Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Chapter 22: Hoarding Rare Goods

A man as astute as Illyrio couldn't be fooled by Viserys' lofty words. What truly intrigued him was the possibility that Viserys had the support of Varys. He wondered why Varys hadn't informed him, but he knew better than to reveal their secret now.

Illyrio clapped his hands, signaling to the brown-clad guard. "Bring me the gift I prepared for the Prince."

The guard looked uncomfortable. "I'm sorry M'lord, I left the gift in the carriage."

Illyrio feigned anger. "You useless piece of trash, you can't even do this simple task. Go get it!"

"Yes, M'lord!" The guard hurried out of the room, his demeanor relaxing as soon as he turned away.

Viserys understood the game. If he hadn't shown potential or value, the gift might never have been given. But he knew better than to question it. They would keep their thoughts to themselves and maintain the charade of friendship.

While the guard retrieved the gift, Dany finally emerged from her room. She wore a light purple dress and moved gracefully, her long silver hair adorned with delicate accessories. Her small hands lifted the hem of her skirt, revealing a vision of ethereal beauty. With her silver hair and violet eyes, she looked like a moonlit fairy, an elf among flowers.

"Brother," Dany said softly to Viserys, before turning to Illyrio.

"This is Illyrio," Viserys reminded her.

Illyrio's eyes widened in amazement as he looked at Dany. He took a moment to compose himself before returning her greeting.

Viserys, noticing Illyrio's distraction, said to Dany, "Come, sit by my side."

Dany obediently sat next to Viserys, her back straight and her manners impeccable. Illyrio had seen Dany before at the House with the Red Door, where she had been an adorable child. Now, she was blossoming into a captivating young woman.

Although she wasn't yet in full bloom, she had already developed a striking presence. In the original storyline, Illyrio was supposed to meet the Viserys siblings a few years later, when Dany was around twelve or thirteen and had just started menstruating. In Viserys' world, such a marriage would be considered criminal, but here, it was the norm.

Even at fifteen or sixteen, Dany had the potential to charm a Sellsword leader and make him her loyal advisor. Illyrio's reaction to seeing Dany's beauty, even at a younger age, had been one of shock. Now, seeing her a little more mature, he was equally captivated.

Illyrio paused for a moment, then continued, "Prince, you mentioned that you are accumulating wealth while improving your skills. With all due respect, wealth accumulation is a lengthy process for ordinary people without capital."

Viserys leaned in, intrigued. "Go on."

Illyrio smiled, sensing Viserys' interest. "Take me, for example. It took me nearly half my adult life to earn my first pot of gold. However, it only took two or three years to earn my second and third pots of gold. The same principle applies to land. It may take generations to acquire the first piece, but once you have it, acquiring more becomes significantly easier. I believe the same holds true for a kingdom. You may need an initial boost."

Viserys understood immediately. "You mean a starting capital."

"Exactly," Illyrio nodded. "Marriage is a common means of alliance between nobles, much like the proposed marriage between you and Dorne. However, given the current situation..."

Viserys understood the implication. The alliance might fall through.

"But if you trust me, I believe I can find a suitable marriage partner for Princess Dany, one who might bring an army as a dowry."

Dany, now part of the conversation, blinked nervously. The mention of marriage unsettled her, for she was too young to grasp its full consequences. She bit her lip, trying to keep her composure, remembering Viserys' teachings on maintaining royal composure.

Viserys sensed her discomfort but kept his focus on Illyrio. "Of course, I've considered this. However, given our current circumstances, finding a suitable match for Dany might be challenging."

Dany trembled slightly at Viserys' words, feeling a pang of sorrow at the thought of separation. She had always imagined being with Viserys forever, and now, the idea of parting weighed heavily on her young heart.

Viserys, despite his words, had no intention of using Dany as a bargaining chip. His predecessor's approach of trading family for power was something he now disdained. He believed in the value of strength for protection, not just for its own sake.

His apparent interest in the marriage was merely to keep Illyrio engaged. As a wealthy Magister of Pentos, Illyrio was well-versed in Targaryen traditions. To secure his support, Viserys needed to play along.

Sure enough, Illyrio approved of Viserys' attitude. Meanwhile, the guard returned with the gift. Wrapped in red silk, its shape was unmistakable—a long bow.

The guard placed the gift on the table, and Illyrio himself removed the silk, revealing a black dragonbone bow. The bow, four or five feet long, was as black as the night sky, curved like a crescent moon, as if crafted from a dragon's rib. It exuded a powerful and mysterious aura. Alongside the bow were three replacement strings, a testament to Illyrio's thoughtful preparation.

"A small token of my appreciation. Please accept it, Prince."

"Thank you, Illyrio. I accept it with gratitude."

Viserys smiled as he picked up the Dragonbone Bow. Pale blue text appeared in front of his eyes:

[Dragonbone Bow, provides 2.58 Assignable Points, daily Assignable Points increase by 0.08.]

2.58 points! Is it related to the size?

Viserys put his questions aside for the time being. Illyrio was in the Dragonbone business. If I could just take a look around his warehouse...

He pulled the bowstring without making a sound, drawing it to about 70% of its capacity. This display of strength was impressive for a minor and gave Illyrio a glimpse of Viserys's potential.

He carefully supported the bowstring and let it slowly return to its resting position, a gesture that did not go unnoticed by Illyrio. This showed his respect and understanding of the weapon, earning him more favor from the merchant.

Any bow left unstrung could suffer damage, and as a jeweler and Dragonbone merchant, Illyrio appreciated the care Viserys showed. Although the bow was now a gift, it still meant something to him that it would be cherished.

The two men chatted a while longer. Illyrio mentioned he had another business meeting to attend, so he didn’t stay long. Before leaving, he left Viserys another gift.

Viserys couldn't help but marvel at Illyrio's extravagance.

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