Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Chapter 91: Robert’s Troubles

King's Landing.

Maegor's Holdfast in the Red Keep.

Since the completion of the Red Keep by the "cruel Maegor," this castle within a castle has served as the royal family's sleeping quarters. After Robert succeeded to the throne, he naturally made it his residence. Although he preferred to sleep in brothels most of the time, this was still his home.

The walls were adorned with yellow tapestries depicting stags' heads, and the floor was covered with carpets. More than ten sconces on the walls could hold fifty candles at a time. The room was filled with incense, leaving no doubt that this was the king's room. The only thing that didn't fit with the surroundings was Robert's loud snoring. Since becoming king, his weight had increased significantly. The big bed looked undignified with his lumpy belly rising and falling.

Just as he was fast asleep, a blond boy ran in, carrying a silk parcel from which a slimy substance was oozing.

"Father! Father!" The boy was Joffrey, about eight or nine years old, and he had just done something 'brave' that he wanted to show off to his father. Joffrey called out, trying to push Robert's enormous body with his skinny arms.

Puff! The snoring stopped abruptly, and Robert woke up. He heard Joffrey's voice and turned to look at him.

"What... ahem, what is it?" Robert asked, clearing his throat.

"Father, look!" Joffrey said, placing the silk package on Robert's bedside table.

"What is it?" Robert, like a fat seal, struggled to prop up his round body against the headboard. He sat up under Joffrey's expectant gaze and then reached out his thick, fat fingers to uncover it. A wet, bloody mass appeared before his eyes.

"What is this?" Robert exclaimed in alarm.

"I caught a pregnant cat and wanted to see what color the kittens in its belly were, so I cut open the cat's belly. Father, aren't I brave?" Joffrey still looked at Robert with a smile, unaware that murderous intent had already appeared in his eyes.

Pop! A loud sound echoed throughout the entire bedchamber, and Joffrey was knocked to the ground by Robert's slap. Two milk teeth were knocked out, completing the process of tooth replacement early. Known for his strength, Robert didn't hold back too much when he slapped his eldest son. Even with an awkward technique, he still knocked Joffrey's eyes out.

That day, the entire Maegor's Holdfast could hear Robert's roar: "Lock up this bastard! No one is to give him any food!"

The servants quickly went to clean up Joffrey and the unborn kitten, leaving Robert, still breathing heavily, in bed.

'By the Gods, what have I done to deserve such a monster?' He rubbed his fat face, and a servant girl brought a basin of water and a piece of lavender soap. Robert skillfully wet his face and then applied the soap. Because of his poor diet, Robert found that his face was always greasy and could never be cleaned with just water. He had been using this stuff ever since.

When he felt his mind clearing a little, a guard announced, "Your Grace, Varys has news for you."

"Send him in."

Soon, a bald eunuch in purple silk robes, with a slightly plump figure, walked in. Although a bit fat, he was still a dwarf compared to Robert.

"Your Grace," Varys bowed respectfully and took out a note from his bosom.

"Tell me what you have to say," Robert said, leaning back on his bed with his fat hands raised.

"Your Grace, Viserys, who is in exile in Braavos, has won the championship in swordsmanship."

"Viserys! That dragon-spawned bastard!" Hearing news about the 'remnants of the former dynasty,' he immediately sat up, his eyes widening. Braavos may not be the most powerful of the Free Cities, but it is one of the best. Their Ten Day Festival attracts mercenaries and swordsmen from all over the Free Cities. Viserys won first place at such a festival. Either he is ridiculously strong, or someone is backing him up. Either possibility is not good news for him.

"Didn't Littlefinger send an assassin? No results?"

"Your Grace, the assassin's whereabouts are unknown. It seems he failed. But I have some news about Mormont."

"Tell me!" Robert's eyes lit up.

Varys reported Jorah's demands and the current situation, appeasing the fat stag's somewhat irritable mood.

"Very well. You will be in charge of this matter."

"Yes, Your Grace."

In Varys' opinion, the current situation was very good. The siblings had fully played their role as "targets." Together with the Jorah line, they could completely attract Robert's attention. However, there was a fly in the ointment: Viserys' unwillingness to join the Golden Company. This made it impossible for them to monitor Viserys properly.

In fact, Varys was also very curious. He had seen Viserys as a child. From his performance, his martial arts talent seemed relatively average. In theory, at the age of sixteen, he could never have reached such a level. This is unexpected.

Varys didn't care. No matter how strong Viserys was, he was just another "Bittersteel" in Varys' eyes.

The Golden Company had only a few thousand members after so many years of development. In his opinion, Viserys would be lucky to establish a second Golden Company in his lifetime. As for overthrowing the Iron Throne... hehe, he'd better be a good target.

Just as Varys was about to leave, a blonde woman in a red dress stormed in. Her hair was blown back by the wind, and she looked like a furious lioness. Her green eyes were filled with rage. This woman was none other than Robert's Queen, Cersei. When she saw her son's swollen cheek, she felt as if she were surrounded by flames.

Varys sensed Cersei's presence and quickly moved out of the way. Before Robert could react, he saw a golden shadow flying towards him.

Boom! A muffled sound, and juice splattered everywhere. Cersei had actually thrown a wine jug at Robert's face. Robert covered his mouth and felt something in his mouth. When he spat it out, it turned out to be half of his front tooth.


His roar once again echoed through Maegor's Holdfast.

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