Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Chapter 40: Dany’s Birthday II

The profits from working with Viserys during this period far exceeded Falia's expectations. She gifted one of her ships to Dany on her birthday, naming it the "Silver Girl." Although Dany couldn't handle the cargo ship and Viserys lacked the time to manage it, Falia continued to run the ship, while the profits belonged to Dany.

On this day, Viserys held a birthday party for Dany. The number of guests far surpassed his expectations. The spacious yard was nearly packed. Guests, aware of Viserys and Falia's close business partnership, attended hoping to capitalize on it, not yet understanding the true value of the event.

Carriages blocked the road, and the room overflowed with gifts. Dany was dazzled by the colorful boxes of all sizes, stacked like a small mountain. Falia sent Ranche, and naturally, Morel and his son were present.

Helbo, who had planned to bring many items, found it difficult to squeeze in. With a bright idea, he called in a dozen of his men to maintain order and his maid to assist. He also invited a singer to praise Dany's beauty, and guests danced to the music.

Only then did Viserys and Dany finally appear. Seeing that it was almost time, Viserys asked his maid to call Dany down. Dany wore a necklace from Falia, a silver dress, and a hair accessory that took four hours to make. She truly embodied the elegance of a Targaryen Princess.

However, when Dany saw the large crowd at her birthday party, she felt overwhelmed. The lawn where she usually practiced swordsmanship was packed with people, creating a vibrant tapestry of colors. It was clear the lawn would need renovation after the party.

As Dany appeared, the guests turned to look at her, unable to take their eyes off her. They had never seen such a beautiful young girl, and their gazes made Dany even more nervous.

She felt a tinge of post traumatic stress disorder, remembering the infamous "crown party" her brother Viserys had thrown, which became the laughingstock of the city and tormented her for an entire year.

"Don't be afraid. Just say hello to the guests," Viserys whispered. He wanted to pat Dany's head, but the elaborate hair ornaments made him hesitate. Glancing back, he saw a woman in a black mask nodding at him. It was Kyla. Since being captured by Viserys, she had become Dany's personal bodyguard, sleeping in the room next to Dany's and never leaving her side during the day. She had already informed her superiors by special means that she was looking for an opportunity to make her move during the 10-Day Festival.

Viserys raised his wine glass and tapped it with a spoon. The guests, who had not yet seen the main character, Dany, looked over. "Thank you all for coming to my sister Daenerys' birthday party. To Dany's health! Cheers!"

"Cheers..." The guests raised their glasses and drank. Many thought they should be toasting Dany's beauty.

Viserys looked around and continued, "In addition, to thank you all for coming, I have prepared some gifts for you, which will be distributed by our Dany."

"Wow! A gift?"

"What gift?" The guests whispered, as a bald man carrying a large bamboo basket appeared. It was Regis. Regis's basket contained numerous exquisite boxes. He led the way, followed by Dany and Kyla. Dany handed the boxes to everyone personally, giving some the chance to "admire" her beauty up close.

"Thank you for coming to my birthday party."
"No, it's my pleasure."
"Thank you for coming to my birthday party."
"It's the gods' favor to me."
"Thank you..."

Even those who hadn't attended the party would think it worthwhile just to see Dany's beauty. Some guests carefully opened their boxes and found the Moon Shadow inside. Although it was only the size of a quail egg, it was enough to surprise them. What Viserys said next made their trip truly worthwhile.

"These 'Moon Shadows' are all the scraps of the Moon Shadows offered to the gods. If they are used to worship the gods, it is disrespectful, but if they are used by mortals, it is a kind of grace!"

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone quickly took a look and then carefully tucked the gift into their arms. In this era of poor medical conditions, the Moon Shadow was more than just a piece of soap. With the blessing of the gods, it might be the elixir that brings the dead back to life in desperate moments.

However, not everyone was impressed. Andersen pinched the soap with his fingernail, finding it greasy, and tossed it back into the box. His eyes never left Dany. She was even more beautiful than the first time he saw her, reaffirming his confidence in his own judgment. In fact, he had been the one to set the original trap for Viserys.

Andersen's gaze shifted to Viserys, his brown eyes flashing with malice. 'A stray dog that keeps getting in the way of my plans! Today, you will learn the meaning of the word "obey!"' To him, the siblings were easy prey.

After setting his sights on Dany, he hired a trainer from New Ghis to prepare her as a bed slave, a plan only thwarted by Viserys's interference. However, this time his goal aligned with his family's interests, allowing him to pressure the Viserys siblings on behalf of House Fregar.

He gave his personal servant a discreet nod. The lean servant in his thirties, seemingly telepathic with his master, understood the request without a word. He nodded back and walked towards Viserys and the others.

"Who is it?" Regis, serving tea and water to the guests, heard a knock at the door. He approached, a bit impatient. When the person at the door introduced himself, Regis seemed to panic. "Yes, yes, yes. Just a moment."

Viserys and the others noticed Regis's strange reaction and looked at him with concern. "Someone from House Fregar is here."

