Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Chapter 81: Fire’s Joy

Feeling the delicate scales on the green dragon egg, Viserys noticed a swirling pattern at the bottom. 'What determines the quality of a dragon egg? Is it active?' he wondered.

He recalled the reign of Aegon III, when a "Dragon of No Name" had hatched. According to records, this "dragon" was as pale as a maggot, blind, and wingless. It was possible that a dragon egg could hatch a monster instead of a dragon.

After a moment of contemplation, Viserys set the dragon egg back on the tray and lifted the brocade from the second tray. A long sword with a wave pattern on the blade appeared before him. The Valyrian steel sword's blade featured five evenly distributed ripple patterns. The handle, made of wear-resistant maple wood, was inlaid with a red gem.

Viserys gently touched the blade with his fingertips, puzzled when his panel did not respond. The Valyrian steel sword should have had magical properties, so why wasn't it working on the panel? 'Does it need to be touched with blood?' he thought. He tried channeling his magic into the sword and was surprised to feel a slight but rapid vibration from the blade. Shocked, he quickly stopped the transmission of magic to avoid being noticed and decided to experiment further in private.

Setting aside these thoughts, Viserys picked up the Valyrian steel sword and swung it lightly. It was perfectly balanced and had the right center of gravity, making it very handy. There was a saying that "a sharp weapon will awaken a killer instinct," and Viserys couldn't help but calculate the odds of killing Sealord Ferrego.

He concluded that, even disregarding Dany's safety, his chances of success were less than 30% due to the high platform. If the steps were lower, the success rate would increase to 50%.

He then glanced at Tormo. The chances of killing him were 90%! Viserys's murderous intent seemed to make Tormo feel a chill in his heart.

"Lord Viserys, give this sword a new name," Roth said beside him. It was said that there were fewer than 2,000 Valyrian steel swords in the world, with only about 200 in Westeros. Every Valyrian steel sword had its own name, but the previous owner of this sword had been dead for many years, and its original name had been forgotten.

Viserys glanced at the crowd and declared, "The most prevalent things I saw in Braavos were purple paint and thick fog. I will name it 'Purplemist!'"

"Good name!" Roth, as always, applauded.

Viserys smiled at the crowd. In truth, he would have preferred to call it "Fire's Joy," in keeping with the Targaryens' motto. Everyone congratulated Viserys, and Dany came over to stroke the dragon egg.

At that moment, Ferrego, seated at the head of the table, suddenly spoke:

"Lord Viserys." The unique voice of the Sealord's Palace came into play, drawing everyone's attention.

"Before the banquet began, Lord Tormo shared an excellent suggestion with me, and I think it's worth considering. Now, please allow him to present it to everyone."

As soon as Ferrego finished speaking, all eyes turned to Tormo. Viserys suppressed his joy from just receiving the prize, while the Roth stared at Tormo expressionlessly, thinking, 'What is this guy up to now?'

Tormo, flanked by his two sons, stepped into the center of the gathering and said:

"Everyone, the Lord Viserys before us is a rare 'double champion' in hundreds of years. He not only excels in competition but also in songwriting. I've heard that Lord Viserys can compose a song in less than the time it takes to drink a cup of tea. While we've all heard his masterpieces, I wonder if it would be convenient for him to demonstrate his creative process for us now?"

Tormo had taken a roundabout way to ask Viserys to compose a song on the spot. Knowing that most musicians needed a quiet environment to create, Tormo hoped to pressure Viserys in front of the crowd. As Roth tried to defend Viserys, Tormo added:

"Lord Viserys, why not use the moon as your theme? After all, you are under the protection of Braavos, and it is thanks to the Moonsingers that you have thrived. What do you think, Your Holiness?" he said, turning to the priestess.

Roth frowned. This was clearly an attempt to put Viserys on the spot. The Moonsingers held a high status in Braavos, and even the Sealord often visited their temple. Roth was puzzled as to why the High Priestess Silicet, who had previously divined Viserys' fate, would support Tormo.

