limit of his level—Combat. He added 6 points of proficiency, and the Combat skill bar flashed silver and turned into Master.

Combat: Master (1/10000) +

Instantly, Viserys felt all his previous training experiences vividly come to life. His actual combat experience and even the images of combat matches he had watched became part of his strength. If he had been a master at fighting ten opponents before, now he was a master of hand-to-hand combat.

Excited, he stood up and performed a set of combat techniques. These military fighting techniques, though not aesthetically pleasing, were fierce and lethal.

Absorbed in his own fighting, Viserys didn't notice Dany, who was pressed against the wall, terrified. Her little body trembled, her face pale. To her, this display seemed like "Sleeping Dragon's Wrath" amplified.

But Viserys quickly ended his performance.

The whole process took less than five minutes. Viserys was out of breath, and his clothes were soaked with sweat. Before he could even finish half of the martial arts routine, his legs went weak, and he sat down, exhausted.

He turned his attention back to the panel. Having just explored the "+" sign, he now decided to try the "-" sign. After considering various skills, he focused on "Court Etiquette." This skill seemed unnecessary for his current situation.

Clicking on "Court Etiquette" 100 times in a row, the Assignable General Proficiency Points only increased from 4 to 5. Realizing something, he switched his target to "Firearms." This time, clicking ten times increased his general proficiency by one point. Finally, he reduced the "Warfare" skill, gaining another point.

Viserys now understood the significance of skill levels and the relationship between Assignable General Proficiency Points and skills. High-quality skills could be exchanged for more general proficiency, which could then be allocated to any skill, regardless of quality or level.

However, when he looked closely at the diamond-level skill, he noticed the minus sign was gray, indicating it couldn't be reduced easily. Realizing that he and Dany still faced the threat of assassins, he decided to make some strategic adjustments to his skills.

For instance, they were currently in Braavos, where everyone spoke Valyrian. Thus, he only needed the Common Tongue skill to a level where he could understand and speak it. Since there were no firearms in this world, he could temporarily give up that skill.

After making these adjustments, Viserys gained 400 points of general proficiency, which he immediately added to his sword skills.

“Prince, you must pay attention to the key points of Swordsmanship and the transmission of power.”
“Prince, treat the sword as an extension of your body...”

For a moment, Ser Willem's voice and image appeared vividly before Viserys' eyes.

Swordsmanship: Proficient (329/1000) +

'Master-level combat skills combined with Proficient-level swordsmanship—I can feel the power surging!' he thought. However, his poor Constitution meant his body couldn't fully utilize his newfound skills.

Seeing that he still had 0.1 Assignable Points, he added them to Constitution. A warm current spread from his chest to his limbs, and then quickly disappeared. Although it wasn't very noticeable, he felt slightly stronger.

Meanwhile, Dany watched her brother, confused. He stared into the air, sometimes thoughtful, sometimes smiling foolishly. Her violet eyes were full of doubt, unable to understand his strange behavior.

When Viserys came to his senses, it was already dark. He stepped into the courtyard, where the golden afterglow illuminated the stone slabs beneath his feet. The distant sound of the sea breeze added a sense of tranquility to the evening.

He boiled some water, intending to give both himself and Dany a simple scrub. At first, Dany was nervous and scared. Her small, scarred arms were tucked in front of her chest, and she stood stiff and motionless. Normally, when her brother grabbed her head, it meant a beating. But this time, all she felt was a gentle wash.

The warm water ran down her hair, mingling with her tears. Little Dany couldn't discern what kind of tears they were—fear or injustice, sadness or happiness. The sobs she tried to hold back were drowned out by the sound of the water, and Viserys didn't hear them. He only knew that Dany had been left neglected for too long, and her hair had a distinct oily smell.

Dany was already eight years old, and for psychological reasons, Viserys only washed her exposed arms and legs. Due to the limited hot water, after giving her a simple wash, the water in the basin was too dirty to use further. Viserys simply wiped the sweat off his body with the water Dany had left over.

That night, little Dany rolled out her own bedding and spread it on the floor. Viserys had previously forbidden her from sleeping in the bed, a decision that now filled him with shame. Finally, after more than three years, Dany once again slept in her brother's arms and listened to him tell stories.

"Once upon a time, there was a mountain, and in the mountain, there was a temple. In the temple, there was an old holy sister and a little holy sister. The little holy sister wanted to hear the old holy sister tell a story... What story is it? Once upon a time there was a mountain..."

Dany sensed something was off with the story, but Viserys' soothing voice lulled her to sleep. That night, she slept more soundly than she had since their days in the house with the red door.

As he watched Dany sleep, Viserys began to contemplate their next steps. Braavos, a city comprised of hundreds of islands, was known as the "Bastard of Valyria." It was built by slaves who had rebelled against the Valyrian Empire. Braavos was a prosperous commercial hub, home to the famous Iron Bank, and its manufacturing and fishing industries were also quite developed. The city was particularly renowned for its assassins, bodyguards, and sex industry—though Viserys had no intention of considering the latter.

He realized that the original body he now inhabited still owed a debt, making Dany a likely target for their creditors. Should he leave Braavos first? With his low Constitution, the strain of these thoughts quickly overwhelmed him, and he drifted off to sleep.

“Beggar King, pay up!”
“Brother! Brother, save me! No...”
“Let her go! No!”

Viserys suddenly jolted awake. He had dreamed of a man and several strong accomplices breaking into the house, knocking him down, and kidnapping Dany. This was unmistakably a Dragon dream. Based on past experience, what occurred in Dragon dreams would become reality within a few minutes.

Seeing Dany curled up next to him like a little kitten, he knew he had to act quickly.

Run away? Or fight back?

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