"Fregar!" The name rang in Helbo's ears, causing his hand to shake and the meat on his fork to fall. He glanced at Viserys, thinking the young man was being overly proud. While it was an achievement for Falia to send someone to congratulate his sister, associating with such a powerful family was even more impressive. But remembering Viserys's former identity, it was not surprising.

Old Morel and his son were also clearly surprised, but Morel sensed something was amiss when he saw Viserys's expression. Viserys himself was confused; he had no connection with House Fregar, except for a clue he had found earlier indicating that before Danglar left Braavos, he had gone to Moonsingers, where the Fregars had the most concentrated family business. The other party did not seem friendly.

Despite his lack of strength to refuse, Viserys agreed to let the visitor in. A moment later, a young man in his late twenties with a strong build entered. He surveyed the room, his manner presumptuous and eyes revealing contempt. When he looked at Viserys, jealousy flashed in his eyes. 'Hmph, with such a face, it would be better to sell him to New Ghis to be trained as a bed slave.'

"It is a great honor to have you attend my sister's birthday party," Viserys said as the host.

But Andersen ignored Viserys's words and sat down uninvited. Morel and Helbo, sensing something was wrong, put down their knives and forks, sitting primly with their hands under the table and wearing flattering smiles. Andersen, however, paid them no mind and looked at Viserys. "How is Prince Viserys doing in Braavos?"

Just as Viserys was about to respond, Andersen waved him off. "Hey, a dog that has lost its home, how could it be doing well?" Viserys was now certain that the man before him was the one who had set him up.

He remembered that when the current Sealord was about to die, he transferred his power to the House Fregar. This meant that in the future, the Fregar family would likely win the battle against House Zalyne.

Although Viserys had previously discovered that the person who set up the original Viserys might be from House Fregar, he chose to remain silent. But now that Andersen had made a bold appearance, Viserys realized he had little room to back down.

Andersen's words caused Helbo and the others to gasp in surprise. His rudeness made them wonder when Viserys had offended him. The group dared not breathe, observing Viserys and Andersen's reactions.

Viserys knew this was not the time to turn his back on them, nor did he have the means to do so. The original Viserys had died a violent death for not setting things straight. He told himself to endure for the time being. If he really wanted to vent his anger, he could wait until the dragon hatched. Then, even if he had to level Braavos, he would have a chance.

"Your words are indeed sharp," he responded in a neutral tone. Andersen was a little surprised to see that Viserys's expression had not changed. Leaning back, he looked around and said, "Where is Dany? Why is the main character of this banquet missing?"

"She's upstairs opening her presents," Viserys replied.

"Oh, I see. Dany is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen," Andersen said as the maid Jill served him with cutlery. Andersen grabbed a fork and rudely poked a large piece of meat off the lamb chop on the plate.

"When Dany grows up, she will definitely be a beauty. If she becomes the Courtesan of Braavos, she will surely win the beauty pageant and become the chief courtesan! Then countless men would throw gold at her feet just to spend a night with her. I believe that when Dany grows up, there is nothing she can't do if she just spreads her legs," Andersen said, looking at the lamb chop in his hand with a lewd expression.

'I'm going to kill you!' Viserys took a deep breath, immediately thinking of nine ways to kill Andersen. Among other things, he could throw the fork in his hand and impale the man in the throat. But unfortunately, he couldn't act now. If he did, no one in the courtyard would survive. He couldn't let anyone else pay the price for his actions.

Morel and his son were terrified, glancing at Viserys, afraid he might do something rash. Helbo was shaking with fear. Viserys had always impressed him as someone who could kill a man as easily as a chicken. He also knew that Dany was Viserys's Achilles' heel. Now that Andersen was about to exploit this weakness, could Viserys suppress his anger?

"They say a mother is a child's first teacher, and it seems the prince has learned his lessons from a good source," Andersen sneered, looking provocatively at the lamb chop in his hand. When Viserys spoke rudely to him, the ferocity in Andersen's brown eyes swept toward Viserys like a wolf's claws. But as their eyes met, Andersen felt a chill down his spine.

Viserys's burning purple eyes, slightly engorged, were unnerving. The stainless steel knife and fork in his hand were twisted together like a metal twist. Andersen suddenly remembered that the young man before him was not just any mourner, but one with fangs.

Dany was Viserys's only concern. If Andersen pushed too hard, he might not leave this room alive. Fearing Viserys's retort, the Morel and Helbo felt as if they had fallen into an icy pit. All they could think was: 'Please, stop!'

Viserys and Andersen's eyes locked like swords above the table, emitting a fiery glow. Suddenly, there was a loud crash. The maid Jill had fainted, her face pale and bloodless.

Crunch, crunch, crunch... The knife and fork in Viserys's hand made a sound that set everyone's teeth on edge. Faced with such a cold atmosphere, Andersen couldn't stand it any longer. He said, "House Fregar is very interested in the Shadow of the Moon you invented..."

He stopped mid-sentence, his meaning clear: Hand over the soap, and you'll be spared for now.

"There are many interested parties," Viserys replied, leaving the rest unsaid—'Who do you think you are?'

However, Helbo was screaming in his heart: 'Give it to him! Please! Give it to him!!'

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