Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Chapter 38: Dany’s Birthday

During this time, Viserys could sense Helbo's gradually cold attitude. However, he didn't care. Viserys believed that he could offer something so enticing that Helbo would be compelled to show his loyalty.

"This is an acquaintance. Let him come up," Viserys said, and the plainclothes guards of the Iron Bank released Helbo.

Helbo stretched his joints a bit and got into the carriage with a smirk.

"Goddman Helbo, what a surprise to meet you here!" Viserys teased.

"I heard that Lady Dany's birthday is coming up soon, so I wanted to ask where it will be held," Helbo replied. His excuse was pretty lame, but Viserys didn't call him out on it. In his previous life, he had heard a saying that some people have birthdays because they want to have them, and some people have birthdays because others need them to have them.

Curious, Viserys asked, "Where did you hear about Dany's birthday?"

Helbo's answer impressed Viserys. Ser Darry, who had fled with the siblings, had lived with them in the House with the Red Door. After Ser Darry's death, the servants in the House began to divide up his possessions. 

When Helbo and Viserys were still working together, Helbo had secretly found those people. Although he did not recover any goods, he was able to ask about the siblings' birthdays. He had originally planned to part ways with Viserys, but now he realized that he could use this information.

"Dany has suffered with me for many years, but there's no need to make a big deal of it. Let's just celebrate at my place," Viserys said.

Hearing this, Helbo's heart finally settled. "Us"! Listen to that, it's a comforting word. At this point, Helbo didn't have any more extravagant wishes. He thought Viserys had fallen into Falia's clutches and was just one step away from being completely influenced by her.

To his surprise, Viserys handed him a white, shelled egg.

"What is this...?" Helbo asked.

"Moonshadow. This is the product of my collaboration with Lady Moonshadow. How much do you think this will sell for?" Viserys replied.

Helbo held the soap in his hand and felt it. It was smooth and slippery. But after touching it, there was no residue on his hands, and it felt fresh and clean. He sniffed it under his nose and noticed a faint aroma.

'This thing must be made from whale oil, right? It shouldn't be too expensive,' Helbo thought to himself. He quoted a price he thought was relatively high. "Five, five or six silver moons?"

Viserys smiled and said, "Higher."

"A dozen?"


"Twenty or so."

"Gods!" Morel, who had been watching Helbo's face, saw his expression gradually change to one of disbelief.

"Helbo, one Moonshadow sells for five gold dragons. This is the lowest price."

Hearing that it was five gold dragons, Helbo nearly dropped the soap. 'Five gold dragons!'

Helbo was already regretting his earlier decision. If he could confront his past self who sold the whale oil, he would have beaten him black and blue.

Seeing Helbo's reaction, Viserys decided it was time to make his offer. "I have decided to give you two percent of the share as a reward for taking charge of the workshop's safety. What do you think?"

"Two percent?"

"Yes, Master Morel will guarantee our transaction."

Helbo was stunned. 'I've suddenly become a member of the bourgeoisie? I've done what even Banergar couldn't do!'

Helbo felt dizzy. Looking at the rapidly receding scenery outside the carriage, everything felt surreal.

The main reason Viserys was willing to let Helbo participate was to avoid wasting too much energy on managing the business. Strengthening his power, finding a way to obtain the "Skinchanger  Technique," practicing the Skinchanger  Technique, and collecting dragon eggs were all very energy-intensive tasks.

Spending some money to keep the soap business running smoothly was more important than anything else. His own energy and time were his most precious resources.


Soon, the first batch of soap flowed into the market. Falia truly had a head for business.

After receiving the first batch of soap from Viserys, she immediately offered fifty pieces to the Temple of the Moonsingers. Given that Falia was called Moonshadow and the soap was named Moonshadow, it struck a chord with the temple leader.

Falia was promptly given the title of "Pure," becoming known as "Pure Falia." This newfound title immediately boosted her reputation, attracting more guests to her establishment. Consequently, the price of a bar of soap skyrocketed to more than ten, sometimes even twenty, gold dragons.

Naturally, this kind of success attracted envy. However, the current profits from the limited display of soaps were not enough to tempt the major players. This was a result of Viserys's deliberate control of production, ensuring that soap remained a luxury item.

Viserys knew that if he flooded the market with soap, selling each bar for ten or even dozens of silver moons across the Free Cities, the powerful factions lurking in the shadows would pounce, tearing his business apart like sharks smelling blood.

In the end, he was still too weak. Constantly on edge, it felt as if he was walking on thin ice, never knowing if he would make it to the other side.


In the theater, a young man held a bar of soap and asked, "Which workshop made this?"

"We're still investigating, Lord Andersen," the clerk replied.

"Still investigating? No need to investigate anymore." Andersen casually placed the soap on the table.

Recently, Morel had become unusually stubborn, refusing to sell the workshop. Not only that, but they had the funds to buy new raw materials. Andersen guessed that the Morel candle workshop was the source of the soap. Additionally, with the workshop being associated with Falia, and the soap named "Moon Shadow" while she was called "Moonshadow," the connection was clear as day.

"Find out who made this. I'll offer him a satisfactory price," Andersen commanded.

Andersen hailed from House Fregar, one of the three great families of Braavos. To him, money was just a number. As long as he could topple Falia and ensure that the courtesan on his side won the beauty pageant, it would be worth it.

Meanwhile, Viserys was unaware of these developments. The deadline he had set with the female assassin was approaching. If he could subdue her, he would gain the art of the skinchangers. If he could control birds of prey like falcons, it would greatly benefit his future career as a sellsword. With no battlefield fog and one-sided transparent information, any well-educated general could dominate!

"It's almost time," he thought.

After using Dragon Dreams to scout, Viserys decided that tonight, he would definitely convince the assassin.

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