Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Chapter 65: Choosing a Sellsword Company

"That's a shame. You didn't inherit my good looks from your mother," Viserys taunted with a mocking smile.

Thane, unfazed by the provocation, remained focused. His battle-hardened experience showed in his powerful and wide-ranging attacks with the double-handed sword. Viserys initially focused on parrying and blocking, but soon realized he could defeat Thane within ten moves. However, he chose to use this opportunity to gauge his own abilities against a seasoned fighter, assessing how many opponents he might handle simultaneously in future battles.

He knew he had to avoid getting carried away in the heat of combat, especially after joining the Sellswords. It was crucial to leave himself some margin for error.

Meanwhile, Viserys' "celebrity effect" had drawn a large crowd, leaving the Pretty Meris, who had overslept, without a good seat. Now, she stood in a corner with a particularly bad view.

"What are you pushing for?" a young man in his twenties shouted angrily as he felt someone shoving behind him. But when he turned and saw Meris, a tall woman over 1.8 meters with a scarred face, he froze and quickly gave up his spot. Meris stood in front of him with satisfaction, almost completely blocking his view. He didn't utter a word, just huddled behind her like a monkey hiding from a fierce beast.

From behind, Meris was actually quite striking. Her thick blonde hair hung behind her head, and she exuded a faint scent of lavender mixed with a unique feminine allure. However, the memory of her scarred face quickly shattered the young man's brief fantasy.

Meris, observing Viserys on stage, noted his apparent ease and strength. 'If he can win, we might consider inviting him to join the Windblown,' she thought.

Secretly, she hoped having such a handsome young man around would be a pleasant change from the usual company of rough-looking comrades.

Back on stage, Viserys gradually felt the pressure mounting. Although Thane's two-handed sword delivered powerful blows, it also demanded immense physical effort. Realizing he needed to end the fight quickly, Viserys intensified his attacks, aiming to turn the tide. Each of Thane's strikes targeted Viserys' vital points, reflecting his intent to win at any cost.

Despite the mounting pressure, Viserys remained composed. If he could read Thane's thoughts, he might have laughed at the absurdity of the situation. You'll see what a storm is like! Viserys thought, having already gauged Thane's strength and sensed his malice. It was time to conclude this battle decisively.

After receiving Thane's full-power attack, Viserys calmly said, "I didn't want to kill you."

Thane stared at the young man before him, incredulous. 'He can still speak! His breathing is so stable!'

Thane realized he had been defeated. Before he could react, Viserys suddenly bent over, delivering a powerful blow to Thane's waist and throwing him backward. Thane's sword fell from his hand as he was kicked out of the ring, his spleen ruptured, leaving him with only days to live.

With precise combat skills, Viserys had delivered a fatal blow. Thane collapsed like a rag doll, and moments later, the crowd erupted in cheers.

"Viserys Targaryen wins!"

Regis, in the room, roared with a heart-rending cry, while Daenerys felt her blood surge with excitement. 

Meris's blue eyes gleamed; he knew that recruiting this young man would surely earn him a reward from the captain. Illyrio, too, pondered whether to introduce Viserys to the Golden Company, considering having his men keep an eye on him.

Meanwhile, Jorah abandoned his assassination plan. Initially, he had intended to use Kyla to lure Viserys out and then kill him. Despite hearing about Viserys' exploits, he believed he stood a good chance, especially with a surprise attack. But now, he dismissed this idea entirely. A head-on clash would require full armor and a long weapon, while Viserys would have to be unarmed.

The power of Viserys' kick was terrifying. Jorah suddenly recalled the title of a Targaryen king, a young lord who had led an army at fifteen to quell a rebellion in Dorne. Although he died young, his legend endured. 'No, even the young dragon lord wouldn't be that good at fighting,' Jorah thought.

Realizing the futility of assassination, he considered providing information to King's Landing instead. Assassinating Daenerys was out of the question, as it would undoubtedly provoke Viserys.

If he could put aside his plans to join the Sellswords and go to Bear Island with a new identity, the consequences would be unimaginable. This judgment came after learning of Banergar's fate.

The next day, Viserys won two more consecutive rounds, solidifying his status as the victor of the seventh ring.

Gortave, along with the five swordsmen under House Fregar, emerged as the winners of the fourth ring. The Lady's three ring winners were also under her command, while the rest were divided among various sellswords and swordsmen from other Free Cities. Standing out among over 300 competitors, Viserys' performance exceeded many expectations.

Over the past two days, Viserys received numerous invitations—from sellswords eager to have him join their ranks, to wealthy merchants and foreign magistrates seeking him as a bodyguard. The offers were substantial, reaching up to 5,000 gold dragons a year. However, when Viserys mentioned he was the inventor of the Moonshadow, many backed off.

Yet, his apparent lack of financial need and continued interest in joining a mercenary group only fueled the excitement among the sellswords. Viserys now faced three main choices: the Golden Company, Stormcrows, and the Windblown.

The Golden Company, the most powerful mercenary group, was a natural consideration due to its historical ties with the Targaryens. Despite being dubbed "The Beggar King" by them, Viserys valued their strength. However, the possibility of being monitored by Illyrio's men was intolerable.

The second option, the Stormcrows, operated frequently in Slaver's Bay, aligning with Viserys' plan to strengthen his forces and acquire the Unsullied from Astapor. However, Slaver's Bay had been relatively peaceful, limiting the scale of operations there.

The third and most favored choice was the Windblown, led by the Tattered Prince. This leader, once a prince of Pentos, fled to avoid being sacrificed as a scapegoat. He eventually founded the Windblown after years of mercenary experience. The Tattered Prince's greatest desire was to return to Pentos and wield real power.

Pentos, with its proximity to Westeros and strategic location near the Dothraki and the Disputed Lands—a hotbed for sellswords—presented an ideal launch point for future campaigns. This made the Windblown an attractive option, given the potential for continuous warfare and market prospects.

Viserys planned to join the Windblown, amass wealth, and eventually form his own mercenary group, using it as a foundation for hatching dragons and conquering Slaver's Bay. However, he knew not to appear too eager, lest he lose his bargaining power.

While deliberating his options, Kyla entered with a man wrapped in a black cloak. The man lifted his hood, revealing a familiar face—Andersen.

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