Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Chapter 42: House Zalyne

Based on my observation of the noblewoman's complexion that day, she appeared to be a pregnant woman suffering from slow-acting lead poisoning. Combined with the information he'd gathered earlier, Viserys knew that the Zalynes had not had a healthy child in over a decade, a direct cause of their decline. Viserys estimated that the child in the lady's womb was also unlikely to survive.

Additionally, there were rumors that the current Sealord's health was deteriorating, displaying symptoms typical of severe anemia. Among the three families, only House Fregar showed milder symptoms of lead poisoning. The reason was unclear to Viserys, but he speculated that either the Fregars were aware of the dangers and took precautions, or their regular diet helped expel lead from their bodies. If it was the former, their intentions were sinister; if the latter, they were simply fortunate.

Viserys couldn't guarantee that he could cure the Lady, but he could offer her hope. If she accepted his help, he wouldn't have to worry about the soap workshop.

"Dany, go to sleep if you want. I'll keep watch. Kyla, you should sleep too," Viserys said.

"Lord, I'll keep watch," Kyla offered.

"I'm not sure about your skills," Viserys replied with a hint of sadness.

Kyla, who had always considered herself a bodyguard, started to disagree but realized Viserys was right. "Brother, I'm not tired. I'll keep you company," Dany said.

"Close your eyes and recite the song of the moon. You'll fall asleep in no time," Viserys suggested, arranging for the two of them to sleep together, snuggled up close. The custom-made carriage was spacious, with blankets and pillows, allowing them to sleep comfortably.


Meanwhile, Helbo, upon leaving, began to "technically lay off" his employees. "Just tell everyone they've all worked hard recently, give them their money, and let them relax for a while."

"Yes, M'lord. Are you going somewhere else?" the young accountant asked, meticulously aware of Helbo's financial situation. It was unusual for him to dismiss his staff when the soap workshop was doing well, making this move particularly strange.

"Me? I also need to take a break. I've been spending most of my time at the Moon Pool Theater lately," Helbo said. By "Moon Pool Theater," he actually meant the area around Purple Harbor. Helbo had already converted most of his money into expensive gems, ready to flee a

t any moment if House Fregar made a move.

Meanwhile, Morel and his son informed Falia about the confrontation between Viserys and Andersen. However, Falia didn't have a good solution. As a courtesan, she spent her days mingling in the upper circles, but without a solid foundation, they could fall at any time.

Though the houses wouldn't act against them on a whim, she sensed something was wrong this time. Falia couldn't blame Viserys for not being calm, and she didn't want him to hand over the soap recipe easily either. She needed the income from the soap just as much as Viserys did. For now, all she could do was take things one step at a time.

"Lady Falia, why don't we go to the Great Grass Sea together? You're so beautiful, you'll definitely be noticed by a Khal, and then you'll become a Khaleesi!" Asha suggested, her dark, almond-shaped eyes serious and earnest.

Falia smiled and said nothing. Asha's thinking was too naive. Someone like Falia might have some status in Braavos, but elsewhere, she would be an easy target. In places like the Great Grass Sea, she would be eaten alive.

"Let's wait a little longer. Didn't Viserys say he would find a way? Let's wait a little longer," Falia said, more to herself than to Asha. She could read the swordsmen and merchants around her easily, but Viserys remained an enigma. Some time ago, she had asked Asha to gather information about him. In just three months, he seemed to have undergone a massive transformation.

Most people believed Viserys had become ruthless, willing to kill without hesitation. But Falia saw that his so-called ruthlessness was different. He spared Helbo, who was relatively weak, but killed Banergar without mercy, using the terrifying method of tying a rope around his mouth to show off his skills. He even took on the job of being a henchman as a prince, a mentality not easily adjusted.

Falia had a feeling that this "Beggar King," as others saw him, would be able to turn the tide of this crisis and perhaps even rise higher.


With a roar like a Titan, Braavos begins a new day. The sound emanates from the Titan of Braavos, one of the nine wonders of the world. Although the Titan is a little far from Bitterwell, its roar is muted when the siblings are at home. Families like the Zalyne's have carefully chosen their location, ensuring the Titan's roar is heard clearly.

At this moment, the House Zalyne fortress also rings out with bells. The bells are long and short, and very regular. Like a string of instructions, they make the ancient fortress come to life.

Dany and Kyla, who had slept in their clothes, woke up quietly. It was as if they remembered that something important was going to happen today. As soon as they opened their eyes, they sat up. Viserys handed them each a damp towel.

"Wipe your faces. We should be able to get in soon."

Looking out of the carriage window, Viserys saw figures moving on the battlements. 'They must be House Zalyne's servants. The three great houses share the military power of Braavos, so it’s possible these people are all in the army,' Viserys thought to himself.

Soon, the gate of the fortress creaked open, as if breathing the first breath of air each day. A woman emerged from behind the gate—the maid who had accompanied the noblewoman to the Temple of the Moonsingers the other day. She walked with a straight posture, moving gracefully towards Viserys' carriage.

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