Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Chapter 79: You Don’t Have the Answer I Want in Your Eyes

After the tournament concluded, Ferrego announced that all theaters and troupes in Braavos would perform for free. Musicians and singers were also required to entertain tourists without charge. However, they could visit the Sealord's Palace afterward to receive a reward. This decision was not out of Ferrego's generosity but a strategic move to collect a bit more tax this year.

Viserys, assured by Ferrego's promise, waited patiently for nightfall to claim his prize at the Sealord's Palace. Tormo had initially planned to create obstacles, but he soon received devastating news: the "Nightingale" had fled, leaving only her maid behind. Enraged, Tormo ordered the maid's execution and dispatched men to kill Gortave and Kethmo. Meanwhile, the rest of the city plunged into the carnival's climax.

"It's confirmed that Viserys has rejected the Stormcrows' invitation," Dick reported to Meris.

Touching her broken nose, Meris responded, "He turned down the Stormcrows, the Company of the Cat is at odds with him, and he seems uninterested in the Second Sons. Does that mean it's just us and the Golden Company now?"

"It looks that way," Dick nodded.

"Then let's go!"

Viserys was anticipating the Windblown's arrival. He had already begun gathering information about the Disputed Lands and the Windblown. The three Free Cities had been in conflict here for years, with the Dothraki in the northeast being a constant menace. Amidst such turmoil, a well-organized mercenary group could quickly establish a reputation. The Windblown had a blood feud with the Company of the Cat, who had been causing trouble since arriving in Braavos. Viserys saw an opportunity to eliminate them if given the chance.

Additionally, he noted that famous sellsword companies had distinctive traits. The Golden Company collected the skulls of their former captains. The Long Lances were known for their cruelty and bloodlust. Bloodbeard, leader of the Company of the Cat, was lustful, bloodthirsty, and boisterous. The Tattered Prince of the Windblown, in contrast, was elegant and spoke High Valyrian.

As Viserys considered forming his own sellsword company, Dany suddenly ran in. Seeing him surrounded by maps and books, she slowed her pace. He had just finished a tournament and was already contemplating his next move.


"What is it?"

"The fat merchant is here."

'Illyrio!' Viserys thought for a moment. He probably wanted to discuss his joining the Golden Company.

"Do you want to come with me to see him?"

Dany nodded hesitantly.

"If you don't want to go, you don't have to."

Dany shook her head again.

"Okay, then you should think about what you're going to bring. We'll be leaving Braavos soon."


Viserys quickly tidied himself up and went to meet Illyrio. By now, Illyrio must have settled his accounts with Varys, making this meeting potentially interesting. It would be a game of "I know you know" and "Do you know what I don't know?"

Illyrio was still clad in a red robe, though of a different style. The gold jewelry and his reddish-golden hair and beard still gave him the air of a nouveau riche.

"Prince Viserys."

"Master Illyrio."

The fat merchant began with exaggerated praise of Viserys's martial prowess and talent, expressing amazement and envy from various angles. Then he shifted the conversation to the mercenary group, revealing that he had already spoken with Jon Connington, who suggested giving it another try.

"If the Prince is interested in joining a mercenary group, have you considered the Golden Company? I have some friends there who can introduce you."

"Thank you for your kindness, but I have no intention of joining the Golden Company. It's precisely because I know too many people there that I don't want to go."

Viserys smiled and added, "Have you forgotten who founded the Golden Company? Aegor Rivers, a Targaryen bastard. How could I possibly join?"

Illyrio sensed something amiss. Viserys had always seemed pragmatic, so why refuse the Golden Company for this reason?

"But the Golden Company is the strongest mercenary group on the continent of Essos. Aegor founded it to reclaim the Iron Throne, which is your goal as well!"

Viserys suppressed his expression and waved his hand dismissively. "My lord, only bastards covet what belongs to legitimate children. How could legitimate children covet what belongs to bastards? It's a disgrace! And you forgot? They laughed at me. At the Crown Banquet, they called me the Beggar King."

Illyrio felt a pang of bitterness. How could he have forgotten? But he was not ready to give up.

"You can change your name, and then, with enough experience, start your own mercenary group!"

"The proud dragon blood surges through my veins, and I will never change my name!" Viserys declared.

Suddenly, Illyrio seemed to have a revelation. 'Could it be that he has discovered something?!' With this thought, he abandoned trying to persuade Viserys to join the Golden Company.

"Which mercenary group are you going to join? With the Prince's martial skills, you must have many options, right?"

Just as Viserys was about to respond, a maid entered to announce, "My lord, Meris of the Windblown wants to see you."

"Please send her in."

Illyrio's eyes twitched, suspecting that Viserys might want to join the Windblown.

Soon, a tall blonde woman with scars all over her face walked in, accompanied by a shorter, gray-haired man. The deep scars on Meris's face made it look as if she was wearing a crude mask.

"Lord Viserys, I am Meris, and this is Dick."

"Lady Meris, Lord Dick, this is Illyrio."

Meris couldn't recall who Illyrio was, but his build did not suggest a sellsword.

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, the conversation turned to business. "Lord Viserys, I've come on behalf of the Windblown to invite you to join us. What do you say?"

The fat merchant's expression hardened, sensing that his man might be poached. He turned to look at Viserys, but Viserys's eyes did not reveal the answer he was seeking.

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