Falia, at the back of the hall, overheard the conversation and couldn't help but worry for Viserys. Seeing the expectant faces around him, Viserys knew he couldn't avoid this challenge. He took a few steps forward, bowed to the priestess, then addressed the crowd:

"A few months ago, I had nightmares and sought solace at the Temple of the Moonsingers with my sister. Their song brought me peace, and I've since wanted to express my gratitude. Lord Tormo's suggestion is actually very good. Even if not today, I will compose a song to thank the Moonsingers at another time."

Tormo's face fell. Had Viserys already planned this? Nonetheless, he was curious to see what kind of song Viserys could produce on such short notice.

A maid handed Viserys a harp, and he sat down in a chair, announcing:

"This song has no lyrics, only a melody."

"No lyrics?"

"What kind of song is that?"

"Can it still be a song?"

Roth was surprised by Viserys' approach but could do nothing to intervene. Tormo snorted in contempt, thinking Viserys was trying to muddle through. Dany, however, believed in her brother's abilities and backed away with her dragon egg and Valyrian steel sword.

The nobles gathered around, eager to hear the wordless melody Viserys was about to play.

'You country bumpkins, let me enlighten you,' Viserys thought to himself.

As he plucked the strings, a melodious sound slowly spread through the hall. The room fell silent, with some initially clearing their throats, but soon everyone felt as if they were enveloped in a soft light. As seasoned nobles who frequently attended musical and theatrical performances, they possessed a basic artistic literacy. Most were deeply affected by this "Moonlight Sonata," listening with their eyes half-closed.

Even Tormo, despite his discomfort, recognized the quality of the song. The better it was, the more uneasy he felt. The Roth' eyes filled with amazement once again.

"I feel so peaceful," Methys whispered to her husband.

"Listening to this before bed will give me a good dream," Roth agreed.

Dany, closest to Viserys, was even more excited. Her brother truly was capable of anything!

A few minutes later, Viserys finished playing. From the high platform, Ferrego looked at Viserys with a strange expression. Could it be that the Targaryens, descendants of the Dragonlord, truly possessed something special? He glanced at the High Priestess beside him and saw her nodding in approval.

The crowd gradually emerged from the gentle melody's spell, expressing their appreciation.

"What a beautiful song."

"I feel like I'm bathed in moonlight."

"Me too, I feel at peace."

Seeing their expressions, Viserys knew that, even in a different world, a master remained a master.

"I call this song 'Moonlight Song,' to express my gratitude to the Moonsingers."

Silicet, standing next to Ferrego, nodded approvingly. "The moonlight is with you."

Another priest approached Viserys, holding a box. "This is the 'Moon Prayer,' used by the original Moonsingers to lead the slaves of Valyria to Braavos. It has the power to guide people on their journey," Silicet said. Her willingness to entrust such an important artifact to Viserys showed her satisfaction with his song.

'A prayer song!' Viserys remembered that the "Moon Song" he received at the Moonsingers' Temple could help accelerate his magical recovery. This "Moon Prayer" was undoubtedly a high-end version, potentially offering additional benefits. He expressed his gratitude again and accepted the "Moon Prayer."

The nobles, whether they liked it or not, congratulated him. Seeing that Viserys had passed the test, Ferrego announced, "Well, it's time to bring out our winner courtesan."

Viserys turned to see Falia enter with a group of female musicians holding harps and other instruments. Once seated, they began to play Viserys' three songs for the audience. This was the role of a courtesan; even in victory, she remained a background figure to the powerful.

As the music played, the young nobles began to dance. The powerful nobles, however, would only join in when the atmosphere was sufficiently "hot." It seemed the art of the Moondancer had yet to be fully developed.

Viserys recalled the mural of the "Broken Moon" he had seen in the Temple of the Moonsingers and decided to take this opportunity to ask the temple priestess about it.

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