Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Chapter 59: The Bear

Apart from the dragon egg before them, Viserys and Dany had only seen one other at House Zalyne. According to their knowledge, Illyrio possesses three or more, the Sealord reportedly has three, and House Fregar might also have one.

Euron claims he once had a dragon egg, but it's thought he used it to pay the Faceless Men to assassinate his brother, King Balon.

The Iron Bank, known for safeguarding not just currency but also precious items, might also have dragon eggs. Other Free Cities could have them as well. After the fall of Valyria, a few 'Dragonlords' remained in the Free Cities, but they and their dragons were eventually killed by locals.

The Dothraki, who raid far and wide, might possess a dragon egg, though the probability is low. Viserys' goal is to collect at least five dragon eggs before the appearance of the Red Comet. This egg, plus Illyrio's three and one from House Zalyne, forms his baseline goal. As long as he can find a way to raise the five dragons, he will have "passed the level." However, once the dragons hatch, he will become a beacon in the night, drawing the attention of all forces.

'Let's get the dragon eggs first,' Viserys decided, shifting his focus to the sword.

The sword, seemingly a two-handed weapon, would not be easy to obtain. Even if he won the championship in Swordsmanship, there would be significant hurdles. If all else failed, he could ask for cash instead, as the price of a claymore could arm a hundred men. After all, it was a claymore, not a laser sword.

Following the ships carrying the dragon eggs and claymores were the Courtesans' vessels. One ship, surrounded by flying birds, appeared to belong to the Nightingale, Gortave. Another ship had numerous soap bubbles reflecting a dreamlike luster in the sunlight, clearly Falia's vessel. The enchanting bubbles overshadowed the magic of the bird-laden ship, capturing the interest of the shore's spectators.

"It's so beautiful."

"How long does it take to make this?"

"It's so beautiful."

To some, Falia's boat seemed to be burning with gold. Despite the beauty of other boats, including those of Falia and Gortave, none could match the splendor of Falia's display. Even the boat of the "Poetess" from House Antaryon, which appeared first, was overshadowed.

Yet, she remained unfazed. Ferrego didn't expect her to win the entire beauty contest, and she herself was indifferent. With the Sealord's support, winning or losing didn't matter.

In stark contrast, Gortave had high hopes for her boat adorned with beautiful birds. She believed it would captivate everyone, but the soap bubbles stole the show. "I heard these were made by the Beggar King, Viserys," Gortave's maid, Betha, remarked. Betha, a bed slave from Yunkai, bore a striking resemblance to Gortave. Both had dark red hair, differing only in brightness, making them nearly indistinguishable in dim light. This similarity was why Gortave chose her as a stand-in.

"I remember you saying that Viserys is also participating in the Swordsmanship Tournament?" Gortave asked.

"Yes," Betha confirmed.

"Tomorrow, you'll take my place, and Kethmo and I will go see this Beggar King."

"Okay, I'll inform Kethmo," Betha replied. Kethmo, Gortave's loyal bodyguard, was known for his fierce loyalty. It was said he once killed a sailor who claimed his wife was more beautiful than Nightingale. Gortave had meticulously trained Kethmo to be her devoted protector.

Once, Gortave had Betha dress in her clothes and seduce a Braavosi official while keeping Kethmo on the ship. She instructed Betha to scream as loudly as possible. Just as Kethmo was about to break, Gortave appeared before him, and he felt as if his soul had been saved. Betha spent the night as Gortave's double, while Gortave and Kethmo spent the night counting the stars. Gortave even pretended to fall asleep in his arms, but Kethmo did nothing.

As the courtesans' boats passed, they were followed by vessels carrying musicians and singers. These boats were spaced apart to prevent their music from clashing. The long procession took almost half an hour to pass, with the rich riding in carriages and ordinary people walking.

Illyrio, the great merchant, had naturally arranged for a carriage. He was irritated when Varys informed him that Viserys was bluffing. He realized he had been outwitted by a clever fox but kept this to himself, as his relationship with Varys was a secret. Illyrio suspected Viserys had other sources and wasn't just fabricating his information. Varys might have been a front.

From Illyrio's perspective, Viserys believed he had fooled him, but Illyrio could reverse the deception, making Viserys think he had succeeded. This strategy might yield something useful. Additionally, Illyrio wanted the Lannisters to continue providing cover for his bastards and diverting Robert's attention. That’s why he didn’t "freeze" the account he had given to Viserys, even after confirming the news with Varys.

However, Viserys was also a master of deception. Illyrio knew that even if he pretended ignorance, Viserys would be aware that he knew. Through this intrigue, Illyrio learned about the soap and House Zalyne. Besides meeting Viserys, he intended to discuss the soap with House Zalyne.


At this time, the Titan of Braavos was bustling with activity. Snacks, toys, acrobats, and minstrels filled the streets, creating a lively atmosphere. For safety reasons, Viserys did not allow Dany to get out of the carriage to play; instead, they remained inside. If they wanted to buy something along the way, they would send Regis, who was following them, to make the purchase.

Regis, now acting as Viserys' eyes and ears, was keeping an eye on Kyla. Viserys was curious about who Kyla's contact would be. As Kyla met with the man, Regis realized it was indeed someone from Westeros, and more specifically, from the North.

When the man introduced himself, Regis was completely taken aback. "I am Jorah Mormont of Bear Island," the man said, "and I will be working with you to assassinate Viserys Targaryen and Daenerys Targaryen."

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